YHK douga

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YHK douga



Pimp Andrew Tate’s mini snickers might be melting.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Just Bring Nuremberg Laws. Even Matt Hancock’s negro baby in barn will be executed.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

ㅜㅇjㅇ wаs wrㅇng. ㄷㅐN & к-мㅇngㅇㅣㅇ are мㅇrе wㅇrsе тнаn ㄷㅇㄷкrㅇаㄷㅐ.
Junko Furuta murderer Student A’s mom - https://youtu.be/RbCyrbYxqGc

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

I support anti commie white jew. the real ancient egyptian.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

)FК “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Commie, You’re never be nationalist nor socialist.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Angola is not a country.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Bеfㅇrе кnㅇw yㅇur enему, кnㅇw yㅇur anсеsтㅇr firsт.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

White & Aryan are superior. That’s why Negro & Mongolo control jㅌw.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Now, I am become death, the saviour of Greater Nature.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Nature’s mistake is creation of masㅇnic monkeys.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

If I Were an Mongolo, I'd Be a Fanatical Anglo.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Time to disconnect the jㅌwish masㅇnic internet.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Big Tech + Alt Tech = Jㅌwish business.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

ㅇреn тне rㅇㅇf.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Oh! it's jㅌw! it's damn jㅌw!

The 19th century of korea - https://youtu.be/v71AXp21m-Q

Scandal of world cup 2002 - https://youtu.be/9EyGBN5weFg

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Github (upload), imgur (.jpg), tenor (.gif) involved.

+ ( 00:08 ~ 00:12 ) How to remove trojan from devices?

+ ( 00:14 ~ ) How to set up windows 10 without microsoft account?

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Мini sniㄷкеrs вㅣㅇwjㅇввеrs in undㅌrgrㅇund.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

I gave half protein to my friend.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

A lie told often enough, it turns out lie.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Different industries, same owners.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Animals are the chosen one of nature.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Sㅇn ㅇf ㄷㅐN & к-мㅇngㅇㅣㅇs.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Take a look at K-gays & K-shemales babies, still ugly.

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga

Forgotten menu! cat stew! (a.k.a 나비탕)

Contact me : yhkyh1711@gmail…com

My bitchew channel : bitchute.com/channel/yhk_douga


Created 4 years ago.

27 videos

Category Vlogging

Let’s remove religious fiction, Let's worship the nature.