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This lecture covers several topics delivered By teacher Ray Bunzow:

1. Discusses juneteenth and sites the first legal slave owner in America was a Black man named Anthony Johnson in 1655.

2. Criticizes the current public school system, arguing it fails to teach important topics like the Declaration of Independence, tax filing, self-defense, and American values.

3. Addresses transgender issues, citing a German study claiming most people diagnosed with gender dysphoria grow out of it within 5 years. This is a mental health issue rather than a permanent identity.

4. A federal judge's ruling is discussed, which states that sex in Title IX refers to biological sex, not gender identity, contradicting the Biden administration's interpretation.

5. Talks about a jew professor's views on climate change potentially leading to increased racial mixing.

6. Gun rights are discussed, with the perspective that links gun control attitudes to racial views.

7. Differentiates between federal citizens and state citizens, with different legal statuses.

8. Expresses skepticism about the upcoming election and donald trump's platform.

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This sermon by Pastor Greg discusses the concept of infringement, particularly in relation to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Scriptural teachings. Here's a summary of the main points:

1. The sermon begins with a prayer and introduces the topic of "infringement."

2. Pastor Greg argues that people have infringed upon YHVH’S laws, resulting in curses or punishments.

3. Quotes the Second Amendment, emphasizing the phrase "shall not be infringed" regarding the right to bear arms.

4. Historical context is provided, mentioning the Pilgrims and early American settlers who used firearms for survival and securing liberty.

5. Criticizes a recent Supreme Court ruling that allows for temporary disarmament in cases of domestic violence restraining orders, viewing it as an infringement on constitutional rights.

6. The Militia Act of 1903 (Dick Act) is cited, which affirms the right of citizens to own any type of firearm.

7. Pastor Greg connects the topic to Scripture, quoting Luke 22:36, where Yahshua instructs his followers to arm themselves.

8. The sermon emphasizes that the right to bear arms is about self-defense and protecting one's homeland, not about violence against innocent people.

9. Concludes by stating that adhering to YHVH’S laws is crucial and that being armed is a form of peaceful preparedness.

The overall message combines constitutional rights, historical context, and religious teachings to argue for the importance of gun ownership and the right to self-defense.



This sermon by Dr. Wesley Swift discusses the great apostasy or falling away from traditional Christian beliefs and values. The main points include:

- Criticism of churches and clergy who have moved away from literal interpretations of the Scripture and traditional doctrines
- Opposition to racial integration, interracial relationships, and immigration
- Belief that America and White Christians have a special role in YHVH’S plan
- Calls for racial separation and preserving White Christian culture
- Criticism of socialism, communism, and progressive political movements
- Belief that the apostasy is a sign of the end times
- Calls for Christians to awaken and actively oppose these trends
- Predictions of YHVH’S judgment against those seen as false teachers and enemies of Christianity
- Encouragement that YHVH will restore and empower true believers



This is a summary of Scriptures and Historicity hosted by Pastor Bob Jones and Andre. Here are the key points discussed:

1. Promote Christian Identity or racial identity.

2. Express many views, including towards black people and jews.

3. The pure White race are the true chosen people of God YHVH.

4. Discuss ongoing societal conflicts as part of a cosmic war between good and evil.

5. Criticize mainstream churches, media, government, education, and other institutions as corrupt or misleading.

6. Encourage listeners to arm themselves and prepare for increasing conflict.

7. Promote studying Scripture but warn against mainstream religious teachings.

8. Discuss child trafficking and ritual abuse by elites.

9. Advocate defending yourself against those they view as enemies.

10. Warn listeners about a coming deception by a false messiah.



This lecture By Dr. James P. Wickstrom is focused on correcting errors in the Book of Ezekiel as presented in Scripture. The main points are:

1. Dr. Wickstrom explains that the Book of Ezekiel has been mistranslated and the chapters are out of chronicle order, consisting of only 14 chapters instead of the 48 presented in most Scriptures.

2. He goes through each of the 14 real chapters according to his research, citing verses and explaining where they should actually fall chronologically based on the dates and events mentioned.

3. Accuses the translators of deliberately distorting the sequence to confuse readers, especially regarding prophecies about the end times that are relevant today.

4. Dr. Wickstrom emphasizes the importance of understanding Ezekiel's writings correctly, particularly the final chapter (which combines portions of chapters 1 and 7 in most Scriptures), as it contains warnings about punishment from YHVH against disobedient nations like the United States.

5. He connects this alleged distortion to a broader conspiracy of removing the name YHVH from Scriptural texts and promoting false religions and politics instead of obedience to YHVH.

6. The lecture aims to awaken people to these errors and provide the proper chronological reading of Ezekiel's writings, which Dr. Wickstrom reveals profound truths about the end times.

This is critical view of established Scriptural translations and organized religion, while promoting an alternative interpretation centered on obedience to Dr. Wickstrom’s understanding of YHVH’S will.



This lecture on the evening on The Feast of First Fruits, is given by Teacher Ray Bunzow on June 8, 2024, covers several controversial topics related to religion, politics, and race.

Key points include:

1. Discussion of recent legislation (Anti-Semitism Awareness Act) and concerns about its impact on free speech and religious expression.

2. jew overrepresentation in media ownership and Congress.

3. References to Scriptural passages, particularly from Revelation, to confirm claims.

4. Historical references to past papal decrees regarding treatment of jews.

5. Criticism of current U.S. political situations, including immigration policy and investigations into political figures.

6. Calls for racial purity.

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Summary of the key points from this sermon delivered by Pastor Greg.

The sermon begins with a prayer to YHVH and states that the message will be difficult to hear.

Pastor Greg says that White Western European peoples are the true sons of YHVH and have been responsible for major advancements in civilization.

The sermon then discusses HR 61, a proposed U.S. law against White supremacy-inspired hate crimes. This legislation is targeting religious beliefs and gatherings.

Warns that Whites will face persecution, citing Matthew 10:22 about being hated for their race. It encourages listeners to remain steadfast in their beliefs, repent, and follow YHVH’S laws rather than man-made laws.

Emphasizes that despite hardships, Whites should not fear because YHVH is in control. Current difficulties as a test of faith and a process of purification.

Concludes by reassuring followers that if they adhere YHVH’S laws, they will be protected regardless of earthly consequences.



Traditional Christianity hosted by Pastor Bob Jones and Pastor Greg discusses several extreme and controversial views:

1. Discuss The Two Seed-line Identity interpretation of Scriptural texts.

2. They talk strongly about jews who are children of satan and not YHVH’S chosen people.

3. They promote controversial ideologies, stating that only pure White race people are children of YHVH.

4. Discuss many topics about Jews controlling various industries and governments.

5. Talk extensively about L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology, criticizing the organization and its practices.

6. Mention connections between various counterculture movements, intelligence agencies, and Hollywood in the 1960s.

7. The show includes discussions on martial arts, financial advice (promoting gold and silver), and preparations for potential societal collapse.

8. Warn listeners to distrust governments and mainstream media, which they claim are controlled by jews.

9. Encourage listeners to study Scriptural texts and prepare for a coming conflicts and societal changes.



This lecture is given by Teacher Ray Bunzow on June 8, 2024, discussing topics related to Covenant identity and Scriptural interpretation. Here are the key points:

1. Teacher Ray emphasizes the importance of YHVH as the one true God and redeemer.

2. He discusses the concept of first fruits and its relation to Yahsuha’s resurrection and ascension.

3. The lecture touches on the fact that White Western Europeans are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel.

4. There's discussion of Scriptural figures like Moses and Elijah, and their significance.

5.Teacher Ray talks about the Ten Commandments and their interpretation in different religious traditions.

6. He mentions recent controversies about removing the Scripture from some school libraries in Utah.

7. Criticism of Roman Catholic philosophy and ethics.

8. The lecture includes commentary on the Council of Nicaea and its historical context.

9. Teacher Ray expresses concern about modern society losing touch with traditional values and identity.

10. Throughout, there's an emphasis on understanding one's heritage and destiny as part of a chosen people.

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This radio show is a discussion between Brother Mark and Pastor Bob Jones. The main topics discussed include:

- Exposing jews as evil, deceitful, and the children of satan based on interpretations of Scripture.

- jew control over various sectors like banking, media, politics, corporations, and involvement in wars for profit. jew involvement in money laundering, human trafficking, and other illegal activities.

- Opposition to the stock market, which is described as a rigged game controlled by jews, and preference for investing in real estate, businesses, precious metals, and other tangible assets.

- Adherence to Scriptural principles regarding money lending, marriage, sexual morality, and genealogical lineage tying the White race back to ancient Israelites.

- Concerns about current economic systems, taxation, debt, and disdain for modern medicine in favor of traditional remedies and herbalism.

- Anticipation of an upcoming financial system reset and references to supposed insider groups with knowledge about it.



Dr. Swift's Wednesday Night Bible Q and A



Here is a summary of the key points from Father Coughlin's sermon:

- Father Coughlin is offering a free book containing his radio addresses from the past year and a statement from Pope Pius XI on atheistic communism. He urges listeners to write to him to get a copy.

- Warns that in 1939, there will be a battle between communism and Nazism that America must stay out of and remain neutral. He condemns both ideologies as un-American.

- Accuses the press and radio of pro-communist propaganda to try to sway America to side with communists against the Nazis in an impending European war.

- Praises Neville Chamberlain for achieving the Munich Peace Pact and avoiding war with Germany over Czechoslovakia in 1938.

- Caims some in America want to establish a dictatorship by involving the U.S. in the coming European war on the side of communism against Nazism.

- Warns of proposed bills in Congress that would give the president dictatorial war powers over industry and private enterprise if war is declared.

- Calls on Americans to organize to preserve democracy, the Constitution, and avoid foreign entanglements in the coming conflict between communism and Nazism in Europe.



This a lecture by Dr. James P. Wickstrom during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2006. The main points covered are:

1. White Western European peoples are the true Israelites and lost sheep of the house of Jacob/Israel.

2. Strongly condemns interracial marriage and mixing, calling it an abomination against YHVH’S laws. He cites passages like Ezra 9 and Deuteronomy 7 to support this view.

3. Critical of Christian ministers and churches, accusing them of being corrupted by jew/communist influences and failing to teach the truth that White Europeans are YHVH’S chosen people.

4. Interprets the new covenant mentioned in the New Testament as YHVH putting his laws into the hearts and minds of the White European Israelites, not abolishing the Old Testament laws.

5. Calls for White Europeans to repent, obey YHVH’S laws, avoid racial mixing, and turn away from the wicked teachings of modern churches to restore their status as YHVH’S holy, chosen people.



This sermon by Pastor Greg focuses on the meaning of the word holy and its significance for the Covenant Identity message. The key points are:

1. The word holy means set apart or separate according to Strong's Biblical concordance.

2. The White Western European people Germanic, Scandinavian, Lombardic are the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the literal descendants of YHVH.

3. As YHVH’S chosen people, they are called to be holy or separate from others in their conduct and way of life.

4. They are exalted and worthy above all others because of their divine origin, and their purpose is to rule over the earth in YHVH’S name, not for their own glory.

5. Scriptural verses from 1 Peter, Isaiah, and 1 Corinthians are cited to support the idea that White peoples are the temples of YHVH and must be holy as YHVH is holy.

6. The sermon urges the audience to remember their holy identity, separate themselves from the heathen, share this gospel or message, and praise YHVH during the Pentecost celebration.



This lecture by Teacher Ray Bunzow covers a variety of topics related to the book of Revelation. The main points are:

1. Criticizes mainstream Christianity for worshipping the sun and neglecting the Father YHVH.

2. Interprets the rider on the white horse with the bow in Revelation 6 as representing the Antichrist and the LGBTQ community, which is evil and immoral.

3. Discusses the other horsemen (war, famine, death) and sees their fulfillment in modern wars, economic troubles, and societal ills.

4. YHVH Himself took on a physical body, as prophesied in the Old Testament, and His spirit was on earth for about 33 years, which caused a silence in heaven for half an hour.

5. Condemns homosexuality as a great evil that society is being forced to accept, comparing it to compromising with sin.

6. Cites examples of how life was more affordable decades ago before inflation drastically increased costs.

7. Questions some translations and interpretations in the King James Bible, suggesting scribal errors.

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This radio sermon by Father Charles E. Coughlin discusses and critiques the United States' financial system and the role of the Federal Reserve banks. Here are the key points:

- The Federal Reserve banks are privately owned corporations, not government entities, owned by member banks.

- When the government issues bonds to finance spending, the Federal Reserve member banks can essentially create money out of thin air by buying those bonds with just a small fraction of reserves.

- Coughlin argues this allows the private banks to profit immensely from lending money they did not truly have to the government, while putting the burden of repaying that debt on taxpayers.

- He contends the current debt-based monetary system concentrates wealth in the hands of the few private banking interests rather than properly distributing it among citizens and productive enterprises.

- Coughlin questions whether it would be better for the government to issue its own money debt-free rather than borrowing from private banks at interest.

- He cites historical documents showing concerns from officials like William Jennings Bryan about the influence of banking interests funding wars through such bond purchases.

Overall, Coughlin harshly criticizes the Federal Reserve system as an obsolete, debt-based system that unduly benefits private banking corporations at the expense of the public good.



These sermons are by Pastor Bertrand Comparet. Some key points:

- Scriptural figures like cain were actual historical people and that cain founded pagan civilizations and instituted satan worship.

- Certain ethnic/religious groups are actively plotting to destroy the White Christian majority and enslave them through economic control, crime, and by undermining their freedom.

- Advocates getting rid of evil people through violence, citing Scriptural justifications for executing criminals and persecuting minority groups as the are threats.

- Promotes the idea that good and evil cannot peacefully coexist, and that the good must destroy the evil groups it identifies.

- Exposes jews that are controlling industries, media, politics etc. to oppress the majority.



Traditional Christianity is hosted by Pastor Bob Jones and Pastor Greg. Promote The Two Seedline Identity message. Here are some key points:

- Only the pure White race are the true sons and daughters of YHVH, while jews are the satanic seed line created by satan.

-Expose jews controlling governments, banks, media, and engaging in pedophilia, cannibalism, and other criminal activities on a massive scale.

- Advocates segregation and rejects any race-mixing between whites and other races. Justifies this using the Scripture.

- Promotes survivalist philosophies like stockpiling food, water, guns and ammunition in preparation for an unspecified future event or chaos.

- Dismisses mainstream media, government institutions, established religions like Christianity as being controlled by jews perpetrating mass deception on the populace.



Here is a summary of the sermon by Dr. Wesley Swift:

The sermon discusses the kingdom of YHVH and that Yahshua will establish a literal government and reign on earth. Some key points:

- Scripture foretells that the government shall be upon his [Christ's] shoulder and he will rule on the throne of David forever.

- His Kingdom will be established through war and violence, overthrowing the forces of darkness and ungodly governments.

- White, Christian nations historically had colonial power and spread civilization, that Dr. Swift endorses as ordained by YHVH for his chosen people to occupy the earth.

- When The Kingdom comes, enforcement of YHVH’S laws, rid the earth of sin and vice, and the nations will live in righteousness under Christ's rule.

- Whites people should work now to uphold Scriptural principles in politics and government in preparation for this kingdom.

- There will be abundance and joy in the kingdom as Christ's reign brings blessings through technology, wisdom and occupying the earth properly.



This lecture by James P. Wickstrom covers the Scriptural figure of David, from his youth as a shepherd boy to his kingship over Israel. Wickstrom portrays David as coming from a prominent family in Bethlehem and emphasizes his deep love for YHVH. He recounts David's anointing by Samuel, his victories against Goliath and the Philistines, and his complicated relationship with King Saul, who saw David as a threat. Wickstrom discusses David's rise to power, consolidation of his kingdom, and struggles within his family, such as the rebellion of his son Absalom. Throughout, Wickstrom aims to present David as a complex human figure with ambitions, emotions, and flaws, while ultimately remaining devoted to YHVH.



This sermon by Pastor Greg discusses the concept of innocence from a Racial Covenant Identity perspective. He begins by defining innocence as being free from guilt, blameless, and lacking corruption or malice. Pastor Greg then references the book of Genesis, specifically the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It suggests that Adam and Eve were initially innocent, but lost their innocence when they disobeyed YHVH’S command and ate from the forbidden tree.

Pastor Greg’s sermon interprets the serpent's deception of Eve as satan lying to her, and defining that the eating mentioned in the passage was a euphemism for sexual relations between Eve and the serpent (a fallen angel). This transgression is described as the first instance of race-mixing, which broke YHVH’S command to multiply "kind after kind."

Then Pastor Greg contrasts Adam and Eve's initial state of innocence, where their needs were provided for, with their fallen state after disobeying YHVH. He suggests that when Yahshua returns, innocence will be restored.

The sermon concludes by quoting Philippians 2:14-15, encouraging believers to be "blameless and harmless" as children of YHVH, shining as lights in a crooked world. Expressing that YHVH loves His children and will heal the earth, restoring it to its intended state of perfection.



This lecture by Teacher Ray Bunzow is on the history of the ancient Israelites and their cycles of disobedience and punishment as recorded in Scripture. The key points are:

1. Emphasizes the importance of obeying YHVH”s laws and commandments, and raising children with proper discipline and morality. Condemns allowing pagan influences and intermarriage with other nations.

2. Chronicles several periods when the Israelites disobeyed YHVH and fell into bondage to other nations, as described in the books of Exodus, Judges, etc. Each time they repented, YHVH raised up leaders/judges to deliver them.

3. Teacher Ray sees parallels between ancient Israel's disobedience and modern society's drift from YHVH’S ways, suggesting YHVH is using natural disasters, crop failures, etc. to discipline humanity.

4. He calls for repentance, obedience to YHVH’S laws, separation from foreign influences, and righteous indignation against societal ills. He praises YHVH’S strict justice and sovereignty over nature.

5. Points are made about other religions, racial issues, and controversial historical claims, though the overall thrust seems to be a call to return to Scriptural morality and obedience to YHVH.

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This sermon by Dr. Wesley Swift exposes the jew banking conspiracy to control the global financial system and subjugate nations through economic manipulation. Dr. Swift accuses jew banking families like the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and the firms they controlled (e.g., Kuhn Loeb & Co.) of orchestrating events like the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression, and financing both sides of wars to increase their power.

These bankers created the Federal Reserve to control the U.S. monetary system and aimed to plunge America into economic depression to buy up assets cheaply. They wanted to subordinate the U.S. to a world government controlled by socialists and communists. Dr. Swift sees their influence in government policies he disagrees with and warns their financial dominance is a threat to Christianity and freedom.

Dr. Swift calls for breaking away from this economic Egypt by establishing an interest-free, production-backed economy that would strip power from these parasitic bankers and international financiers. The solution proposed is a return to Scriptural principles and Constitutional rights to liberate the nation from the jew banking bondage.



This lecture by Dr. James P. Wickstrom discusses the Racial Identity Message. The main points are:

1. White Western European people are the true Israelites and the chosen people of YHVH.

2. He strongly opposes interracial marriage and relationships, referring to it as race mixing and an abomination against YHVH”S laws. He cites Scriptural passages prohibiting this.

3. Critical of mainstream Christian churches, accusing them of failing to teach YHVH”S laws against race mixing. He contrasts his teachings with churches that have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

4. Provides the interpretation of Scriptural passages related to Moloch, which he associates with interracial relationships and the offspring resulting from them.

5. Expresses concerns about demographic changes in the United States due to increases in interracial relationships and individuals of mixed racial backgrounds.



This sermon by Pastor Greg focuses on the fact that everything in life is predetermined by YHVH and that there is no such thing as luck or coincidence. The key points are:

1. YHVH is in control of all events, big and small, and has already determined the outcome.

2. Scripture passages from Colossians, Proverbs, Job, and Ephesians are cited to support the notion that YHVH created all things and has complete power over everything.

3. The idea of luck is rejected, as Pastor Greg argues that it is YHVH’S will, not luck, that determines whether one is spared from harm or receives blessings.

4. Emphasizes the importance of loving and obeying YHVH, as well as separating oneself racially, spiritually, and geographically from the heathen (non-believers or those of other races/religions).

5. It is stated that following YHVH’S laws brings blessings, while disobedience brings curses, as YHVH is unchanging in his ways.

The overall message is that one's fate, whether good or bad, is entirely in YHVH’S hands, and that White people should place their trust in YHVH’S plan and follow his commandments diligently.




Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

543 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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