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Mar 3, 2022: Irish lawmaker Richard Boyd Barrett called out the Irish government's double standards when dealing with Russia's invasion of Ukraine vs Israel's occupation of Palestine. He asks, when is apartheid acceptable?

Dr Gold speaking at the Central WI Freedom Rally, August 2020

In a 40-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire Prof. Dileep Mavalankar was asked whether this means that Covid-19 is not as infectious a disease as we thought. In reply he said whilst that is one explanation he inclines towards the belief that the results show that everyone is not automatically susceptible to the disease. As he put it: “We need to rethink about the susceptibility of individuals to this virus”. As Prof. Dileep Mavalankar put it this means: “A lot of us are a lot safer than we thought we would be.”
Prof. Dileep Mavalankar told The Wire that his findings corroborate and seem to confirm the ‘immunological black matter’ theory propounded by Karl Friston, a neuro-scientist at University College London, who has argued that perhaps as many as 50% of any population do not become susceptible to a virus because of such factors as cross immunity and geographical isolation. Source: The Wire

In a 40-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire Prof. Dileep Mavalankar was asked whether this means that Covid-19 is not as infectious a disease as we thought. In reply he said whilst that is one explanation he inclines towards the belief that the results show that everyone is not automatically susceptible to the disease. As he put it: “We need to rethink about the susceptibility of individuals to this virus”. As Prof. Dileep Mavalankar put it this means: “A lot of us are a lot safer than we thought we would be.”
Prof. Dileep Mavalankar told The Wire that his findings corroborate and seem to confirm the ‘immunological black matter’ theory propounded by Karl Friston, a neuro-scientist at University College London, who has argued that perhaps as many as 50% of any population do not become susceptible to a virus because of such factors as cross immunity and geographical isolation. -The Wire

Dr. Richard Bartlett, MD reveals that his patients and several other countries are having amazing success with an inhaled steroid (Budesinide) delivered via nebulizer. It has decades of proven safe use, has no negative side effects, and i's very inexpensive.


Jake MacAulay: The Proper Response of Law Enforcement to Unconstitutional Executive Orders

Dr. Dan Erickson MD and Dr Artin Massihi MD of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California say that the real data must now replace the computer models and projections that were the impetus for the initial panic, social distancing and quarantines. They deliver their recommendations based on the actual data from Kern County where they are working. Recorded April 22, 2020
Video courtesy KERO 23 ABC News on YouTube at

Briefing Summary (Data is from Accelerated Health Care urgent care centers, Kern County, CA)

"100 people tested, 96 recover, 4% perish. But 90% of the 4% have comorbidity: diabetes, emphysema, rheumatoid arthritis, congestive heart failure, lupus, immune deficient, HIV"

In Kern County:
5213 tested
340 COVID positive
6.5% of population

In CA:
33,865 COVID positive
280,900 tested
12% of population
39.5 million people
4.7 million cases in CA
1,227 deaths
0.03% chance of dying
96% people recover

The more you test the more positives you get. The prevalence goes up but the death rate stays the same. Millions of cases, small amount of death in every state. Follow the statistics and follow the science.

In NY:
256,272 COVID positive
649,325 tested
39% of population
19,410 deaths
19 million people
0.1% chance of dying
92% recovery rate

802,590 cases
Over 4 million tested-(double what any other country has tested)
19.6% positive
328 million x 19.6= 64 million
Compare to flu
37-60,000 deaths every year from flu, per CDC
And that is with a vaccine.
50% of the public doesn’t want flu vax.

In Spain:
24,178 cases
930,000 total tested
22% positive
47 million people
=10 million cases
21,282 died
0.05% chance of dying
90% chance of recovery without being in hospital

Sweden (no lockdown):
15,322 cases
74,600 tests
21% positive
10.4 million population
=2 million cases
A light social distancing- masks, still going to school/work
1,765 deaths
Compare to CA- 1,220 (with isolation)

Norway (lockdown):
7,191 cases
145,279 test
4.9% positives
5.4 mil pop
=1.3 mil cases
182 deaths
.003% chance
97% chance of recovery

Secondary effects of COVID 19:
Child molestation increasing at a severe rate, due to angry, intoxicated adults at home.
From talking to ERs, doctors across the country-
Spousal abuse increase, black eyes and cuts on face.
Alcoholism, anxiety, depression, suicide spiking, education dropped off, economic collapse, medical industry struggling.
Seeing the effects in his clinics, from Fresno to San Diego.
These are things that will affect people for life.

Compare COVID to flu virus
24,000-62,000 deaths each year
45 million cases,
62,000 deaths in 2017
0.13% chance of death
Lethality of COVID is much less.
Follow the science
Data is generated by CDC and WHO

Basics of how immune system functions:
Develops by exposure to antigens,
Viruses and bacteria enter mouth, form an antibody, antigen complex.
When you take daily exposure away,
Immune system drops.
As you shelter in place,
Sanitizing and washing everything and worrying,
Immune system drops.
You need interaction to have a normal, functioning immune system.

People are worrying too much because of media telling them to.
Sheltering in place decreases your immune system.
When people finally emerge, and trade viruses and bacteria, diseases will spike.
Combine with a hospital system with furloughed doctors and nurses= poor outcome.

Interrupted by stupid reporters struggling with their cognitive dissonance
Clutching pearls- “Are you sayin Fauci was wrong?!!!”

“Dr Fauci hasn’t seen a patient in 20 years. He’s in an ivory tower.”

COVID lives on plastic for 3 days, it’s on the plastic water bottles from Costco and plastic shovel from Home Depot. You think you’re protected but you’re not. Lack of consistency. Wearing gloves and mask but still touching everything doesn’t help.

Doctors across the country being pressured by hospital administration to add COVID to death reports.

We need to treat this like the flu.
It will eventually mutate into something less virulent.
If you’re healthy you should be able to go out without a mask or gloves.

Does this necessitate sheltering in place, shutting down medical systems, people being out of work?
“When you stomp on our freedoms, that has one ending- violence.”

Dr Toni Bark MD, MHEM, LEED, AP, speaking Doctors for Accountability in Medicine and Media, March 31st, 2017.

Parents in Mississippi placed their empty strollers on the Capital steps with notes stating how many days following vaccination there child died. Parents were there to support the effort to reinstate the religious exemption to vaccination that Mississippi removed several years ago.

A medical school student learned the hard way that what she was being taught about autism was wrong; and that it can indeed be caused by vaccines. And also that is can sometimes be reversed. Ms Dahm left medical school after they refused to acknowledge what happened her nephew after he was injected with 9 vaccines in one day. This is one of the most powerful heart wrenching stories of the approximately 1,000 Vaxxed stories I've seen.

Dr Robert Mendelsohn, MD, author of "Confessions of a Medial Heretic", "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor" and "Malepractice"

Krystle Cordingley mourns her son Corbyn who died 14 hours after a flu shot. The hospital tried to cover up what happened, and doctors said his death following vaccination was a coincidence. Finally one honest MD said, yes, it was the vaccine that caused the severe damage to Corbyn's brain stem. Note: This candlelight vigil was held on the sidewalk outside a Mormon Temple because the Mormon Church believes in vaccines and apparently would rather abandon their members in their time of grieving than admit that vaccines can cause death or disability.
Story and photos on RT:

Abuse of Mary Ann and Tom Puckett's Son Steven when restrained at a hospital. The story was briefly mentioned on local news:

Jeanie Smith with her son Ross and her friend Christie Gunn. Ross was given 6 vaccines on one day including Prevnar7 which is a 7 in one vaccine, and TWO doses of DTaP which is a 3 in one vaccine. So, that's like 16 vaccines in one day (at 13 months of age)!

Dr Jennifer Daniels on the dangers of vaccination. (Short clip from a long interview with Patrick Timpone on the One Radio Network)

Dr Jennifer Daniels speaks on the dangers of pharmaceutical-based medicine; how it cures nothing and only makes people sicker. After practicing medicine for 10 years she could not in good conscience remain in a profession that is killing people. She now heals people for free using non-toxic natural methods, but had to move to Central America in order to do that.

Robert F Kennedy Jr at The Vaccine Injury Event 2019

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD at The Vaccine Injury Event 2019

Dr Andrew Wakefield at The Vaccine Injury Event 2019

Dr James Meehan, MD at The Vaccine Injury Event 2019

Maine Rep Heidi Sampson at The Vaccine Injury Event 2019

Attorney and author of The HPV Vaccine on Trial, Mary Holland Esq speaking at The Vaccine Injury Event 2019

Medically trained Mom was taught that vaccines are safe and so kept vaccinating even as serious negative reactions were occurring in her son and daughter.


Created 5 years ago.

82 videos

Category Health & Medical