Solari Report

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Solari Report



Solari’s vision for 2030 is simple: The push for central control has failed, and freedom reigns supreme.

Independence Day Special Offer

If you have not yet had the chance to get to know your state representatives, this backcasting will help you understand the remarkable people and talent you will find if you reach out. You will be inspired as to what can happen when we begin to support our real leaders.

Financial transaction freedom is fundamental to living a free and inspired life.

Take advantage of our Independence Day offer to become a Solari Report subscriber, and join us in supporting leaders who are working to protect financial transaction freedom:

Solari’s vision for 2030 is simple: The push for central control has failed, and freedom reigns supreme.

Independence Day Special Offer

If you have not yet had the chance to get to know your state representatives, this backcasting will help you understand the remarkable people and talent you will find if you reach out. You will be inspired as to what can happen when we begin to support our real leaders.

Financial transaction freedom is fundamental to living a free and inspired life.

Take advantage of our Independence Day offer to become a Solari Report subscriber, and join us in supporting leaders who are working to protect financial transaction freedom:

By Catherine Austin Fitts

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Although focused on Idaho, the vision these leaders present is something that is likely to inspire legislators and their constituents everywhere. Their thoughtful, intelligent, and comprehensive discussion also illustrates the immense value of a leadership that has true mastery over the nuts and bolts of governing and managing a state.

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By Catherine Austin Fitts

Although focused on Idaho, the vision these leaders present is something that is likely to inspire legislators and their constituents everywhere. Their thoughtful, intelligent, and comprehensive discussion also illustrates the immense value of a leadership that has true mastery over the nuts and bolts of governing and managing a state.

If you have not yet had the chance to get to know your state representatives, this backcasting will help you understand the remarkable people and talent you will find if you reach out. You will be inspired as to what can happen when we begin to support our real leaders.

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"The essential step that will prevent it from becoming a trap is..."

1st Quarter 2024 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Find a wealth of Solari Report Wrap Up Web Presentations:

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By Pete Kennedy and Catherine Austin Fitts

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie returns to the Food Series to join us in a discussion about food and finance for legislation before Congress that he has sponsored or supports. Officially, Massie represents Kentucky’s 4th District; unofficially, he is the congressman for the local food movement in this country.

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"Shocking... this is what Jeff Bezos thinks of you and food... "

Solari Report Money & Markets: June 20, 2024 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

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The “AI Revolution”: The Final Coup d’Etat?

Ending June 24 Special Offer: Subscribe Now! *

*Receive as free gifts with your subscription our most recent hard-copy publication, The “AI Revolution”: The Final Coup d’Etat?, as well as a copy of our landmark publication on central bank digital currencies: CBDCs: Why You Want to Hold On to Your Cash


By Pete Kennedy and Catherine Austin Fitts

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie returns to the Food Series to join us in a discussion about food and finance for legislation before Congress that he has sponsored or supports. Officially, Massie represents Kentucky’s 4th District; unofficially, he is the congressman for the local food movement in this country.

Legislation increasing the freedom of farmers and consumers, respectively, to produce and to obtain the foods of their choice is a top priority for him. No one in Congress has the commitment and savvy to help local food like Massie.

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So important to understand that the destruction of US universities as powerful supplier of brainpower and engineering talent is intentional. Larry Fink, head of Blackrock, helping to lead the Going Direct reset explains here US now has a growth model that depends on a shrinking base population with heavy investments in AI and IT/Telecommunications infrastructure as well as robotics. Universities are now a way to help financially liquidate the middle class and train their children to become powerless. Your kids need you to help them build an independent learning plan.

🚨See the one we offer at Building Wealth at Solari:

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“This is an announcement to say we're building an entirely global secret system... Get ready for major depopulation if BIS is in control... ” ~ Catherine

Solari Report Money & Markets: June 13, 2024 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

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“Get ready for major depopulation if BIS is in control... ” ~ Catherine

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Solari Report Money & Markets: June 13, 2024 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

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#money #markets

Special Offer Ending TODAY June 14:

Solari Reports:
Pharma Food - Biotech on Your Plate: The Next Chapter in Big Money's Battle to End Food Sovereignty


Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: Local Heroes in the Global War on Our Food and Property Rights


Special Offer: Subscribe Now!

#food #freedom

By Jennifer Walters, BSN, RN, PHN, MFA

I often get questions from subscribers and others about diagnostic and screening tests. Are lab tests helpful, or do they borrow trouble? Which lab tests are important? Which ones are useless? Where should one go to get them?

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#health #freedom #news

"Talking to real people and having those dialogues and conversations, in constructive terms, really changes the attitude towards these issues within the halls of the legislature... The difference in in-person meetings is, first of all they know how much effort it took, combined with a respectful strategy, which is vital in any meeting but particularly if you are not a constituent."

Solari Reports:
Pharma Food - Biotech on Your Plate: The Next Chapter in Big Money's Battle to End Food Sovereignty


Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: Local Heroes in the Global War on Our Food and Property Rights


Special Offer: Subscribe Now!

#food #freedom #legislator

The hype of an “AI revolution” has become impossible to ignore. This report, with thought-provoking contributions by investigative journalist Whitney Webb, Swedish author and researcher Jacob Nordangård, and Catherine Austin Fitts, invites readers to consider whether artificial intelligence is indeed reshaping the world, as its prognosticators have pledged. As Fitts asks, “Is AI a very big deal or the biggest cover story yet? Perhaps it is both.”

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"This is not designed for food safety or to deal with disease, this is designed to wipe out the independent income in the ranching and farming world... This is the complete control of the food supply in a way that distroys the independent farmer or rancher. Thomas Massie called this CBDC for cattle."

Solari Reports:
Pharma Food - Biotech on Your Plate: The Next Chapter in Big Money's Battle to End Food Sovereignty

Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: Local Heroes in the Global War on Our Food and Property Rights

⏳ Special Offer: Subscribe Now!

#food #freedom #control #farmer #ranch #money

“From Atlanta, where there is a water crisis going on… Frightening, this is what happens when you let psychopaths run things. ”

Solari Report Money & Markets: June 6, 2024 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

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Financial Transaction Freedom - this freedom must be protected at all costs.

If we lose this battle they will take everything, there is no safe place to put your money.

If you want to understand what threatens financial transaction freedom—and the actions that individuals, families, investors, and state and local governments can take to secure it—this Wrap Up is essential reading.

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#freedom #control #digital #cash #CBDC

By Catherine Austin Fitts

For many years, the Solari Report has tried to raise awareness of the technologies being used to achieve central control, one person at a time. I continue to find, however, that because tools like entrainment, mind control, propaganda, and neurological weaponry are invisible, some people have trouble accepting that they are real as well as powerful.

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#mindcontrol #control #psychological #neurological #warfare

The Profits of Economic Shock: Case Studies with Professor Richard A. Werner

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Business schools have long recognized the value of analyzing real-world case studies to derive lessons and solutions. This week, economist Richard Werner—a favorite of many Solari Report subscribers—returns to discuss several particularly compelling disaster capitalism case studies.

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“If anything tells me that they want to run the banks and consolidate the market, this is it… ” ~ Catherine

Solari Report Money & Markets: May 23, 2024 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

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#banking #markets #money

Your Car Insurance with Matt R. Hale

By Catherine Austin Fitts

I consider it of great importance that every subscriber who drives a car or is a passenger in a car listen to this interview—and that means just about everyone. This interview with attorney Matt Hale, a long-time contributor to the Solari Report, can save you a great deal of time and money and perhaps your life…

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A powerful Introduction by Catherine Austin Fitts, who explains why the war on European farmers is “part of a bigger war … intimately connected to the building of the control grid and control of our money and the economy”

As you read Pharma Food and come to appreciate the plans for lab-grown meat and other horrors, these questions will take on new urgency.

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As you read Pharma Food and come to appreciate the plans for lab-grown meat and other horrors, these questions will take on new urgency.

A powerful Introduction by Catherine Austin Fitts, who explains why the war on European farmers is “part of a bigger war … intimately connected to the building of the control grid and control of our money and the economy”

⏳ Special Offer:

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#food #pharma #control #freedom #news #farming


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

725 videos

Category Business & Finance

Solari is a private company founded by Catherine Austin Fitts.

Our mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. This includes building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and well being. We publish The Solari Report.

The Solari Report offers subscriber access to private briefings via weekly audios with Catherine Austin Fitts and her guests. Also, special reports focused on current financial and precious metals markets, geopolitical events as well as risk issues and opportunities impacting personal wealth, health and happiness.

The Solari Report provides up-to-date commentary on current news and issues. Subscribers to The Solari Report login to an expanded private website to post comments and questions.

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