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(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Everything we've been fighting for for the last four decades literally since the day I walked into the National Cancer Institute, June 10, 1980, as a natural products chemist. My job was to use plants in God's nature as medicine. My job was to understand the innate immune system, the immune system given by God. My PhD thesis in 1992 totally said HIV did not cause AIDS; if you kept your God-given innate frontline immune system healthy. And yet, Tony Fauci directed programs away from healing natural products, away from things like peptide T, the subject of the Dallas Buyers Club, away from, you know, literally any natural product therapies, all of which we could have used, then and now.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 09/26/2022

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

So if we got rid of patents, we'd be fine as a country again. Tony Fauci and company and the government had to get that patent and create a functional forgery. This is what David Martin says. So they had to make that Not Exist.
They had to delete me and all of our work from all of history. And I mean, it's hard to take sometimes when you had the cures all along. I can easily tell you what variant is coming next. I actually own the patent filed April 6 2010. And that patent is for PCR detection, detection of the variance of XMRV.
So you might have called that COVID. Because that's what SARSCoV2 is. So I actually own the patent, along with Dr. Ruscetti and the National Cancer Institute. Well, I did in 2010. I also filed for a patent for a therapeutic strategy, using botanicals and FDA-approved products to treat and prevent COVID, or these viruses Associated Diseases. And that was awarded in 2011, and 2012. And I still hold that patent, because patents last for 17 years. And as Dr. David Martin said, in Plandemic Indoctrination, I think he said 70, 80%, it's probably 90% of all the current patents, let's just say since 2011, are functional forgeries.
The Baye-Dole Act, there's no such thing as intellectual property! It's this patenting that has led to the corruption that allows you to prevent anybody from stealing and innovating on your innovations. So if we got rid of patents, we'd be fine as a country again!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 11/15/2023
Watch the full ThriveTime Show with Clay Clark at:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Clay Clark: What do you want to share? You know what's going on? You're seeing finally the average American is calling out Fauci, what do you want to share?
Dr Judy Mikovits: I think the theater in Congress has to end. At every level of Health and Human Services, your EPA, your CDC, your NIH. NIH, there are 22 institutes or more, as you know, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, they knew the blood supply was contaminated. This is what we showed you in Plague of Corruption, all the way back with all of these gain-of-function viruses. But, our bodies can handle it. And we've developed the therapies, the natural immune therapies that can heal all of this. And we need to honor Jim Meehan and everything he did, and stop poisoning people with old drugs. This is literally what's being done now, in chemotherapies and what's being done has to end! We need to do a full cleaning of the house of the heads of every one of these agencies and stop the murder of millions! 10 million Americans were murdered, and it was called COVID. And nothing was SARSCoV2 that was injected in every polio vaccine since 2004.

06/26/2024 - Thrivetime Show with Clay Clark:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Stew Peters: Before just about anyone else, Dr. Judy Mikovits was warning that COVID-19 was not a normal virus and not a normal pandemic. She was one of the first people to warn that COVID-19 could be intentional and that it could be linked to some kind of global depopulation agenda. And Dr. Judy Mikovits has also been particularly focused on what she says is a surge of cancer cases, stemming from the shots.
Dr Judy Mikovits: I did 22 years at the National Cancer Institute. And then 20 more years in Industry doing cancer drug and immunotherapy development to show exactly this. Can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is and always was the shots causing these fibers, causing these heart attacks.
SARSCoV2 is not a Coronavirus, it's a retrovirus! As is the shot, a synthetic bio-weapon.
It's not messenger RNA from an animal. It's synthetic RNA, you can't even call it mRNA! It's not of God. It's not natural. That's what Karen Kingston has been saying. It's not mRNA, stop calling them mRNA vaccines; because they aren't mRNA vaccines. That's what the polio shots are. That's what all the other shots they've injected: monkey mouse and manufactured XMRV, foreign, monkey, mouse, manufactured cancer-causing agents and components, in every single shot! You exploded it with those humanized bio-weapons they called COVID.

12/03/2022 - Stew Peters Show:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

James Neuenschwander, MD: Chemotherapy is going to go after every rapidly dividing cell in your body. It's why you lose your hair. That's why you get gastrointestinal problems, but the other rapidly dividing cells are your immune system. And what protects you against cancer? It's your immune system, right? And so, you know, I don't want to pretend like I'm an expert of cancer, because I'm not, but I do see cancer patients. I do know that there are pathways in cancer that you can target with medications like developed chemotherapy type medications, you can target them with off-label drugs, you know, that's never popular because nobody has a patent on it. And you can target them with nutrients, with nutraceuticals we call them and then things that just support the body, that support your own nutrition.
So there are multiple targets that you can use. The trouble is you go in and there are studies out there that say: if you see the oncologist and you see the integrative practitioner, you're going to do better than if you just see the oncologist. Right? And the trouble is, when you go see the oncologist, they have one tool in their toolbox. If what you have responds to that tool, hallelujah, praise the Lord. You have acute leukemia. Chemotherapy works. Okay. You have most of the lymphomas, chemotherapy works for that.
You have head and neck cancer, not so much, okay? But that's the only tool they have in their toolbox. They have chemotherapy, they have radiation, and now they have immunotherapies, but they're even reticent to use those, even though they do work in head, and neck cancer.

06/20/2024 - Emergency & Integrative Medical Physician, James Neuenschwander, MD. and Del Bigtree on TheHighWire:

Del Bigtree: He was always there for us, really, sort of a brother and a member of our team. When we asked him what show you would like to do, he said based on my christian faith, I’ve always wanted to speak to millions of people about the issues of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines, it’s really dear to my heart, it’s very important, and if you let me I would really like to do that segment. So, for all of you, this is the segment that Jim wrote, this is what he cared the most about!

Dr Jim Meehan: As a father, as a grandfather, as a doctor, as a follower of Christ, I am very committed to this issue of our religious freedoms. And why should we be concerned about vaccines and our religious freedoms? Well, I'll tell you a very serious reason that we should be concerned is that many of the vaccines, the live virus vaccines in particular, varicella, the chickenpox vaccine, rubella excetera, these vaccines are grown on aborted fetal cell lines. Cells that were at the moment of a child's entrance into the world, they were taken captured in a plastic bag, taken to a vivisection table. And without anesthesia, without compassion, those tissues from their body were ripped out of their little body. And they were harvested, their cells were harvested to become the manufacturing substrate for generations of vaccines produced by the manufacturers of these live attenuated virus vaccines. And they did not teach me this in medical school. They didn't teach us in fact, medical school, what they teach about vaccines is little more than memorize the CDC recommended schedule and memorize how to catch a child up should they fall behind on that schedule. That's what they teach you two and a half pages in a textbook, you know, a few days in medical school, they don't teach you about what's in the vaccines, the ingredients, the possible contaminants, the aluminum adjuvant that could be neurotoxic, in the human body, especially a small developing child's body. But the thing that I found out later in medicine as a father of five children, that my children were being injected with the DNA micro fragments, the residual cellular proteins, of a human child's cells that was sacrificed at the moment of its entrance into the world. And I find that a very powerful reason that people of faith should be demanding their religious freedoms, and they should be filing religious exemptions from these vaccines. When I debate pediatricians, I just go to the package insert, so can you! Because here's what the package insert for the varicella vaccine, Varivax, says: the product also contains residual components of MRC-5 cells, including DNA and protein. So what is MRC-5, it's the way they dehumanize a child like this 14 week old male fetus that was aborted to become the endless production substrate for the varicella vaccine and many other vaccines: chicken pox, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, MMR, rabies, shingles and smallpox vaccines. But this is just one of many fetuses that were aborted. You take WI-38. The 38 indicates at least 38 children were aborted to obtain that tissue line that became the substrate for vaccine production. They're coded so I think a lot of doctors don't realize that these cell lines are dehumanized in their codename so they don't realize that it's actually Baby Doe 14 week old male fetus that was sacrificed. This is a real reason to object to the injection and our children and our cells of these abortion tainted fetal cell lines and so many of our vaccines, in fact, in so many of the medical products in the world today. In the varicella vaccine that Varivax vaccine, there's twice as much human antigen being injected into our children, twice as much human antigen from these aborted fetal cells, as there is the varicella antigen!
Let that sink in, ladies and gentlemen, twice as much human antigen being injected into our children multiple times throughout their life. And could that be a problem? Well, nobody knows. Because the people that should be providing the oversight are not providing the oversight. The debate is not being had. There is no discussion because the discussion is censored. And that's what's destroying real science and the health of our population in this world, today. It's all about the debate, we have to have the discussion! Highwire, you guys are a part of what has allowed me to learn and protect my children and my patients. I value that tremendously. Because as I've learned and dug into the science, I realized we're not being told the truth. And I realize how important it is what you're doing, how important it is to this world and to the health of our children. So it's been an honor to be here. Thank you so much. I pray that all of you will be blessed and protected and be educated to the point that you'll just rise up and resist what you have to protect your children to protect your freedoms and to protect our future. God bless you...
(Full transcript:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

My PhD thesis ended AIDS, saying all you need is to keep the immune system healthy. You don't inoculate them, you don't give them any other shot, you strengthen their innate immune system. All of these products have DMG. Healthy Pro Lean Greens to help heal all of this. For your autistic kids, the Behavior is a fabulous product. This book Building Wellness was a 1980s book that said how a breakthrough nutrient gives cancer, autism and cardiovascular patients a second chance at health.
It'll be a first chance at health because they created all of these diseases with these vaccine schedules. Dimethyl Glycine, DMG, that's the other half of my PhD, it silences, it's the on-and-off switch for viruses, for genes, for tumor suppressor genes, for oncogenes, all we have to do is methylate and silence them just like we did in 1980 with HIV AIDS after 1991.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 10/21/2022
“Building Wellness”:

Behavior Balance-DMG:

Pro Lean Greens:

Recovery Bundle:

Watch the full presentation at:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

The infectious molecular clone called VP62. The humanized weaponized XMRV, created in laboratories in 2005 and 6. When we isolated, purified from humans with disease, XMRVs and published in 2009, undergoing six months of review in the journal Science. It was published, the variants were published. And the Journal said we isolated "An" XMRV. And I, the senior author fought that to the end. The data in the paper shows you proteins not fragments, not genomes, actual translated into viral proteins, showing an antibody immune response. The initial reviewers on that paper said "I'm 95% convinced, show me an immune response." That's an antibody. Never should we have been testing with PCR. So yeah, monkey pox is in every polio shot. In every single shot where viro monkey cells, cell line! Don't say cell, it's a cell line. It's a patentable manufacturing plant. It's a device. Monkey cells don't grow in a laboratory until you change them. Oh, that means they're patentable.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 08/12/2022
Full episode with Jeff Dornik:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

What more do you need to see than the partners in AIDS Research Center and the Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston, just what he said. University of Massachusetts and there is Berlin, Germany and Tianjin, China.
So they infected people with Coronaviruses with their spike proteins, and they optimized the weapon so that the SARSCoV2 spike protein, they found that simian immune deficiency virus, the monkey HIV didn't work so well. So they added a little piece of HIV, and then they added the Murine Leukemia virus, and that bioweapon was injected in every polio vaccine since 2004.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/19/2024
2004 Moore Paper: Retroviruses Pseudotyped with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Efficiently Infect Cells Expressing Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2:
Full ThriveTime Show episode with Clay Clark on X:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Well, Clay, if we could get off the bird flu porn, I'd be a whole lot better. Robert Redfield and Deborah Birx injected the military and the veterans with an HIV vaccine containing Ebola! Containing Ebola in the 1990s. All of those vaccines, including MMR, and every single viral vaccine, had the sequences of H5N1 let's not call it bird flu. A sequence is not our virus any more than our DNA is a human being.
So there is no bird flu. I didn't see one of those chickens sneezing, I think they were squealing as they were going to be murdered for having a sequence in their body. Just like 10 million Americans were murdered when they called it COVID, when SARSCoV2 sequence was injected in every single polio vaccine since 2004.
So it's time Robert Redfield be criminally charged, along with Birx and every other member of Congress who continues to perpetrate this fraud against the American people. As David Martin just said on Alex Jones, we're at war people and we are being killed and murdered by our government.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/19/2024
Full episode with Clay Clark on X:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Dr Judy Mikovits: I'm loaded with Ebola, I worked there for 40 years, I developped the cell lines. And those little personal Ebola outbreaks aren't a lot of fun with me, but I know how to heal it. That's what I'm doing for everybody I can. The goal is to kill us and they could have killed me three or four times. It's like, oh, man, they got me again. And I have to stay home for a few days and I have to remember get out of fear and do it: saline infusions, hydroxychloroquine and prayer. The book is called "Called for Life" by Kent and Amber Brantley, and you'll see it all. In order to cover this up, Obama and Fauci released Ebola and killed 21,000 Liberians in 2014.
Alex Jones: And Tedros was involved
Dr Judy Mikovits: Right, when I met Brian Hooker. See, the days don't change and my memory never will.
Alex Jones: Talk about Tedros, he's a mass murderer.
Dr Judy Mikovits: They all are.
Alex Jones: They're a death cult.
Dr Judy Mikovits: Yes, they are the FDA extended. It's called the W.H.O.? That's why I've got this pin on because it's like, No! You don't own us. You are not the World Health Organization because Suramin and Ivermectin were both 100 year old and 50 year old respectively, both on the W.H.O. essential medicine lists as pills! And they kept them from the kids with autism. 2015, Bob Naviaux does a double blind placebo controlled study of using Suramin correctly; and I've got the newspaper article* from San Diego, California. These kids got their life back and Bayer-Monsanto took the drug, stopped the trial and took it from anybody. When we did a clinical trial in cancer research, when those results looked that good, we unblinded and we gave it to everybody. They stopped it, they marched toward COVID-19, and their goal was to kill these kids with Autism and Down Syndrome, which is also vaccine injury.

* “Promising Autism Drug Is Out Of Family's Reach" Search Results”
06/17/2024 - Full interview on InfoWars with Alex Jones:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Ending Plague ( - Part 2: Judy’s Perspective
Chapter One: Running My Own Lab without Sleeping with the Boss or Being a Lesbian (Pages 160-161)
“…While in California with David, I interviewed with a company called EpiGenX, which impressed me, and they offered me a job as their head of cancer research.
My last day working as the head of the Lab of Anti-Viral Drug Mechanisms was May I, 2001, and on May 14, 2001, I started work at EpiGenX. I had been the head of the lab for more than two years and I felt I'd done a great job rebuilding it and placed it on a solid footing. This is the recommendation letter which was sent on my behalf to EpiGenX by one of my long-time colleagues, Stephen B. Baylin:
Dear Ms. King:
It is my great good pleasure to recommend Dr. Judy Mikovits for a position at EpiGenX. Simply put, she is a first-rate scientist who works as hard as anyone I have known. I had the good fortune to collaborate with her on the work she has done and published in DNA methylation, and it was a great experience.
She conceived and tackled largely with her own hands a difficult and novel problem regarding effects of the HIV virus on the epigenetic control of interferon expression. A superb MCB paper culminated this work and I think contains data that will prove unexpectedly critical for understanding the clinical aspects of HIV and possibly some therapeutic and prognostic issues as well.
Judy loves science, is creative, and tenacious when pursuing an exciting finding or direction. She has a fine career both in evolution and ahead of her. You would do well to try and recruit her.

Stephen B. Baylin
Associate Director for Research Director, Cancer Biology Division
Ludwig Professor of Oncology
The John Hopkins Comprehensive Cancer Center (Email from Stephen B. Baylin, February 9, 2001)
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - Uncensored books:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Alex Jones: You said this on the show four years ago, nobody else was saying it. Now they admit the COVID shots were 1000s of different combos, testing on people. Why are they dumping everything into this?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Because we grow them in the same cell line. Polio vaccines are grown in viro-monkey kidney cells. I made the E6 cell line, of the clone of Viro E6. Viro E6 was the clone that would support Ebola. So Ebola has been in your polio shots since 1994. And I can prove it I have the publication.
Alex Jones: Why are they doing this?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Because they are financially liable. "A disease able to affect the economies of Nations" was Hillary Johnson's forward to our first book Plague, and she wrote it in 2014.
It's very critical to understand! They're doing it because they're liable…

06/17/2024 - Full interview on InfoWars with Alex Jones:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:
These are the parasites we have to purge! Everybody's always wanting to do a parasite cleanse, here are your parasites. This is 2011 at the NIH Criminal Center. Why is she back here? Or why is Collins, and Fauci and Killary, she was Secretary of State in 2011. What's Killary doing there and Harold Varmus, the head of the National Cancer Institute, who had left and headed the NIH and this other lady is in the DEA, making sure we don't get our God-given cannabis and terpenes in our soil again, to clean up all the contamination of our soil and our food.
In 1991, when I defended my PhD thesis, one million Americans were infected with HIV, which is and always was infection by injection, the hepatitis B vaccine on vulnerable people. And in 2010, it was clear from our work that it got into humans by a contaminated blood supply because of Tony Fauci.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/07/2024

Pastor Rob McCoy: There's no such thing as an autoimmune disease!:

Gratitude and Forgiveness:

Full presentation at ReAwaken America Tour, Detroit, MI:

Excerpt from “Ending Plague”: Chapter 6: Failed Public Health Response to HIV/AIDS
"…In 2002, Dr. Relman, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, said:
The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it's disgraceful.
Dr. Reman's replacement as editor-in-chief at the prestigious publication sounded a similar warning note in 2009: "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians."
It is not possible to discuss all the reasons for this sorry state of affairs, but I can briefly mention some of the most glaring examples. They would include: the rigging of outcomes of clinical trials, selective and biased publications, commercials for drugs posing as publications written by industry scientists (learned from the tobacco industry), and the outright bribery of journal editors. As has been said by many others, some universities and doctors have become willing participants in this game of killing for profit.
Never has this corruption been more apparent to me than during the COVID-19 crisis.
But surely, we can expect our huge number of regulatory bodies to protect us, like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
We cannot. Since Reagan's time these agencies have been consistently weakened to the point where they have become inept and useless."

W. Ian Lipkin - 2013 “We found retroviruses in 85 percent of the sample pools…. neither he nor we have concluded that there is a relationship to disease.”
(On, June 13, 2024):
CNN Host: What is the level of concern right now about that potentially becoming a pandemic?
Deborah Birx: I'm really concerned because we're making the same mistakes today that we made with COVID. We should be testing every cow weekly. If you can do pull PCR, we have the technology we could be pool testing every dairy worker. I do believe that there's undetected cases in humans, because we're once again only tracking people with with symptoms.
(Excerpt from Plague of Corruption, Introduction by Dr Judy Mikovits, Page XXIX)
"In September of 2013, Dr. Ian Lipkin, the man who the previous year had supposedly debunked our findings of a retroviral connection to ME/ CFS, held an unusual public conference call.
He had done further research with Dr. Jose Montoya of Stanford University. Using a cohort of patients very similar to the one we used for the Science paper (and the very cohort excluded from the 2012 study by Tony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases), Lipkin said:
“We found retroviruses in 85 percent of the sample pools. Again, it is very difficult at this point to know whether or not this is clinically significant. And given the previous experience with retroviruses in chronic fatigue, I am going to be very clear in telling you, although I am reporting this as present in Professor Montoya’s samples, neither he nor we have concluded that there is a relationship to disease.”
Got it? Even though he found retroviruses in 85 percent of the samples of the sick patients, and in only 6 percent of the controls, he can’t figure out if it means anything. And more shockingly, they’re not going to do any further investigation.
This is the nightmare of censored and “dangerous” science today. There are no data because the appropriate studies are forbidden and censored."

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

I'm a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. What that means is I only think about sensing at the level of the cell surface and down and how that works in the whole body. And I've spent 40 years developing therapeutics from plants because I'm a natural products chemist. So God has given us everything we need, let's use it for food. My job is to teach practitioners of all kinds. Now, Chiropractors you teach differently than medical doctors because they have different training. The language is very different, but the narrative told to the doctors: The PhD doesn't have a voice. And we experienced that in courts of law, when we're trying to explain how injuries can happen through vaccines. I served in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, as a witness from 2015 to 19.
And the doctors weren't speaking the same language. So it came off as acrimonious, and what we were really all trying to do was heal the child; understand why certain kids get hurt, and others don't. It's a language that's been spun by the media. The Chiropractor doesn't have the same kind of voice as the Naturopathic Doctor or the MD and the PhD. So they've created a chaos and it's really not us. We've spent our lives collaborating and we have all of those practitioners on any given paper.
So the division has been created, really, accelerated in the last two decades, when heads of the scientific journals gave "Impact Factors." So your journal or your voice is more important than another voice and Tony Fauci actually admitted, and Tess Lawrie was the PhD that testified to this in a court, showing how they accelerated that in the pandemic, in order to create confusion and divisiveness among the practitioners; so that we got off our game, and we didn't remember that our goal was: HEAL!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 09/24/2022

Watch the full INFOWARS interview with Mikki Willis and Patrick Burn:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

God wins, love wins, we've been patient with each other, we've worked really hard to tell these stories, they're not stories, to tell the history. See Plandemic The Musical. I hope you'll go to Austin and see the Premiere of that. Have parties in your own home. It's time I give the last chapter of Plague of Corruption to somebody to develop the medicines and show the proof of every last thing that we have. Last night when I saw the film I decided the man that should have it is General Flynn.
Because what you're gonna see here is shipped at Leidos' expense. Leidos would be that criminal organization! Don't put your hands in that, they're detonating their lipid bots. So please don't go through those things in the airport. They're intended to kill you. But I worked for Leidos, or SAIC. I was the hired gun. I was a contractor. And when I left Frank Ruscetti saved everything. That's the last chapter of Plague of Corruption, when Bobby Kennedy said: Judy, there's something missing. And I said, Bobby, I know you're busy, just read the last chapter, which was: "Maybe there's one last story I should tell you!" We saved everything all the way back to 1970. And here it is. This is the cure for the American people that'll heal every one of those vaccine injuries. Thank you.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/07/2024

Pastor Rob McCoy: There's no such thing as an autoimmune disease!:

Gratitude and Forgiveness:

Full presentation at ReAwaken America Tour, Detroit, MI:

(Full transcript at

Patrick Bet David: My guest today is Dr. Judy Mikovits. Her background just so you know, in just over 20 years, she went from entry level lab technician to the Director of the Lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms; at the National Cancer Institute, where she discovered some unique info about retroviruses in vaccine. Just two books out. One of them came out in 2017 called the "Plague, One Scientist Intrepid’s Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, autism and other diseases". Right now. It's ranked number one on Amazon under “Forensic Medicine,” and her second book that just came out, I believe, April 14 of 2020, I think 10 days ago, "Plague Of Corruption, Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science". Her first press sold literally in a few hours. It's number one, number one ranked right now on Kindle Amazon, on “AIDS,” number one book on “AIDS” and number one Kindle book for “Virology.” And that's by Simon and Schuster.
And the reason why I say by Simon and Schuster is because I am writing and publishing a book through Simon and Schuster. When you write a book through Simon and Schuster, there comes a phase where their attorneys read everything you write. And then they ask you saying, Do you have proof of this? Do you have proof of that? Do you have proof of this? Because Simon and Schuster has to protect what you're writing about. Because many times when you're writing, there are lawsuits. So if somebody self publishes a book, it's a different story versus you go into a company like Simon and Schuster, that publishes a book I say, say that, for the viewers to know the credibility of my guest today. She was awarded graduate student in the year 1991. She cooperated with the FBI during an investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci, which we'll get to that. She was a fugitive on the ride hiding on a boat for four days. Her story sounds more like a movie, but it's a actual real life story. Having said that, Dr. Judy Mikovits. Thanks for being a guest on Valuetainment today.
Dr Judy Mikovits: Nice to be here Pat.
Patrick Bet David: Here's some names Deborah Birx.
Dr Judy Mikovits: Scarf lady, okay. She a buffoon. She's committed crimes in the 80s, and HIV against the military. And I mean, they destroyed families. She's right there doing the same thing. She knows that there's no such thing as asymptomatic carriers. Oh, so we'll let you go we'll do a release and we'll let everybody out of their house and then don't get too far because as soon as the summer is over, it's coming back. No, if you have antibodies, you’re immune! Stop this! Why are you redefining immunology? Because you can and it covers up your crime. So this is more of the same, she should have been convicted a long time ago along with Robert Redfield of the CDC, they perpetrated these frauds, in HIV AIDS in the 80s and 90s....
More at

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Owen Shroyer: Do you believe that we already have the cure for cancer?

Dr Judy Mikovits: We have many, many! There's no THE and there is no IT. They're multi-system diseases, and every single person is different. Yet, we could put together a protocol to cure, in fact, every single case.

Owen Shroyer: Now, Anthony Fauci let a bunch of people with AIDS die knowingly.

Dr Judy Mikovits: Yeah, unfortunately, that was my whole life from the day I walked in there, June 10, 1980, into the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland at Fort Detrick. That was it. And our last book Ending Plague tells you the ugly details of this 40-year Plague of Corruption really…

09/24/2022 - InfoWars

Watch the full interview with Mikki Willis and Patrick Burn:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

The journal Science made us change the title and manipulated this paper but it still was the shot heard around the world when it finally published six months after it was submitted. And we detected infectious retroviruses called XMRV. Xenotropic, I call it now mouse, monkey or manufactured because we know that the monkey cell line, viro monkey cell line is where we get our polio vaccine. So how many new recombinant viruses were created by Fauci as he led the NAIAD after 1984.

When I told him to go Fauci himself in 1983 on the phone. 1983, he was actually fraudulently in the job because, he should have absolutely never gotten the job because he was supposed to give up the lab. But what he did was he took all the funds, he hired everybody. So everybody says I worked for Fauci. No, I didn't. He paid everybody on the planet. I have more sense than to ever work for anybody like that. Again, never worked for him, but he pays the bills of every one of our universities. So when we're talking about taking our money away, you pay for this fraud. You paid for this with your taxes.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 01/23/2023

Full presentation:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

They injected H5N1 in every flu vaccine since 2012. Since 2009, actually, when our 2009 October 23 science paper that's when they created another diversion to lie about what the data was really showing. No, you inject these and you ship them around the country in vials.
The 2017 Gatti paper shows you and the work we did in Vaccine Court. Yeah, there was avian, cow, pig, horse, viruses, the H5N1. Yes. And the immune systems of the animals have it just fine! Thank you very much! As do we, as long as we never get another injection with anything. Again, these people are killing us.
No tests, no treatment, take back our sovereignity! You have absolutely no right to murder another human being Deborah Birx, Tony Fauci!
We know exactly how to heal your immune system. No more injections, we can restore immunity. Immunization is not vaccination.
Vaccination is extermination of an unwanted varmin and sterilization of our population, which is proven by what happened in 2020.

Gatti Paper: New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination:
Watch the full news segment with @AlisonOAN, live June 6, 2024:
Previous Interview with Alison on OANN:

Dr Judy Mikovits: You don't die with an asymptomatic infection! Yes, this is the same game plan! Will we wake up and stop this criminal activity? You're not infected with a disease, you're infected with a virus. And the PCR test absolutely never detected an infectious virus including SARSCoV2, which was injected in every polio vaccine, since the Chimera retrovirus was created in 2004. That's the Moore &all paper in the Journal of Virology.
This is not just fraud. This is criminal, as was the first Plandemic!
Alison OAN: You can make anything come back as positive on a PCR test. Right?
Dr Judy Mikovits: We know the fraud of the PCR tests in COVID. There were no controls. There were no primer pairs. I asked for that. I said show me the primer pairs, show me the controls. And I'll show you the fraud. I developed these diagnostic tests, actually, for true diagnosis in the true use, to show the expression of various genes, the cycles, the amplitude, the lack of control, everything about this was wrong! Hey, I'm gonna get me a PCR machine and make me a million dollars and defraud the American people! That test ended in nothing, but drive the disease and hospital homicide of millions of people with Remdesivir, just like they did with AZT! SARSCoV2 never was COVID, as I said! Our own God given immune system can control the sequence and the expression of those viruses. It's not an infectious virus, your nucleic acid sequences, and all of this was proven in our book Plague, which published in 2014, then this is a cover-up of now the H5N1. Oh, that very thing she's talking about bird flu from December 19 of 2012, when Tony Fauci, and they tried to reinstate their deadly research. Ah, this happened in 2012. They injected H5N1 in every flu vaccine since 2012. SARSCoV2 never was COVID!
Watch the full news segment with @AlisonOAN, live June 6, 2024:
Previous Interview with Alison on OANN:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Dr Judy Mikovits: The lesson we learned is it should never happen again!

Brian Rose: Judy, how do you keep getting up every day and fighting?

Dr. Judy Mikovits: If I can prevent one person from getting a flu shot this year, if I can prevent one person from ever getting a vaccine again from one injury, and I've done my job each day. If I can get that message across, and have somebody take off that mask, that's why I get up every single day. If I can find a way to restore communication in science, such that all debates are considered! Can't we just discuss issues? One of my friends sent me Eleanor Roosevelt's quote: "Great minds discuss ideas. Mediocre minds discuss issues, and Simple minds discuss people." So can we simply go to discussing the science issues and realize the technology allows us to heal this. We could heal even those XMRVs. Just as we turned HIV infection into "a disease we could live" with.
What's on TV: pre-exposure prophylaxis, and yet, we won't take that in any other way, shape, or form! Pre-exposure prophylaxis is the commercial "PREP" for HIV people, in order to keep their virus undetectable so they won't spread it. We just need pre-exposure prophylaxis and take all we've learned over these 40 years and apply it right away and we can do that around the world. And that's why I get up every day because every day more doctors, more people wake up and say: thank you, and maybe they take off the mask and don't faint or have a car accident because they're not getting enough oxygen.

05/20/2020 - Digital Freedom Platform by LondonReal

Full interview with Brian Rose, LondonReal: Rose-Mikovits II: Responding to criticism surrounding my viral documentary “Plandemic”, Dr. Judy Mikovits:

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Dr Judy Mikovits: As we tell people in plain language, they can see it for themselves. They look around. I got literally 1000s of emails from people who saw that Plandemic movie or who saw the Patrick Bet David interview or who saw and heard some of the several other podcasts, Christina Aguayo on America's Voice. So these shows got out there and they got out there long enough for people to see them, and people are waking up. 1000s of emails that say: I see it in my family, I see it here, I see it. Thank you for waking me up. Even one, they call me Wacka Judy, I don't know if you remember the game Whack a Mole at the fair?
Brian Rose: I do
Dr Judy Mikovits: where you just keep popping up? There was an article, I think it was, I don't know, a major like CNBC. And they said they're having trouble censoring Plandemic the movie, because every time they take it down, somebody pops it up again.
So what that's done, just as in the movie Vaxed, when the film festival said they couldn't show it: everybody wants to see it! So now everybody wants to know what they've been told they can't see. And so everybody's waking up. So we're winning, and it'll bring back freedom of speech in our country, and hopefully journalism with integrity. Hopefully journalism where they do their homework and actually really do a fair and balanced reporting of a situation rather than a character assassination and a hatchet job.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/08/2020
Watch the full interview with Brian Rose available for free at:
Watch We Will Not Be Silenced (Exclusively on X)


Created 1 year ago.

218 videos

Category Health & Medical

Dr. Judy A Mikovits:
(Help Stop The Fraud, too many people using my name and selling things...:

Dr. Mikovits earned a BA in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her forty-year quest to understand the causes, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: Immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development.

In 2009, Dr Mikovits led the team that first isolated and characterized a new family of human disease-associated retroviruses, XMRVs. Dr Mikovits has co-authored more than 50 peer reviewed publications and book chapters, and holds a patent for Combination Therapy for Prostate Cancer using Botanical Compositions and Casodex.

Dr Mikovits is a New York Times Best selling author of the books Plague, Plague of Corruption, Ending Plague and the Truth about the Masks.

In 2020 Dr. Mikovits started DrJSolution, a company focused, not only on education, but on providing solutions for prevention and treatment of autoimmune/auto-inflammatory diseases resulting from viral infection, drugs and environmental toxins. Her heart and passion is to focus on natural products chemistry and plant based drug and nutritional therapeutic protocols.

Her current focus is on medical cannabis with breakthroughs in understanding of the pathophysiology of neuroimmune diseases such as vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome = vaccine AIDS.