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Back to Rouge town. We gain our bearings and hear what Luigi has been up to.

We head back to DC to wrench control from the Soviets. Defend the pentagon and destroy all enemy units.

We are at the top of the castle and the girl dragon is feeling hungry. Where could she find some food up here??

We head to the eastern front to take out any enemy nuclear silo. Do this and Europe will help us in this war.

We are searching the castle and finding Keys, Curses and Badges.

Our Leaders are hiding in Canada while we head to Chicago to destroy a psychic amplifier. Can we move fast enough. Who would expect an attack from the lake?

Koops joins the party to avenge his dad and grow as a man. as we go through the castle it looks like we need to fear the worst for his father.

Yuri has taken over our leaders with his mind control. Tanya has resisted with a few Marines. We need to strike hard and fast to save the rest of the country.

We reach the endo of the map and the final boss hits us with a surprise trial. Can we pass this first try? Does that bowtie look good on him?

We head to Colorado to take back an air base from the soviets. Tanya needs to live!! We need to get them out of the states.

The first chapter begins and we se a scary figure go to a castle in the distance. We get some good info on the beast and how to get there from the locals.

It is time to hit up the other campaign. We join the side of the allies as their secret weapon. Can we stop the Soviet advance. will we play the same levels on the other side or is it new maps?

we go to the sewers to find the path to the first Crystal Star. Who love the Professor?

We are now the leader of the soviet union and we need to finish the allies off.

Princess Peach is missing again. Mario gets a letter from her about a treasure map. Did she send the map? Where is she?

We are asked to com to the Kremlin by Yuri. Before we go we are shown evidence of his betrayal. Time to take out the enemy of the people.

We have no clue where we are or why we are doing it. All we know is that we need to kill. Time to storm a beach!!!!

The American President is hold up in the Alamo and we need to mind control him. That means alive. Will this last stand be remembered for as long??

We are told that Vladimire is a murderer by Yuri. He is hidden in the White House and is spreading 'lies' that Yuri is to blame. Who to trust and how long will we be safe with Yuri in power??

We make it to Chalchiu and need to save it from near death. It has some back up to help it out in the fight. Can we win the fight and Save the Planet??

Sorry for the audio and visual problems. recorded this right after the last episode and didn't see any issues while recording.

We have allies jumping deep into our territory for our heavy tank. This took my multiple tries and more then a hour to finish. Are the other military leaders safe with Yuri in charge?

we need to navigate the watery area with all the skills we have learned. why do they send so few to take us out? Sorry for issues. did not see them while recording.

had to record the next day and redo the last level. I was able to do this in faster time so I wanted to show off.

Could this be called frozen cave instead? we need to continue the adventure. One last Titan to join in the stone.

Yuri has taken controle and sent us to Hawaii to stop the allied fleet. How did we attack the west coast and not take Hawaii?? Who was planning this attack???


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

815 videos

Category Gaming

This is a channel for playing RPG and strategy games. Right now the main ones are Total-War and Fan-made Pokemon. When I am close to finishing a play through feel free to suggest what game or faction to do next.