Spiritual Sauna

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Spiritual Sauna

Phillip A. Wilson


Estaphania reports "I was having some shoulder and back pain and I just got in and it already feels better... the heat feels very comfy. I feel like I could fall asleep right here. It's not uncomfortable."
"We tell people it feels like warm loving light."
"Yes. It feels like that. Like a hug. Yes it feels really comfortable."
"What was your level of pain?"
"A 7 or 8."
"What is it now?"
"2 to 3."

See people experience fast, drug-free pain relief using the Relax Sauna:

Phil Wilson of Relax Saunas gives a presentation which include:
Phil's background
How far infrared works
Tests done on the Relax Sauna
The history of the Relax Sauna
The thousands of people that have tried the Relax Sauna
Difference between the Relax Sauna and a standard wooden sauna
Cleaning the cells

"What is the best way to get rid of toxic chemicals including pesticides, heavy metals and hydrocarbon residues when you cannot tolerate a sauna? When a sauna makes you feel weak, sick, have a fast heart rate, faint, dizzy, panicky, headachy or just plain miserable, what is the solution? The far infrared sauna. Thanks to improved technology, the far infrared sauna is far safer and infinitely more tolerable, because it uses a heat energy that penetrates tissues, triggering mobilization of chemicals from subcutaneous fat storage, directly into the sweat. This activating penetration allows for a much lower overall temperature to be used (as I'll show you later), one that is enjoyable and not torture." -Dr Sherry Rogers in her book "Detoxify or Die"
Dr Sherry Rogers is a specialist in detoxing using saunas. Read more at

Lynn is a psychotherapist and also works with mindfulness and meditation. "We talk a lot about the practice and "dropping in", the more you practice the easier it is to drop in. I felt like I had a big drop in sitting in this. The next thing that came up in mind was this sitting behind a partition for privacy for my clients to sit in while waiting. That way they could be opened up and already dropped in. Then they come into their session and it is a whole other experience. Because I work a lot in getting people to drop in from their neck down."
"I deal primarily with trauma. Trauma is not psychological it is physiological. So having a tool like this to pair with it. It is one thing to say words but it is another for people to experience what they feel in their mind and in their heart when their physical body is experiencing something like this."

The far infrared energy helps with meditation and tuning the parasympathetic system. "I can feel it is different. It facilitated ( a meditation state) much more than if I just sat in a chair" - Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qijychdb3dc

More videos about the parasympathetic nervous system.

Try the Relax Sauna risk free for 30 days and you will feel the difference in the level of far infrared compared to other saunas. https://relaxsaunas.com

Kim was thrilled after only her second time using the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. "It is an amazing, I can't even describe the feeling. You can feel the heat penetrating and at the same time feeling the toxins leaving you body. After a few minutes in it when you get out your joints feel better your body feels better, you're relaxed. You want to take a nap. It would be a great place to sit and meditate.
It would be a difficult feeling to describe it is unlike any I ever had before. It is almost like an acupuncture, when you feel "acupuncture stoned" it is like a "sauna stoned" if that is such a thing!"
"It is hard to describe divine love isn't it?"
Read about the benefits of far infrared energy here. https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

Subscribe to our channel to learn more about far infrared and the benefits of sauna use!

At the Ozone conference Paula tried the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. She already owns another infrared sauna and said "this is definitely a lot more impactful. I'm very warm. I actually feel alert yet relaxed. I can definitely tell it has a lot more kick to it than what I have at home."
"Explain what you mean by a lot more kick."
"I am a lot warmer. The heat penetrates a lot deeper than what I have at home."
"You can feel it?"
"Yes. I'm sure that has to do with the far infrared. There is definitely a significant difference."
"How long have you owned your other sauna?"
"4 years."
"And this is like a ray of sunshine?"
"Yeah! It is kicking it up quiet a bit!"


What makes the Relax sauna different from other far infrared saunas? Find out - https://www.relaxsaunas.com/saunas-compared.html

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Songwriter Bobby Paige tried out the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. He has cancer and suffers from poor circulation, especially in his lower legs which made walking difficult. After just 11 minutes in the sauna he reported "I haven't been able to feel my toes like I do right now in 2 years!"
When he got out of the sauna his calves were noticeably softer to the touch.
During a second session he reported "So this machine is causing my circulation to start moving. I feel like a river of my blood is moving through my heel and my calves that hadn't felt anything except tightness before."
Later he reported. "I was totally floored by how I could feel my legs loosening up.
What did you expect before you got in?
I expected it would be like a hot tub or whatever. When I first got in I was like wow it is really hot in here. Then I could feel the benefit when I got out and started walking. I seemed to walk better. The second time I got in a really felt I could walk better. I was using a cane and I don't feel I need the cane right now. I feel super mellow."
Read a comparison of infrared saunas and what makes the Relax Far Infrared sauna different https://www.relaxsaunas.com/saunas-compared

The Relax Sauna is a must have for any home!

The pure far infrared light from this sauna has an amazing effect on the body that you must try in order to understand how good it is!

Infrared sauna review on the Relax Sauna

The Relax Sauna crates an overall feeling of wellbeing and relaxation as well as being a detoxification tool.

Glen used the sauna 3-4 times the day before and noticed an increase in his bowel movements. He ended up purchasing a Relax Sauna for him and his family.
The heat from sauna use can aid constipation by relaxing the muscles, increasing circulation and increasing water intake.

"What is the best way to get rid of toxic chemicals including pesticides, heavy metals and hydrocarbon residues when you cannot tolerate a sauna? When a sauna makes you feel weak, sick, have a fast heart rate, faint, dizzy, panicky, headachy or just plain miserable, what is the solution? The far infrared sauna. Thanks to improved technology, the far infrared sauna is far safer and infinitely more tolerable, because it uses a heat energy that penetrates tissues, triggering mobilization of chemicals from subcutaneous fat storage, directly into the sweat. This activating penetration allows for a much lower overall temperature to be used (as I'll show you later), one that is enjoyable and not torture." -Dr Sherry Rogers in her book "Detoxify or Die"
Dr Sherry Rogers is a specialist in detoxing using saunas. Read more at

Melody "I feel amazing. I feel sweaty and amazing. It feels great. My shoulders are loose my mid-back is very loose. It's awesome."
Did you you have any pain before?
I just had a little tension. We're travelling. I'm driving a lot. I had tension in my middle back but I don't any more.
It's all gone.
My shoulders feel looser. They have better mobility now.
Anything else to say about your 15 minute sauna experience?
I was impressed by how fast it heated up. Because I do infrared saunas and I was surprised by how fast it heated up.
Like 30 seconds.
Did you notice a difference between how you felt in here and how you felt in other infrared saunas you've been in?
Well this produced sweat but it also, the tissue just feels soft. Like an immediate softening of the tissues.
Do you feel that in other saunas?
No it is more like an after effect for infrared saunas. Like you take a sleep and then you feel loosey goosey.
So you are a happy camper?
Yes I am going to check this out. I like that it is portable too.
Read a comparison of infrared saunas and what makes the Relax Far Infrared sauna different https://www.relaxsaunas.com/saunas-compared

Judy is the founder of North America Herb and Spice, has owned a Relax Sauna for 10+ years. She was experiencing hip pain.
"You say your hip was hurting?"
"It was."
"We put the lamp on it. The professional grade Sky Eye Far Infrared Lamp. You said you pain was about 80%."
"Oh at least."
"And we got it down to..."
"I would say 60%."
"And what is it down to now."
"About 30. Probably about 30 percent."
"Because you did it again today and now you are a happy camper. and now we have you in the sauna."
"Yes and your cooking me real good."
"So what do you like about the Relax Sauna?"
"It very soothing, warming and calming. It just makes you feel great.... and rejuvenating."

You can check out much more research of far infrared and sauna use at https://www.relaxsaunas.com/scientificstudies.html

Dagmar was having a lot of mold allergy issues especially with her eyes being red and burning. She went to a naturopath who suggested to her to use the Relax Sauna. She started going every other day for 30 minutes. "After doing that for 3 months my body started to detox. Toxins came out of my skin, black spots on towels. My jewelry would be black... my eyes cleared up. Now after doing it for 2 years, it's wonderful."
"It was the Relax Sauna?"
"Yes, the exact same model. I have it at home in my study, so I can sit in it while I am watching my favorite soap operas."
"Would say the Relax Sauna was priceless to you?"
"I was a mess. Besides my eyes I also had joint pain. But at the same time I also stopped eating gluten."

You can check out much more research of far infrared and sauna use at https://www.relaxsaunas.com/scientificstudies.html

Kaya had a aortic aneurysm which required open heart surgery.
Uses the Relax Sauna for adversity training and releasing the heat shock proteins, heart health and inflammation or what is called "inflammaging".
Along with diet and lifestyle improvements he has added adversity temperature therapy.
"I do it a little bit more for relaxation and adversity training. When you face adversity whether it is 50 degrees in a ice bath or you face adversity where you stay in a sauna to a point where you want to get out but you challenge yourself. You release the heat shock proteins. In cold shock, the cold shock proteins. Apparently this thing (saunas) reduces your potential of having heart problems by 50 percent and Alzheimer by 65-66 percent.
Being in a cold shock resets your immune system which they connect to inflammaging. They say inflammation turns to inflammaging.
I've been doing saunas for the last 2 years. The challenge I have is that I travel a lot. So when I go out of town I don't have access (a sauna). That is why I am buying this today. If I am not near a Gym and not at my home. I am missing a sauna. I am only doing it only once or twice a week when I could be doing it everyday or every other day. So I am going to take this on my trips. "
You can find Sir Kaya on all social medias. His company offers success training for professionals.

Read about the benefits of far infrared energy here. https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

Rori "There is a lot of energy at an Expo. Sometimes when you are overloaded and when you get that feeling like you want to take a nap like the 3 o'clock zone, so I was going to take a nap and I said 'You know what Relax Saunas can do that'. So I marched over and decided to reset my nervous system and shift my physiology and I have to say right now I feel rejuvenated. I feel like I just took a nap."

Read about the benefits of far infrared energy here. https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

Subscribe to our channel to learn more about far infrared and the benefits of sauna use!

"Getting out of this sauna and standing up. I had some severe foot pain from walking around the strip today. It is gone. Completely gone. I feel like I could do everything I just did today again."
"It is relaxing. The muscles in my calves, in my hips and in my back. It is like they all just released. It's crazy. It's really amazing."
"I've been on pain medicines before for different injuries and this is faster acting and better. The pain medicine takes a while to kick in and it comes off and you are just in pain. Getting out of this thing I feel like I'm still in it. That is amazing. I love this thing. This thing is awesome.
This took care of my back pain in just minutes. I've never had relief that quickly."

See people experience fast, drug-free pain relief using the Relax Sauna:

Misha explains what he likes about the Relax Sauna. "I have been in a lot of saunas and you don't really feel the infrared in most infrared saunas. In a hot sauna you can only take it for 5 to 10 minutes and then you get out but in this I can be in for a long time.
It gets all my joints. It gets my acute back pain. It gets everything."
"So this compares really favorably to other saunas?"
"Yeah, especially the sit in saunas, I wouldn't even bother."

"I've been using this for the past year. It is the top of the line. I feel the sweat immediately. It heats up instantly. I feel so much better on a cellular level."
I do the drybrushing first. I get into the sauna."
"As I detox this is one of my go-to biohacking solutions."
"How does it make you feel in the morning when you use it?"
"I just feel amazing. I feel relaxed. One I've gotten that sweat out. I feel cellularly cleaned."

Richard is a disabled veteran and has had chronic pain for 32 years. He had a level 7 pain throughout his body. "Within a minute of getting in (the sauna) my shoulders, which I have had rotator cuff surgery in both shoulders, began to subside almost immediately. My diseased achilles, that went away after a couple minutes. My knees took a little bit longer. My back, which I have had multiple surgeries on, took the longest. I am down to a residual feeling of pain in my back at the moment. I am just waiting to see how long it last. Any relief of chronic pain for people who experience it is a blessing. So I feel blessed and am appreciative and grateful for the opportunity."

Valorie and Victoria share what they like about the Relax Sauna.
Valorie said "I like how it feels like a hot tub but you aren't getting wet. It is also detoxing you."
Victoria said "I feel in heaven.
My back was hurting, my feet were hurting. After I got in all my pain was gone. I feel like I'm in a hot spring. I feel like I am in a spa and I am so greatful to you and your company for bringing this concentrated sunlight deep into my pores, deep into my skin, deeper than what I feel from the Sun. I feel my body healing and I feel the pain gone. So thank you!"
"What was your level of pain?"
"About a 6. I was shoveling snow for about 2 hours before I got here."
"And it is all gone?"
"All gone. My feet feel like I'm getting a massage. I feel like I'm getting a massage on my whole body. It's heaven!"

Paula asked what the difference between the silver and black Relax Saunas.
She has owned the silver sauna for about 10 years. "We love our Relax Sauna. Whenever we don't feel good or have a cold, stressed. We go in it. It is really nice. It's very warm. It hasn't lost it's power, it's maintained. We love it."
"It is cheaper than getting a big sauna. We have moved it around the house as the years have gone by. It is easy to move around, which is great."
About the black sauna, Phil answers her question:
"The tent material is about twice as thick. The material inside is a little shinier so it reflects the light better. The best part is the embroidered logo. So it's our monet sauna. It's prestige, it looks cool. It's got sparkles to it."

Denise has owned a Relax Sauna for 6 years. "I love the Relax Sauna. It just gives you that "ah". The energy. A good sweat. Get all those toxins out. We live in such a toxic world. It makes you feel better, uplifted, more energy, relaxed. It's fantastic."

"(it was like a) full hot spring to go. Like a full sun to go."

"Did you expect it to be this good?"
"If it was a real sauna yes. It felt like a real sauna."

"Now I'll ask your friend. What were you saying about the sauna?"

"It feels like the summer in winter. Like a tree in winter. It feels hot and warm. "You receive the electromagnetic energy of life. Like your own sun. Right here. That's all yours. It's like hugging a tree in here but it is hugging you. It is exactly what I needed today. Thank you."

What is far infrared energy? https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

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Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

41 videos

Category Health & Medical