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Note: My apologies for the re-upload. The first version uploaded was missing about 40 seconds of footage. This is the complete version, but I left the last 40 seconds of video silent. The video footage to me is more important to get right.

This is the last video I will be doing for a long time. I am going on hiatus for a while. I love making videos, but there are other things I want to look into doing for this channel. That will take me some time and money to do. Until then, see you down the trail...

This was on the way home from the drone flights at Saddlebag and Tioga Lakes. Originally, I wanted no music, but with the window down the noise was pretty bad on the GoPro so I just added some music. I explain the situation at the beginning, but if you want to turn it off or listen to your own music I designed it with that in mind.

"Feral Chase" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Interloper" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Big Drumming" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Curse of the Scarab" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

This will be the last of the drone flights for a while. It covers all I wanted to show from last summer. This video goes over Saddlebag Lake to Greenstone Lake. That was the legal limit I could go on this flight because the wilderness boundary starts around that area. No flights over wilderness areas. This day I had the best conditions, I came back a week later to hike only to encounter a major storm at the trailhead. I show some pictures of this flight and some of the issues from above in my blog entry on this one:

4K Youtube version of this one:

Rising Sun by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Starry Dreams by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Imagefilm 042 by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Happy Easter!

The 3rd and final video of this series.

4K Youtube here:

This is the coming back video where I think about 98-99% of the drive is shown back to HWY 395.

I liked the way a website listed below described this one as, "Totally unpaved and pretty rough." This is much better than the first video I uploaded since it shows a lot more of the rough road.

I have "scary" memories of my dad and grandfather driving me on this road in the dark at around 4:00 am in the morning when I was around eight years old to fish the lake. I could not see much, but remember feeling like something could go wrong at any moment. Decades later I had forgotten about some of that until we were driving on it again.

My blog on this one:

Something threw off the autofocus for the first two minutes in this video. After that it is fine. This is the 2nd video of this series.

4K Youtube here:

This lake is out in the middle of nowhere in the Eastern Sierra. The lake has always been a bit mysterious. It used to carry a unique fish: grayling!? My blog for this one:
Hold On by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Follow The Sun by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Starsplash by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

#FTLOTES (For the Love the Eastern Sierra)

This is the first of three videos I am putting out over the Good Friday/Easter weekend.

4K Youtube here:

I liked the way a website listed below described this one as, "Totally unpaved and pretty rough." However, this is only about half of the drive on the way up to the lake. It does not have all the rough spots in it. I will also upload the drive back which will be around thirty minutes and has all the rough spots.

I have "scary" memories of my dad and grandfather driving me on this road in the dark at around 4:00 am in the morning when I was around eight years old to fish the lake. I could not see much, but remember feeling like something could go wrong at any moment. Decades later I had forgotten about some of that until we were driving on it again.

My blog on this one:

#FTLOTES (For The Love Of the Eastern Sierra): Tioga Lake is my favorite lake in the whole Eastern Sierra. I have good memories fishing there with my dad when I was little kid.

4K Youtube version here:

This was the best weather conditions I had for flying a drone last summer. I did another one on the same day that was my best that will come out sometime next month.

Finally, one last thing in the video is I went by twice the area where the stream comes into Tioga Lake. I wanted to get more video footage of that, but people ended up having a picnic there! Lol! So, no I wasn't trying to "spy" on them, but I just did enough and kept going. I was going to fly lower and stick around, but decided THAT would seem like I was spying on them. The last thing I want people to think when I fly these toys.

I show a bunch of pictures here including one from early morning hours last year on my blog:

Childhood by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Flying With The Wind (instrumental) by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Dreamsphere 7 by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Note: this is the correct video for bitchute. I have had Youtube transfer videos in the past that creates duplicates. Ignore those if they show up and stick with this one that is designed for it.

Another relaxing drone video I shot last summer. Right now, March 1, 2024 the area is getting ready for a snowstorm. Give me some shelter and I would love to be there right now.

During the month of July, 2023 Horsetail Falls was gushing out of the canyon above coming out of Gem and Agnew Lakes. This was due to the man-made controls up there letting out all the ice/snow winter/spring water that had built up. Unfortunately, I was too lake catching that. I did fly over to Horsetail Falls, but it was not as dramatic as pictures I had seen.

Youtube 4K version:

A few pictures can be found on my blog for this one:

My best flights are still to come!

Tivinize by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Childhood by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Imagefilm 043 by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Note: this is the correct video for bitchute. I have had Youtube transfer videos in the past that creates duplicates. Ignore those if they show up, and stick with this one that is designed for it.

You get to see some of Gull Lake too off the June Lake Loop. Slight haze in the distance from all directions; I believe this was one of the last days of smoke from a fire last summer.

I like to call these videos "For The Love of The Eastern Sierra" (FTLOTES) as well. These are just simple over and back drone flights over some of the non-wilderness lakes that I can legally fly over. The areas I have known and loved over the decades of my life. #FTLOTES

4K Youtube version here:

Blog entry here:

Total Happy Up And Sunny by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Afterparty Review by Sascha Ende
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Sorry for the delay because I wanted this out before Christmas. I got sick and then my internet provider did not fix some simple issues for almost two weeks. In any case, Happy 2024!

This is a simple flight over what would have been the town of Aurora, NV. In some ways it is better than my GoPro videos because you can see some of the remains all over the town from above. The downside was some of the sky was washed out so I had to do a lot of work in post-production and still was not satisfied. However, the key parts are everything you see where the town would have been. Along with the pictures and books I think this ends up being another nice way to "reconstruct" the town.

In any case, this is the last of the "Ghosts of the Past" series. I am taking some time off, but I should have some simple drone flying of a bunch of Eastern Sierra lakes over the next few months.

4K version on Youtube:

My blogs show some of the pictures I took from above. I uploaded a picture from 2020 for comparison as well:

Ever Mindful Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Out in the middle of nowhere in the Aurora, Nevada cemetery, I revisited my favorite gravesite, and probably one of the oldest inscriptions in the Eastern Sierra. I give you a lot of different looks at the actual tombstone/marker for the gravesite. The GoPro video was from 2023, and the still pictures are from my visit in 2020.

4K Youtube video here:

0:08 Biography of William E. Carder
2:29 The location of the killing
3:26 The gravesite of William E. Carder

My blog has a few pictures, but just about everything I put on it comes from this video:

The following books contain most of the information about Carder:

1)McGrath, Roger D. Gunfighters Highwaymen & Vigilantes: Violence on the Frontier. University of California Press, 1984.
Amazon link:

McGrath's book is the classic for all the "wild west" information regarding Aurora and Bodie ghost towns. There is a page or two about Carder.

2)Silver Sue. Mineral County Nevada. Museum Ass. of Mineral County, 2011.
Amazon link:

In the chapter about Aurora there is a short biography about Carder. It mentions his days in Western and Eastern Sierra.

3)Silver Sue. Aurora Nevada's Silent City on the Hill: An Historical Perspective. S. Silver 2011.
Amazon link:

This is the book you want for learning about the graves at the cemetery. There is an entry and short biography for Carder.

At Rest Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

I put up a blog on this that clarifies the "error" I made in 2011 and links to the 2011 blog:

The books mentioned:

1)Silver, Sue. Aurora Nevada's Silent City on the Hill : An Historical Perspective. S. Silver, 2011.
Amazon link:

This is the book you want for learning about the graves at the cemetery. There is a good section for the Marden family.

2)Knudsen, Peggy Lee. The Mardens of Aurora : A Gold Rush Family. Mountain N' Air Books, 2007.
Amazon link:

This book gives the family history.

3)Marden, Horace and Knudsen, Peggy Lee. Tales of Aurora, Bodie, & Columbus : Written in 1915-16 for the Inyo Register. Mountain N' Air Books, 2010.
Amazon link:

The collection of articles written by Horace Marden about his recollections of these three towns written for the Inyo Register.

At Rest Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

4K Youtube version here:

The ghost town you could make a violent western about. The town's history during the 1860s is kind of like the story of High Plains Drifter, except the town members eventually rose up against the lawless. In fact, one of the members of the Daly Gang tried to escape and was caught very close to where the town of Lago was filmed in HPD.

This is an updated video of the ghost town of Aurora, NV. It corrects some of the mistakes I made in the original video(s) twelve years ago. I had annotations for the mistakes at the time, but I think they were taken down when Youtube changed the way annotations can be done. In any case, this version gives you an idea of how the town was even though there is nothing really there anymore. I cover the main two intersecting streets where most business and the wild west action took place, but keep in mind there were other streets around and people lived in homes surrounding the area. It is my fun place to play amateur archeologist in my attempt to imagine and recreate what the town would have been like.

Please note the pictures are just for context, to give you an idea of how the place was, and I was not in the exact spots where those pictures were taken. I note in the video why it was much more difficult this year (2023) finding my way around the town.

If you saw the screen title that has "Wide West Mining Co. 1862" on it that is interesting because it is the oldest inscribed inscription in the Eastern Sierra, but it is now a stepping stone in front of the Bodie Historic Park Museum.

I have some recent blog entries about my most recent trip(s) to Aurora, but I will also link the old blogs I did twelve years ago. Note: that if you want to read these in chronological order you want to scroll down to the bottom and start reading there after you click any of the following links:

Aurora 2023 blog series:

Aurora 2011 blog series:

Aurora 2011 East Pine Street:

Just another quick "throwaway" video of a drive by this ranch out in middle of nowhere in Nevada. I put a limit on the audio so no need to turn up your sound...nothing is said or anything of importance with that. Just look at the terrain, imagine driving for about an hour on a dirt road with no one around, and then this ranch comes up. This is a "prelude" to a bunch of videos coming out in December. In other words, my "Ghosts of the Past" series is not over just quite yet.

4K Youtube version here:

My blog just repeats what is shown below, but if you have something you want to say it can be found here:

Taken from
"The history of the Nine Mile Ranch has a long and interesting past, beginning with the Paiute Indians who inhabited this area long before John C. Fremont’s expedition into Nevada in 1843-1844. According to Fremont’s journal he camped in this area along a little creek now known as 'Rough Creek' in January 1844 on his way to California. Fremont’s camp was in the approximate location of the Nine Mile Ranch today.

With the discovery of gold in Aurora in 1860, this area was destined to become a main route from Carson City to the booming mining camps of the Esmerelda Mining District, of which Aurora and later Bodie were featured destinations. Along this route stage stops were established for the convenience of travelers.

Over the years, the Nine Mile has been known as Cobb’s Rancho, Nine Mile House, Nine Mile Station, Green’s Station, etc., but Nine Mile Ranch is what shows on most modern maps.

Notable people in history are known to have visited the area, including John C. Fremont, Kit Carson, Mark Twain, Governor James Nye, and J. Ross Browne, to name a few."

An article about this place:

Happy Halloween! The weather was rather gloomy, but I guess that makes for a good video on Halloween. Turn out the lights and watch!

I did three blog entries on this part of the "Ghosts of the Past" series, but I have also included all the old blog entries. One has the history of the Log Cabin Mine (aka The Simpson Mine):

4K version on Youtube:

I did not upload the offroad drive to the mine on Bitchute. If you are into watching drives up mountainside dirt roads then this link will do it:

Music used:
SCP-x7x (6th Floor) Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

SCP-x6x (Hopes) Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

This one was done two years ago when I was just getting into flying drones with the Parrot Anafi. This was probably the first real flight I had done with this drone. At the time I was more into taking pictures than making videos so a lot of my movements with the drone were setting up still pictures. So I think this ends of being one of my weaker drone videos, but I still I thought it was worth uploading. Do you see a mysterious guy moving around with a motorcycle in this video? Yeah, I never saw him or heard the motorcycle while I was there. I talk about this "ghost" in my blog:

"Ghost Story" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

So I started this "Ghosts of the Past" unofficially with the Donnell Vista video as sort of prelude video on October 1st. This was my first GoPro 9 video I did two years ago. It is a bit "messy" since I was just testing the camera out, the settings I used were not the best, not sure I would upload this, but I do not mind my October videos being a little messy. I have been here before as you will see that is part of theme of this series. I will keep the old 1080p video up on Youtube.

4k version on Youtube:

My blog on this one as well as my original blog that gives the history can be found here:

Music: Haunted House by Alexander Nakarada
Free download:
Licensed under CC BY 4.0:

Music: Lost Place Atmospheres 001 by Sascha Ende
Free download:
Licensed under CC BY 4.0:

Maybe both at the same time. This is sort of a prelude to my October series I will be doing later this month: Ghosts of the Past (2023). However, I will make no jokes about this place since people have gone missing here. Two years ago I felt the need to look over the place myself during October. I also show the terrain of the area nearby. Not a place you want to get lost in.

4K Youtube version here:

My blog on this one:

Mineral County Independent News:

Nita Mary Mayo Charley Project:

Patricia Sue Tolhurst Charley Project:

Breck McDowell Phelps Charley Project:

Music used:
1)Mixkit- Sonor 7:

• Mixkit - Sonor 7 (No Copyright Music/...
2)Cold and Frightened by Steven OBrien
Free download:
Licensed under CC BY 4.0:

I love Dana Point. I used to come here quite often for whale and dolphin watching. After many years I decided to come back for whale watching and an excuse to fly the drone. This is a flight I did at Dana Point back in July. I actually flew here a few times when it was foggy. This was the clearest day I could get.

For the 4K version on Youtube go here:

For my blogs on this one go here:

Sound effects/Music taken from :

Beach Waves
Gentle Ocean Waves
Ocean Waves

This "Flying Over" series starts something new I am doing with my drone(s). Most of these are just simple flights across lakes of the Eastern Sierra. I have a bunch of these I will sharing over the next 6-9 months. Later videos might go over the same areas again, but hopefully it will be a different time of the year, the weather is different, etc. Some are more interesting than others.

My 4k version is here on Youtube:

My blog with the picture I took for this one can be found here:

Music will be somewhat relaxing, but I am not against doing something more intense, heavier, faster, techo, etc. if the mood suits me.
Music taken from:
1)Pixabay- The Moon:
2)Mixkit- Sonor 7:

If you want to see my 4k version of this on youtube then go here:

I talked a little more in the narration than I would have liked. At some point I am going to have another video, "The Silence..." of the same area, but with little speech. I want less hazy conditions for that. So, next time I am nearby and conditions are nice I will do. Don't expect it anytime soon.

April 19, 1973 was the general release in the U.S. There was a limited premiere for a few cities about two weeks before. In any case, I had planned this for the 50th anniversary and had been taking video for the past two years in preparation for it.

My blog entry with a few pictures for this one can be found here:

Music used: "Western Streets" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

This is my first official public GoPro video for the channel. I explain more about this one included a few pictures and an angle I did not get for the video here:

If you want to see the 4k version it is on Youtube:

Disclaimer: Walking over fast moving streams/rivers, and over slippery rocks is not recommended. I have the experience over the decades of heights, crossing streams, and rocks, but the average person does not. In other words, do not fall like Joe.

This was done a few years ago in October and in Yosemite. This will be the last video of this type of camcorder style as I switch to using GoPro. For my blog entries on this hike please click the following link:

Happy Easter! This is my hike I did to Rocky Peak. I got sick of being stuck at home due to the lockdown in CA over the past few months. So I did this last month. My blog entries on this one can be found at the following link::

Music used:
1)New Hero in Town Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

2)Big Drumming Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

3) My simple "The Banjolorian" Mix is based on the midi file found in the video by RunPlayback found here:

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

First video on Bitchute...this is sort of a test...

This is a simple hike to what is known as "Secret Lake" off Hwy 108 heading to Sonora Pass in the Eastern Sierra.

For more check out my blog entry for this hike here:

Ether Vox Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Created 5 years ago.

24 videos

Category Travel

I usually upload things regarding my hikes, movie locations, or just something out of the ordinary. Check out my blog here: