Where Did The Blue Skies Go?

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Where Did The Blue Skies Go?



Repost For Testing. A brief summary of attempting to get ChatGPT to acknowledge the true nature to our realm. It took a while, likely due to my inexperinece, but eventually it came around as long as I specified using logic among other parameters. Which, ironically, infers that the spinning ball earth is illogical.

Video: Greek Islands 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film with Calming Music

Lazy Jazz

I've heard some rumblings recently that the highly regarded flight tracker ADS-B Exchange reports on all planes including the ones leaving the white trails behind them. From memory I think it has been almost a year since I tested this so I was curious (mostly to see if they were being faked somehow). In the end they still do not display but please don't take my word for it, go test it for yourself. I don't think the issue is on the tracker side, my sense is the planes aren't reporting on the required channels. Best I can tell ADS-B is a very good tracker. As always I could be wrong.

Flight Tracker

Bad Bitch Rap

A brief summary of attempting to get ChatGPT to acknowledge the true nature to our realm. It took a while, likely due to my inexperinece, but eventually it came around as long as I specified using logic among other parameters. Which, ironically, infers that the spinning ball earth is illogical.

Video: Greek Islands 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film with Calming Music

Lazy Jazz

To the gallows with all the maniacs involved with this. Just to be clear everything in this footage which may be considered a "cloud" is 100% artificial. That is; it does not exist without planes like the one featured dumping "cloud seeds" (aka toxic and conductive particulate matter) into the atmo which go on to manifest different forms of artificial clouds. I have footage of the entire progression for this sun blocking event including; about a half dozen or so planes dispensing "water vapor" within a few minutes of each other and the non-stop radiating of the entire area with various electromagnetic frequencies. Even in this relatively mature state the "popcorn clouds" and smaller ripples are evidence of this. It all happened over approximately a one hour period. This is the best example I have recorded of the reflecting "water vapor" phenomenon.

Piano Blues and Gospel Sisters Choir Humming

Title is satire... but still. I suspect most won't get, or believe, this one but it's hiding in plain sight.

Another vid to watch:
UN Launches Digital Twin Surveillance After Saturating Low Atmosphere w/ Highly Conductive Matter

The Dollar Vigilante Screen Grab and Video

Latin Spanish Club House - Sonican

Sombrero Dudes Photo

Laughter Sound Effect

Title is satire... but still. This is a repost which summarizes the absurdity of the blatant geo engineering (aka geo fuckineering) lies we are saturated in. A clear demonstration how big deceptions require one to deny their own sensibilities and outsource their thinking to some third party, usually one of some kind of precieved authority. The kicker being it's really an prepacked excuse to defer ones own responsibilty for the fuckery being permitted to take place, in plain sight, virtually everyday.

Title is satire... but still. In total this artificial cloud stayed mostly in place for at least an hour. This day appeared to have a split of artificial clouds and what I would typically characterize as natural clouds. But everything comes with an asterisk these days as even most natural clouds are laced with particulate matter from the daily onslaught of spraying. The Geo fuckineers like to call it "cloud seeding" among other euphemistic techno bable.

Title is satire... but still. This is a repost while I work on a new one but it's still relevant given the hosts continued misleading info pertaining to the geo fuckineering going on all around him.

So called "chemtrails" is the war gamed nomenclature used to confuse and distract the casual, and usually naive, observer. The planes with the white trails behind them are purpose built planes deployed to dispense tiny particles which modify the natural atmosphere. These particles can be the nuclei for water vapor to condensate around, sometimes referred to as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). They help produce artiifical clouds (which generally dominate the clouds in the sky on any given day) and they also change the conductivity of the atmosphere. This enables different reactions from targeted, human induced, electromagnetic radiation. The "clouds" seen towards the end of the video are one example of artificially induced "clouds". To be clear they do not exist without the aforementioned contribiting factors.

Chubby Checker - How Low Can You Go 1963

Title is satire... but still. Once one understands what to look for you will see it everywhere. Some of what to look for is covered.

Title is satire... but still. On a very windy day the border of this "divided sky" stayed intact and moved only slightly north during the whole afternoon. More evidence of open air atmospheric experimentation hiding in plain sight?
A little confused / Gretian

Title is satire... but still. So called chemtrails are the nuclei which help manifest artificial clouds like the hazy variety seen in this video. Often found in front of, or in close proximity to, the sun. Just look up to see them for yourself.

Jam Key West

Title is mostly satire. 100% of the "clouds" in this video are artificially induced. All photos were taken within a couple of hours time frame. I included one which shows what is typically known as a so called chemtrail. The main point is the particulate matter from these chemtrails do play a critical part in modifying the atmosphere but its the artificial clouds and various perturbations that make up the vast majority of what can be seen at any given moment. You just need to look up.

This is a test. It's not until this is understood does one become aware the globle is a spell. A fiction. A wholly contrived story.

Source: DIRTH

At what point does a body of water not require a container to amass? When is the surface of water at rest not level? These two basic questions obliterate heliocentric cosmology. Once the spell is broken the ridiculousness of the story is laid bare. Which makes one wonder what all the "debate" is about (from both sides). A clear sign that so called flat earth is both true (to a point) and a psyop, just not how inferred by globe shills.

Title is satire... but still. Evidence the stars are close, mother earth is stationary and the fictional stories we are told about a spinning globe, distant planets, stars and galaxies is just that; fiction.


Footage from over a decade ago (2012) but similar artificially induced phenomenon can be witnessed above your head on the daily. You just need to look up. I was a little amused as he struggles at times to describe what he is seeing.

His former website can be found here:

Proving so called flat earth is the easy part, getting past the cognitive dissonance is the real challenge. Globe propagandists feed off of this by leading one down endless blind alleys with fallacious circular logic. Usually of the begging the question or affirming the consequence variety.

Not sure who created this but I found it while looking for video footage of the Antarctic.


Language Analysis of Neil Armstrong interview.

Taboo Conspiracy:

Title is satire... but still. Filter applied to help demonstrate subtleties the camera software does not process very well. The gap between what the typical person understands and what is happening in the skies above them, in plain sight, virtually everyday, is well beyond belief a this point. In order for perturbations to manifest these "clouds" the atmo has to be saturated in chemicals. These chemicals are primarily dumped into the atmo by purpose built planes (the planes that have the white trails). I do suspect other delivery methods are in use as well including land, sea and high altitude deployment formats.

Title is satire. Acapulco is a so called geo engineered chemical sky cesspool. All the tell tale signs are there: general haze, horizon glow, striated and banding "cloud" formations, crazy sun glare. Are we to assume the host is clueless to this?

Land Of The Blind

Screenshots taken from:



Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

171 videos

Category Health & Medical

I have come to view so called "climate change" as a, massive in scope and scale, deliberate, human effort to manipulate the physical atmosphere and, equally as important, control the way people think about the physical atmosphere. The ability to manipulate the weather is the ultimate multi-dimensional weapon.