TargetedWestShow - DJ Chris

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TargetedWestShow - DJ Chris



Fantastic second visit from Dr Ber. Discusses how mind control and brain entrainment works. We discuss the upcoming Rally and take questions from the audience. MK Tech book is discussed from the TI Book Club. Subscribe to my substack

We had the pleasure of interviewing Sandra and her journey through the legal system to end up free and blooming. Check out her website and check our her YouTube channel. TI Book Club features TI Meet Up Mastery. Join my newsletter

Our TI Book Club meets for some very interesting news Tievents.Org has produced a new book that is available on Amazon. Ana Toledo drops by to talk about the upcoming Colorado Rally in August 2024. Join my NewsLetter

Janet Phelan returns with information about her legal case with the CIA. Open Mic while we sort out the technical issues. The publisher drops Janet and she explains how she may do direct publishing. TW Network NewsLetter

We have Midge drop by to give her keynote speech. Moderators chimed in to tell us what they had planned. We take a moment to celebrate Jo our friend who we lost. Ideas for moderators and a free moderator guide giveaway.

Jax and Daniel discussed the fine details of the CS product. settings on the device were discussed and information about the sales of the device @ Telegram site for support after sales of the product.

We discuss the 1996 book by Gloria Naylor about her neighbor causing trouble over a complaint about their cat. We have Open Mic discussing various topics. Steve DC adds value to the call.

Informative and spiritual journey about women's empowerment. From victim to voice Dr Black gives her perspective on the biblical history of abuse against women. The perfect Mothers Day gift is a copy of her book.

John returns with another informative slide show and talk. Dream manipulation discussed discussion about vaccines. Quick RFK jr. clip and Q and A session. TI Book Club discusses his book.

Discussion about Neurorights in the community. Discussion about activism to spread the word of this hideous technology. Lewis is hoping for a big turnout worldwide for TI DAY on August 29th.

UNEDITED: We have the honor of interviewing ElanaFreeland.Com about her books.
A discussion about Geoengineering and Biohacking. Elana discussed out-of-body experiences while being put in synthetic dreams. TI Book Club discusses her book coming in August 2024.

Open Mic Concept with guest host Stephen Hammond. Our guest was unable to attend due to family pressure. Many families sabotage our efforts to get the word out. Stephen talks about the Mosquito technology for crowd disbursement.

Incredible interview with a very well-known TI activist. Discussion about Neuroscience and the M.I.N.D. technology back in 1966. Her website is chock full of vital information: #TI Book Club discusses How Hippies Saved Physics.

EXTENDED RECORDING Armando drops by to discuss his defense device that helps reduce attacks of V2K and RNM. Ana drops by to give testimony on how well it has worked for her. We discuss The Indoctrinated Brain in part two of the TI Book Club.

Open Mic and Chill for our second year. I would not be able to do this without your support so thank you for watching my videos. Midge Mathis drops by to discuss various topics. drops by and gives a toast.

EXTENDED RECORDING: We have Huggy Bear back for more information and a quick round-robin of questions as she answers them with aplomb. A technician who worked on cell towers gives testimony. JoshuaTBerglan.Com drops by to discuss his book and talk about his RIFE technology machine.

EXTENDED RECORDING. We have the pleasure of interviewing John the author of his popular book about his experience in Idaho. D.U.M.B. under his home causing vibration and forced lucid dreams. Q and A from the workgroup. TI Book Club covers his book.

We interview Tarun a very bright and honest man who got caught up in the targeting program. He has done extensive work researching how he is attacked. He feels SIS is involved and discusses Bryan Kofron. V2K, DEW and Gangstalking discussed. TIEvents.Org

Incredible show with our guest therapist. We discuss how targeted individuals can easily be a part of the mental health system after targeting. TI Book Club discovers a not-so-great book with poor graphics. Join us and other calls by visiting

Interview with Dr Len Ber. We discuss 6 questions from our workgroup. Sadly, our video was corrupted because of the high-level content and government reach because of the lawsuit. Thankfully I had the original video on hand, the entire audio interview and show is on Spotify.

Our first Open Mic session. We discuss the new Colorado Neural Rights Bill. We talk about Fusion Centers and more. TI Book Club discusses Nick Begich's Angels Don't Play This HAARP" TIEvents.Org for more calls like this offering.

EXTENDED RECORDING. We had the pleasure of having Midge come on and answer questions and share her updates. She is the co-founder of We talk about unity and having a buddy to help you get through targeting. TI Book Club discusses a whistleblowing book.

Restaurant Professional Andrew returns to discuss V2K solutions. A new TI drops by for advice by Andrew and DJ Chris. Huggy adds value and the TI Book Club discusses a whistleblower book. For more calls like this go to

New TI Moderator Guide for running your conference like this one. Tips on how to make your call smooth. Huggy adds value to the call with her data on the NSA. TIBookClub reads The NSA Book The Puzzle Palace. Open Mic TIevents.Org for more calls like this one.

Mix 333 DJ Chris I use these mixes to drown out my V2K so I can read and study, I hope it helps you too. I have been a club and Internet DJ since 1982
I have around 3,500 12-inch singles and thousands of MP3's


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

123 videos

Category Science & Technology

For over a year we talk about exotic 4th industrial revolution technology on the show every Sunday from 6 pm PST till 8 pm.
Synthetic Telepathy and V2K, COINTELPRO discoveries, and research discussed.420 consumed with Mukbang.
I have had synthetic telepathy and dreams plus other biological manipulations/zapping like a light touch Havana Syndrome,
for two decades and will share my symptoms of torture. I hope to hear from others on the call to share what they go through.

I have Neuro-Commerce adverts. Including T@co 8ell, Banksters, and a Bavarian car maker. The technology can see through your eyes via the brain and steal intellectual property and passwords. They use brain mapping and create a clone of you in the hive mind. The sunglasses you see me wear protect against blue laser dream makers with yellow tinted polarizing lens, RB4033 Ray Ban.
This is my 2nd decade of overtly being harassed via neuro-weapons both V2K audio two-way conversations with humans and AI and
biological manipulation mostly focused on the sacral chakra creating unwanted sexual lust, the perfect anti-personnel weapon.

They are Law and Order in nature in my case which leads me to think they are themed from a justice dept, local, state, or fed. Non-stop investigations they claim they need to perform in order to keep the money flow going for the war on terror is my best guess.
Someone has me in a floating prison box, a Digital Gitmo. Never-ending remote monitoring, a guard who interrogates you all day.
They make you think the neighbors are talking in your head to cause you to stress and move out or fight and call the police on people around your home or work. Sex and Death in nature. 24/7 no breaks. They bring up movie and music artists too like MJJ.

It is purely digital and remote extrajudicial Zersetzung , I am not the only one, so tune in. I am not racist nor right/left-wing or spewing dangerous content. --Just an old man in the middle. They erased me off Yu-Tube with Ramola D, so I had no choice but to move to this digital venue. I am a wet and warm node in a neural network. I am a retired tech worker from silly-con valley since 1986. I have new Epub books out, check my website INFOBLOG for more information. Join our TI Book Club: Our book club hashtag is #TIBookClub on Twitter.

My Targeted Trilogy Audiobook is for sale:

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