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This demonstrates that men are legally second class citizens.
He's guilty because she said so. No physical evidence is necessary because her testimony is considered to BE the evidence. Her word. Nothing else.
Because that's how monarch's, rulers, queens, despots and tyrants roll.
Because women are legally superior to men, and men are second class citizens.

"ga body of da nigga uh uh is not able to survive uh uh nigga sees deez pages he can only envision himself uh uh he not see another nigga he can uh uh sympathy for uh uh... racist uh uh in da body uh racists uh uh whiteness uh uh"

PBD podcast features conversations covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more.
(Mentioned in this interview is Greers documentary titled 'The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It '
(see the previous video on this channel)

How zero point energy has been kept from humanity for over 100 years

Dad says his 5-year-old daughter doesn't look like him, accuses mom of cheating on him, takes a DNA test and the child isn't his, so he files for divorce.
The mother takes a test also and SHE isn't the mother.
The case is investigated and the hospital had switched the babies and given their baby to a crack head momma.
Their child was given to a crack head, then CPS took the child and put it into foster care.

Venezuelan illegal immigrants who are accused of kill*ng 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, lured her under a bridge where they took her clothes off & raped her for 2 hours.

The men tied her hands behind her back while they did the unthinkable.

After they were done, the men choked her and dumped her body in a bayou.

One of the men, Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, then allegedly asked his employer for extra money to leave town.

Pena Ramos crossed through Biden's open border at El Paso last month.

Both Pena Ramos and Johan Jose Rangel are set to appear in immigration court this August.

The video below is of Jocelyn's mother at her vigil.

CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals

Superintendent Karen Gagliardi and Assistant Superintendent Tracey Norman at Lakeland Central School District. in New York admitted to an undercover mom that they were aware of pornographic images that were distributed to students by seventh-grade teacher, Steve Trinkle.

The images included photos of naked women in sexual positions, a primate masturbating and a video discussing how crows will engage in sexual behavior. Another video reportedly told middle school-aged students that “the only thing that feels better than heavy petting and groping is sex.”

The teacher also reportedly made the students take personality tests that gave information regarding their romantic and sexual interests. Information about penis extenders, sex toys, arousal pills, and weight loss pills were also allegedly distributed to minors.

Worse, parents were allegedly unaware that their children were exposed to these horrific images. Instead of informing parents, the district allegedly called it a “technical issue”

Expose via @sageops_

Melinda Gates (@melindagates) comes out against Trump, says, "In this election, I cannot vote for a man who rolls back women's reproductive rights and says the heinous things that he says about women. So I absolutely am not voting for Trump, and I will vote for Biden."

Muslim student calls America a “cancer” during a speech at UIC Chicago.

“America is the cancer…Muslims are tired of this cancer. They are tired of the American government. They are tired of democracy. They want to see a new way of life.”

Mohammed Hijab:

"The reason why you have to fight them, is because they are Jews and Christians.

You should fight them till they give you Jizya.

There is no conceivability of peace between Muslims and non-Muslims.

"Islam is a warrior religion, it's about expansion & conquest”

Speaking to Alex Jones on Jones show "Info Wars" warns of covert Trump assassination


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

1550 videos

Category News & Politics