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Here I am talking about who really rules the world from my perspective and understanding, it seems to be a question being asked by many people recently but most only go as far they can see. I delve into the reasons why I think what I think about who really is the worlds rulers, and why most of who you think are the rulers, are just lower levels of the reality.

GB Resistance - Bomshell Andrew Bridgen interview

The truth about false flags from Nazi germany to the Vietnam war

Paul wallis channel on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@UCOx9ZxZ8yq7T6KGTPq63_ww

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch | Mauro Biglino - The Bible, Anunnaki Gods , Elohim & The Nephilim

Tartaria-Best Evidence

Here I am talking about a way of thinking about other ET species in relation to Humans, the differences and the difficulty in understanding higher concepts relating to ET's particularly those of a higher frequency nature with the understanding and technology which goes with that.

Talking and reading from my second book 'Multiversal' I talk about the event in 2018 that deepened the reason, far beyond my imagination, regarding UFO's ET's and why I have personal interactions with them.
Get my books here https://books2read.com/ap/RwYwQm/TJ-Owen

Guy Needler website http://www.beyondthesource.org/home/
Moore show interview with Guy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJNFAEQ3nKE

Inelia Benz interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feZqzZUV19w

Talking and reading from my second book 'Multiversal' I talk about the event in 2018 that deepened the reason, in this part I talk about more details of how the Multiverse is structured.
Get my books here https://books2read.com/ap/RwYwQm/TJ-Owen

Guy Needler website http://www.beyondthesource.org/home/
Moore show interview with Guy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJNFAEQ3nKE

Inelia Benz interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feZqzZUV19w

Talking and reading from my second book 'Multiversal' I talk about the event in 2018 that deepened the reason, in this part I talk about aliens and where they are from and about their relationship to us on the grand scale and who I really am beyond this Human experience, buckle up, Kansas is going bye bye!
Get my books here - https://books2read.com/ap/RwYwQm/TJ-Owen
Or here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CVR4TLG...

Guy Needler website: http://www.beyondthesource.org/home/
Moore show interview with Guy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJNFAEQ3nKE

Talking and reading from my second book 'Multiversal' I talk about the event in 2018 that deepened the reason, far beyond my imagination, regarding UFO's ET's and why I have personal interactions with them.

See all other parts to this series here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLqdWqrrpESePBepWr1cJkA

Get my book MULTIVERSAL here https://books2read.com/u/b5Y8AO
get my book UFO's ET's and paranormal experiences here https://books2read.com/u/4E7XQE

The Moon, what do I think about it, did we go? what's the evidence for and against. Is it a dead satellite or something more? I list the pros and cons and some of the strange facts around it all.
see more on my book channel here: / @multiversal.series
get a copy of my book here: https://amzn.eu/d/iG6rM6b
available as paperback/hardback/kindle or audiobook.
Luna Cognita on the space agency symbols - https://youtu.be/WumNXqlJwjM?si=e-AeF9XHYyNnvR1h
Cosmic agency YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MMhSGDuf9kKXPvXfgOr9w
Moon hoax (Bart Sibrel) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2qQfHf3WlwyH7iJLildfcg

Second part of my discussion regarding the moon, is the Moon a spaceship? Did we actually go to the Moon.
get a copy of my book here: https://amzn.eu/d/iG6rM6b
available as paperback/hardback/kindle or audiobook.
Cosmic agency YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MMhSGDuf9kKXPvXfgOr9w
Moon hoax (Bart Sibrel) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2qQfHf3WlwyH7iJLildfcg

I read a section of my book about the moon, and mention what others have said about it including a time BEFORE the Moon?
get a copy of my book here: https://amzn.eu/d/iG6rM6b
available as paperback/hardback/kindle or audio book

Rob Shelsky Invader Moon : https://amzn.eu/d/e0Vu9Sc

In today's show Richard gives a brief update on the "disaster troll" hit pieces, which first appeared on the BBC in October 2022. Further hit pieces followed across the majority of the UK's mainstream media. The media hit pieces were a co-ordinated, but desperate, attempt, by a hidden hand, to undermine Richard D. Hall's integrity, and thus detract public attention away from the evidence in his book and film : "Manchester : The Night of the Bang".

In the main part of today's show, Dr Nick Kollerstrom gives an interview about his new book "Ukraine : The Just War". The book provides a timely evaluation of the conflict now engulfing Europe. Who started it and why? Do we get truthful accounts of the conflict in our media? What is the bigger picture?
Go to Rich's website for more documentaries https://www.richplanet.net/index.php

He won't be invited back on the BBC after telling it straight about Statins and the mRNA vaccines. Well done sir!

Military-aeronautical Illustrator Mark McCandlish was riding the wave of success making images of classified projects for the military-industrial complex. Then he made a drawing of a top secret project that he wasn't supposed to know about. And big trouble ensued. For those who want a story of intrigue, secrets, and technology. Detailed information on the history, physics and technological mechanisms regarding faster-than-light travel, antigravity, and zero-point energy is also covered in detail.

Mark McCandlish states that James Allen who made this video died of radio isotope poisoning. McCandlish himself supposedly committed suicide early in 2021, he had no work because of his work drying up due to his involvement with talking about the ARV, and some stories of him being depressed, and possible debilitating physical problems may have been the final straw for him. Or he may have been 'helped'? Do some research and decide for yourself.

It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history.
Please download and re-post this video. You can download it by clicking the download link from the Richplanet site link here :

In part one of today's show, more on the Scamdemic, including a scientific paper which presents the truly shocking and earth shattering claim that CRISPR gene drive DNA has been found within the Pfizer/Biontech Covid-19 vaccine. If this is true, the ramifications are potentially unthinkable. It means that someone has wielded the power to genetically alter not just some, but ALL human beings, because once a CRISPR gene drive is released into a population, the genetic modification that it carries will eventually permeate into the entire population. The claims in this scientific paper have not been confirmed and Richplanet is seeking to have independent tests carried out on the Comirnaty vaccine to either prove or rule out the claim. In part 2 we take another look at self sufficiency and reducing dependence on the "system".


Evidence is mounting by the day, which shows that every make of COVID-19 jab contains graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes. In today's show we present evidence from many independent studies, produced in several different countries, which have carefully examined the contents of the so called vaccines. From this evidence we are confident that the main purpose of recent jabs is not a vaccine. In the show we explain several of the major developments within intra body nano technology, and describe the characteristics of various components that are now in use or have been developed, which could be put inside jabs.

Evidence for the presence of graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes in most of the jabs is very strong.

We cannot say whether nano technologies such as quantum automata, nano antennas or self assembly are present, because the visual evidence that has been suggested by various groups so far, could be explained as salt crystals, however we don't rule out the possibility.

It's important to know about these developments in nano technology, because it is possible to put them inside jabs covertly.

We know that carbon nano tubes can be used for brain modulation, but it is unclear how this could be achieved with the evidence we have seen so far.

More forensic analysis of vaccine vial contents is needed to determine the true function of the jabs.

There is enough evidence here to present to police forces, so that the vaccine centres can be closed down and quarantined, and the perpetrators arrested and sentenced.

Please visit Richards website for lots of other videos/interviews and documentaries unable to be seen anywhere else

Anyone who is awake enough to realise that the so called 'pandemic' is just a scam with ulterior motives, by now will also have worked out what the likely motives are. Much tighter control of the human race, the introduction of a technocractic monetary system, human enslavement and an as yet unknown amount of injury and genocide. But where does the real power lie? Where is the focal point of this agenda? Is it even on the planet? In today's show we discuss the probable motives about why the mainstream media has shifted its position on the UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) issue. This includes detailed statement analysis of a prominent 'UFO whistleblower', which concludes he is comprehensively deceptive. We also discuss the possible reasons for the flood of mainstream mis-information about UFOs, and how this relates to todays fear based agenda, which is being thrust onto humanity.
Please visit Richards website for lots of other videos/interviews and documentaries unable to be seen anywhere else

NOTE : New research is continuing to come out at this time about what is inside the COVD vaccines. Continuing our reports into the global covid scam, characterised as a despicable attack on the human race. The 'vaccination' programme has now been in place for almost a year and we are starting to get a picture of the immense damage and death it is causing. Examination of the contents of the injections by numerous independent scientific groups has revealed that graphene oxide is inside many of the 'vaccines'. What could this mean? Also, a fundamental change to the monetary system is now being championed, the consequences of which if implemented the way they want, will mark the end of human freedom. Wake up and get active. We are in a very important time period for mankind and must recognise the assault on our freedom and take action to oppose all the changes being proposed by unelected global forces.

Note : Information has come to light to suggest that he information regarding the Slovenian nurse was not entirely true. She retired some years ago and did not say that some vaccines deliberately cause cancer.
Please visit Richards website for lots of other videos/interviews and documentaries unable to be seen anywhere else

Was the prime short term motive for the Scamdemic (fake pandemic) a fiscal measure, to do with the restructuring of the global economy? In part two I present the findings of two separate scientific groups that have analysed the contents of COVID-19 vaccines and found what looks like nano technology. Can anyone help with further analysis of these damaging vaccines?
Please visit Richards website for lots of other videos/interviews and documentaries unable to be seen anywhere else

What chance does an individual have of changing the almost invisible regime which is currently destroying our lives and freedoms? We try always to enlighten people and wake them up to the truth, so that the knowledge might push back the decisions of authority who are trying to put shackles on humanity. What chance do we have? Instead of attacking the system with words, how about abstaining from the system which seeks to control you? Reduce your dependence on the system, making you less of a slave to their rules. By turning our backs on the government and corporate systems, and by developing new disconnected lives, could this provide a far more fruitful form of protest than using our voices, keyboards and placards? Why would you want to be part of a system ran by criminals?
Please visit Richards website for lots of other videos/interviews and documentaries unable to be seen anywhere else

Re-uploaded when I realised I put the 3 parts in the wrong order -
In today's show Richard presents official data which proves that there was no pandemic in 2020. Even the very existence of a Sars Cov 2 virus is disputed by some scientists, such as Dr Stefan Lanka who is actually credited with discovering a virus himself. The Covid vaccination programme is now well under way and figures are now available on how much damage these vaccines are causing. But how much of the damage is merely accidental or 'side effects', and could the early 'vaccine damage' statistics give us clues as to what the future damage effects might be. Some scientists are claiming that the spike protein which the vaccine produces inside your cells, is in fact what is called a 'prion protein'. We've heard about prions before on Richaplanet, in relation to the animal mutilation phenomenon. Could there be a link ? Richard explores a possible link.
Please visit Richards website for lots of other videos/interviews and documentaries unable to be seen anywhere else

Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, is an internationally recognised vaccine developer having worked as the head of the Vaccine Development Office at the German Centre for Infection Research.

Coordinated Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation's Ebola Vaccine Program and contributed to the implementation of an integrated vaccine work plan in collaboration with Global Health Partners (WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CDC, UNICEF), regulators (FDA) and vaccine manufacturers to enable timely deployment or stockpiling of Ebola vaccine candidates.

Highlighting the principle of using a prophylactic vaccine in the midst of a pandemic. Likely to create more more viral variants in the process.

Sharing his perspective on mass vaccination in COVID-19.

Learn more about COVID-19.

What is the basis of your beliefs? Do you believe something because somebody tells you it is true? Do you believe something because official sources tell you it is true? Or do you believe something because evidence shows it to be true? If you believe things because evidence shows them to be true, then I would contend you should not believe any of the Mars rovers are on Mars. There is no sound evidence that I have managed to find which convinces me that any of the alleged unmanned Mars vehicles ever went anywhere near Mars. There is lots of evidence, however, that those very “space” vehicles may have been taking photographs of the Earth since 1976. Andrew Johnson joins Richard once again to go through the newly updates Mars rover hypothesis. We also discuss a theory on how the hoax may be being orchestrated.

Based on advances in technology created by Nikola Tesla over a century ago, HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project - is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter operated by beaming high level energy into the Earth's upper atmosphere. Critics of HAARP say this technology could blow a massive hole in the upper atmosphere. An investigation that dramatically effects us all.

MartinSheen, Dr.NickBegich, Dr.BernardEastlund

Special Interest

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John Searl claims he has the solution to our global energy crisis. What's more, he says he's had it for over 60 years. Regarded by many as The Godfather of free energy science, John Searl believes his magnetic generator, the Searl Effect Generator, can save our planet from environmental disaster. So, what if he's telling the truth? The John Searl Story explores this question, as we chronicle the life of arguably the most controversial inventor of the last hundred years. From the childhood dreams that led to his theorem The Law of the Squares, to the mystery tests of his UFO-like levity discs. We analyse Searl Effect technology, hear from believers and from the sceptics, and investigate today's effort to reconstruct John Searl's contentious generator. So, is he telling the truth? You decide.

For 37 years, Alan Godfrey, a former police officer, insists he was abducted by aliens.

It happened on November 28, 1980, when Godfrey from West Yorkshire (UK) was investigating a case of missing cows. He noticed a UFO hovering over his patrol car, he claims.
He described the UFO in the sky like a double decker bus. When he tried to call for help on his radio it was dead and so drew what he saw in his notepad.
The 70-year-old said 30 minutes of that day was "missing time" and he could not recollect what had happened. Through hypnosis he recalled seeing "small beings and a tall man with a beard" who performed tests on him.
While the story made him famous, it also hurt his career. In his new book, he claims his bosses tried to silence him. "This is the story of secret forces and cover-ups plus terrifying attempts to destroy a brave officer’s career,"
After falling sick in 2016, he decided to document the experience for his grandchildren. "This book tells it like it is – everything that occurred but which someone did not want you to read," he said, according to the report.

Alan’s book is called Who or What Were They?


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

85 videos

Category Science & Technology

I am an Author and Researcher/ Investigator into UFO and related fields including the Paranormal/Spirituality and conspiracies. I have been hunting UFO's and Orbs, Rods and other paranormal subjects with infrared technology and camcorders since about 2007, I was a Buddhist monk spending 3 years in a monastery in which i delved deep into understanding and experiencing consciousness and expanded awareness. My personal experience of the UFO/Alien phenomenon goes back much further to at least 1977 with my first close encounter.