💪❤️🧠San Francisco truth 🧠❤️💪

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💪❤️🧠San Francisco truth 🧠❤️💪

San Francisco truth


The poltergeist can’t happen here….. mellow out or u will pay ….

After all Isn’t it the same same beast system people who are running the truth platforms and channels ? &
are they not the same people who provide the truther “research” the truther “doctors “ and truther “science “ behind the agenda ? Is this info not being presented on the beast system screens and platforms?
If the truthers dis not buy the MSM lies does it not stand to reason they would be presented with a system of more sophisticated and believable lies?

Why I don’t follow the truther narrative.

SFTruth is now heavily Shadow banned by Satan and his crew- Jason of Archaix (big YouTube fake truth cult channel)
is one of satans avatar fake truth cult leaders. All the big fake truther channels are run by different avatars of the beast system. Jason is the same being /avatar as satanic cult leaders Jim Jones and Osha ( Bhagwan Rashneesh. They are all avatars of the old dragon 🐉 aka Satan. If you follow archaix you have been deceived by Satan! Wake up to the fact the beast system runs the truther community!

For more exposes on Archaix check out Tartarian truth https://www.bitchute.com/video/g8D4ZVEqAerH/
Also "Chalk body outline" on YouTube

Preview to my upcoming expose on satanic truther cult leader “Archaix” who is actually a transhuman avatar of the old dragon 🐉 aka Satan. Also more about dealing with those who took the MOTB I am starting work on a full expose of fake truth satanic cult leader Archaix - who actually is a transhuman replicant version of Satan the old dragon was re- arrested on 4/26/24 what’s next for the old dragon when the YouTube fake truther gets exposed in upcoming expose?

The Homeless “unhoused” are being discreetly taken away from the streets of San Francisco by Satanic nonprofit “Urban Alchemy” partnered with FEMA -
Deagle maps forecast think bout it are you going to see people hauled off to the Hidden FEMA camps initially or will it be done discretely? Why did u let the truth narrative deceive you?

Are the big truth channels being run by the beast system and it’s cainanite agents who are telling you more sophisticated lies to hide a deeper hidden endtime truth?
Most can agreed this is the endtime- if so who are the REAL endtime messengers? Are they the channels who are getting airplay and claim to be “shadow banned when in reality they are not truly shadow banned!?!?. In my view the real endtime messengers are here however they are getting relatively little airtime and traction. These are truly shadowbanned channels.

I’m NOT LEAVING I AM JUST TAKING A LITTLE SORT BREAK- away from the TOXIC FAKE TRUTHER NARRATIVE created and run by the beast and all its mind controlled operatives ! I am being set up by the canaanites I feel my family and I are in danger ⛔️ and the Canaanites & beast are trying to capture me and shut down my channel. If I’m missing that’s why I am gone. Bitchute has affected me negatively and it’s positive impact is not outweighing it negatives it feels like it’s using addictive hidden technologies frequencies and light weapons to control divide the real truth seekers. My message is obscure and is not being understood by most of the people who are on my channel. I may or may not return on this or another platform with a different delivery method of my message and visions but for now I need to take a break from these beast platforms. I appreciate all who listened to my message with an open mind.

To all the knee jerk know it all truthers and fake Christians- You tell me ….since you got it all figured out from watching hours of bitchute…….

Are you going by Gods supernatural visions or videos on the beast platforms?

More about Amazons MOTB technology and the true
Beast system under the San Francisco peninsula.

Trump Patriots are just a another type of duped beast system deceived people. This was never a “great country “ if you doubt me look at all the satanic symbolism built in to the architecture of Washington D.C. Hate to break the news but it has always been a honey pot trap satanic soul harvesting algorithm designed to lure real souls here and steal them with the MOTB. USA was given all the money and power as a trap to bring people here and give them the MOTB and crash the world economy in to a satanic one world beast system. Which is what we have been living under for ages. None of this is new technology it’s acient beast iron and clay technology.

Part 2 titans, the “dome of the rock” “well of souls” is part of a giants vagina and what the cannanites are trying to take over. More about the massive main two giants that make up earth. The mother and Father: fire and ice, past and future, art and music, north and south. Upper brain🧠 hemisphere lower brain 🧠 hemisphere,Adam and Eve. Etc…

Part 1 titans, the “dome of the rock” “well of souls” is part of a giants vagina and what the cannanites are trying to take over. More about the massive main two giants that make up earth. The mother and Father: fire and ice, past and future, art and music, north and south. Upper brain🧠 hemisphere lower brain 🧠 hemisphere,Adam and Eve. Etc…

A partial list of the endtime messengers I have seen. Keep an open mind not everything they say is correct in my experience the endtime messengers have been heavily hassled and manipulated and still have delusions even tho god has chosen them to deliver his message and truth. I don't think the endtime or its messengers are going to look or sound anything like the church pastor or biblical scholars told you. IMO they will be a lot different then the churches description of the 144k and only those with Gods eyes and an open mind will be able to hear & understand them.

Dan Ryner (Jesus) has a bitchute channel called the Game 23 .Most people are not going to believe Jesus.

"No more time" another End time messenger 144k IMO https://www.bitchute.com/video/x5g5fHgQxtji/

Richard Bruce another endtime messenger IMO ....like ALL the endtime messengers myself included he's still has a lot of fake truth info interfering with his message. Nonetheless he has a lot of important endtime things to say.

"Demon Hunter" a real endtime messenger IMO A unrelenting swinger of Gods sword. Im not always on board with some his reposts but his own personal content and visions are very serious & important & are obviously coming from God IMO https://www.bitchute.com/video/n19JlOb6QPQ6/

Also Alex of the "Why_now" channel seems like an endtime messenger to me. I can't link her channel because she erases all her videos soon after releasing them I looked for a link in my email for an hour and finally gave up. I will link her channel next time she posts a video.

Mixseldk - another interesting channel could be a 144k or ? uses a computer voice so I am always skeptical of those channels however who knows content is interesting and seems like endtime truth to me.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/bHCGwUInSY09/

Sally Delaney (Gia Girl) on ( YouTube only) don't let her offbeat nature fool you. This woman was shown some serious endtime truth about the giants of this world IMO. Keep an open mind. Like all the endtime messengers Not everything she says or posts is correct however some of it is groundbreaking serious endtime truth IMO. https://youtube.com/shorts/dZWDJO7ZveM?si=FPie71-yYA3Nncfo

IMO If you let the church brainwash you into thinking the endtime messengers will arrive in 2030 or 2040 as white robed floating angles you have been tricked by the master of deception .... Satan.
In my experience the Bible is now, constant, neverending, beyond time as we know it - timeless and it looks and sounds absolutely nothing like Satans churches described it.....

More groundbreaking truth from SFT
End of the world- Ronald Macdonald Trump the false prophet - the 7 angels - Starbucks, Lucifer’s own personal coffee shop- Fake truther Sabrina Wallace- Penny wise the clown and the 7 angles. - Bitch shoot your free ticket to a luxurious FEMA camp near you.

Also Thank you to the 4 people who helped Mama 🐶 dog, she’s doing much better and should make a full recovery. ❤️

My new email [email protected]

My Genentech series on where the vaxxxx ingredients really came from. Iron n clay= genes n tech

More hidden truth from SFT. My new email is
[email protected]
My dog “Mama” was a violently attacked on our job site by a member of the synagogue of Satan aka a Assholekanazi juuuuu on Friday December 15th on the 20th she had major spinal surgery for a ruptured disc. So far it will cost $8,500 I do not ever monitize or ask for money however to pay for her surgery I set up a pay pal account. http://paypal.me/SanFranciscoTruth if you want to help her out.

IMO what real truth you can see is dependent on how well you have lived. Real truth is not part of the truther or religious narratives . What the Bible is really talking about in revelation 13.what the real beast system is who are the parents of the original humans? Why are the beings being shrunken down in progressively smaller containment domes? Is linear “Time” as we know it being manufactured in these domes? Time is perhaps the most powerful mind prison God’s creations have had to deal with.

Link to sally Delaney’s YT channel “Gaia girl “
(Part about the vagina is at the 11:30 mark of the video)
I don’t agree with all her findings however many of them seem to be correct in my view. I do feel for some reason God has gifted some of us with the ability to see and comprehend these Giants. I have had many visons about these Giants and so far all of them have been 100% correct upon investigation. This is certainly a real phenomenon. I feel more information will be shown to me also that we are being shrunken down and there are not many different souls on earth but many replicants of them.

Old punk Music in this video is :
DOA “world war 3”
Lords of the new church “holy war”
Code of honor “stolen faith”

Part #2 what’s really happening with fentanyl in San Francisco Babylon Oz why the police were defunded and replaced with vaxed demonic drug dealing ex convicts FEMA contractors

Full version on YouTube https://youtu.be/zQRb_xM4Lkk More groundbreaking hidden truths from SFT one of the most shadow banned endtime messengers on earth. Urban alchemy is the reason for the defunding of the police George 🐉Floyd hoaxes . Fentanyl epidemic used to hide and increase COVID vaccine deaths. The real location of the beast system and revelation 13.

New video More ground breaking genuine endtime truth
SF Truth busts uber corrupt homeless industrial complex goon squad URBAN ALCHEMY and thier link to the hoax fake AI company CHATGPT!
More deep hidden truth on the true meaning of Revelation 13 and the council of 13!
None of my content comes from the “truth community “ I rely on my own endtime “supernatural Visions “ On my my channel I will present stuff no other truth channel has presented ! Imo it’s pure Deep hidden endtime truth.

Here is a preview AND link to my newest video series https://youtu.be/g9cgep22eDY which I’m temporarily posting on YouTube because it would NOT post on bitchute! So until I decide where I am going to post my videos. I’m not sure where yet…. ? As I have mentioned IMO all the platforms are run from inside the beast system’s voice box which is under the YouTube headquarters so essentially all the platforms are from YouTube anyway- they just have different badges. Like gas stations, corporate chains,or fast food - in reality it’s all from Satan inc…for some reason Bitchute is no longer letting me post my long videos - they won’t upload because of thier size apparently.? So I am going to just post short previews here and the actual video on YouTube for now until I decide what I’m going to do with my channel. I also feel like no one is able to see my videos on bitchute I don’t believe the counters and I have done a lot of tests that have shown the counters are NOT accurate. I feel like bitchute is shadow banning the few small real truth channels that it has on its platform and only lets people see the ones that it can control with various means- to me virtually every channel is being directly or indirectly controlled by the beast system on bitchute- weather through its fake account algorithms in the mainly fake comments sections or fake subscribers who “help” steer content for the channels it can’t control directly- think bout it??? how many times do you here a content provider say “some one emailed me with this idea or that idea or this tip“??? Well to me many of these are fake subs steering the channel! I have experienced it a lot and can see others are too but again im the only one calling it out- SFTRUTH
Groundbreaking real endtime truth no one else can or will tell you!

S.F Truth with more hidden endtime truth no one else has seen. Here is my video on Genentech headquarters
That shut down right after I released this video. IMO This is where the devil ingredients for the MOTB shots were made. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2dMfhAAnQbfR/

A good trumpzilla video shows a lot of hidden truth bout trump https://www.bitchute.com/video/aZz9kuUg7Roq/

Is real truth hidden from the truth seekers? Golden Gate Bridge 🌉 a symbol of the DNA 🧬 helix as is the Genentech wind harp and sutro tower and the Tesla car at 88mph. Assimilated limping gimped 🧟 zombie 🧟‍♀️ souls all over the streets of San Francisco. Think about this 🤔 is Da real Endtime truth from the 144 gonna look and sound anything like what the 501c=666 churches ⛪️ 🍷 told you.??? I think-
If you’re meant to hear it and see it- God will open your eyes and mind otherwise better just go back to the fake jewzz 😴 sleepy truth syndicate🛌💤 and get off my channel please unsubscribe and don’t forget to hit dat thumbs down 👎 on your way out!
Statue of Liberty 🗽 IS the image of the beast the old dragon told them to make with seven heads (spikes🗽)
Why would ACIENT text messages be any different from new text messages if the beast system is ACIENT??? Think bout it... it’s the same old dragon 🐉 telling same old lies.... beast system is making Cut and spliced recycled souls from the antique days city dump, maybe why most of the truthers are really just dumbed down sheeps 🐑 despite what they think they “know” the real location of the beast system spoken of in revelation 13 is the San Francisco Bay Area. Genetically speaking Steph and KD are also French bulldogs and are also actually Mike Douglas and Karl Malden & they even star in the new endtime version of “Streets of San Francisco” with w/S.F.truth this is truth few will be able to see or handle. None the less it is real hidden truth .. revealed in my visions. More on this and who the people of earth really are in my next video
What is really happening in my 🧬 Genentech video why it’s shadow banned. Link to my Genentech video one of my best IMO - please repost this one if you want. Thank you Much appreciated-S.F.truth https://www.bitchute.com/video/2dMfhAAnQbfR/

Part 1 to Genentech means Iron and Clay- Genentech is worlds largest and 1st biotech company and its name means Iron and clay - revelation 13 reveals the MOTB will come from the beast be issued by the beast this shows how that has already happened . This video reveals a lot of endtime truth so you might want to
Study it more than once. - please watch the preface to this video if you have not allready. -https://www.bitchute.com/video/SCZB8UIJvwkA/

Thanks for watching and sharing this video with other real humans! - S.F. TRUTH

My older tour showing the truth about the Golden Gate Bridge and a bonus tour of mark Zuckerborgs house and The neighboring houses / compound Nancy pee lousy and Dianne Feinstein real houses make- what is shown in the media are not these people’s real houses - what I reveal are their actual homes. As a San Francisco native with many inside sources I know where many of these people actually live and it’s not what the TV or internet tells you.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/YbdNcYxotll4/

Teaser- preview- discussion of my upcoming series on Genentech and the real truth of the beast system and where the evil ingredient transhuman injections originates from. No one is talking about any of these things. Only a very small percentage will get what I am saying in this series and understand it. They rest will to remain brainwashed untill the end.
My email is [email protected]

Sally Delaney “Gaia Girl” on YouTube saw same type of stuff as me. Massive petrified giants etc...


Rodger from “mud fossil university “ on YouTube
Saw same type of stuff as Sally and I he’s made a lot of videos about it. Not sure what to think of this channel. He seems nice and kind and I think he’s correct about the petrified giants. I don’t think his reliance on the beast system “science “ and “ history “ is very wise tho...
So the just is still out for me on this channel overall.
However as I said he see the massive petrified giants and I can see he’s definitely right about that stuff. The whole 🪶 feather thing seems like the Masonic Egyptian weighing of the heart to me though... so I don’t know.


Pt. 3 zombies: What’s happening to our loved ones, friends and community members who are apparently being assimilated into the beast system and seem to be being turned into deadly biotech weaponized beast system tool that may be used to hunt and kill the remaining humans who have not taken the M.O.T.B transhuman assimilation injections. How to recognize those humans who are affected and differentiate between them and previously assimilated biotech beings. With this knowledge comes strength compassion courage understanding and a realistic approach to handling this significant endtime test. It’s nothing to fear- I am fully prepared to safely and confidently walk right though San Francisco’s 900k zombies if need be - S.F. Truth
*note*If you enjoyed this part # 2 is pretty good as well

Pt. #2 zombie shuffle-More groundbreaking hidden truths about the the center of the beast system Giants. Where the original fallen beings have fallen down on earth and created the beast system hidden from humans underground and in biotech beings for ages . This is how all your beloved movie stars music icons politician’s actors truthers preachers and other deceivers have fallen and been assimilated in to the beast systems borg cube ▪️🧊first they took the biotech transhuman injections and then they were written in to the software program and giving a part to help capture more human souls. That’s why they are all clone like replicants of each other.


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

175 videos

Category Education

I had some really intense “supernatural visions “ about the endtime and a lot of it had to do with the beast system and rev 13 being in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I was raised by hippy truthers and come from a long line of “truther people” and what I saw in these “visions “was the truth info is ALSO a lie from the beast system. IMO
After studying the truther narrative all my life I was shown in visons it is part of the deception. The truth narrative is acient and it is just a more advanced lie that has a series of progressively convincing gates to keep your mind locked up in a mind Prison -
IMO What I saw is
Endtime deep hidden real truth

You can email directly at [email protected]

My YouTube channel is sanfranciscotruther