Seventeen Raccoons

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Seventeen Raccoons

Seventeen Raccoons


David Straight will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge he gained working for the CIA, as a Navy Seal, as a Deputy Sheriff, and a part owner in a Title company. Spending countless hours in the National Archives studying the real historical records of America, and presently on two Executive task forces, one aimed at quelling child and sex trafficking, the other exposing governmental corruption at any level, he will be bringing us this in a two day event. Friday is an overview, and Saturday is a learning event. People will learn how to resist overzealous agents purporting to act as government whether the topic is CPS, travel rights, Social Security number use or not, Citizenship versus national of a state, proper land ownership and land patent information, Affidavit to Judgment process without costly lawyers and court time and so much more! America is still very alive, and the spirit that made us free has not been snuffed out. Come and learn tools to keep you and your family free in these troubled times!

David Straight will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge he gained working for the CIA, as a Navy Seal, as a Deputy Sheriff, and a part owner in a Title company. Spending countless hours in the National Archives studying the real historical records of America, and presently on two Executive task forces, one aimed at quelling child and sex trafficking, the other exposing governmental corruption at any level, he will be bringing us this in a two day event. Friday is an overview, and Saturday is a learning event. People will learn how to resist overzealous agents purporting to act as government whether the topic is CPS, travel rights, Social Security number use or not, Citizenship versus national of a state, proper land ownership and land patent information, Affidavit to Judgment process without costly lawyers and court time and so much more! America is still very alive, and the spirit that made us free has not been snuffed out. Come and learn tools to keep you and your family free in these troubled times!

David Straight will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge he gained working for the CIA, as a Navy Seal, as a Deputy Sheriff, and a part owner in a Title company. Spending countless hours in the National Archives studying the real historical records of America, and presently on two Executive task forces, one aimed at quelling child and sex trafficking, the other exposing governmental corruption at any level, he will be bringing us this in a two day event. Friday is an overview, and Saturday is a learning event. People will learn how to resist overzealous agents purporting to act as government whether the topic is CPS, travel rights, Social Security number use or not, Citizenship versus national of a state, proper land ownership and land patent information, Affidavit to Judgment process without costly lawyers and court time and so much more! America is still very alive, and the spirit that made us free has not been snuffed out. Come and learn tools to keep you and your family free in these troubled times!

The first feeding of a baby squirrel that was found by my cat. The video says 4 weeks old but he was actually about three weeks because his eyes were still closed.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

4 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife