Shamanic Self

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Shamanic Self

Laura from Shamanic Self


The real meaning behind the one eye symbol! How Jonna Jinton, Ronaldo, Messi, Dan Reynolds and many others sold their soul to the one eyed club. The real meaning behind this symbol and how you can determine who belongs to it.
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

New Ager Matias De Stefano is a Gaia ambassador and he has been around for a moment. How much of a fraud is he? This video reviews some of his material and teachings he spews out. From dubious predictions over viciously laughing about someone's demise to not knowing what's really going on - this clown truly has it all. #matiasdestefanofraud #matiasdestefano
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

#shamanicself #reloaded

What is power loss and how are you suffering from it?
What is power loss and how does it impact you? There is currently a lot going on in the world and the concept of power loss may be coming up for quite a few people. Originally a traditional Shamanic concept, it can be easily translated into today's times and everyday lives. What is power loss, what is soul loss and how can we heal from both? This video discusses both concepts.
Learn how to do your own soul retrievals, power retrievals and so much more in my course" Be Your Own Shaman":
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

The Gods Who Were Dropped Down From The Heavens (Cyprus Impressions)
Visiting Kykkos Monastery in Cyprus Trodoos Mountains. Revealing imagery shows the AI world around us, gods who were dropped down from the heavens, the flaming bush and other picturesque scenes. What does the energy currently feel like to close to Gaza? And more impressions.
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

#shamanicself #reloaded

Debunking the Rafah Psyop (Judgement Day) and the truth behind "All eyes on Rafah". How most people are actually accomplishing the opposite while posting random social media memes.
We are in interesting times now and the separation agendas are going strong as per usual. Unfortunately, they have been this way the past over the past decade and will be ramping up as we move forward into interesting times. The entire Middle East conflict is one of those. Here I debunk some eye-opening things on the most recent psyop, which a lot of people seemed to have shared on their social media accounts.
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

#shamanicself #reloaded

Livestream: What is life, new age deceptions, importance of hippocampus
Going through some topics such as new age deceptions, spiritual deceptions, the "elite" and their programs, transferring consciousness, death and life and many more. RIP to Adam Booth from Sugartree_Truth:
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

Dark Portals And Middle East Spirits
Heal your dysregulated nervous system:
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Real Talk: Why do I have a white eyebrow? (Targeted Individual)
Just one of the many ways we are targeted in our daily lives and how I personally deal with that. I hope this helps someone.
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

#shamanicself #reloaded

Reviewing Althea Lucrezia: Satan's Bride Or Innocent New Ager?
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What is the matrix really? More on watchers, prototypes and archetypes (psychic insight). New "plant medicine" workshop:
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Your spirituality is under attack! (& The Vatican Key Master)
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Nvidia announces AI Nurses: What's to come? (AI World)
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Eclipse Technology, Earthquake, Next 3-Year-Cycle (Psychic Insight)
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Livestream: Eclipse Season Madness Explained!
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The importance of the human biofield, nervous system regulation and brain wave manifestation.
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The biggest myth about time: How to deal with the time trap
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Combat the Matrix: Unplug yourself from the matrix machine and anything keeping you down!
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Youtube Live: Being Tracked from Lifetime to Lifetime, Clown entities, Matrix Game!
Other topics: Breaking intergenerational curses, symbols and rituals, alcohol damage and more.
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New Ager Honovi Strongdeer Bashes Other New Agers: "They are all disinformation!"
Entertaining video on Gaia ambassador Honovi, who bashes Elizabeth April, Bashar, Lisa Renee and others.
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Sleep Deprivation, Organic and Inorganic Dreams, Finger of God
Psychic Protection Course:
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Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

249 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

• Shamanic Healer, Practitioner & Intuitive Psychic
• Formerly: Pleiadian Healer
• AI removals, implant removals, soul retrievals and more
• Teacher of Shamanic Practices, inner knowing and much more

Welcome to Shamanic Self (formerly: Pleiadian Healer)! I am a Shamanic Healer, Practitioner & Intuitive Psychic.
This channel features videos to awaken your soul, dissect through the matrix, dig deeper, expose cults & cult mentalities and more. Welcome to my online space!

All info on me and sessions can be found on my website:

All social media links to my Youtube, Instagram, Facebook account can be found in my profile.