Sentient Wolf

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Sentient Wolf

Sentient Wolf



My name is Kevin Wright. I'm trying not to die. I am a well-educated, fit and healthy 60 year old homeless man with no vices typically associated with being homeless. After ~2 years of saving hard-earned handyman money, I recently purchased a 1977 retro motorhome to relocate from Washington State to either Nevada or Arizona.

Unfortunately, about halfway through Oregon, I was run off remote Highway 78 on my way toward Vegas. I spent two weeks in my busted up motorhome down in a ravine, almost starving, until someone towed me out and into the nearest town, over an hour away.

The local small towns have no resources for me. I am isolated, alone and with no family or friends left after over twelve years of "living rough" with Brain Trauma, PTSD and other medical issues. I also have no means to repair my badly damaged motorhome (with everything I own inside).

I am now trapped in remote Oregon, in the middle of "nowhere", with no money left, my cellphone minutes expired, and I am down to a week or less food and water. My PRIORITY is basic food and water.

PLEASE watch my video and share it with anyone who can help. I apologize for the length of the story and video. I have difficulty focusing and am very detail oriented, so it seems like I ramble on at times, but I also like to add as much context as possible. Brain Trauma & PTSD can be annoying.



WARNING: The following event happened at an extremely horrific time in my life when I was living on the streets of Bellingham, WA. I was suffering miserably due to brain trauma from a concussion; after being unlawfully deported from Canada & left to die on the streets with nothing but the clothes on my back. My language was extremely harsh due to the daily hell I was put thru while trying to survive.
July 9th, 2017: The following "incident" happened shortly after a long-haired blonde female (?) literally was walking around filming me 360 degrees across a street and back around. I could tell she was hoping I would "react", follow her, etc. She was "baiting" me. Who knows what would have happened had I confronted her. Set up!

Last day of the weird "Pride Fest" in Bellingham. Had to (lightly) punch a punk #WWU​ male student & seriously refrain from punching his chubby, loud-mouthed & violent female friend who both assaulted me. These IDIOTS could have been seriously hurt. Both of these fools actually thought they could, as she said "Fuck your shit up!" Hysterical! :-) The psycho #WWU​ female intentionally tried to provoke me by pointing her camera phone at me. She started smoking a cigarette & mocking me every time I commented on her rudeness.

Tired of this daily harassment, I stood up and pointed my camera at her and sat back down. She flipped out, called someone on her phone & this guy pulls up on his bike. They chat. I start filming. He rolls his bike up between my legs & says "Turn the camera off!" Pffft! Ummmm, no. Public sidewalk. Don't tell me what to do. He reached for the camera, seriously invading my space & making me concerned for my safety. I stood up, pushed him backward & said "Get the fuck away from me!"

He acted shocked. Female went NUTS, started swing punches at me. I was now defending myself against a male, a female & a bike. I slapped away their wimpy punches but did get a small bruise on my right tricep & bump on my forehead in the scuffle of wailing arms and fists. The male did, at several points, try to get the female to back off. But then he came at me and got punched, twice.

They leave, come back a few minutes later looking for his skateboard. They walked across the street where a group of people were just sitting, watching & talking about me. They had his skateboard. All black clothes & backpacks, riding little black bikes & skateboards. They chatted, called @BellinghamPD & lied about being assaulted by some crazy homeless guy. I decided to also call 911 to prevent getting shot.

Fortunately, I filmed it all and @BellinghamPD were surprised but seemed convinced I acted appropriately, in self-defense. Waiting for @BellinghamPD to review street cam & respond via email. Told them I was pressing assault charges. They interviewed the two assailants (who called police and lied). BPD then drove off. I'm unaware whether they were arrested or not. Weird. Publishing/sharing video after (if) BPD contacts me as stated.

Got to my camp site late because I was being followed. Didn't see it, but I put my waterproof bed roll over a pile of crap. Some degenerate low-life swine took a dump where I sleep. This, on the last night of #BellinghamPride​ weekend. Fortunately, nothing got on me but my bedding is now garbage. I have nothing to sleep on now except concrete or dirt. #BellinghamWA​ at it's finest. :/

The female who assaulted me in the video is allegedly the (former) Bellingham Police Chief's daughter. He suddenly and mysteriously "retired" after I was falsely arrested and jailed for 4 months, shortly after this assault on me. I was found NOT GUILTY of yet another vicious attack on me. All planned and well-coordinated, but they got caught.

Original Post on one of my blogs...


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

2 videos

Category News & Politics

@Kevin_P_Wright *BANNED from Twitter* (February 2020)

Rendered unconscious & brutally deported by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) & their #PrivateSecurity thugs (Genesis Security). Personally escorted across the border by the regional director of CBSA (Chinese man) & a skinhead RCMP officer in civilian clothes (Jewish?). 10/27/2011. US Border guards were shocked at my appearance (think Hannibal Lector). I was shackled at the ankles, legs zipped together, huge belt strapped around my waist to lock my handcuffs to, and was in a semi state of shock from trauma, lack of food, water, and sleep. CBSA said the reason for the extra 'security' measures was because I was "acting up". Total BS from these twisted psychos and I have irrefutable evidence.

As an outspoken 'whistleblower' and truth-seeker (conservative), I was left to die on the US border with brain trauma, in a RADICAL liberal college town (full of PEDOPHILES). This, after I had just spent 5-1/2 years living remotely in BC Canada, healing a baseball-sized tumor in my gut (holistically with cannabis and organic diet). I was targeted and followed from day one (FEDS & RADICAL LEFT). Apparently, I exposed too much corruption and spoke unspeakable words about the power of our overlords in government. Plus, I pissed off a billionaire who's brother-in-law threatened me with violence, deportation and reporting me to Canada Revenue (even though they paid me cash under the table for my architectural services).

Nothing but the clothes on my back. Not ALLOWED to retrieve any personal possessions. Literally lost everything I had ever owned, including expensive tools of my trades, my only transportation (nice SUV), clothes, electronics, personal documents, etc. Had a mini stroke three days later, passed out on a sidewalk. After examining me in their vehicle, medics said to go to the hospital or seriously risk dying. No way was I putting my self into the hands of the medical mafia (ask me about being 'chipped'). I thanked them for the water and left.

For the next 8-9 years, I had no focus, seemingly doomed to repeat the same mundane "homeless" survival rituals daily (like a bad Groundhogs Day movie). Alone, alienated from everyone I knew, unaware of my own brain trauma, sadistically and repeatedly stalked and harassed daily, nauseated from lack of quality food and medicine, chronic muscle and joint pain, PTSD, hypoglycemic...... all while I was left to wonder on the streets by day, the forest by night. The "Christian" Lighthouse Mission was an abomination. I was kicked out for defending myself against an assault by a black pimp (same homeless shelter once used by "The Beltway Sniper" before his killing spree in DC). I truly believe 'they' hoped to make me into such a "patsy". I've had countless attempts to "recruit" me by various individuals and groups over several decades.

Having recently regained much of my mental focus and realizing that those 'lost' years were stolen from me by evil people, I am now EXTREMELY focused on getting back my once prosperous life and permanently leaving Washington State (PNW Sanctuary For Libtards and foreign invaders). Unfortunately, all I can get are bad Craigslist "gigs" that take advantage of my integrity and hard work.

I am literally being kept down, humiliated, abused and toyed with by parasites. Never "allowed" to get stable again. Homeless and trapped in Washington State, home of the Orwellian-Communist and TREASONOUS "Governor" Inslee. Currently seeking to relocate away from big cities (remote, rural, mountains, desert, etc.), hopefully as a caretaker or Jack-Of-All-Trades helper, ranch hand, carpenter, etc. My mind, body and integrity are still solid. I need a fresh new start and a base to begin my future endeavors (inventions)

Kevin Patrick Wright
Architectural Designer/Carpenter/Inventor
DOB: 04-28-1964
[email protected]

MY BLOGS (written before and after brutal deportation): (my awakening) (my once prosperous 'career') (evidence of Deep State abuses) (post deportation, SADISTIC gangstalking, assaults, false imprisonment, etc.)