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Kenan SonOfEnos


Thanks to our collective efforts to J-Pill the masses, the Goyim now know, and the Jews know that the Goyim know, so things are about to get very sketchy because the worldwide revolt against Jewish Supremacy is close at hand. All the signs are there, so much so, that you'd have to be blind not to see it.

The Genocidal Jews have overplayed their hand, and now, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming... NOTHING!!!

Thank you for supporting this channel, I could not continue to do this without your contributions. Here's the link

If you want to mail me something, please address it to "Marketing" on the envelope and send to

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Thank you for your support, and God Bless

Everything you need to know about the Jew, and the Shabbos Goy who serve them. Like Dustin says in this interview, naming the Jew is the litmus test for truthers. If you don't name the Jew, then your message isn't true, and there's probably something wrong with you. This interview is uncensored and no-holds-barred.

If you can help the truth tellers who have the courage to name the Jew, please do. The links are below

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it's a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence. In this report, I'm exposing the Zionist Controlled Government while calling for extreme accountability. This is an important video that you're not gonna want to miss.

I could not continue to do these shows, if it weren't for your support. Thank you, for making this possible, here's the link

You can send cash, or a check made out to "cash" or whatever else you would like to send me at this address

Mailing address
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

My first interview, not gonna describe it, check it out for yourself

This channel could not continue without your support, I know times are tough, but if you value these reports and can contribute to keep them coming, please do. Here's the link

You can send cash, or a check made out to "cash" or whatever else you would like to send me at this address

Mailing address
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Victor Hugo's website
Victor Hugo's Bitchute channel

The political divide is a charade, the left hates white people while the right worships Jews... who also hate white people. Either way, it will always be just more of the same.

This video covers my analysis of Trump, the Genocidal Jews, the left right paradigm, and everything in between.

This channel could not continue without your support, I know times are tough, but if you value these reports and can contribute to keep them coming, please do. Here's the link

You can send cash, or a check made out to "cash" or whatever else you would like to send me at this address

Mailing address
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Smoke&Mirrors channel:

NO BOTS ALLOWED BlackPilledHAM's channel

When you watch this, try to view it through the eyes of a Normie. They believe in viruses, they believe that there was a pandemic, so this video isn't about giving them a massive Redpill-Suppository, it's about proving to them that they've been injured by the genocide-jab.

Still working on my next report, I'll get it out to you as soon as possible. Until then, I hope you enjoy this film. It is powerful

There are a few points in the beginning of this that I don't believe are true, the Ashkenazi are Khazarian and not from Biblical Palestine. But here's the long history of whom the deceived Zionist Christians actually believe are "God's chosen people", which is only true, if your god is Moloch

I'm hoping to shoot my next report tomorrow, till then, I hope you enjoy this very enlightening video

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The revolution's begun as the world is waking up to the JQ. The Jews are panicking, so things are going to get even more crazy. Here's what you need to know so you'll be ready for what's coming, because this time, nothing can stop it.

This channel could not continue without your support, I know times are tough, but if you value these reports and can contribute to keep them coming, please do. Here's the link

You can send cash, or a check made out to "cash" or whatever else you would like to send me at this address

Mailing address
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

The Satanic Jews are desperate because they know their time is short. They're pulling out all the stops to usher in their Antichrist-Moshiach, but it won't work.

Instead of their Messiah, they'll get 40 days to have their "come to Jesus" moment, or face the Wrath of God.

Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy predicts the rise of the Fourth Reich will cleanse America and bring an end to the Jew World Order. It's LITERALLY written in stone!!!

This channel could not continue without your support, I know times are tough, but if you value these reports and can contribute to keep them coming, please do. Here's the link

Mailing address
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Social Media links

Links to Truthers mentioned who name the Jew
Ernie Rolando

They've gone too far, and now their lawlessness have left them vulnerable to the perfect take down by We The People. This is absolutely fool-proof, so if you want to learn how we can defeat our ZOG, then you're not going to want to miss this report.

This channel only exists thanks to your contributions. If you are able to support my work, please do. Here's the link

If you want to support this channel old-school style, please send a check made out to "Cash" to this address:

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Horrible Jewish Snuff channel on Telegram

I am acutely aware that the world seems very dark right now, with a blatant genocide being perpetrated in plain sight and our treasonous complicit governments in the Collective West bowing the knee to their Zionist masters, but all of this chaos is just a facade to conceal the fact that Satanic and Genocidal-Jews are being exposed unlike any time in history. Their evil deeds are being brought to the light, and everyone can see them for the monsters that they truly are.

The countdown has begun, and our Zionist Occupied Governments have begun their fall, and they know that nothing can stop this. They failed to bring about their One World Government, there are simply too many people who are awake now, and as Patriots are going on the offensive, like a cornered animal, they are flailing madly because they know their days are numbered, and soon they will have to pay for their crimes.

There has never been a more dangerous, nor more exciting time to be alive. If you are looking to understand what's really going on, and what the path forward is, then you're not going to want to miss this report.

This channel is only made possible thanks to your contributions. If you are able to support my work, please do. Here's the link

If you want to support this channel old-school style, please send a check made out to "Cash" to this address:

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Norm Traversy's email if you have intel on Trudeau's thugs that brutalized the Freedom Convoy [email protected]

The devils who have been corrupting our world, genociding humanity, and trying to enslave the population are being exposed like never before. They've been identified, they've been outed, and now their day of judgement is at hand.

They have massively overplayed their hand, so now they're desperate to start WW3 in a failing attempt to cover their crimes, but it's too late. The Jews have been exposed as the inhuman parasites that they are, and their dream of a One World Government to enslave all the Goyim is crumbling before their eyes. Too many are now awake, and these sociopaths are in complete panic mode. This is it, the end game, and the enemy of all humanity has lost.

This channel is only made possible thanks to your contributions. If you are able to support my work, please do. Here's the link

If you want to support this channel old-school style, please send a check made out to "Cash" to this address:

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

I have been running into a lot of difficulties trying to produce another report, sorry for the delay. I hope to get one out in the next day or so, but until then, enjoy this documentary. Hope it sheds a little light on what's happening with the recently discovered sewer-Jew tunnels.

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The identity of the "Deep State", the "Globalists", whatever you want to call the swamp has been exposed, and this knowledge is taking off like wildfire. From the Epstein honeypot operation, to the World Economic Forum, we are now seeing the hidden hand, and there's no putting this genie back in the bottle. The World is Waking-Up.

This channel could not continue without your support. I'm fully committed to this, showing my face, while calling out the enemy comes with a cost. Here's the link that will allow you to help me continue

If you want to support this channel old-school style, please send a check made out to "Cash" to this address:

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Bitcoin 0x649C3Ba027a41e7098f84FD0E34482475B8a8d53

As Israel perpetrates the most blatant act of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in generations, their mask has come off, and the world is now seeing them for the reptilian monsters they truly are. The so-called "Deep State" has been exposed, it's our worldwide ZOG (Zionist Occupied Governments) and this is now undeniable.

Once you take this, the Final Red Pill, suddenly everything we've been living through for the past 4 years makes perfect sense. The world is waking-up.

Even the label of "Controlled Opposition" finally makes sense. Controlled by whom? At this point, any truth channel that's not naming them, are "Controlled Opposition"

Their machinations of control only work in shadows, which are now being destroyed by The Great Awakening.

This channel could not continue without your support. I'm fully committed to this, showing my face, while calling out the enemy comes with a cost. Here's the link that will allow you to help me continue

If you want to support this channel old-school style, please send a check made out to "Cash" to this address:

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

The world is at a crossroads with two possible timelines unfolding. One path leads to justice being served and prosecutions for War Crimes. The other leads to the Collective West descending into absolute despotism, complete with "show me your papers" lockdowns, Checkpoints, Martial Law, and the suspension of the Constitution.

Our nations have been flooded with migrants for a reason, and this is all part of their plan. Epstein was a MOSSAD agent, and our world leaders became tyrannical because they're being blackmailed by Israel because they've committed crimes against children. Covid was the first attempt to bring about the totalitarian One World Government, Israel's Genocide against the people of Palestine is phase 2.

The decision is now ours, if we continue to stand beside the Zionist Devil, we'll set into motion a sequence of events that will plunge the world into darkness. However, if we rally for Peace and demand a stop to the clearest example of Ethnic Cleansing in generations, then a door will open for Justice to be served. It is up to us, so we must choose wisely.

Thank you for supporting this channel, I could not do this without your help. Here's the link

Here's my mailing address. I know what I'm doing is exceedingly dangerous, so I've been a ghost for years and flying under the radar. Nothing is in my name, so if you're sending a check, make it payable to cash
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Links to channels that have been speaking the truth about Israel
Dustin Nemos:
TheCrowhouse (Max Igan):
Stew Peters:

This is the Apocalypse and the veil has been lifted, all truths are coming to light and some of them are painful to witness. America's blind subservience to the Zionist Jew has set in motion a sequence of events that will lead to the end of Pax-Americana and the fall of Mystery Babylon.

The masks have been removed, and now we are able to see things as they truly are.

Without your contributions, this channel could not continue producing these reports. So if you find value in them, please consider supporting this channel because without your help, I simply couldn't keep bringing you the truth. Thanks, here's the link

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Khazarian Jew Study

Angry North & Boris's Bitches channel

God Bless

This is an incredible documentary that reveals the great Israel deception. It's absolutely a "Must Watch" if you want to understand what's going on.

Thank you for supporting this channel, here's the link

American Patriots are sleepwalking into what will lead to the final nail in the coffin for the US of A. All it took was a well planned False-Flag and Fake News stories about decapitated babies, and conservatives forgot all about the election heist, the genocide-jab, and are ready to give Biden WAR POWERS to fight Iran on behalf of Israel... DUMB

If Patriots don't WAKE-THE-FUCK-UP, and see what's really going on, there will be no Election, no Trump 2024 return, the draft will be instated and America will descend into a total Police State.

The right's pounding of the war-drums for Israel will commit the United States depleted, demoralized, vax-injured, woke military to a battle they cannot win, and this is by design. All while millions of military age men have been flooding across the border for 3 years. The enemy's already inside the gates, if Americans don't demand peace, they will be attacked from both inside and out. AND THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE PLAN

Please share this video to save America!!! Thank you for supporting this channel, I could not continue to create these videos without your support. Here's the link

Mailing address for those who have said that they wanted to send me something by mail

11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario
N6G 2N3

Excellent analysis

This channel is only made possible by your generous contributions. Thank you for your support, here's the link

It looks very much like the so-called Freedom Convoy 2.0 was a controlled opposition set up. They turned away all the Patriots that were ready to make our final stand, diluted the message, behaved like idiots, and got tased for their troubles. DUMB!!!

Major court ruling that dealt a grievous wound to the Censorship Industrial Complex and the upcoming Supreme Court case that's now poised to deliver the death-blow.

Don't believe the WW2 propaganda, here's proof that Jews and Nazis are merely 2 wings belonging to the same Zionist bird. Hitler and Germany may have lost the war, but the Nazi/Zionists went on to take over the world, and we are now living under the Nuremberg Code violating tyranny of the Fourth Reich.

This channel has no advertisers, because I won't sell out the truth and am only accountable to my supporters and the Good Lord above. Thank you for your contributions, here's the link

Thank you, and God Bless 🙏


Now it's your turn America 🇺🇲💪

Just a short meme from yours truly

Does this not explain why today's NAZI's look like Justin Trudeau and are obeying Jews in Ukraine (Big Israel).

Here's proof that the AshkeNAZI Zionists and their puppets are actually today's NAZIS. Bet ya didn't know that Hitler was responsible for shipping the Zionists to Palestine, and providing them German arms so that they could take over and form the nation of Israel?

The German people did not really know that this was happening. Nor did they know that the so-called concentration camps were actually run by Zionist JEWS!!! The National Socialists were defeated, but the NAZIS went on to take over the world and that's what we are seeing today with our One World Build Back Better governments.

This is a clip from my last report

Thank you for supporting this channel

Everything that can be going wrong for the Libtard D.I.L.D.O.S, is going wrong. Just as they are floundering, the Freedom Convoy 2.0 is coming in to deliver the knock-out blow. And this time we are playing for keeps... NO MORE MR. NICE GUY this time around, we won't be leaving till the job is done!!!

Your contributions allow this channel to continue, and are very needed to help get to the action with my flag, megaphone and camera, so I can cover the Convoy, here's the link

Kick-ass band Angry North & Boris's Bitches


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

922 videos

Category News & Politics

I am a Canadian Patriot who has answered the call to become a #DigitalSoldier (Citizen Journalist) because the media is complicit in a conspiracy to commit genocide. When I'm not speaking at a Freedom Rally demanding Justice I am working online to fight this information war because actual lives are at stake and people are dying.