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Starlink Group 9-1
SpaceX launch of a batch of Starlink v2-mini satellites for their second generation high-speed low earth orbit internet satellite constellation. 13 of the 20 satellites launching on this mission have Direct to Cell capabilities.

Payloads: 20
Low Earth Orbit

There is no physical evidence of any satellites orbiting the Earth just cartoon animation and CGI plus there is no need for such poor connection as cellphone towers connected to underwater cables are already connected all over Earth

The “flight” of the bumblebee.

A fine example of Viktor Grebennikov’s work. To understand the nature of our realm think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibrations.

Destroying the Globe Earth Theory With The US Navy.
Satellites in space are pure fantasy since the military relies heavily on recon planes for such communication!

7 Scientific Reasons Why Darwinian Evolution is a Myth

Interview with Dr. Marco Fasoli, who holds a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge. Using science, he exposes many of the flaws in Darwin's theory of evolution.


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

2302 videos

Category Science & Technology

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When traveling in a car we observe (in side view) that objects closer to us move faster compared to the objects away from us, that's called parallax. If we live on a spinning globe and the stars are spread millions of miles or "light years" away, we should see star parallax. But we don't see such phenomena in real life observations.

So it makes more sense for the stars to be close to us and fixed in their position relative to each other. Though no one knows what the stars really are, but the fact that we've been seeing exactly the same star constellations throughout our history without any parallax means that we're stationary and not moving through infinite space.