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What does Michelson’s Experiment actually prove?
Srinivasa Rao Gonuguntla


I have explained elsewhere how double slit experiment provides a direct proof of existence of Ether. Here I present why Michelson’s experiment is one of the most ill-conceived and misinterpreted experiments in science. If one carefully goes through the experiment’s background and the results, one would realize that there was nothing in this hyped historical experiment that went against the Ether theory.

Michelson-Morley experiment was devised on the premise that if Ether exists in space, then Earth moving through that Ether medium would feel ‘Ether winds’, just like how a bike rider moving through air would feel air winds.

And it was premised that light beams passed in different directions i.e. one beam passed perpendicular to the direction of the Ether wind and another beam passed along the direction of the Ether wind would take different times to travel the same distance.

Michelson apparently used swimmers analogy to illustrate the logic behind the above premise – When two swimmers with equal competence are asked to swim to and fro for equal distance in a flowing river, the swimmer who swims across the river apparently will take a shorter time for the round trip than the one who swims first down the stream and then up the stream. So it was predicted that the light beam which travels perpendicular to the Ether wind would take shorter time than the beam which travels down the Ether wind in the first half and then against the wind in the second half of its journey. So scientists predicted that the two returning beams would be out of phase when they meet finally and hence would result in interference on the detector screen. Further they thought that the time delay and hence the degree of interference would vary depending upon the orientation of the interferometer arms with respect to the direction of the Ether wind.

As can be seen, the setup consists of a monochromatic light source, a half silvered mirror, two reflecting mirrors, and a light detector. All these are fixed on a rotatable frame. A beam of monochromatic light from the source impinges upon the half silvered mirror at 45 degrees angle. While part of the beam goes unhindered through the mirror straight, part of it gets reflected by the half silvered mirror and travels in the perpendicular direction. In other words, the half silvered mirror splits the original beam of light into two beams and sends them in two perpendicular directions. These two beams get reflected back by the two mirrors placed at equidistance from the half silvered mirror. The returning beams join each other at the half silvered mirror and reach the detector screen as shown.


Sign Post Of The "Atlanteans" / Petroglyphs / Mysteries Of Ancient South America - Chap. 6
Source - https://youtu.be/aVhpICL6jqw


Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

48 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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