Verlasse Babylon

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Verlasse Babylon

Baron of Gray Matters


This guy started with almost nothing and built all this on a shoestring budget in 3 years. I see a lot of young men rightfully complaining that the system is rigged against them but they are not willing to do the work to leave the system. This is the way. Take the leap or stop complaining.

We had a bumper crop of mesquite pods this year and I was looking forward to harvesting them but we got rain enough to soak them so now they are ruined. Once they get wet, they develop a toxic mold. Rain also brings out the toads, which excrete a psychedelic venom similar to DMT. My female dog, who kills everything she catches, has learned that she can harass the toads to get a hit of that sweet drug. In return, she lets them live.

We had a bumper crop of mesquite pods this year and I was looking forward to harvesting them but we got rain enough to soak them so now they are ruined. Once they get wet, they develop a toxic mold. Rain also brings out the toads, which excrete a psychedelic venom similar to DMT. My female dog, who kills everything she catches, has learned that she can harass the toads to get a hit of that sweet drug. In return, she lets them live.

No sound.

This is the organization that they are implementing at Cosler Cove. IMO they are doomed to repeat the current problems because they are civic nationalists, which means they have no way to exclude parasites when they become successful. However, I'm interested in the concept. I'm not a fan of collectivism but this seems like a manageable way to do it. Since it's a private organization, you can manage who is allowed to join. This is similar to the way the Hasidic Jews mentioned by Jared Taylor run their own towns in NY.

This may be a model for our people. I am more interested in the *model* these guys use than the specific community itself. I will post a more detailed video explaining the concept of a coop later.

These guys are focused on self-reliance and are from a Mormon background. The area around Snowflake is suitable for off-grid living and there are a lot of people moving there for that purpose. Unfortunately the Mormons have been subverted by globohomo.

As the foundational edifice our forefathers built degrades and collapses all around us, it's never been more important to both learn to discern the dark from the light, and to *find your tribe*.. to reject this powerless and passive victim mentality, as if we have no options or agency, and find ways to help create or support parallel structure - parallel culture (art, music, entertainment, literature, philosophy and ideology), parallel groups and clubs, institutions and businesses and communities.. ultimately, parallel ways of living.


Created 1 week, 2 days ago.

7 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

Do what thy manhood bids thee do
from none but self expect applause;
He noblest lives and noblest dies
who makes and keeps his self-made laws.