ǴnōskōǴn̥h₃sḱétiΓιγνώσκNōbĭlĭŏr III 𐎧𐏁𐎴𐎿𐏃𐎡𐎹

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ǴnōskōǴn̥h₃sḱétiΓιγνώσκNōbĭlĭŏr III 𐎧𐏁𐎴𐎿𐏃𐎡𐎹

Ницш Л'естранж (Фрэнни)


LMAO just a wee nugget from the carte blanche cartel that is allowed immunity ("discretion")

poetry for a brave new faggotry world
mirror from : https://youtu.be/4bP9SMDa29s

great discussion by these lads.
mirrored from, and if you are into this topic, this is one of the best bitch-shoot channels "on point"

See more on substack here:

remix i approve of . metatext now available . NOT HAVING a go at this musician, piss off with that crap , soz capos

is it because i acted badly to you, you acted badly to me? good on ya bro, not going to do a hit piece, you ain't worth it , just having a laugh. everything i ever wrote that he asked me to write on his channel, now gone. good on ya Phil, u seem real confident in ur masculinity there hey 😘
PS i still support his work and upvote most his content, even during his block faggot histrionics status. Phil, you perturbate like a master , that will get ur soul recycled back here in this shitty realm that u seem to love. bring on the fanbois with zero logic . all my work done on his channel, deleted by Phil, with one click . fvcking piss weak big girl's blouse

geee he aged well, he did that classic interview decades ago about cancer industry
I FOUND THIS VIDEO HERE : https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWLGG0dc4Sl5/

thought id repost for fun , seeing only i liked the last time i posted it LMAO

mirror from https://youtu.be/IUCyPM7-x1U

interesting take on the whole sitch .
Welcome to the new , libre and gratis Palestine 🫠

mirrored from : https://fakeotube.com/video/7104/could-the-israel-gaza-war-be-a-movie-production <cool platform dedicated to fakeology

This is the video that got 23 year old Matthew North killed. He was found in his car some months after posting this video with a bullet hole through his temple. His brother said that there was a suicide note, but no one is going to accept that Matthew committed suicide. The quality and thoroughness of his research - and superb video narrations - is far, far above what an ordinary mortal, regardless of age, usually produces on the internet. Had he lived, he would have become one of the most feted journalist/investigators of all time. Mind you, he was only 23 years old.
text and video mirrored from https://www.bitchute.com/video/okB2xMIXwiiY/

lol such veri blatant doge . sorry fangurls and bois
taken from : https://julianassange.com/

work out your fanboi status or dont
once again from here : https://julianassange.com/

turtle isnt angry, turtle is disappointed, protective, pro-active

yep, the exact opposite that fanbois burn the midnight vigil for . the official story is rediculous and so are folk that fanboi him "assange"
also mirror from excellent website : https://julianassange.com/

Julian "Assange" was raised in a CIA MKULTRA family Cult . by CIA i mean military operatives for the banker's anthropology script written.
taken from fascinating website https://julianassange.com/

interesting analogy/s on human domestication
dunno who by
mirror from Gunther's Youtube channel, i dont think he has put this on his bitch-shoot : https://youtu.be/WyQnrsTawns

get with the program cunts. . lol how about some Kent says i am angry . lmao AT kENTS THAT THINK THESE ARE DILDOS. THEY ARE REAL PENIS'

MIRROR FROM https://gab.com/Lateralus1/posts/112407467385414266

yeah baby, u know we need lubricant, we dont want too much friction, yeah? don't be afraid, be very, VERY afraid

"AI" being used for good

both videos edited and audio remastered, lifted from Gunther's most excellently pertinent channel. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gunther_geronimo_atlas_castaneda/

look closely folk, use discernment, i dont believe in nasa cosmology . con-op central. bring on the hate, stupid eaters. lets see if i can stop some more sheep from following me .....stupid eater sheep......fe con-op ideology sheep..... this video is disgustingly bereft of any self validating qualities, mirror from the lovable but obvious banker's anthropology script actor's "dave weiss" youtube app advertising channel, the one on which he claims daily that he is "suppressed by you-tube" . 91 k subs https://youtu.be/KT3aB-65tTs

people keep falling for this ruse. i'll leave the rant out, but know in my heart i am laughing at all HT fanbois and gurls

It is ok IF .

1. You engage in homosexuality on camera.
2. You verbally and sexually assault children on the internet.
3. Get hate speech laws passed in many States.
4. Have a jheri curl
5. Tell men online that you want to suck them off.
6. Have sex with black and brown women, to have them abort your mongrel baby

AS long as you say "jews are bad" , while raking in 10's of thousands in donations from White men that actually work.

Then you get a free pass for literally anything that you did in the past, or you do now.

You will even have cult members that go around the internet asking "what have you done"

post by themanwhowasnot
mirror from : https://www.bitchute.com/video/1Qij4fc8xdr4/


LMAO , hard to believe adults take this shit seriously , especially the academics. AS CHILDISH AS KINDERGARTEN . apparently everyone can be an astronot ...../

VIDEO MIRROR FROM : https://www.bitchute.com/video/0VYd6gwF4CHu/ DECENT MIXED CONTENT CHANNEL lol soz caps


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

1521 videos

Category Health & Medical

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Not all opinions and ideas discussed on this channel are necessarily those of the channel owners. all material is offered to you, the viewer as food for thought. We urge you to make your own mind up, it really is the only freedom we have in this world. We urge you to realise your divine nature, both here and elsewhere. nothing is at it seems in this world. YOU ARE A CREATOR. This is a prison cattle farm we live in and we are all food. How to leave? ASK! False daemons may trick U and pose as your deepest beliefs. YOU ARE A DIVINE CREATOR!.

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these guys are on topic but want your shekels