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Some observations about the border and large content creators.

Yes, there are Supremacists. Can you see them? Biden is only a marinette.

Do you believe this is all for your own good?

Our country is operating under two seperate political/religious systems simultaneously. The left is creating an "if this, then that" predetermined history. This is a plan over 200 years in the making, coming to fruition.

I know I am not alone, however no one- not one person in "real life" appears to have a clue. Zero suspicions- just following orders. Like non-players or something....

Just quiet time together...

And, on the other side of the room this morning...

Bea has been feeling under the weather, but is getting better. Albert says good morning while hiding his morning mess.

Albert just wants to say "Hello".

Bea wants to say thank you to everyone who watches her videos.

Miss Bea, as you know, does not care for being groomed at all. Lucky for me she is totally weird- which is why I love her! As long as she thinks she's getting a special bunny scratch massage- then all is well. So.... Beatrix is getting her secret beauty brushing disguised as special scratches.

Bea and Albert have been just super affectionate all day.

Albert takes his alone time in HIS RV fort. No Girls Allowed! He spies out of his window.

Albert and Bea have decided to hide. They think that if they can't see me- then I can't see them.

Miss Bea is super mad at me! She got her nails clipped today and she now wants nothing to do with me.

Albert and Bea love breakfast time!

Bea has quiet days. She lays at my feet and snuggles or wants to be petted.

Everyone loves RV'ing! Bunnies are no exception! Albert is RV camping today.

Bea is our little OCD bunny...she cleans toes, Albert's ears, chair legs....

Finally, Bea and Albert are talking again!

Bea and Albert still aren't talking.

I think Albert and Bea had a disagreement! They have gone to their seperate corners!

Miss Bea tells Albert that it's time to snuggle for a minute.

A RARE quiet moment!

Albert and Beatrix take a snuggle break.


Created 4 years ago.

30 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

A day in the life.... When you have 100% inside free-range Bunnies, they own you!

No idea why all my pictures load in the wrong direction on Bitchute- sorry.

COMING SOON- My new book "Finn's Hollow". Written in dedication to Mr. Albert, it follows the conjured adventures of Finn Bun. Sometimes escape is only possible through imagination.

Rabbits are the most abandoned pets behind only cats and dogs. But, unlike cats and dogs, there are very few rabbit rescues. Those that do exist are always at capacity. This leaves most unwanted rabbits to a horrid existence.

A minimum of 10% of any support to this channel will be donated to the Brambley Rabbit Rescue in Phoenix AZ. The balance will go into a savings account. I am saving up to start a rabbit rescue.

If you would like to support Brambley directly, it's super easy with Paypal. Or, just call the Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue in Phoenix AZ. If you are close to Phoenix, they need volunteers and/or supplies donations like flat sheets and vinegar.

Most rabbits don't have great lives such as what you see in video channels. Most rabbits have a life I don't want to describe here. Albert was my first baby and I had no clue what I'd gotten into- the work, expense, learning... Brambley literally taught me everything, groomed Albert for free while I learned- They house hundreds of rabbits that have been abused, abandoned, disabled...