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Many purchasers of new RV's have to make a punch list of "things to fix" when they can get back to their RV dealer. All too many RV purchasers believe it is NORMAL to have a long punch list!

Let me be clear here: You should NOT need a punch list when purchasing a new RV camper! A long punch list is a sign of serious issues - with the manufacturer.

I name names and provide solutions.



RV Life in a remote, largely unpopulated region that also has hot springs, great pizza, bakery fresh cookies, and does a good breakfast...

Enjoy the video highlighting this region in late Spring!


I love visiting "small town America." So many towns have a story to tell and Basin, Montana is no exception. From a throwback from the past, the Silver Saddle Saloon featuring breakfast prices reminiscent of "pre-Jan 2021" pricing to an RV park/campground that features a "health mine", visiting Basin was like stepping into a Twilight Zone episode!


Frame failure - some key questions (look for answers to some in my video)
- How serious is this issue?
- What repair options exist for those affected?
- How widespread is the failure among the rv's being produced?
- Which RV's are impacted?
- How are the RV manufacturers responding to this?
and more...

Frame Flex of RV's is something YOU need to know about if you're an RV'er or considering becoming an RV'er!



Awaking to SNOW ON THE GROUND and moderate snow falling - on MAY 19. Yeah, I know its the Northern Rockies, BUT, this is getting old!

Lots of RV Life and RV travel stories coming soon...



A driving tour of "the most affluent community between Chicago and San Francisco" (in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries!) Butte, Montana is LIVING HISTORY and a definite must for RV'ers to visit.

Where to stay/RV camp, where to eat, what to see in the Butte/Anaconda Montana region



RV Tires - SOME are UNSAFE at any speed. Even if they're brand new. Here's my story - what I observed the other day on I-90 and what happened to me years ago that proved to be a BIG wakeup call.



It STILL feels like - and is ACTING LIKE winter here! I almost went cross country skiing on May 1st! There is a "base" of a few inches of snow at the cross country trails above Georgetown Lake - UNBELIEVABLE! (This is still below 7000 ft. elevation so, for the mountainous west, this is NOT considered high altitude.)

The higher terrain (8000 ft+) still has solid snow cover - which spells well for the upcoming summer "fire season." So, despite the lack of snow all winter, spring has been wet AND snowy at times.


A catastrophic RV Buying Mistake... some RV's are just meant to be "admired" on the dealers lot and should never be purchased. THIS was one of those stories.



A couple of stories that highlight smart RV buying tactics vs. dumb ones. Sorry to be so direct, but how else would you describe paying THOUSANDS more for a camper than you need to? Or - buying the wrong RV camper because its built poorly? Or - signing a long term loan document without fully understanding all the "important stuff."

It's RV buying season, are you prepared to make the best possible choice?
See my Concierge RV Buying Service here - https://rvacrossamerica.net/buysell



A few things have changed when it comes to this Spring's RV buying/selling season. I'm seeing an uptick in buying activity - to a point where it ALMOST looks like a sellers market.

BUT... will it last? Check my thoughts at


And... I welcome your thoughts!


Each year, hordes of buyers look to purchase an RV Camper as soon as the weather begins to warm up. Well, we're there! Will this be a strong buying season? If you're in the market, will you be able to get a really good deal? My video and post detail what to expect.

After viewing and reading my article, I welcome your thoughts.



I find myself enjoying Discovery Ski Area more and more! We recently got snow - and it made a BIG difference. Conditions improved, more terrain opened, and the "fabled" back-side of "Disco" opened - and boy did that open my eyes as to just have impressive (and massive) this ski area is.

Enjoy the video and be sure to visit the post. I welcome comments, thumbs up and new subscribers!



Like skiing uncrowded slopes? Typically good conditions (or better?) Anaconda, Montana is a great candidate to base your winter trip.

In my video I share a bit about the region, what a typical winter is like here, and what THIS winter has been like (to date.)

Discovery Ski Area has become a place I am growing to enjoy and respect. Great photos and some back story in my post here...



It's been a VERY mild Autumn/Winter UNTIL the past 36 hours - and then the bottom dropped out of the thermometer!

I've NEVER experienced temperatures this cold. Learn how I prepared my RV camper (5th wheel) for these conditions (it DOES work!) and just how COLD it really got...



It's January (2024) and RV Show Season is upon us. The RV dealers are ready for you (and especially for your wallet and your signature!) YOU need to be ready and armed with information. THAT is my goal in this video and post.

BEFORE you think of buying an RV - especially at an RV show, here is some vital information to digest.

#rvlife #rvshowtips #rvbuyingadvice #rvbuyingtips #rvtravel #rv


RV'ing and Ghost Towns seems to go hand-in-hand, and Bannack is incredibly well preserved. As you may imagine, there's a story behind that - and behind the former Territorial Capital of the Montana Territory.

Bannack is now a State Park and as such is preserved, protected, and VERY accessible to visitors. Most of the 50+ buildings are open to spend time in and allow your imagination to see life as the original residents saw it as early as the first winter in 1862-63 during President Lincoln's administration and the Civil War raging farther to the east.


Wisdom - population well under 100 residents. Cold, dry, remote... and I loved staying there and WILL return!

I offer my thoughts in this video, and support it with photos and additional details at rvAcrossAmerica.net/wisdom


As the title says, I encountered VERY unusual road conditions after a MASSIVE snowstorm (for October) and a subsequent ARCTIC AIR outbreak.

I delayed my exit from Salmon Idaho for 24 hours to avoid the worst of it, but time came to "hit the road" for Wisdom, Montana. This video and its associated post detail my drive - a drive that Google said would take 1.25 hours but easily required twice that!

RV travel with a trailer in tow presents unique challenges for most drivers, but those challenges become potentially quite serious when the roads become ice and snow covered.

In 12+ years of RV life and RV travel, I've managed to avoid the kind of conditions I encountered on October 27 (not even anywhere near winter yet!!) on this most SPECTACULAR drive over Lost Trail Pass, join me...


Salmon, Idaho - fully equipped and REMOTE. The nearest town of any size is about 140 miles, and I got to enjoy 5 days in this community.

Williams Lake, Sharkey Hot Springs, EARLY SNOW, and some good eats. Join me in a visit to Salmon, Idaho

This is the first of THREE videos on my post HERE: https://rvacrossamerica.net/salmon


October snow!! Yes, it HAS arrived, AND caused me to delay my travels for a day - not because of any accumulation in 4000 ft. Salmon, BUT, I have to cross Lost Trail Pass at 7000 ft. and THERE fell 6 inches of the white stuff on top of a FLASH FREEZE!! (snow first melted on the road then froze then more snow accumulated!) Stay tuned for an upcoming video on this.


A damning report on one RV manufacturer and what we can learn from this couples purchase of a new RV Camper.

They bought a Thor Tuscany 45mx - but WHAT they bought is NOT as important (to you and I) as how they handled things both BEFORE and AFTER the purchase.

I want to thank them (and Liz Amazing) for posting and sharing their story AND I want for us to learn from their experience. In my view, they made several mis-steps throughout the purchase process. Here's their story and my analysis...



Williams Lake, 1300 ft. above Salmon and only 20 miles away BUT it is accessed via a TREACHEROUS road - watch the video to see what getting there is like.

Also there are some inspiring photos at https://rvacrossamerica.net/salmon
You can also learn about other aspects of Salmon in my post.


Used RV's get revalued 6 times each year (every other month), the latest update by JD Power (formerly NADA) was VERY telling - and powerful. It's not good news for sellers.

I share the facts and my analysis, both in the video and in my post linked above. I hope you find it to be of value.

Concierge RV Buying and Selling Service - https://rvacrossamerica.net/buysell


It happened when I learned of a fairly "low end" travel trailer that had an electric only furnace. Hmmm... I thought, "that's a recipe for disaster"... my video and post explain why.

What MUST be electric in your camper and what should REMAIN propane/12volt based...


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

28 videos

Category Travel

RV Across America - the story of a solo-traveler, a patriot meandering across our phenomenal nation and his experiences and insights. Home base is rvacrossamerica.net - visit there for lots of travelogue stories, rv buying advice and insights, and much more.