Possumkicker Catch-22

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Possumkicker Catch-22



French Feminists go Topless at Eiffel Tower to protest against Far Right & Police does Observations.

The Media and Democrats all agree that Joe Biden is of the brightist of all presidents Remember, my voters "The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with that Big Fat NAZI Lying Donald Trump ." ( Lock Him Up )

Kamala Harris in damage control after creepy Joe Biden disastrous debate ...

Talked to a little country girl to see if she wants to be my lady. In Redneck town North Carolina USA


Nancy Pelosi claims ‘healthcare professionals’ say Trump is actually the candidate with dementia before having a senior moment of her own. PELOSI: This is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina (to continue). And by the way, while the press and for some reason they don’t…there are uh, uh, health care professionals, who think that uh, Trump has dementia. That his connection, his thoughts do not go together. And you know, while he may be saying we’re enablers, we see Joe Biden up close. We know how attuned he is to the issues.

The Deep State decision has been made, Creepy Joe Biden will drop out. The next question, who will be the next presidential puppet ?

The Bidens after the debate went to Waffle House with a crowd waiting for Joe inside. Joe said that "Trump is a Rotten Liar and it's hard to debate a liar" Atlanta, Georgia, USA

New footage shows Biden's illegal alien from Ecuador dragging the limp body of a 21-year-old female he is accused of suffocating on her birthday. Around 4;20 pm on June 18 Three hours later, footage shows a police car going by while the dead body was being carried. Syracuse New York USA

The World Watches Joe & Jill Biden In A Slow Motion Trainwreck. If you notice that your loved one exhibits warning signs of abuse, take immediate action. Reporting on Deep State Abuse, exploitation of an elderly person to play a president. ( Deep State USA )

Highlights Donald Trump and Deep State Creepy Joe Biden's Bizarre last RIP Presidential Debate !

Black brother travels to Japan and quickly finds out that he's not in America no more....

"The Democratic party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power. The Democratic Party is the party of government. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interests who back the Democratic Party. In other words, it's basically a collection of interests who want to loot the Republic.

Biden's Illegal alien from El Salvador murdered two people inside a Irving Chick-fil-A. These murders by Illegals are happening every day. Texas USA

A street gang takeover in downtown Los Angeles ended with burning cars Saturday. California USA... Overnight carbon dioxide levels surge in LA. The city will be increasing gasoline taxes. California it;s good time to buy Al Gore carbon units..

Lurie Children's Hospital Pride Event In Chicago USA... Make sure you use the right pronouns...

The World finally saw the real Creepy Uncle Biden on his Medicated Best , and it was not pretty.

"Until Joe Biden tells me he's giving up, I'm not giving up on creepy Joe Biden."

Creepy Joe Biden Looks Scared and Lost as Nurse Jill Claims Her Husband’s “Strength is Unshakeable”

The Best Ghetto Fair In America New Orleans Louisiana USA....

In Memory of Rickey Robinson ( Canton Kid ) November 6, 2022 Canton Ohio USA....

CNN Projected Biden To Win The Debate & Dominion Vote Machines Program Biden Wins 2024 Election..

"Whodunnit" Let's Me Ask You Who's Taken The Untrusted COVID-19 Bioweapon Vaccines ?

Here's One Reason Why Office Jobs Are Legitimately Terrible For Your Life



Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

3445 videos

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These times we are living in are a mixture of Animal House, 1984, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone and Idiocracy. This channel will uncover the Narcissism, Sociopath Radical Commies and more.

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