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Summer Solstice live mix 2024. Was a super fun night and everyone had a blast
Hope you enjoy this mix and all these that are posted as I put them out

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum bang!
DL link here:

Hey everyone thank you for listening to these mix sets and downloading them when you do.
I'm thankful and glad you dig them as much.
It was a great Thursday OOT Out of Touch Thursday night party.

Downloadable FREE as always in flac quality for maximum clarity!
DL link here:

Was a fun set. Opened up on some Synthwave/ Electronica, moved into Breakcore and ventured through my usual with Breaks.
Everyone seemed to enjoy it and was a pretty solid set
Thank you for your support!

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum bang!
DL link here:

This was my pre-birthday party show. Another year has passed and were still jammin weekly.
Hope you all enjoy this mix set as much as we all did and me mixing it.
Didn't ruin the mix with using a Happy Birthday track in this one. Skipped that this year
Thank you for your support always. I truly appreciate you

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum bump!
DL Link here:

Was a pretty fun ass set. We all had fun this week gathered to hear the chaos and I enjoyed mixing the stuff as always been addicted to mixing.
Thank you for your support!

Downloadable FREE as always @ flac Quality for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Was a decent set. Got some new tracks and tested a few transitions that were eh..
Few slips but hey at least you know its a live mix set hearing them
Hope you enjoy the mix and thank you for your support always

Downloadable FREE as always in flac quality for maximum clarity!
DL link here:

Super fun mix set that night. Its my Birthday month so been wilding out when I can jam.
I hope you enjoy this mix as much as we all did that night and the fun there with it.
Thank you for your support!

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum clarity!
DL link here:

Felt in a Trancy mood this week. Hope you all enjoy this set as much as I did mixing it and everyone who was there to hear it.
Thank you for all your support means a lot to me.

Downloadable FREE in flac Quality for maximum clarity as always!
DL link here:

Enjoy the tunes? Tip me direct at

Super epic set and fun tonight. Everyone had a great time
Was a sober mix set hyped up off Rockstar Fruit Punches
Thank you for all who jam these or download these. Glad you enjoy them as much as we all do weekly.
Your support rocks!

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Enjoy the tunes? Tip me direct at

Super fun set. Lots of bangers, new tracks, old tracks and legendary tracks.
Everyone had fun including me mixing it.
Thank you for your support as always without you I have no purpose to record these.

Downloadable FREE as always in maximum flac quality!
DL link here:

Enjoy the tunes? Tip me direct at
Happy OOT/ Out of Touch Thursday!
Tonight's set was extra special since it was OOT and my great friend Artica's Birthday.
If you hear the Birthday track thrown in here near the end it was out to him.
Happy Birthday Artica!
Hope you enjoy this mix set as much as we all did

Downloadable FREE in flac quality as always for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Enjoy the tunes? Tip me direct at

Super fun as per the usual. Everyone enjoyed the tunes and had a great time.
One small hickup during a transition besides that entire set was played smooth.

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum bump!
DL Link here:

This was a great mix set tonight. Fun stuff and unpredicable as always.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we all did.

Enjoy the tunes? Tip me direct at

Downloadable FREE in flac Quality for maximum bang as always!
DL Link here:

Super fun set. Few tracks I haven't played and many I have.
Hope you enjoy this mix show as much as we all did that night.
I want my.. I want my! I want my MTV!

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum BUMP!
DL link here:

Pretty fun mix set. Jammed on Wed night instead of Thursday this week.
Took last week off and back with a 3 hour mix set for you this week.

Hope you enjoy this mix as much as I did mixing it and everyone else that were there to hear it.
Thank you for your support!

Downloadable FREE in flac Quality as always!
DL link here:

Was a pretty epic mix set. Had a lot of fun.
Played a few tracks I never have before in this one.
Everyone seemed to enjoy it too. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Thank you for your continued support!

Downloadable FREE in flac quality for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Though this mix was mostly Breaks I did however throw in many Trance Breaks and few Trance tracks.
Been feelin Club tracks from the 90s so expect a mixture of those and Breaks for next weeks mix show.

Thank you for listening to these mixes, keeping the forgotten art alive and fading away forgotten music getting lost due to time

Downloadable FREE in flac quality for maximum bang as always!
DL Link here:

Last mix set for January already. Sheeeeeeesh this year is flying by so fast and it's just begun
2.5 hours of Breaks and about I say 5 Trance tracks thrown into the mix. Was just feelin it
Hope you enjoy this mix as much as we all did hearing it and me jamming it.
Great times

Downloadable FREE! as always @ flac quality for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Was a few slips during this set nothing totally vibe killing but if you listen closely you can hear where I fucked up but caught it before it was too bad. The joy of live mixing, such an adrenline rush.
Thank you for taking time to listen to these, whether is be during gaming, workouts, at work which ever the cause just thank you for even jamming them.

Downloadable FREE as always in flac quality for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Was a super fun night. High energy and a solid crazy mix set.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we all did.
If you're working out or need to get movin this is another one of those mix sets for you.
Was feelin it

Downloadable FREE! as always in flac quality for maximum bang!
DL link here:

HAPPY NEW YEAR BABY! First live mix show of 2024
Hell of a night for this one and we all had a blast
Thank you for all the support you give

Into the abyss we go of 2024!

Downloadable FREE! as always in flac quality for maximum bump!
DL Link here:

End of the year mix set. 3 hour mix special. Happy New Year 2024 baby!!!
Fuck the world we rule the airwaves!
Let yourself be free and don't care what else is happening around you.
It will consume you and waste your time from fun and being yourself.

2024 we dominate the airwaves together.
Thank you for your support always I love you very much!

Downloadable FREE always @ flac quality for maximum clarity!
DL link here:

Second to the last mix show of the year. Closing out with the Christmas jams this week and New Years jams the next.
Thank you all for who listen to these weekly or just listen to them in general and take your time out of the day to rock these weird tracks.
We all had fun this week getting together to let loose
Merry Christmas! from us all Goodbye 2023!!

Downloadable FREE as always @ flac quality for maximum bump!
DL link here:

Was a fun ride with this one. Super long mix set
Figure might aswell end the year off with some crazy stuff.
Thank you for all the support always! Merry Christmas to you and your family, friends and loved ones.

Downloadable FREE as always @ flac quality for maximum bump!
DL Link here:

Ended on a House track but 99% of this set is Breaks
It was really fun and we all had a great time. Full house of party people.
Super hype set this one. Got into the zone and was zoned out a bit there but broke out that and keep it hype
Always a challenge for yourself to see the direction you want to take people on with your journey of mixing.

Thank you always without you the listener and who are crazy to download these I have no reason to post them

Downloadable FREE as always in flac Quality for maximum bang!
DL link here:


Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

62 videos

Category Music