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United Health Alliance - www.uha.news

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If you are unsure about Robert Kennedy Jr running for US President you won't be after watching this entire interview with Dr. Phil. If you agree he would be the best candidate, then please share the following link with others, especially with American Citizens: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dhGJdGGVZlbE/

This is the report the US Congressional Hearing should be having. Instead they are only hearing a small part of the whole story. Dr Martin was following this story from the beginning in the 1960's. Please share this far and wide. Original with Ads: https://rumble.com/v52krtd-dr-david-martin-interview-us-gov-is-coordinating-a-depopulation-program-aga.html

This one hour video is a compilation of his original Part-1 & 2. In it Dr Martin explains in detail, with documentary evidence, the series of events that led to the COVID debacle. He demonstrates the extent of the planning the Globalists have embarked upon for decades to eventually enslave the world. He also describes a way out of this horrendous plan! Visit his website: https://www.activatehumanity.com/

Maria Zeee talks with former barrister Julian Gillespie about the legal implications to governments, health authorities and others who marketed, promoted and/or mandated unauthorized GMOs in the guise of them being a vaccines. This has HUGE ramifications worldwide! View original video here: https://www.brighteon.com/9fe0be93-a9f6-420f-b95b-153bf33af636

Dr. Drew interviews lawyer Thomas Renz and pharmaceutical expert Sasha Latypova. They discuss many critical topics related to the corruption in the the world today; especially the so-call health industry. Original: https://rumble.com/v4rdqv5-is-mrna-a-vaccine-or-gene-therapy-w-tom-renz-and-ex-pharma-executive-sasha-.html

If you think Mass Formation is the only phenomena Mattias Desmet knows about think again. In this video he explains more that makes perfect sense. Finally he explains what we all MUST all do to break society from the trance they are in. Original: https://rumble.com/v4pnd75-mattias-desmet-how-mass-formation-and-nudge-technology-are-weaponizing-delu.html

Dr Chetty describes how he saw patients in his South African village in a tent outside of his office and successfully treated over 14,000 cases with ZERO hospitalizations. He talks about how he is now charged for malpractice but welcomes the opportunity to make public their true agenda. Original: https://rumble.com/v4pvoo8-an-agenda-to-kill-dr.-shankara-chetty-on-why-he-believes-covid-shots-were-m.html

Two videos in one - both brilliantly portrayed, simply and clearly. Everyone who is "aware and awake" knows that the world is being controlled in some way. But the big question has been, who are they? This combined video clearly explains who "they" are!
Originals: https://rumble.com/v4om53f-globalist-utopia-master-plan-ivor-cummins-on-gates-rockefeller-w-dr.-kelly-.html AND https://rumble.com/v2tq9t0-dr.shiva-shatter-the-swarm.-how-the-few-control-the-many..html

APRIL 3, 2024 – But if you are be ready to absorb so much in so little time make sure you watch to the end; including the after discussion! PLUS: Shatter The Swarm: How The Few Control the Many: https://rumble.com/v2tq9t0-dr.shiva-shatter-the-swarm.-how-the-few-control-the-many..html

At last an in-depth discussion about the after-effects of Covid and Covid Vaccination injuries AND the treatments available for these victims. Dr. Vaughn's primary treatment: www.reddit.com/r/covidlonghaulers/comments/14znebh/my_review_of_triple_anticoagulant_therapy/ AND Dr. Kory's website: www.flccc.net

This is the BEST movie about everything to do with the current situation to do with "Climate Change". This includes not only the data to show the truth but how the false "consensus" was created, the funding, censorship, threats, vilification and finally the people waking up to it. Original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4vSMj4R5Rg

Dr. David E. Martin Strikes a Death Blow to the Global Cartel’s War on Humanity - A Case Against Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the W.H.O. This is probably Dr. Martin's most powerful video interviews to date! Original here: https://rumble.com/v4gf6kr-the-flyover-conservatives.html

This video is very important to watch and understand. At first you will think this guy is working for the deep state. But keep watching and gain something that is quite a pleasant surprise! I'm so impressed how quickly Del Bigtree grasps new concepts. https://thehighwire.com/watch/

What you are about to watch is history in the making. For those who are becoming more aware of the evil "elite" who "rules the world" this video will answer many questions. Ronald Bernard controlled the vast sums of money that funds both sides of wars and numerous other atrocities. The 2 hour video is a composite of 3 videos we've selected to provide a cross-section of what goes on in the inside and how to create an alternative. To be involved click here: https://unitedpeople-foundation.org

The long awaited Royal Commission inquiry is in the preparation stages. It will investigate how the COVID Pandemic was managed by the federal & state governments and their health departments regulators. This video is the first phase of discussing the PEOPLE'S TERMS OF REFERENCE. Full 7 hours and comments click HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UH7AgDBUCE

Although the submission to co-sign the People's Terms of Reference closed on 12 January 2024 additional signature can be added before 31 March 2024. The more people that sign the more pressure will be put on the Senators to "do the right thing". If you haven't added your name yet, please do now! Click https://share.hsforms.com/1EFaRnc6BT9GElUUoc9k-4Q54z8g For PDF of the Terms of Reference click: https://8630368.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8630368/AMPS%20-%20Proposed%20Terms%20of%20Reference.docx.pdf

Dr Peter McCullough was on the "front line" at the beginning of COVID fraud. In this short video he concisely outlines the truth of what has taken place in easy-to-understand-terms. Please listen carefully to what he is saying and then share this video with family, friends and everyone you know and don't know. This information needs to be spread far and wide. This is the link to share: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lKG5wERTcLUy/

The focus has shifted from UFOs to UAPs. Why? Because the GLOBALISTS have launched their plan to confuse everyone. This is being created by spreading partial truths mixed with a multitude of lies. Please listen to every word Dr Greer says in this latest update. He has worked on this for 35 years and now knows their plan. This plan is leading the GLOBALISTS to play their ACE OF TRUMPS so the people will demand they RULE THE WORLD as the solution to a FALSE ALIEN INVASION FROM SPACE, using their own man-made UAPs!

The full movie is 132 minutes. Here we're showing just the exciting part at the end we entitled The Secret Space Program and more... to watch it all click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSyH26cl9AQ. If you want to see more on this topic click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d-XjgqTD_w&t=935s

Please take the time to watch and absorb every minute of this very important interview. Qortal is a comprehensive, censorship-proof alternative to the internet. It is evolving and improving daily - far too many benefits to log here. We recommend downloading the Qotal App - all free of charge, and familiarizing yourself how it works. UHA will be uploading videos as soon as possible. https://www.brighteon.com/91155ef0-d857-4fad-aea4-6d4b9266c2a2

Alex Jones is often depicted as brash, unfeeling and arrogant. His gruff voice in part adds to this facade. But, never has "don't judge a book by its cover" been truer as Tucker discovers more and more about this amazing man. Alex Jones reveals himself as a brilliant researcher who has predicted many major future events with uncanny accuracy. Well done guys! https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1732897835572461582

Barry Young the first man in history to reveal government information proving COVID Vaccines are responsible for the deaths of over 10,000 New Zealanders. Listen to how his home was raided and trashed by a swat team, handcuffed and taken to jail where he received sympathetic treatment from staff and inmates alike. He was later released to tell his tale. See what the DAILY TELEGRAPH had to say: https://dailytelegraph.co.nz/news/watch-ministry-of-health-whistleblower-barry-young-talks-to-alex-jones-2/

In this riveting interview Maria Zeee discusses with Karen Kingston what's happening in NZ with the Ministry of Health's contractor who blew the whistle by revealing damning evidence on deaths from the COVID jabs. Then Karen goes into the irrefutable evidence the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton has when he sues Pfizer. Then, how Globalists plan to replace the US Judiciary Judges with Artificial Intelligence (AI). For more: https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/

This interview is like no other. We believe this health information is unique and different from any other we are aware of. There is a lot to understand and absorbed so, if necessary, we suggest you watch it more than once. We don't normally promote products but this is an exception based on the information we have at this time. For more detail click here: https://www.getfiercenow.com/products/fierce-immunity?selling_plan=688792600896

The final and perhaps best part of this conference in Florida. We loved the very last part where each of the twenty participants gave us their concluding messages! Full version here: https://rumble.com/v3v2c01-fl-summit-on-covid-food-family-and-medical-freedom.html


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

221 videos

Category Health & Medical

United Health Alliance is made up of independent medical, health and scientific professionals who provide clinical and professional information that is deemed to be valid and true in the interest of personal and public health. There are others who are interested in resolving the current media and regulatory censorship situation. If you can help with this please contact, co-founder Trevor Osborne at the email above.