Tenth Amendment Center

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Tenth Amendment Center



Honesty in politics? Yeah, we know - sounds impossible. But check out this episode and join us on a true path to liberty.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 28, 2024

The American Revolution wasn't just about throwing off a king. It was built on a radical idea: that the people have the right to resist and nullify usurpations of power by any government. Today, we'll dive deep into this secret weapon for liberty from the founding fathers - something they not only considered a right, but a duty.

Path to Liberty: June 26, 2024

Thomas Jefferson called the 10th Amendment the "foundation of the Constitution" for a reason. It enshrines many of the very principles that sparked the American Revolution - principles that even shaped his words in the Declaration of Independence! In this episode, we’ll dive into these Top 5 revolutionary ideas that have been ignored for far too long.

Path to Liberty: June 24, 2024

Shays' Rebellion was repeatedly cited by Federalists as a primary reason to replace the Articles of Confederation with a Constitution with a stronger central government. But what if the threat was exaggerated? Anti-Federalists sure thought so. In this episode, we'll dive into the debate and explore James Madison's surprising later admission about this pivotal moment in American history

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 21, 2024

Was the Constitution a recipe for tyranny? That's what Patrick Henry, Brutus, Federal Farmer and many other Anti-Federalists feared. In this episode, we'll explore three of their top arguments against ratification and their warnings about centralized power as a massive threat to liberty.

Path to Liberty: June 19, 2024

Forget everything the government-run schools taught you about the “pursuit of happiness.” The Founders had a far more radical understanding - something most history lessons miss or completely ignore. In this episode, we'll unlock this message in the Declaration of Independence, the way the founders intended.

Path to Liberty: June 17, 2024

The Founders knew that freedom can ONLY exist when power is kept under strict limits. Anything else is arbitrary power - how they defined tyranny.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 14, 2024

They don’t teach this in government-run schools. In this episode, we explore 8 foundational principles from the founders about the right to keep and bear arms that are almost totally ignored today.

Path to Liberty: June 12, 2024

Have you ever heard of Dr. Joseph Warren? He was a key figure in the American Revolution, a fiery orator who defied British tyranny, and the man who sent Paul Revere out on his famous Midnight Ride. This video dives into the incredible story of Joseph Warren, the "Pro Liberty, Anti-Empire" Founding “Grandfather” that history almost totally ignores.

Path to Liberty: June 10, 2024

The federal reserve is never going to end itself. And congress is not going to shut off its own private money printer. So it’s up to the people and the states - as the founders advised - to get the job done in support of the Constitution and liberty.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 7, 2024

Think all federal laws are supreme? Think again! In this episode, we'll explore how the Founders told us the Constitution is what's supreme - and everything else is a usurpation that's NULL AND VOID.

Path to Liberty: June 5, 2024

A lot of people in today’s liberty movement are totally wasting their time. They’re like a hamster on a wheel: running in place, getting nowhere. The problem is - they focus too much time, money and energy on elections as their primary - or only strategy for liberty. The Founders wouldn’t recognize this while living under the largest government in history.

Path to Liberty: June 3, 2024

Think you have financial privacy? Think again. Since Nixon, the US has increasingly turned banks and the entire financial industry into a massive surveillance network. This video dives deep into 5 of the major acts they’ve passed since 1970.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 31, 2024

Turns out the guy who said 'Give me Liberty or give me death!' wasn't a big fan of a giant, centralized government. Today, on Patrick Henry’s birthday, let’s see why he’s one of the real OGs of the 10th Amendment.

Path to Liberty: May 29, 2024

Despite what supporters of the monster state want you to believe, there are times when states push back against federal power and the supremacy clause doesn’t even apply. Learn about this powerful 10th Amendment tool called anti-commandeering.

Path to Liberty: May 27, 2024

This is an absolutely incredible story of resistance to federal power. Anthony Burns - born into slavery, escaped, captured - and the center of a massive standoff between people in Boston and the federal government.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 24, 2024

Imagine being a suspect for simply walking near a crime scene. That's the reality of a mass, warrantless surveillance tool called a geofence warrant

Path to Liberty: May 22, 2024

Explore the 4 biggest threats to liberty as identified by the Founding Fathers, with quotes & analysis included. Learn how history can guide us in protecting our freedoms today.

Path to Liberty: May 20, 2024

Executive Order 6102 - learn the truth behind the gold confiscation order, and the fact that most Americans defied it.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 17, 2024

What does "liberty" truly mean? We explore 3 schools of thought, from Filmer's "divine right" to Locke & the Founding Fathers' individual rights. Plus, modern thinkers like Rothbard and more! Discover the historical roots of your freedom.

Path to Liberty: May 15, 2024

Do you ever wonder what the Constitution really means? This video will show you how to understand the Constitution the way the Founding Fathers intended. We'll explore a process called "originalism" to determine the original meaning of the Constitution's clauses and phrases.

Path to Liberty: May 13, 2024

Gold and Silver, CBDC, Biometric Surveillance and 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy. We break down the bills and new laws & what they mean for YOU.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 10, 2024

They’re mostly ignored or forgotten today. But, to the founders, these five formed an international law and foreign policy pantheon.

Path to Liberty: May 8, 2024

No deal. That’s pretty much how North Carolina patriots responded to British Major General Henry Clinton’s proclamation condemning what he called their “wicked rebellion” along with his offer of amnesty for everyone, but two, in exchange for giving up their arms, and more.

Path to Liberty: May 6, 2024

George Washington asked his attorney general to give his opinion on whether he felt Alexander Hamilton’s Bank Bill was constitutional. The answer was a resounding no.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 3, 2024


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

843 videos

Category News & Politics

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."