Hindsight 20/20: Retrospective

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Hindsight 20/20: Retrospective

Bajai Kulture


This is not religion. And it's probably not Truth. It's philosophy.
Florida remains number 1 in "New Cases." We've talked about this over the past several days. We witnessed in real time the demise of corporate media. I don't watch it al all these days. How about you. Where do you get your news?
One of my faults & flaws of my "youth" is the faith I have in my beliefs. I speak with such authority, only to be proven wrong further down the road. I might be wrong about what I believe today (in 2024.) So far the results of my faith is working for me. That's how I measure results.
Vernon Coleman clip that was removed...

We've been covering the case numbers the past few days, and contrasting them with deaths, (not all of which can be attributed to Covid.) "Anti-Maskers" testify in Palm Beach County. Florida has a rep for being kind of crazy. I wonder where these folks are today.

10,000 New Cases in Florida... literally over night. (Manipulating the numbers to make Florida look bad.) People flocked here anyway. Death rate dropping nonetheless.

The first tenet of Noxsoma Life Camp is "Know Thyself." I was struggling with a way to express this in 2020. I got it now, so if you're watching the Full Metal Ox series, you already know.

Scourge of the New World Order. Anti-maskers represent noncompliance, and that is counter to the plans for slavery. Proto Stand Up Irony.

Top topics of the day? What do you think? Very windy episode.

This of course is the allegory of the cave. If you don't know it, familiarize yourself with it. It's a step on the road to enlightenment. One thing that perplexes me about the cave, is... what do the prisoners think about their fellow prisoners? Is that a different form of reality?

There was an attempted coup in America in the early 1930s against FDR. You should research it. It will give you an idea of what the "elites" of the day thought that they could get away with. The problem was, although the plot was foiled, no one was punished nor exposed, so such a coup was attempted again. It was successful in 1963. And as we know (now) it was successful again in 2020. All the clues were there, but I still didn't believe it would happen. And look where we are now.

New season resolution... Not trying to convince anyone of anything. Exercise & discipline coaching.

Witnessing and change in our civilization. Father's Day 2020, and first full day of Summer. Everything I've done in my life has brought me to this point.
A fundamental shift in the way we live.

Do you know the way you feel when you don't know the way you feel? You say, "I feel some kinda way."
Stories from a combat veteran.
Back to the Latin phrases. It rhymes.
Summer starts today.

I wasn't aware of Juneteenth until adulthood. It hasn't even been 20 years. Some people act as if they'd known about it all their lives. You know how that happens. It's a federal holiday now, isn't it? More pandering. (Maybe Cory Bush is a congress woman?) There might be a video (made by The Roots) that explains Juneteenth.
Florida is still getting slammed by Media for "cases". We know now that fraudsters inflated the case count (casedemic). Indeed, most of us know now that it was a complete fraud. Suspicious then... But now we know.

This type of shit happens every day.
The Everything Industrial Complex tells us we're getting an upgrade but what we experience is a dumbing down. A retardation of the system. Which is why they don't want us saying "retard." Retard means to slow down. If you didn't know that you're probably retarded. LOL. Just kidding.
This philosophy I share works for me. Feel free to adapt it, modify it, or chuck it.
I'm not an overly smart person. But I have a pretty good memory so I don't have the bang myself into a brick wall more than once to realize that it won't get me to the other side. If you know what I'm sayin' can may subscribe.

Don't Go Out Like a Sucker! This is the future.
Quitting LAF today! It was more of an ordeal than they let on. I think I may have vowed "never" to go back. But I almost thought about it.
Update from CHAZ. Charging a white tax in the autonomous zone.
Whenever I look at these episodes I think of "The Twelve Monkeys."

Vitamin D has been controversial lately. I think it's more fearporn than actual information. (I have done the 2024 research.)
The DISCLAIMER for this episode is that this is not medical advice and I'm reporting on (repeating) what I heard from the lectures I've been watching. So do your own research.
Yes, the main ingredient is synthetic vitamin d (Chloecalciferol) is the same ingredient in rat poison. But since humans aren't rats is NOT human poison. do your own research.... and if you'd prefer natural Vitamin D go for it.
Derrick Chauvin crisis actor? Crowd funding scammy payoff?
This is some "just sayin'" rumours. Did any of these conspiracy theories ever amount to anything?

Ron DeSantis narrowly defeated his opponent for governor of the State of Florida. It made a big difference during the plandemic. He followed to "guidelines" early, but seemed to have caught on to the scam. Asked some questions and slowly cautiously "opened the state." We applauded him for that, but the media industrial complex gave him shit for that... the way they do.
Whistleblowers use the word, "murder."
Keep in mind, this has already happened. Can't do anything about it. But I was just reporting on reports from my little west Miami refuge. Most people in this community complied & when I caught on and stopped covering my face when shopping, words were exchanged & I quickly realized that They (retail authorities) couldn't do a thing about it!

There hasn't been an honest election in the United States since?? Some people might say "ever." We "know" how history is manipulated, so even going back to 1960 Kennedy v Nixon, historians are accusing that of being rigged. Maybe they were all rigged.
More dealing with LAF. Like Hotel California... they'll never let you go.
Anyway... a cynical look at the Presidential elections of this century.

It's very interesting how daily chronicling on this era has enabled your humble vagabond to prepare for the future. On this day we discuss the CHAZ autonomous zone in the City formerly known as Seattle.
Remember the 2020 "Summer of Love" in Seattle?
Whistleblower nurse talks about deaths in hospitals in New York.
We predict the lawsuits against the "covid" protocols and procedures.
Cancelling LAF membership. Was considering going back until I looked at these retro episodes.

Doing a lot of quoting in this episode.
Talking about dates & events throughout history on the 11th day of various months.
Conspiracy Theorists' Delight.
the WHO is alleged to be cooking up another global "flu" pandemic, so maybe they announce it today (6-11-2024)
"God don't like ugly."

Day 1100 of Noxsoma Life Camp (the first round). But also beaches in Miami Dade opened on this day in 2020, from about sun up to sun down. As if the "virus" won't attack without daylight. I know the "logic" has nothing to do with wellness or safety.
We start Latin Phrase of the Day today. I'd forgotten all about this. But it started my "investigation" of how the actual meanings of words are occulted and adjusted to manipulate us.
AND... we start talking about fortifying the body (vessel) against the next "attack". (Keep in mind, I was operating from "germ theory" at t his point, so some of the info is outdated. I'm it unedited for contrast.)
The "supplements" presentations didn't last either. OH Well. noxsoma.com still exists, but it's just for storage these days.

Today we remember the day Congressional Democrats dressed up in kinte cloths and colors in faux solidarity with African Americans behind the George Floyd incident. You may already know the story behind the Floyd story. It fits the pattern of what we've seen before (regime changes) Arab spring, and even in Iran... but that's the future. And it worked again... didn't it?

Another day under fake lockdown. Predicting that we'll be looking back on these videos some day. (Some day has come.) "A pandemic is just as good as a war" in terms of results. Turned out to be an interesting episode.

This City of Coral Gables has released a manual called the "New Normal." I never saw it. Never read it, that I can remember. (Maybe I dismissed it & talk about it in future episodes.)

June of 2020 is probably the rise of BLM. I don't know the "actual" history, but this was when it became as operation, when it got corporate funding. You may have been suspicious then. But what do you know now? Park workout challenge continues. Almost back to normal.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

76 videos

Category Vlogging

Hindsight 20/20
(NOXSOMA Life Camp)
Survival Year Year 2020

This was the year that changed everything in the world. Four years later, we're looking back. We'll begin with April and quite possibly post daily.

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