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On the AJ Roberts Show we are joined by the fantastic Astrologer and Author Pam Gregory plus Author and Spiritual Intuitive Magenta Pixie, discussing in detail our planet's evolution in line with our human ascension that's picked up rapidly, that millions are experiencing en-masse around the world.

Follow Pam Gregory via her website and Youtube Channel.
Follow Magenta Pixie on YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute and Odysee
Follow AJ Roberts Show on YouTube and Rumble

To celebrate World Meditation Day, Magenta Pixie presents her guided meditation 'The Library of Records'.

The season of the eclipse is upon us. Mr. Cheesy explains what to do (and maybe what not to do) during this highly mystical time.

I wanted to get this transmission out quickly so I have recorded this in one presentation, rather than as an edited channelled activation.

The Nine present a transmission through their conduit Magenta Pixie, regarding solar activity and 'Gamma Ray Codes' incoming between March 25th and April 12th 2024 (the passageway between the Equinox and the Eclipse).

More wisdom from Mr Cheesy

MagentaPixie asked the Collective, Consciousness of Nine why so many people ask for "proof" of their existence and of the dimensions beyond the third that they exist within?

People say that if the entities of the higher light are so powerful why do they then not give us tangible concrete proof they they exist?

So many demand "hard facts" before they raise their belief system. What then can we do to help these people?

The Nine come forward with their responses to these questions, accompanied by the Christ Consciousness energy in the form of the Lord Sananda, Ascended Master.

Edited by MagentaPixie.

Music "somewhere sunny" by Kevin Macleod.

This 'Golden Oldie' video was originally uploaded to social media on August 2nd 2008

Catzmagick checks in with social media

Mr. Cheesy respectfully explores the origins and meaning of Christmas. The information presented in this video may or may not represent actual reality or accepted scholarly understanding.
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nIZ4DwlD3g

Gameplaying in 3D and through multidimensionality as foundation for higher templates. Paradise timeline, singularity trajectory, monadic construction and recognition for navigation through multiple simultaneous realities within 3D linear time from the vantage point of 2023 and into zero point. Ascension codes, New Earth wisdom teachings from the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine through Magenta Pixie.

Initiation point for integration and rise of polarity fields and the role of the starseeds - 11.11 Portal 2023.

Wisdom Teachings as catalysts through this transmission into realisation of bliss codes within your experiential reality. Aligning with the trajectory of your spiritual divine right to experience the cellular cascade and retrieve, activate and retain your full realised memory matrix.

Looking at the energies for November 5th and choosing an oracle card from the "Messages from the Mermaids" deck by Karen Kay, the card pulled is "Dive Deep".


Does anyone know the plan?

Truth Community Roller Coaster Ride and the Next Big Thing.
Mini Short.

Ghosts! Ghouls! Witches! Vampires! Mr. Cheesy explores the spooky subject of Halloween. Is it OK to have fun with all the dark stuff? Mr. Cheesy comes to the definitive conclusion that perhaps it is... or maybe not.

Now is the season of the lunar eclipse, which is a magical portal or something. Spiritual people love portals... and crystals. So maybe put a crystal in your portal while chanting or something, so that you can get rid of all the stagnant energy in your life.

The Silver Goddess presents herself at this time atop her White Horse. This is the simultaneous end of an era and the beginning of a new world; and within this birth/death cycle-point, the spotlight shall be shone upon the domain you call America.

Seeds of Samhain

A Lesson in Love

The Dastardly Pumpkin


The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine through Magenta Pixie.

If you are a spiritually inclined person who cannot be bothered to learn the complexities of psychology or biology, you can take the shortcut of believing that every strange thing that can happen to a human is due to some kind of spiritual 'entity attachment' or demon. If you take on this belief, people might think you are really clever because you can supposedly detect when a person has been compromised by an entity which may or may not exist. You could even ask people for money to help them purge an imaginary goblin from their brain or something.

Full Harvest Moon into the Eclipse Passageway of October 2023. Blue Reality Bridge into higher electromagnetic gamma ray frequencies, coil brainwave formations. Catalyst for initiations and processing of the incoming energies for starseeds and awakened souls.

Guidance on how to construct your Elemental Dragon Magic Shield through the Fairy Gateway - Fully 4D Reality Merged with A.I. Digital Worlds.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

341 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Magenta Pixie and the White, Winged, Collective Consciousness of Nine.
Here on Bitchute as PIxieMagentaNine XXX