Think True

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Think True

Think True ✓


"We are living in very exciting and some would say scary times, but even in a time of confusion God will always reveal His word to those who are willing to humble themselves and listen. The book of Revelation gives a detailed account of the closing stages of earth history identifying the global players and how they will use social, political and economic influencer to unite by force and deception the whole human family, but in the midst of this intense drama, God will always have a people who will stand firm and not conform. In this study we will connect A.I (Artificial Intelligence), current affairs, the media, politics and history with Bible prophecy and stress at the end the importance of being obedient to God" — EvenAtTheDoors, | |

Apocalypse —

Note: I edited out the very end of the video that promotes the unbiblical doctrine of the trinity. The Bible clearly reveals the Father alone is the omnipotent God as told us by Jesus himself (John 17:3); there is no logic nor reason for multiple omnipotent persons who together act as one God; it is needlessly redundant and confusing. In fact it is logically impossible; if one has "all power," then none else can. Jesus' power and authority is given him by his Father*. For information on this vitally important understanding please visit http://TheLORDis.One or


"Journalist Fiona Phillips is on a mission to find out the truth behind the recent headlines on sugar. Is this household ingredient really a serious health risk? With the help of four volunteers from Newcastle, Fiona will be discovering what sugar really does to our bodies and what the health benefits of cutting back actually are. On her journey Fiona also finds out why reducing your sugar intake is trickier than it seems." — Documentary Central,

Se Also:
Is Sugar the New Fat? —
"Sugar Is The Number One Culprit" —

"Dr. Christine Horner with a new term for us and that's over fat. What this means right so we're all aware about the obesity epidemic that we have where 66 percent of people you know are overweight in the United States now. The researchers have found this whole group of people that according to their BMI which is the body mass index a texture weight and divides it by your height it doesn't tell you anything about body composition and they find that a lot of people that seem like they would be normal actually have too much fat and we're talking about belly fat really it's the inside fat it's not on the outside it's the fat that cooks the organs and the problem with it is that it's actually considered metabolically active meaning that it's producing proteins that creates inflammation and hormones and it increases your risk of about 50 different kinds of diseases and 11 different kinds of cancers so that's why it's important to minimize that belly fat okay then you brought some What can increase belly fat products in here and some you know fruits and vegetables that minimize this so let's start over here what do you have actually one of the things that we found that can increase belly fat is stress so that stress hormone cortisol when it goes up it causes belly fat so these particular in-season fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C and vitamin C has been shown to help to lower cortisol levels to keep them from the staying elevated okay so acorn squash broccoli corn juice is yummy yeah all kinds of great things okay what do you have this is kind of unusual and Lychee really interesting so this is a lychee fruit which is from Asia that's considered a delicacy when you get it here in this country it's usually bathed in heavy syrup what you don't want because sugar is kind of a number-one thing that gives you belly fat too so every type of plant is something that has its own kind of natural pharmacy in it.— Dr. Christine Horner o on Arizona’s Family (3TV / CBS 5),

The video aims to debunk the Rapture myth by providing irrefutable evidence from the Bible. The presentation continues with a focus on the sequence of events described in the Book of Revelation, particularly the seven trumpets. Contrary to the common belief in Christians vanishing mysteriously, the video contends that Christians will not vanish globally without explanation. The resurrection of true Christians occurs at the same time when Jesus returns visibly, and all eyes will witness this event. The video concludes by addressing the question of whether Christians will spend the years of the Great Tribulation in heaven. While some Christians may be protected during the tribulation, it is emphasized that this protection occurs on Earth, not in heaven. The video encourages a diligent and careful reading of the Bible to understand the truth about the Rapture theory and the events of the end times.

Questions this video will answer for the viewer.
1. What is the Rapture, and why is it considered a myth according to the Bible?
2. When and how does the Bible describe the resurrection and transformation of faithful Christians?
3. Is the Rapture a secret event, or does it involve a public and triumphant moment as per biblical evidence?
4. How does the sequence of trumpets in the Book of Revelation align with the timing of the resurrection of true Christians?
5. Will Christians vanish mysteriously around the world without explanation, or is there a clear biblical understanding of their fate during the end times?

Tomorrow's World, | The Rapture Debunked in 3 Questions,

Just now came across this great reminder… almost everything you're seeing on the MSM "news" right now is not real, at least not entirely, or as being sold. Of course, DYOR. "Can I just chikky-check something with you?" — Katie Hopkins,

In this video, Nabeel Qureshi lays out the historical facts surrounding the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus from Nazareth. I build on top of his presentation with quotes and sources. — Daily Dose Of Wisdom, |

God is NOT a man, and He didn't become a man. www.TheLORDis.One

Mining For God (A Search for Ancient Truth in a Modern World). Free Hour Long Documentary Film…

Nabeel Qureshi, a former devout Muslim, describes his dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity. Nabeel Qureshi at Georgia Tech —

"Fiction means it's a made up story!" Puts a rocket and a globe in the fiction section. Makes sure to have Australia facing out, because it's the land "down under" — Sesame Street puts Globe and Rocket in Fiction Section,


Why is Jesus the Messiah that the Jews were waiting for? Should we still be waiting for the Messiah? This video gives strong reasons why Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior of the World, that the Old Testament prophesied about and explains that the Jews reasons for not believing that Jesus is the Messiah are perhaps misguided. — Spirit & Truth, |
Teacher: Johnny Barnes

2 Sam. 7:12-14 —
Micah 5:2 —
Psa. 22:16-18 —
Isa. 35:5-6 —
Gen. 22:18 —
Isa. 53:11-12 —
Dan. 9:25 —

"MUST HEAR! MUST SHARE! Brilliant comprehensive message preached by Luke Barker at the Northern Ireland State of the Nation Fundamentalist Conference (Autumn 2022), titled 'Acceptance and Promotion of the Official Narrative by the Majority of the Professing Church - Why?' ( How can the vast majority of professing Christians remain so silent on this issue; why did they comply and even promote abusive mandates that go against God's Word? What happened to the church's discernment?" — Free 2 Shine,

Sugar. What's not to like? It's being touted as highly addictive and the biggest contributor to the current worldwide obesity epidemic. We used to think a diet high in fat was to blame, so who's the real bad guy? This series takes on world-leading scientists and the food industry in an attempt to understand the truth about sugar. — Nigel Latta, |

The Sugar Lobby: How The Industry Hides The Real Harm Caused By Sugar —

Dylan's lyrics are so fitting to our present world they could have been written yesterday but they were written nearly 5 decades ago. The end is not yet here, we have but a short time to complete the works we've been charged. "Wake up and strengthen what remains, which was about to die; for I have found your deeds incomplete in the sight of My God." — Revelation 3:2 BSB

"God don’t make no promises that He don’t keep You got some big dreams, baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep. When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that’ll never cure your ills When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

You got men who can’t hold their peace and women who can’t control their tongues The rich seduce the poor and the old are seduced by the young When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Spiritual advisors and gurus to guide your every move Instant inner peace and every step you take has got to be approved When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Do you ever wonder just what God requires? You think He’s just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

You can’t take it with you and you know that it’s too worthless to be sold They tell you, “Time is money,” as if your life was worth its weight in gold When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

There’s a Man up on a cross and He’s been crucified Do you have any idea why or for who He died? When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?"

BOB DYLAN, When You Gonna Wake Up?


This documentary is the third and final installment in the Artificial Intelligence: Mind Control series. — Reality Sideshow, "Covid 19 - The Graphene Ritual (FULL DOCUMENTARY)",

Artificial Intelligence - MIND control Part 1 —
Artificial Intelligence - MIND control Part 2 —

Don't get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don't give up. If you grow weary when times are troubled, your strength is limited. Rescue those who are being led away to death, and save those who stumble toward slaughter. — Galatians 6:9 CEV / Proverbs 24:10-11 ISV

HT: TheLibertyDaily,

When You Gonna Wake Up? —

These towers should be taken down, they are cooking humanity
HT: SettingBrushfires —

We live in days filled with wickedness and despair; Many long for the day when Christ brings true freedom to humanity. We know this freedom can be found only through a relationship with God the Father through His human son, Jesus Messiah. No, Revolution Saints doesn't profess to be a Christian band. The lyrics do however encourage sincere introspection and hope. Revolution Saints, From the album LIGHT IN THE DARK, (Frontiers Music srl,)

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
No secrets I can keep inside now
And behind me now
Find a way to unlock the door
Won't be chasing anymore
No more
Got the chance to escape
Won't be my worst enemy
Your love will set me free

Sweet freedom
Coming my way
Feel the passion everyday
Sweet freedom
Woah yeaaah

My heart is crying out for more
Love that I've been fighting for
Down to the core
Scars that only you can heal
The things that only we can feel
It's all to real
Somebody save me from myself
Take away this living hell
Your grace will break this thing

Sweet freedom
Coming my way
Feel the passion everyday
Sweet freedom
Oooh yeah

Got the chance to escape
Won't be my worst enemy
Your love will set me free

Sweet freedom
Coming my way
Feel the passion everyday
Sweet freedom
ooooh yeaaah

Sweet freedom
Coming my way
Feel the passion, the passion
Sweet freedom

This is what the solemn note says
I am against all your magic charms
Which you use to ensnare my people
Like birds
I will tear them from your arms
Set my people free
Like birds set free from a cage
Ezekiel 13v20

Did you know that nutritional deficiencies can cause debilitating health problems? In modern medicine, many health problems are labeled “idiopathic” when they actually stem from nutritional deficiency. Find out about the missing piece in modern medicine. — Dr. Eric Berg DC, | | .

00:22 Neurasthenia
01:09 Tourette syndrome
01:55 Persecutory delusions
03:03 Restless legs syndrome
04:05 Panic, anxiety, worry
04:46 Sensation of impending doom

These 6 devastating health conditions can be the result of nutritional deficiencies.

This is a condition in which your nervous system and brain are depleted, causing fatigue and mood problems. Vitamin B3 in the form of niacin can help with this problem. Try taking 500 mg for 3 days, gradually increasing to 1000 mg daily. Also, make sure you follow a healthy diet!

Tourette syndrome
Tourette syndrome is characterized by sudden involuntary movements and verbal outbursts. It may also be the result of a vitamin B3 deficiency. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3, is a potential solution for Tourette syndrome symptoms. Try taking 500 to 1000 mg of niacinamide per day.

Persecutory delusions
Persecutory delusions consist of various mental symptoms caused by a nutritional deficiency. Feeling that you will be harmed or mistreated, apathy, disorganized thoughts, lack of clarity, lack of focus, and hallucinations are the most common symptoms of this condition. Persecutory delusions may be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Restless legs syndrome
This condition is characterized by the urge to move your legs, especially when sleeping. This is either caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency or an iron deficiency. If you have an iron deficiency, your palms, inner eyelids, and nail beds will likely be pale.

Panic, anxiety, worry
These symptoms are typically worse when you’re going to bed. Constant panic, anxiety, and worry are often caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency, which is usually caused by consuming too many carbs.

Sensation of impending doom
This is a mental problem that makes you feel like something bad is going to happen. It can be caused by a vitamin D3 deficiency. Try taking 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 every day for a few months.

DYOR! Some points he makes are in error but still "this video provides an in-depth, point-by-point comparison of the Bible and the United States Constitution. Partial list of the topics covered: elected representative government, executive, legislative and judicial branches, President's oath of office, constitutional limits on the power of government, slavery, inferior rights of women, religious tests for holding office, religious freedom, trial by jury, unreasonable searches, double jeopardy and the Treaty of Tripoli." — Freethinkers Books,

See also:
Bible Law Vs. The United States Constitution —
The Second Amendment: A Knife in a Gunfight —
Bible Law Vs The U.S. Constitution 🎧 — Awakening Liberty —

“With the Supreme Court judgment in the measles [et al.] virus trial any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles [et al.], are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.” — Dr. Lanka To learn more you are strongly encouraged to watch the must see, full presentation "Virus Mania: The Truth About Infectious Diseases"

Training Ambidexterity for Enhanced Athleticism, Brain Function, & Muscular Symmetry: Training your ambidexterity is a strategy that can, theoretically, increase your balance, proprioception, creativity, problem solving, muscular symmetry, and more. There are many efficient ways to train ambidexterity as a by-product of other training. What training ambidexterity MAY be able to do, then, is improve your spatial awareness, enhance creative thinking, and provide you with a strategic advantage in sports and other situations. The "lefty advantage" shows us that left-handed individuals are disproportionately represented in elite sports. — The Bioneer,

This is how my new world works…and you will be happy. "You think you're so great with your maths and your facts and your science? What about feelings, huh?" — HT: Eldritch Penumbra, | "Take no part in wrong and foolish talk, for those who do so will go farther into evil." — 2 Timothy 2:16 BBE

As was true for probably most elections in U.S. history, there will be no "election" this year either. Rense often promotes some crazy stuff but sometimes he shares good content like this: "Highest Treason And Betrayal Will Drag America Into WW3. 92 out of 100 Senators are controlled By Israel. Americans Don’t Want To Die For Israel. — rensevideos,

Trump reads "The Snake" poem - YouTube —

Countless doctors and health experts including Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. David Perlmutter, Max Lugavere, and Jesse Inchauspe, explain why you should quit eating so much added sugar. "While sugar is necessary for a healthy life, on average we consume more than 300% of the daily recommended amount of added sugar."Watch this, You Will NEVER Eat SUGAR Again! — One of the Most Eye Opening Motivational Videos Ever, MotivationHub,

What Foods Are KILLING YOU & How The Food Industry LIES —
The BITTER TRUTH About Sugar: How It's KILLING YOU! —

[MUST WATCH] Full Nov. '09 presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. w/ timestamps. "All medical theories, whether conventional or “alternative”, past or current, are based on the concept that diseases are “malfunctions” of the organism. Dr. Hamer's discoveries show, however, that nothing in Nature is “diseased” but always biologically meaningful. According to the Five Biological Laws, diseases are not malignancies, as claimed by conventional medicine, but are instead age-old “Biological Special Programs of Nature” created for our survival. The Five Biological Laws are in perfect harmony with spiritual laws. Because of this truth, the Spanish call the New Medicine “La Medicina Sagrada”, the Sacred Medicine." —

00:08:37 “Infectious Disease” - The Five Biological Laws - Is Cancer a Fungus?
00:37:05 Embryology, the Foundation of GNM
00:52:40 Pandemics and Epidemics - Do Viruses cause Diseases?
01:13:50 AIDS and Hepatitis - SUPPORT SYSTEM instead of “Immune System”
01:42:10 Test Methods, Vaccination-induced Distress

For subtitles in French, Spanish, Polish and others go here:

The information has been out for decades but too few listened. Regardless the correctness on other topics during this show, she was spot on regarding this. — source: |


In 1983, Donahue had a segment on the side effects of vaccines, in which a pediatrician said that the risks of vaccines weren’t worth the benefits. And in addition to Robert Mendelsohn, Donahue is famous for hosting Lisa Bonet of The Cosby Show fame, back in 1990, when she said that vaccines could:

introduce alien microorganisms into our children’s blood and the long-term effects which could be trivial or they could be quite hazardous – and they could just be allergies or asthma or sleep disorders or they could be cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

It’s very scary and it’s very serious and I think because I felt wrong doing it… that’s why I didn’t do it.

You know we have to think twice.

You know why are our kids getting these diseases?

Source: fake news, pro-vax propaganda site:

Can you believe the audacity of these deranged people? Let's remember this and put it in their face the next time they try the same thing.

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now comfortable telling you the truth about the government's lack of authority to enforce mandates: "Government had no capacity to enforce any of this [mandates]. You must wear a mask. People wore masks in New York. If they said 'I'm not wearing a mask' there was nothing I could do about it. You must close your private business. 'I won't'. There was nothing I could really do about it. It was really all voluntary. It was extraordinary when you think about it. That society acted with that uniformity voluntarily. Because I had no enforcement capacity. So you have a reduced trust in government." Yes, people have a tendency to distrust the government after learning they were lied to for years. Unless you're a Stockholm Syndrome Democrat. —

"Government had no capacity to enforce any of this. You must wear a mask. People wore masks in New York. If they said 'I'm not wearing a mask' there was nothing I could do about it. You must close your private business. 'I won't'. There was nothing I could really do about it. It was really all voluntary. It was extraordinary when you think about it. That society acted with that uniformity voluntarily. Because I had no enforcement capacity. So you have a reduced trust in government." —

CUOMO: "I believe if government were to now say, we just made a finding that there's a new virus, and everyone should do X, Y, and Z, the amount of compliance with X, Y, and Z would be much, much lower than it was at the beginning of Covid. Because people do not trust the government, especially on this issue the way they did at the beginning. And that would be a complicating factor, right? When you have people who just don't listen. Because GOVERNMENT HAD NO CAPACITY TO ENFORCE ANY OF THIS.” HT:



Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

490 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

"Set them apart in the truth; your word is truth." — John 17:17 NET | First, Do NOT accept anyone or any information at face value. NO ONE has everything right. Each must do the hard work of vetting and using discernment; pray and come to your own conclusions. "MANY deceivers have gone out into the world" (2 John 1:7) "especially those with Jewish connections." (Titus 1:10).

Videos shared or linked to does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the channel, the creators, or their content, rather that there is far more good to be gained than not. As World’s Last Chance puts it, "We have selected these videos…not because we agree with everything they say, rather because they contain enough truth to make them worthwhile to watch and share.”

Sound reason, judgment, and discernment are critical skills to employ when evaluating the value and veracity of any content. Only you can decide what to make of what you have seen. As there is very little content completely free of any error, we must develop the art of filtering obvious error while ensuring we don't "throw the baby out with the bath water," as we extract whatever truth may be found — it's not easy.

I pray that God will bless you with wisdom and protect your from error as you seek after truth with an honest and humble spirit. And that He will give you the strength to not stumble over the difficult truths you'll inevitably encounter, but rather acumen to best process and apply newfound truth to your daily life in a practical, profitable way, both temporal and eternal.

BitChute and other such platforms are virtual libraries of digital information. All content on this channel is shared for educational use under "Fair Use" Section 107 of the Copyright Act,

NOTE: I do my best to ensure I have cited sources and give credit where due. If you find any video lacking this information, or see errors, please leave a comment so I can correct it. Contrary opinions are fine but if you leave vicious or profane comments you will be muted.

See also: