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mirrored from rumble
Steve Inman channel

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mirrored from yt

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NewsVids channel
Falls are always funny when they happen to someone else, AND they happen incredibly fast.
So be careful out there...

mirrored from rumble
The People's Voice channel
Note: I edited out all the annoying ads from this video.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from Rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

a re-upload
This is why I won't be celebrating July 1st (canada's B day) because its a LIE!
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began a few days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
Steve Inman channel
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
I'm guessing there is no father figure in this family. If there were he would have thought twice before doing this. That boy needs serious help.
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
renard channel
NASA fails again, safety window pops off during transport. Good thing that didn't happen in the pool.
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
alexlunaviewer channel
mute it if the music annoys you, that's what I did.
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

a re-upload in case anyone has not seen this.
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated on Friday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
Someone forgot the tent pegs... lol
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated two days ago trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble

NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated two days ago trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
this is why I earth / ground almost all the time.
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began two days ago... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated two days ago trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began yesterday... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated yesterday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.

mirrored from rumble
NOTE: I am unable to access the "NEW" bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began yesterday... Thankfully I figured out how to access the ''old bitchute''. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated yesterday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I'm not sure if anyone will see this video or message. Did we want a "NEW" bitchute??? WTF
IMO they implemented it to further censor or track us. For now I will be using the old.bitchute.com site.


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

11384 videos

Category Education

Welcome to my bit-chute page, my page is dedicated to try & help people with their health. I am all about sharing THE truth about everything & exposing hoaxes, the liars and their lies. I sometimes post videos that are heart warming, music videos, concerts or just interesting or stuff that I find funny, laughter = the best medicine.

Western Medicine Exposed
My dad was murdered by his doctors in early 2019, when he was younger (in his 70's) he went for a routine "test" at the hospital and during that test they gave him a dye that went into his blood stream, well he was allergic to the dye, he had a blood clot and internal bleeding in his scrotum area. The bleeding was bad and he developed a hema-toma the size of a basket ball down there. He had to have a surgical procedure to remove the huge blood filled hema-toma and ever since that time he was slowly killed by the advice and treatments his doctors gave him. Prior to this he was HEALTHY and happy. I tried talking to him numerous times about his health and I also gave him suggestions on how to heal naturally but my dad trusted his Drs and wouldn't listen to me. He went from Dr to Dr and none of them made him healthy. I tried explaining that you have to be your own Dr but again he wouldn't listen. I even showed him videos but he was too indoctrinated and believed the so called health care system worked.

Sadly he was slowly tortured by the medical industry for 19 years. He had to go to the hospital many times and he just got worse. He developed more and more symptoms and his drs just prescribed more and more pills. At the end he was on 16 pills a day, he was dehydrated, his legs and feet were swollen, he was lacking salt, zinc deficient, he drank coffee which is a drug that stresses the body and also severely dehydrates you, he was always constipated, he never drank enough water, he was malnourished and he was chronically in pain.

One night at 2am he fell and broke his hip going to the washroom. He went to the hospital and had to wait a few days before they talked him into surgery to replace his broken hip. Well the surgery supposedly went well but 30 minutes after my mom got home she and I got a phone call saying to rush back to the hospital as my dad's condition did a 180 and he wasn't going to make it. When I arrived at the hospital my dad was hooked up to 11 IV's. They said to my mom and sister "we will make him comfortable" and a few hours later he was dead. I looked at the IV's he was hooked up to and I wrote down the names of 4 of the drugs and later looked them up online to find out what the drugs were. All 4 drugs were used to anesthetize him, in other words he was kept is an unconscious state by the drugs and we were told he wasn't going to make it. They murdered him and got away with it, under the guise that they were taking care of him. They used morphine to euthanize him like a dog. Some call it being "Snowed". Morphine slows down the heart rate and breathing till you die. (they didn't tell us that) I found that out later from doing research online.

So after this tragedy of losing my dad I decided to create videos on youtube to try and help folks with natural ways to treat ailments. I also commented under certain videos to try and warn folks about the corrupt health care industry. Youtube didn't like that I was making videos to try and help folks and a number of my videos were taken down. Plus I am shadow banned just about everywhere on youtube.

Please feel free to look at my videos & playlists I made on here youtube, 153Newnet and WTVideos.
The comments are closed under my videos due to SO many trolls/shills with sock puppet accounts out there, they have nothing better to do than leave negative comments to try & discredit others... Some trolls / shills are paid to try discredit & bring people down, to try & deceive others, to try and stop the truth. Golden Rule: Don't believe ANYTHING ANYONE tells you until you can prove it with your own research. Research FE (flat earth) ,432Hz, Natural healing, LED & CFL light dangers, EMF dangers, chem-trails, MDs (medical doctors) are the #1 killer of people (Iatrogenic death).

I'm here to share the truth with all man kind. There are several evil entities in the world here only to keep us sick and depopulate the earth. Open your eyes and see! We are losing our rights and freedoms, please share my videos... if you are on youtube please subscribe to me there as well. Same name no spaces same avatar, I am not pro Trump or pro Biden I am pro TRUTH, ALL of them are deceivers.

Lastly I am very disappointed to find that bit-chute has started to remove my videos or make them not able to play.

Link to my main shadow banned youtube channel here:

Back up channel on youtube here:

My dog's youtube channel here: