Penelope Avamour

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Penelope Avamour

Penelope Avamour


There is a label bandied about these days by the sloth class that sounds more like a disease than a venerating title known as 'Trad Wife', which supposedly stands for traditional woman as the sloth class wouldn't be the sloth class without it labeling everything and everyone.

When the general consensus in elite social circles is oxygen was totally wasted on the Baby Boomer generation; it shouldn't come as any surprise the theme of a song such as 'Under Pressure', which was composed, performed and released by the English rock band Queen and David Bowie in 1981 went completely under the radar of this hideously vile and repulsive dumb as all fuck generation.

I still have the vivid memories of that vapid slogan 'Yes we can' being moronically chanted by this dumb as all fuck generation in the American 2008 and 2012 election cycle who couldn't even discern the black hulk wearing a dress standing beside senator/president nigger boy was a dude.

But I did!

The most evocative attire any woman can wear is a pinafore apron naked in the kitchen as it has more enchantment power than a $50,000.00 haute couture evening gown, which is a style of gown that has only recently been seen at the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant despite me having worn that style for over a decade.

I mention it in reference to the songs lyrics because sitting on the fence doesn't get you the girl despite her only wearing a pinafore apron.



Pressure pushin' down on me
Pressin' down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure that brings a building down
Splits a family in two, puts people on streets
Mm-ba-ba-beh, mm-ba-ba-beh
Dee-day-da, ee-day-da
That's okay

That's the terror of knowing what this world is about
Watchin' some good friends screamin', "Let me out"
Pray tomorrow gets me higher
Pressure on people, people on streets

Da-da-da, mm-mm

Chippin' around, kick my brains 'round the floor
These are the days it never rains but it pours
Ee-doh-ba-buh, ee-da-ba-ba-bop
Mm-bo-bop, beh-lup
People on streets, ee-da-dee-da-day
People on streets, ee-da-dee-da-dee-da-dee-da

It's the terror of knowing what this world is about
Watching some good friends screaming, "Let me out"
Pray tomorrow gets me higher, higher, high
Pressure on people, people on streets

Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on the fence but it don't work
Keep comin' up with love but it's so slashed and torn
Why, why, why?
Insanity laughs under pressure we're breaking

Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love, give love, give love, give love
Give love, give love, give love, give love?

'Cause love's such an old-fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves

Under pressure
Under pressure

Whilst all the videos in this series are companion videos this video is specifically a companion video of my next video.

It has often been said of me in real life: a solitary quip of mine can contain more toxic venom than the bite of a King Cobra for which I would normally be offended if I wasn't already occupied reading the last rites to people I had recently quipped.

The most amusing thing I have observed in the past ten years occurred in 2014 at G+ whilst in observation of the hideously vile and utterly repulsive dumb as all fuck white trash who identified with Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and the Third Reich.

My amusement stemmed from the fact despite being hideously vile and utterly repulsive dumb as all fuck white trash these people represented the intelligentsia of Western society.

As I've mentioned on numerous occasions before, I spend next to no time at all on the Internet these days, however, a few weeks ago I decided to reciprocate a follow at Gab of someone who had made a rather insightful comment on another thread I had stumbled upon.

I mention it for two reasons:

🔵 1: I recently read an exchange between five people on a post whose knowledge and perceptions of the world were truly exceptional - something that was unimaginable in 2014

🔵 2: He posted a video that had been uploaded to Odysee of an A.I. generated English translation of Adolf Hitler's second speech he gave in Munich in 1922

Adolf Hitler's first two speeches he gave in Munich in 1922 are compelling reading if a person wishes to understand his vision of society as well as the mechanics that governed society both then and now.


The time period in which the novel 'Pride and Prejudice' was set is during the Napoleonic Wars (1797 - 1815) when women had little other choice than to marry a man if she wished to avoid being homeless and destitute.

The intrigue of the novel is despite Mr Darcy's enormous wealth; Elizabeth who was of extremely modest means; rejected his marriage proposal for reasons of principle when less cultivated women would have leapt at the opportunity regardless of principles.

My mother would often entertain Catholic Church dignitaries at our family home who were frequently accompanied by young male seminarians - trainee priest - in their early 20s, which delighted me as I had the body of a 21 year old at the age of 16.

I, also, had doubted the authenticity of the Christ story since the age of 12 so I was always curious to know why so young a male would make a life commitment to a potential fable.

The combination of these two events elevated my expectant standards of males from high to stratospheric as it was always anticipated I'd marry some well-to-do guy due to family connections regardless of his meritorious worth.

And therein lies the genesis of the Knights of the Round Table.

The title of this series is explained in my video titled 'Gloria In Excelsis Deo' I published in May 2023 as both videos use a similar template -

In January this year - 79 years after the end of WWII - the Australian Government made it illegal to display the Roman salute, swastika and SS runes in public.

You would think the woman who was responsible for the global rise in antisemitism as well as the global rejuvenated revered reverence in Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich would be somewhat aggrieved by this latest threat to freedom of expression.

I couldn't care less as the only time I've ever mentioned Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich in public is when I've used the line,"Did you know Adolf Hitler abolished Freemasonry in Germany and all German occupied territories during WWII? By the looks of the people attending this function I can understand why".

In fact, I've used that line so many times over the past ten years people now look at me with a 'you've used that line so many times' expression on their faces, which now has me respond, "Well, if you were expecting exclusive original content from me then maybe you should have become a Fans Only member".

Subsequently, it is not my intention to introduce Third Reich insignia - nothing to do with the government - with the Knights Cross of the Gold Cross - a derivative of the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross, which was a German military award for valour - but rather replicate its standardisation as well as sequential progression insofar as military personnel couldn't receive top honours without first achieving base honours.

🔵 1: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

🔵 2: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves

🔵 3: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords

🔵 4: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds

🔵 5: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds.

Interestingly, the highest Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds was only ever awarded to one person.

The second highest award awarded only 27 times.

These awards were obviously not given to ingratiate the egos of high ranking German military personnel as to do so would not only undermine the prestige of the award, but also undermine any psychological benefits with respect to the pursuit of excellence the award inspired.

My purposes are simply to illustrate the existence of a methodology of assessment that encompasses future events that aren't even currently on the foreseeable horizon - and won't be for five or ten years.

In my next video I intend to detail the basic perceptions of reality that would qualify a person for 'The Dawn' accreditation keeping in mind the metric being used is not how many 'conspiracy theories' a person believes are true, but rather the 'conspiracy theories' they reject as being untrue.

The content contained within this video had been originally intended for the sequel to my 2024: Caduceus - Epilogue (Part 2) video; but due to recent events I've decided to go with this title instead.

Besides the title nothing else has been altered other than the text I am writing now.

In 2024, despite the limitations of this platform, I intend to focus on the core structure of the Knights of the Round Table, which is meritocratic based.

Whilst a meritocracy is a simple enough structure insofar as being a scale from 1 to 100 its mechanics are not so simple as those mechanics are heavily reliant on scope.

In illustration of this scope I intend to use Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota as an example because in April 2021 I published a video extolling her courageous actions in comparison to her kowtowing contemporaries in not imposing Covid Virus Scamdemic restrictions on the people of South Dakota in a video titled 'The Gold Rose Rhapsody in Adagio Velocity - Decisions Determine Destiny' -

When I published this video I was aware she had expressed 'Israel is our greatest ally' sentiments on previous occasions so I knew she wasn't on the 'Jews are mendacious pieces-of-shit' bandwagon - yet.

Even so, whenever she had come to my attention in the intervening years since I published my video I've always been impressed by her obvious grasp of reality.

The state of South Dakota in 2024 has a population of approximately 920,000 people.

Of that 920,000 people 370 are Jews.

In fact, South Dakota has the fewest Jews of any state in the USA.

And yet, a few days ago she signed into law antisemitic legislation codifying International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA)'s working definition of antisemitism.

Supposedly, according to her, because she had been inspired by the fact some people have had the temerity to express unflattering sentiments about Israel's genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza strip.

The irony about all that is in 2014 it was career suicide to express anti-Jewish sentiments whereas in 2024 it is career suicide to express pro-Jewish sentiments so dramatic has the change been in these past ten years.

Her career suicide is she now will never be a contender for first female president of the USA which no doubt has been the real inspiration behind this legislation, which has been done in lieu of promised substantial Jewish donor support in her bid.

The elite world is a brutal, vicious and unforgiving world where there exists less reputational risk in eliminating people than there does in endorsing people.

The main reason being is the Jews are able to compromise even the most staunch, steadfast and loyal ally even when it is against their own interests as is the case with Noem.

In her case it is obvious due to this legislation.

But in real life you would never know the person you have trusted all this time had long ago become compromised until your own life is in peril.

In Greek mythology the god Hermes (Mercury in Roman mythology) was considered the messenger of the Olympic gods.

Pertinent to my purposes he was the god of commerce, speed, cunning and wit amongst other attributes.

The caduceus being his staff, which is also known as the Staff of Hermes.

In the USA the caduceus is the symbol for medicine, however, that is only because they had obviously never heard of the Staff of Aesculapius, which is the actual Greek mythological symbol for medicine.

I've selected the caduceus as the underlying theme for this epilogue series because in 2014 my primary interest in the Third Reich had been in the acquisition of speed with respect to my social interactions with people thereby reducing my social discourse to the barest acceptable minimum.

This created a 99:1 ratio interactive dynamic which I had first mentioned when I was at G+ as early as 2015 when I described myself as being a 99% White Winged Angel of Pure Goodness and a 1% Black Winged Angel of Pure Beauty/Death.

Taylor Swift is currently touring Australia with her Eras tour having completed all three scheduled concerts in Melbourne with four scheduled concerts in Sydney to complete.

If I was a Taylor Swift fan I most certainly would have purchased concert tickets as her concert appears to be a once in a life time visual spectacular.

But I'm not - so I didn't.

Swift has recently been subject to a torrent of criticism by so-called conservatives - a term so gay pink fairy floss has more masculines traits than it - due to her recent saturated coverage in the mainstream media - a media conservatives supposedly don't watch because of its Marxist agenda.

Whilst there is no denying Swift has left leaning political views her lack of support for Warp Speed Don cannot be counted amongst them as he is just a Zionist stooge.

There are only two states to being a leftist:

🔵 1: A train wreck in progress

🔵 2: A train wreck in waiting

That's due to the fact delusional perceptions of life are not compatible with reality.

Swift's relationship with Travis Kelce is a train wreck in waiting due to his Pfizer endorsement.

She is now a billionairess with a loyal support base of over 300 million fans worldwide - the vast majority of them being young impressionable females.

This is a woman who has enormous influence who is easily slighted who has no sense of humour and who is driven by vendetta.

But that is not the issue with Swift.

The issue with Swift amongst conservative males is males prefer women less successful and less intelligent than themselves whereas women prefer men to be more successful and more intelligent than themselves.

In essence, women prefer to marry up whereas men prefer to marry down.

And therein lies the seeds for a future matriarchal society because if there are no suitable men available to whom women can marry up they will just fill the void themselves.

Loveless frustrated sex deprived women running the show.

What could possibly go wrong?

When I first joined this platform in June 2019 these dialogue boxes had a 5000 character limit.

That figure was reduced a year or so ago to 4000 and then recently to 3000.

Since I'm the only content creator on this platform who utilises these dialogue boxes as part of the viewing experience I'm quite sure that fact has not been lost on ADLchute's management in deciding to reduce the characters available as there is obviously no cost benefit in reducing the characters available in dialogue boxes no one uses.

Of course, I had reactivated my Gab account two years ago in contingency of these eventualities with the expectation I would migrate my channel to that platform, which I later decided against as there are just too many dumb as all fuck fucked up Americans on that platform - depressingly so.

In fact, never in my life have I observed such pitiful people.

And that appraisal is from a woman who lives in Australia, which is inhabited by - coast to coast - dumb as all fuck utter sloth.

In 2014, 99.99% of people who identified with Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and the Third Reich would have been far better off identifying with the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street since he lived in a trash can whilst they were all trailer park trash, as they had absolutely nothing in common with the Third Reich

Max Igan recently dedicated an entire podcast on the topic of the Jews, which was cogent and comprehensive for which I wholly concur.

Something he has avoided doing up until now because he knows a significant portion of his viewing audience are just dumb as all fuck drones who will expect a repeat performance in a few weeks time and thereafter forever more.

It is for this reason I have absolutely no desire to establish an account on any other social media platforms now or in the future as I'm not interested in being part of a perpetual online circus catering to people whose neurological activities are so low if they were to visit any emergency ward at any hospital they'd be pronounced dead on arrival.

Especially since my content is only suited to people blessed with an exceptionally high neurological capacity whose perceptions of reality are so acute they are able to evaluate any information they receive in real time similar to how a martial artist - Bruce Lee - or a samurai swordsman when engaged in combat have to process information in real time for the very reason their life depends on it.

The primary objective of the Knights of the Round Table is the dismantling of the International Financial System - aka Shadow World Government ~ aka the Jews.

The Roman Republic as distinct from Imperial Rome had long ago devised a solution to the problems confronting Western Society.

A solution that dispensed with all the enemies of the state whilst making all the active participants wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

There is no point saving the world unless you can profit from it otherwise who is going to save it next time.

Merry Christmas!

I have previously stated the white male has zero role models in this world worthy of mentioning because if an exemplary role model did exist I would have married him.

A benefit of being a member of the elite class of society is you are not burdened with any false illusions with respect to the possibility of there being better and more capable people existing further up the pyramid hierarchy as there is no further up the pyramid hierarchy.

So phenomenally accurate are my psychological profiling abilities I can discern within a nanosecond the exact percentage of male a woman has attracted to herself, thereby, shattering any false perceptions she may have of herself she is some hot ass man killer as usually if the guy with her was any dumber she would be required to put him on a leash.

In January 2014, the only white male on this entire planet who had a 60% plus rating was Ken O'Keefe.

This is a man who could have had the world kneel at his feet if not for the fact he was a complete charlatan and scamartist.

Every other white male at the time who liked to identify as a 'conservative' was in one or two percentage points of Carl Benjamin - Sargon of Akkad - who I ranked at 50% on a scale of 1 to 100 as he was as bottom as you could go before encountering leftist nutjobs.

In August 2018, Devon Stack posted his video 'The Land of My Ancestors' on his YouTube channel.

Devon Stack's public appeal had the exact same dynamics as an exploding firework insofar as the initial captivating spectacle was extremely short lived as he quickly proved himself in interview to be just another muddleheaded white male.

Since then he has found his niche.

Matt Walsh is a married man with six children who is a social commentator on the Daily Wire in addition to having produced and starred in the documentary 'What is a woman?'.

Matt Walsh's entire identity as a man is he is husband to his wife Alissa and father to their six children.

But what if his wife Alissa woke up one morning and decided she can no longer remain married to a bearded man who only ever wears flannel shirts?

Just like that his entire identity as a man would be destroyed as she would get custody of the children being the primary carer along with a substantial portion of the family assets.

Even though his documentary made him a man amongst men he mainly posts lollipop content.

In fact, Devon Stack as a single man does more to secure a future for Matt Walsh's children than Matt Walsh does himself as their father.

It obviously is not conducive to a flourishing society to have the best of its menfolk lives ruined by the whim of a woman as both women and men require a substantial degree of security in life to thrive.

The only way this could be achieved is if elite women like me were to give their endorsement to a preferred cultivated class of male they deemed essential in maintaining the health of a society

Until then, the plight of men/fathers will never improve in the current system.

This series will be the final published content on this platform.

The first and only time I ever mentioned the phrase 'the Aryan woman is born of the mist' was in my video titled 'Black Winged Angel - Western White Male', which was my 7th installment in that series published on 29th November, 2019.

In that video I depicted a scene from the movie 'The Last Samurai' depicting Tom Cruise symbolically representing the white male of the past hundred years being severely beaten by a superior skilled adversary.

Of course, just like much of my published content my video didn't win too many fans with the pathetic dumb as all fuck sloth white male contingent whose entire perception of reality is a comic book fiction.

It was not my intention to be mystical by the use of that phrase but rather abstract.

Mist is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when either cold air encounters warm terrain or warm air encounters cold terrain causing the warmer water vapors in the air - an invisible gas - to rapidly cool forming visible water droplets.

I was so intrigued by this concept I decided to model my entire social interactive discourse on it insofar as I would remain warm, polite, courteous and welcoming towards people - which invariably entailed standing around like a mannequin at social functions - until such time they caused social pleasantries with me to cool to such an extent only Victoria's Secret runway dynamics could resolve matters satisfactorily.

As I've stated on numerous occasions I designed the Knights of the Round Table primarily for men due to the fact male dynamics in the modern world are essentially of mission critical status.

In my next video in this series I intend to illustrate exactly what I mean by this statement with the assistance of two relatively well known online male personalities in purpose of demonstrating the metric capabilities of the Knights of the Round Table.

Of all the misinformation parents deliberately tell their children growing up the most egregious is Western society is primarily a meritocracy intrinsically geared to the pursuit of excellence.

The dictionary definition of a meritocracy is:

🔵 1: a society governed by people selected according to merit

🔵 2: a ruling or influential class of educated or able people

This definition obviously bears no resemblance to Western society.

The fundamental essence and driving force of a meritocracy is people who pursue excellence are handsomely rewarded for their endeavours by either an elevation in social status, fame and/or fortune - or all three.

This is an imperative aspect of a meritocracy because it provides people with the motivation and incentive to pursue excellence despite the many obstacles they will invariably encounter in their endeavours as the pursuit of excellence is not an easy path to take in life.

It is not my purpose to replace Western democracy with a meritocracy as it is possible for a meritocracy to function harmoniously within a democracy.

In January 2014, being of the awareness the Jews are mendacious pieces-of-shit can best be described as being a fringe social perspective so successful had the Jews been by their total control of the world's mainstream media in convincing the world they weren't mendacious pieces-of-shit.

As we approach this 10th anniversary being aware the Jews are mendacious pieces-of-shit these days is more or less on the same par with being aware water is wet for an increasing amount of people.

Between January 2014 and November 2016 I issued eight restrictive notices on my G+ profile informing what comments I will respond to on my profile due to the absolute incompatibility between myself as a member of the social elite posting content that mainly appealed to the fringe dwellers of society.

On December 1st 2016, I introduced to the world the 'Micro Miniskirt, Crop Top, Pantiless and Braless United Women's Guild' with a post titled '2017: International Year of the Dismembered Penis', in which I had stated:

"Any male over the age of eighteen domiciled in the West who still believes the official story of 911 in 2017 gets his dick cut off."

On December 20th 2016, I decided to bring my G+ profile inline with my real life dynamics by posting a series of sexy Santa posts informing I intend to terminate any and all reciprocal follows I had made since 2014 of anyone who doesn't possess the courtesy to wish me a Merry Christmas since all my reciprocal follows were motivated by courtesy as opposed to interest.

Effectively, I purged everyone from my G+ profile just as I had purged everyone from my life during the course of 2016 in preparation for what I had planned to be the most dynamic phase of my life beginning in 2017.

The 'Micro Miniskirt, Crop Top, Pantiless and Braless United Women's Guild' had been inspired by all these dumb women talk shows such as 'The View' in the USA and 'Loose Women' in the UK; whereas, this 'Black Lace' phase had been inspired by Morticia Addams from The Addams Family due to her only ever wearing a black body hugging dress who possessed an inverted version of normalcy since her world had essentially become my world.

The brief chronology of 2017 is as follows:

🔵 In March, I insisted the entire Australian Judiciary be eliminated

🔵 In October, I published my first post in my 'Excalibur - Lady of the Lake' series in which I mentioned the existence of the spirits from the netherworld indicating they had arrived between March and October

🔵 On the 26th December I published my Penorah Award post, which I have replicated on Gab due to text restrictions here

The real life motivation inspiring this post had to do with the fact I still wasn't too sure whether I was imagining things with respect to the spirits so I needed a confirmation objective.

Getting rid of Malcolm Turnbull as Australia's prime minister was the perfect objective.

This video is part of a currently planned three part miniseries:

🔵 2014: Year Zero

🔵 2014: The Omega Elite Aryan Woman

🔵 2014: The Rise of the Aryan Spirit

In a recent video Matt Walsh discussed the topic of the ever changing dynamics of males in Western society going so far as to state we now live in a matriarchal society.

The only way Western society could become a matriarchal society in my life time is if I were to be declared the Empress of the Universe whose annual remuneration package included my own planet located on the other side of the fucking universe.

I didn't spend three years developing the most sophisticated life operating system ever devised that's been calibrated to dumb as all fuck males running the show only to have to recalibrate it a few years later to dumb as all fuck females running the show.

In the mid 70s Jewesses like Gloria Steinem et al convinced Western white women strolling around the house in your slippers, PJs and dressing gown at 11 o'clock in the morning without a care in the world was no life for a woman compared to the stress of getting out of bed before the crack of dawn, dressing up, making up, spending an hour or more stuck in peak hour morning traffic just to get to a job she hates working with people she hates.

Especially since only men are really suited to being stuck in peak hour morning traffic as at least they can rationalise to themselves, "This sucks! But I guess it is better than having to hike some mountainous forest trail hunting some elusive scampering rabbit for dinner every fucking day of the week".

So, for men being stuck in traffic on the freeway listening to the stereo doesn't seem so bad; whereas, in comparison, a woman stuck in traffic knows she could be sitting on her back patio in the sun enjoying tea and croissants whilst reading her horoscope to check if there is anything important for her to do that day.

I've made reference to Matt Walsh recently in a few of my videos because more than other men he has a significant investment in the future since he is the father of six children.

As an elite woman I would expect a man so weighed down with responsibility to be at the peak of his game in being a man otherwise he is just courting disaster because if the Coronavirus Scamdemic demonstrated anything it is a person who ignores, denies or fabricates reality does so at his or her own peril.

The main problem for Matt Walsh is he is employed by Ben Shapiro who is a Jew, which restricts him to utilising trailing edge logic and rationale in assessment of the world as opposed to cutting edge logic and rationale.

None of which would put him in good favour with a woman like me.

But that is not his only problem because as a man living a traditionalist life style with a wife who is obviously a full-time housewife with six children to raise has his glory become her glory.

A few weeks ago Matt Walsh made public on Twitter his documentary 'What is a woman?', which was so good it made him a man amongst men.

A documentary he spent months gallivanting all around the countryside interviewing people even flying off to Africa to investigate whether Masai Warriors could answer the question 'What is a woman?' whilst all the while leaving his wife alone to care for his and her six children.

But before any residual glory could filter down to her from the documentary he posts a video two days later unabashedly confirming the existence of aliens because some dubious so-called whistleblower gave an interview on some insignificant cable news network.

It is this type of behaviour from traditionalist men that inspired women to take flight from both the kitchen and their lives in the first place as there is absolutely no way a woman like me could pay my due regards to his wife Alissa at some social function for her husband's documentary as it has now been overshadowed by fucking claims of aliens allegedly visiting Earth.

Marriages have died for less.

There is a specific reason I chose Taylor Swift for the content of my previous video.

A reason that dates back to June 2021 with the publication of my video titled 'The Gold Rose Rhapsody in Adagio Velocity - Transcendence (Part 1)', which contained a montage of various clips I had intended to expand upon in (Part 2).

The reason I chose the title Transcendence is because it had more of a mystical allure to it than the title 'Personal Growth Through Inconvenience', despite being a more self-explanatory title.

A fundamental difference between Taylor Swift and myself is she has been blessed with a beautiful singing voice along with an extraordinary ability to compose original music, which for her is more or less therapeutic therapy.

If I had been blessed with a beautiful singing voice along with an extraordinary ability to compose original music I'm quite sure it would be my primary therapeutic therapy, too.

But I wasn't.

Instead, I was forced to supplement for a therapeutic therapy destroying the lives of people who pushed their luck with me just a little too far.

But since I am one of the very few women born to this world who could stand in the centre of a room littered with dead corpses whilst holding a severed head in each hand and still have her radiant beauty dominate the room it all turned out for the best.

Even more so when the spirits from the netherworld arrived on the scene in 2017.

As I have previously mentioned YouTube terminated my account in June 2019, which meant I am no longer able to customise my homepage.

It is the reason I included the blonde woman at the start of my Transcendence video as I had been stuck with her videos appearing on my homepage because I had randomly viewed one of her videos.

I use those little inconveniences to remind myself at one time someone did me wrong, which in this instance was YouTube whose CEO at the time was a Jewess named Susan Wojcicki.

Subsequently, my instructions to the spirits ever since has been to eliminate her which they've never done confirming they don't take orders from me, which is something I would never have known unless I had invested the time testing various scenarios.

I would physically have to confront Susan Wojcicki in person with the intention of eliminating her myself as it is the only scenario I am aware of in which the spirits will act.

Compounding matters is Wojcicki did me somewhat of a favour by terminating my YouTube account as by June 2019 I had profiled anyone who was anyone on that platform none of whom were worth wasting further time on.

Subsequently, it's not surprising the spirits did fuck all in satisfying my request due to the fact I only know of them to appear when the intensity of the moment has been cranked to eleven, which invariably occurs over a period of time with someone.

Take for instance my dealings with Bitchute:

I had established an account on this platform a week before YouTube terminated my account in June 2019.

In December 2019, I wrote an email to Bitchute stating I can't use any of the benefits a membership offers, however, what I would find beneficial is the ability to re-upload a video into the same slot due to the fact my videos contain text frames, which despite being proof read a thousand times before publishing are still prone to typos. I would be more than willing to become a silver or gold member if I knew my membership fee was being used in the development of this feature.

I never received a reply.

I never received a reply the second time I broached the subject a year later.

The only time I received a reply was when I signed up to be a Bronze member twelve months ago as it offered priority communication in which I offered to fund the entire development cost of this feature.

The brief reply I received stated it would be prone to abuse even though I had stated it would be a feature reserved for members who have an invested financial interest in being good cyber citizens.

No reply!

In the tradition of my previous video this video has also been specifically crafted in purpose of testing whether the in-site notification system is functioning or not since it failed again with my previous video confirming there is more at stake than just a computer glitch.

I've been assured by Bitchute Support they'll investigate the issue in response to a scathing email I wrote after it failed again as I was quite certain there were nefarious reasons at play for its failure even before the publication of my previous video.

If it is for nefarious reason, then, I'm not observing what they are observing hence my choice in topic for this video.

I've always liked Taylor Swift as she is a woman who discernibly possesses a genuine sweet soul.

However, I would only consider myself to be a selective connoisseur of her music due to the fact I care absolutely nothing for the people with whom she associates, which not surprisingly are the main source of her musical inspiration.

Even so, if any female performing artist ever deserved an eight minute standing ovation at the conclusion of her final performance of her USA leg of her current 'The Eras Tour' it is she, as her dedication and commitment in giving to her fans a three and a half hour high energy performance to remember - show after show regardless of the weather - is truly something to marvel

A fans video of her final performance in Los Angeles records the standing ovation -

A story I find even more amusing than Anal Colostomybag from TYT objecting to being referred to as a 'birthing person' instead of a woman by her own out-to-lunch leftist freak show support base has to do with Taylor Swift's own support base commonly referred to as 'Swifties', which mainly comprises young teenage girls/boys.

It's a rather complex story to do with the copyright of her songs, which is better understood by watching this video crafted by YouTuber Legal Eagle -

The short story is: when Taylor Swift was 15 years old she signed with a start-up label, which her own father had financially invested in to get it up and running called Big Machine Records.

The label was owned by a piece-of-shit named Scott Borchetta who owed his entire success of the label to Taylor Swift whose own personal success attracted other artists to the label.

Taylor had constantly raised the issue of copyright ownership of her master recordings with Borchetta because this was not an established label with whom she had signed that could do her career a whole lot of good in the promotion of her music. But after dodging the issue for years; and rather than just being grateful for the good fortune his association with Taylor had brought him and just sign over the copyright to Taylor; he instead sold the label to another piece-of-shit named Scooter Braun for an estimated 300 million dollars of which Taylor's catalog represented an estimated 140 million dollars.

Taylor being Taylor made everything known to her fans who then went on an online crusade against Scooter Braun resulting in him making public overtures to Taylor with respect to him now fearing for his life.

Can you imagine the humiliation involved for a grown man to have to publicly admit he is in mortal fear for his life from a group of people who refer to themselves as Swifties that mainly comprises teenage girls?

I find the whole saga hysterical.

In contrast, the Jews can shut down the entire world with the complicity of Western governments by way of a scamdemic destroying countless millions of lives by either connivance or forcibly mandating the injection of a bioweapon; in addition to the financial ruination of millions by way of lockdowns, and yet, nothing remotely resembling the outcome the Swifties caused to occur with Scooter Braun has eventuated.

So why the need for nefarious measures?

In response to recent events I've decided to start my own Fans Only Members Club.

I still vividly remember the precise moment in time and the exact event when I was gifted a cloak of invisibility to wear by the Jews even though if I were to live for another 200 years there would still never be enough social occasions for me to wear all the clothes I currently have in my wardrobe.

David Duke who I've never had anything to do with either before or since had made it publicly known he had received notification from YouTube they intended to terminate his account.

This, of course, was back in late 2015 before YouTube began conducting unannounced indiscriminate platform wide purges.

So even though I had had nothing personally to do with David Duke other than possessing a shared awareness about the Jews I decided to make a post on my G+ profile in solidarity with his plight, which immediately had Joogle gift me a cloak of invisibility to wear for the remainder of my participation on that social media platform.

A cloak of invisibility I still wear today even on this supposed 'Bastion of Free Speech/Champion of the Masses' video sharing platform as it is quite easy to sense you're wearing it as it has a feel all of its own.

Fortunately, it is invisible so it doesn't clash with anything else I am wearing at the time as that would indeed be an untenable situation soliciting a far more confrontational response if it did.

All of which I mention because it is quite possible the recent event that has inspired the establishment of my Fans Only Members Club is no more nefarious than just a computer glitch.

But I won't know that until I upload this video to my channel as I subscribe to my own channel in purpose of monitoring whether an onsite notification has been issued when any video I upload becomes publicly visible as it is the premium notification method on this site as not everyone chooses to receive email notifications.

It is just one of the many methods I utilise in assessing the actual views of my videos for which the view count on any particular video has little bearing.

Subsequently, I immediately became aware when my previous video titled 'A Man For All Seasons' had failed to issue an onsite notification to my subscribers since I never received a notification myself causing a chronic lag in initial views on that particular video severely undermining the cascade effect, which helps facilitate wider interest in a particular video.

So, I decided to contact Bitchute Support since not only am I a paid up Bronze member; I'm the life blood of this fucking site being a content creator because without regular contributors like me this site would be a dead brown dwarf in cyberspace.

I simply requested they issue a notification as it is not all that difficult to do even after the video has been made publicly visible.

But instead of just issuing the fucking notification I received instructions in how to activate notifications on my channel.

Not once.

Not twice.

But three fucking times despite me detailing the actual issue each subsequent time until the replies stopped coming and nothing was done to correct the issue.

It is for this reason I've decided to start my own Fans Only Members Club for my subscribers for which there are three membership categories:

🔵 Silver Membership

🔵 Gold Membership

🔵 Platinum Membership

✅ Silver Membership offers the possibility of receiving a notification when my videos are published.

✅ Gold Membership offers a definite possibility of receiving a notification when my videos are published.

✅ Platinum Membership guarantees receipt of a notification when my videos are published as it is not available on this site.

Membership is free!

When I first heard the central theme of the Barbie movie starring Margo Robbie and Ryan Gosling is the patriarchy I immediately thought of the Bugs Bunny cartoon I first saw as a child in which Yosemite Sam is standing guard at the Mason-Dixon line 90 years after the conclusion of the American Civil War so comically vintage do I find it still being an issue in 2023, which is why I have included a segment at the start of this video.

An indication of how times have changed can be illustrated by the fact when Pixar conceived of the idea of 'Toy Story' back in the early 90s Mattel refused to grant them permission to use Barbie in their initial production for fear of her perfect princess image being sullied in some second rate movie.

It was only after the blockbuster success of 'Toy Story' which was released in 1995 did Mattel grant permission for Barbie's inclusion in subsequent 'Toy Story' sequels - no doubt maintaining final artistic approval with regard to how she is portrayed.

You would think with such a highly protected manufactured commercial image in conjunction with her worldwide popularity as a young girls multi-career path seeking fashion toy her cultural influence on Western women after sixty years would be anything other than what it actually is today.

So much so, it is the reason why I've always been of the opinion Mattel should release a Dumb-As-All-Fuck Baby Boomer Barbie as part of a new reality check range; so children of today can understand why their now compromised future is mostly due to the fact their grandma was more than likely a clueless and fashionless dumb slag who sat idly by on her fat fucking ass complaining about the patriarchal myth that never existed whilst Western civilisation disintegrated around her, as it is quite obvious fashionable Barbie has had fuck all influence on Western women.

Even so, the most amusing thing I have observed since its release has been all the male online social and/or political pundits scathingly criticising it for its portrayal of Ken as a weak and pathetic submissive male when they themselves are the living embodiment of Ken. But rather than mention them individually there is one particular male who embodies all of them for whom I intend to showcase in a video under the title The Critical Dumb Ox as his YouTube username is the Critical Drinker.

There are two reasons I've selected this guy:

🔵 He epitomises the clueless dumb as all fuck white male

🔵 He has devoted his life to critiquing Hollywood movies

The latter item is significant because as I detail in my video this all really begins with me as a consequence of a romantic evening in 2006 that turned sour due to a movie when I had already been won over by preceding events that evening in conjunction with previous dates for which I've overly emphasised with my Cupid reference.

An even better example is Alanis Morissette's song 'Head Over Feet' as it perfectly encapsulates the dynamics of that evening in which defeat had been snatched from the jaws of victory -

How all this came about is I had spoken glowingly about 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' in general conversation with almost everyone I had met from 2003 onwards as it is one of the very few Hollywood movies I've actually enjoyed watching. So when the sequel was due for release in 2006 my 'd'Artagnan' at the time thought it would be the perfect finale to a perfect evening if he arranged for a private viewing of the sequel before its release.

D'Artagnan is a character based on a real life person who appeared in Alexandre Dumas novel 'The Three Musketeers' whose name I would use in place of the name of any real life person I may have had some romantic interest in for reasons of privacy. I mention it now because I intend to publish a video titled 'The Three Dumbasallfucketeers' for which the line, "What a pity. As here it is I had hoped he was my d'Artagnan' is of extreme significance.

In 2002 - a year before graduation - I had been recruited by one of the most prestigious legal firms in Australia to commence employment in February 2004.

A prospect I had been extremely ambivalent towards as I could barely tolerate the company of my fellow law students so the thought of having to spend a life time amongst the same type of people only now as practicing lawyers didn't thrill me in the least.

I had been supposedly recruited for my rare analytical synthesising abilities which were phenomenal even back then even though they were still extremely undeveloped in need of nurturing and cultivation, which had been guaranteed to me as a condition of my employment.

This analytical synthesising ability of mine creates an unusual set of dynamics insofar as everyone is initially better than me.

Take for example the destruction of the twin towers in New York City on September 11th, 2001: in the initial years following those events forensic crime investigators, structural engineers, physicists even conspiracy theorists possessed better skills than me in analysing the raw data.

It is only when these various entities begin filing their analyses and findings does someone of my abilities come into their own.

Prior to any of that happening the only assistance I can really offer is making tea and sandwiches, which I'd be happy to do as opposed to sifting through the rubble looking for clues as something of that nature could possibly compromise my maintenance of a detached perspective.

It was never understood by these people at this legal firm just how much of a delicate flower I am with respect to making full use of my potentials; in addition to the fact the senior female partner at this firm had for whatever reason seemingly taken an instant dislike to me.

I had begun my employment during the last month of summer, which is February in Australia. I had survived the three months of autumn and the first month of winter so it is now July 2004, which is the coldest winter month in Australia.

Legal people dress very conservatively wearing a combination of neutral colours consisting of blacks, greys and whites even in the summer months. The only difference being people tend to wear thick woolen clothing in winter along with thick woolen coats.

It is for this very reason I arranged to have delivered ten cubic metres of beach sand to this senior female partners home address with the specific instructions for the sand to be dumped on the driveway just inside the front gate.

It is also for this reason I arrived at the office the next morning wearing a bright light colourful summer frock with black bikini underneath wearing a wide brimmed straw hat and carrying a large straw beach bag with a beach towel draped between the handles with beach sandals on my feet.

This is in spite of the fact the winter temperature was near freezing.

She had arrived at the office before me and had obviously confided in a few people about her overnight trials and tribulations with respect to her incapacity to garage her car due to someone having dumped a pile of beach sand in her driveway.

Subsequently, the connection was instantly made by everyone in the office when I casually strolled around lamenting, "If only I had some beach sand to lay my beach towel out on".

It was this event that was the catalyst for the events I described in my Panacea Perdition video.

It is not an event I mention too often because in 2004 Australian woman Jennifer Hawkins who is the same age as me had won the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant; whereas, in comparison, my only life achievement up until then had been in the placing of an order for ten cubic metres of beach sand just to spite some bitch.

The relevancy of the content in my video will become apparent in future videos.

Edit: There is an audio glitch in my video with the term unimpeachable in the phrase 'unimpeachable platonic relations'.

On November 29th, 2019 - three months before the coronavirus scamdemic began - I published my 7th installment of my Black Winged Angel series titled Western White Male -

If you remember this was a time when 99.99% of Western white males - and females - were oblivious to the fact within a few short months their own government would try and kill them with a bioweapon.

Those were the good ol' days!

Who would have thought one of the most beautiful and intelligent women ever born to this world would be among the few people on this planet to know differently.

I even amaze myself sometimes - sometimes.

There are two aspects of this video I intend to revisit for the benefit of my long term subscribers:

🔵 An Aryan woman is born of the mist

🔵 The intrinsic benefits of a homogeneous culture as depicted in the movie The Last Samurai

It is usually at this juncture I begin to confuse the hapless sloth white male - and white female - because a homogeneous culture for these people is defined by skin pigment as usually that is all they have in commonality with another person.

The movie The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise is the closest thing I've ever encountered depicting a true homogeneous culture as it depicts a samurai culture, which throughout the centuries has always been distinct from Japanese culture - especially during the era the movie is set as Japanese culture was undergoing rapid Western transformation at the time.

If you don't know: samurai culture was the elite culture in feudal Japan.

The elite world to which I belong is a formless world that defies adequate description due to its somewhat cosmopolitan nature, which is a polite way of saying there are pieces-of-shit who belong to the elite world who would serve humanity better if they were dead.

Something I am more than happy to arrange as the occasion suits.

Despite this lack of homogeneity there is one thing the elite world can be described to be, which is a haven from the sloth world as anything remotely resembling the sloth world is forbidden.

I intend to address this issue in a video titled Victoria's Sloth as most Victoria's Secret supermodels are forbidden from the elite world.

Something I addressed on my G+ profile in 2017.

An accurate description of the elite world is taking a walk along a two kilometre long jetty without a fishing rod only to get to the end and realise a fishing rod may have given the walk some added purpose inferring it's just an end to an end unless you possess some concept in your mind of what purpose that end may serve.

The reason I've included the scene from the movie Rustlers' Rhapsody is because the elite world is a world of 'what is' as opposed to a world of 'what is not'.

It is the reason I rarely mention anything about woke freaks as what do I care about people who soon will be eliminated do.

In purpose of facilitating a better insight to the elite world I've decided to create three fictional societal classes:

🔵 Warm Milk - The Warm Milk class are the scourge of society.

🔵 Sarsaparilla - Matt Walsh belongs to the Sarsaparilla class

🔵 Lgowgswahhii - (Large Glass Of Warm Gin Served With A Human Hair In It) is the elite class of whom Devon Stack - Black Pilled - is the town sheriff.

The reason I've selected Matt Walsh is because he is a married man - Alissa Ann Walsh - with six children thereby making him a husband and father in addition to being a man.

Subsequently, you would think a man who possessed two highly esteemed honoury bestowed titles would do everything in his capacity to preserve those honoury bestowed titles - if only for the sake of the children.

The reason I have selected Devon Stack as town sheriff is because of this recent post he made at Gab highlighting the disinformation agenda Matt Walsh often engages in as a member of Daily Wire -

This does beg the question what is a man?

As no doubt my long term subscribers are aware there are very few people in this world - if any - one can locally engage in intellectual discussion in real life in purpose of validating by way of reciprocal confirmation his/her own perceptions of this world.

In fact, it is usually a discussion best to be avoided rather than engaged.

Subsequently, I intend to gradually weave my way back in the publication of my next few videos to my Black Winged Angel - Wasted Time miniseries, which I never completed as it perfectly illustrates the dynamics leading up to a finality of patience and tolerance instigating an extra-judicial response.

The symbolism I imbued in my Black Tie - Strategic video has to do with my ability to beat a computer at chess set to the highest setting if I subject myself to a binge chess playing session the duration of which can range from anywhere from a few days to over a week as I reacquaint myself with the finesse of the game.

What I've found interesting is despite being able to play at that level of proficiency I often get thrashed by the computer on lower settings when I mistakenly decide I may enjoy a recreational game of chess to pass the time after a long bout from playing.

After I am defeated I always review the record of the moves in purpose of isolating the exact move I made that would eventually lead to my downfall, which invariably is early in the game.

So much so, I've always considered it a perfect analogy for life since I am already aware of my proficiency during moments of optimum preparation.

This analogy relates to the critical human developmental stage between the years 17 and 19, which for females is usually post the gawky developmental stage that occurs between 15 and 17.

The imperative nature of this reality can only be considered in context to the fact the human female brain doesn't fully mature until age 25 potentially impairing her judgement prior to then; whilst all the while her biological clock is slowly ticking with an expiration date in the vicinity of 10 to 15 years.

The manifestations of which creates an unforgiving error prone environment.

The ability to read body language is very much in the realm of being a pseudoscience as it is the equivalent of a woman standing naked in her bedroom attaching an earring to each lobe and then walking out her front door under the false assumption she is fully dressed inferring it is at best an auxiliary accessory.

I've viewed quite a few of Matt Walsh's YouTube publications in the past few months - nothing before then - despite his Daily Wire affiliation and associations as he is a man with a strong moral compass in addition to being quite articulate.

I won't watch anything where the content is essentially him critiquing woke Tik Tok freaks which is obviously just fill content during those times some 'brave and courageous' white male like Anthony Bass isn't apologising for something he posted on social media in desperate attempt to appease the woke mob.

Subsequently, it came as no surprise after reviewing some of the titles of his older videos when Matt Walsh enthusiastically spoke about the interview with so-called whistleblower David Grusch on NewsNation about aliens -

This prompted me to view the interview for which I could only find a brief snippet, which was sufficient enough for me to deduce he was definitely lying. A deduction the supposedly renowned clinical and forensic psychologist and body language expert appearing in my video was reluctant to make.

What it is I am emphasising in this video is the ability to read body language belongs to a skill set that can only be acquired beyond formal education, which preferably should begin during the last years of formal education as it essentially is an observation technique that improves with practice and time.

Whilst it has taken me near on twenty years to perfect I can now accurately psychologically profile any person just by the utterance of a phrase.

Along with 150 million plus other people - and still counting - I watched Matt Walsh's documentary 'What is a woman?" on Twitter this weekend.

Even though it is only one hour and thirty-five minutes long it took me over six hours to get through it all as I could only watch it in bite sized segments.

That has nothing to do with the quality of its production as it is an extremely well crafted documentary.

That has everything to do with my aversion to having to listen to the mindless machinations of deranged pieces-of-shit.

Matt Walsh tweeted the following tweet some hours after its publication on Twitter:

"Now that so many of you have seen it, what was your favorite part of What is a Woman?

Mine was the Africa segment"

The only part I can truly say I liked was the end when he asked his wife the question 'What is a woman?' who responded concisely and succinctly, "An adult human female...", which in context to the rest of the documentary in conjunction with her adding "who needs help opening this [jar]" to the end of her response was more than fittingly appropriate.

However, her response doesn't quite accurately answer the question 'What is a woman?'.

The correct answer is, "A woman is an intelligent culturally accomplished precision version of an adult biological human female".

The most amusing thing I have observed in recent times is Anal Colostomybag of TYT fame declaring herself to be a woman as opposed to a 'birthing person' in response to her own fucked up lunatic sloth crowd insisting she do.

Anal Colostomybag is not a woman.

She is a leftist dumb slag who is an adult biological human female.

Whatever concept of womanhood existed in this world prior to the Baby Boomer generation vanished with the Baby Boomer generation as you cannot have the saturation of fucked up dumb as all fuck Western males we have today without a comparative similar female equivalent.

That's because intelligent accomplished women are incompatible with anything remotely resembling something fucked up and/or dumb as all fuck whether male or female.

In fact, the whole joy of being a woman - accomplished precision female - is solely derived from her being an intelligent accomplished sentient being as life takes on a whole new dimension for any such woman.

A dimension unimaginable by the leftist slags of the sloth world like Anal Colostomybag and her fat fuck dumb as all fuck co-host Churned Yogurt who cater to the lowest common denominator in society.

Whereas a woman - accomplished precision female - only caters to the highest common denominator in society as they are more likely to build her a flying fucking car inferring a woman inspires the better advancement of society in the quest for new horizons as opposed to its decline as with Baby Boomer Western women.

The most significant scene in the documentary 'What is a woman?' occurred at the very end during the credits in which video of the Confirmation Hearing of Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court Justice was shown of her being incapable of answering the question 'What is a woman?'.

That fucking ugly thing is no different to the freaks Matt Walsh interviewed in his documentary who couldn't answer that question who are no doubt similar to the freaks at Twitter who tried to ban the showing of the documentary on that platform.

As Adolf Hitler stated it requires only a few people in key administrative positions to disable an entire nation - socially, economically and culturally.

Jackson's appointment - as with all diversity hires - is the Jews placing their mindless automatons in key positions.

I alluded to this very scenario in my Black Winged Angel - Enchanted Quest video.

Even if Jackson possesses all the biological assets under all those rolls of fat it makes it as much of a woman as Michael Obama is a woman.

A man masquerading - no reference to my video - as the First Lady of the United States of America, which few Western women - or men - even realised was a man so devoid of any concept of what actually is a woman now exists in this world.

Even though I buried any mention of death in my previous video to the very end in the description box - as I am doing now - my video was still shadow banned on this so-called 'free speech' platform.

Subsequently, it is worth keeping in mind death has the exact same dynamics as a woman's cleavage insofar as too much visibility and it may appear unseemly whereas too little is an under utilisation of an invaluable persuasive asset.

My reason for mentioning it was to illustrate the symbolism imbued in the Victoria's Secret video I posted previous to my previous video, which I first published two months before my Black Winged Angel series commenced.

A series so titled for its symbolic reference to death as death is the only sure reliable measure guaranteed to fuck up anyone's world domination plans.

The video you have just watched is a concept video.

As a concept it is three or four years away from even virtual reality stage.

That has nothing to do with technology or financial investment, but rather a lack of qualifying candidates.

As to actual reality, possibly, ten to fifteen years beyond even that - or maybe never.

If I were to produce a 50 hour long video exclusively dedicated to the Knights of the Round Table; I still would barely be scratching the surface with respect to its multi-layered complexity.

An indication of which is the fact there are things I have mentioned as far as back as 2019, which I've never mentioned again despite them being mission critical intrinsic components.

As is common knowledge my mother was a highly esteemed socialite within the Catholic Church who regularly entertained the hierarchy of the Church at our family home whilst my father was a Grand Mason.

The Catholic Church is a male dominated theocracy whereas Freemasonry is an exclusive all male secret society.

As a young beautiful vivacious woman immersed in a predominately male enriched living environment it had always perplexed me how two exclusively male worldwide influential institutions could exist, and yet, the quality of men in the world was so dismally poor.

These two institutions alone have the capacity to produce the pillars of society on which empires are built let alone in concert with all the other male institutions.

Of course, everyone knows the answer to that riddle now insofar as all these male institutions were infiltrated and subverted by Jews.

But what if there were a predominately male institution/concept the Jews couldn't infiltrate and subvert?

Would it make any significant difference to the quality of men in the world?

Or are the Jews just a convenient excuse to hide the fact Western males are just dumb plough animals wearing trousers who became obsolete in the 15th century when Johannes Gutenberg invented multi-tasking by way of the printing press?

As a millennial woman I've always been curious to discover the answer to this question as it may also answer the question why Baby Boomer Western women were such classless, tasteless, fashionless dumb slags who literally let themselves be fucked by what is essentially a two legged dumb ox.

So let me briefly explain what it is you've observed in this video:

In my description of The Room back in 2018 I detailed at the centre of the room there was the Fountain of Immortality.

The ponds seen in the video located in the middle of the Lotus Towers replicate that concept.

Immortality can only be achieved two ways:

🔵 The memory of your offspring by way of love, support and protection

🔵 The memory of the people by way of outstanding deed

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of Avenues of Honour: they are tree-lined roads where each tree represents a memorial dedication/tribute - usually to war dead - in which at the base of the tree there is a plaque with the name of the deceased.

Memorial fountains, statues and parks are a more visible form of remembrance.

The Gospel Stadium is so named after the Gospel of Matthew.

Specifically chapter 7: 15-20

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

It's the reason why in my Black Winged Angel - The Dragons Kiss video published in February 2020 there were seven dragon heads -

For more than three years I've kept that information secret.

The Gospel Stadium is a theatre of death in which it functions exactly as I described in my Dragons Kiss video in honour of God's Word as described in the Gospel of Matthew.

An even worse death - albeit only spiritual - I suspect in the future will be when a child asks his/her father or mother, "What did you do to protect my future from the Jews?" for which he/she can give no answer, despite the fact the child is aware there exists the most beautifully designed memorial nature reserve dedicated to all the fathers and mothers/men and women who did do something.

In my previous video I chronologically mapped out my life from 2004 until 2018, which is the year I published my post at G+ titled Excalibur - Lady of the Lake - The Room.

I've decided to reschedule posting details about events between October 2017 and October 2018 for now as it is quite a complex story dating back to when I was twelve years old when I conducted a terror campaign against my eldest brother who is ten years my senior.

Some of the fondest memories of my childhood stem from that terror campaign.

As I have previously mentioned on numerous occasions The Room is the centre piece of everything I'm about inferring it was a completed concept as of October 2018 requiring no additions or alterations.

As I've also previously mentioned Google abandoned their social media platform G+ in April 2019.

In June 2019, Google terminated my YouTube account despite being a 2006 inception member in what would become a regular censorship purge on that platform from therein on.

The only original content I had ever published on my YouTube account had been my YouTube Introduction - now my Bitchute Introduction - Daughters of the Reich, Live and Let Die and Original Content videos. The latter I published a day before my account was terminated informing of my planned move to Bitchute.

The operative word in that previous sentence is planned.

As a woman I am very well aware of my place in history.

When it was absolutely toxic in 2014 to promote anti-Jewish/pro-Third Reich sentiments simultaneously - I did.

Especially when 99% of people who identified at the time with the Third Reich were vile and repulsive pieces-of-shit.

There are very few women born to this world who possess the attributes either in whole or in part of an Ancient Greek high priestess and goddess as well as a Christian heavenly angel.

Of course, the acid test of these titles in the modern world is whether by mentioning them to the checkout chick at your local supermarket qualifies you for a discount on your groceries.

It doesn't as I've already tried.

But it does solicit a peculiar look from the checkout chick so I guess that's something.

Even so, as the chronological catalogue of my videos I've published on this channel indicate between July and October 2019 I published a series of videos titled Aryan Goddess never to publish under that title again.

My purpose for doing so was to stake my mark in history equal to the Oracle of Delphi since possessing a prescient mind distinguished her from all other high priestesses including the Vestal Virgins of Rome.

Prescience is the fact of knowing something in advance - foreknowledge.

The ability to predict the future.

And since I was one of the very few people on this planet - other than the masterminds of the scamdemic - who knew what was coming in 2020 it was an opportunity for me to demonstrate my prescient abilities - if only to myself.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo is Latin for Glory to God in the Highest.

My reason for choosing this title for this video is The Room was described as being the most architecturally resplendent room ever devised in devotion to God.

And yet, the Knights of the Round Table as an intellectual concept neither endorses a belief in God nor discourages a belief in God.

Therein lies the complexity I intend to address in my next video.

In Greek mythology, Panacea was one of the daughters of the Greek god of medicine Asclepius, along with her four sisters - Hygyieia, Iaso, Aceso, Aglaea - each of whom performed one aspect of health care.

She was the goddess of universal remedy/cure.

In Christian theology, the term perdition means a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death.

It also can mean complete and utter ruin.

I've combined the two terms together for this initial miniseries for the beginning of 2023 because I've always been an adherent of the philosophy death remedies all ills, especially regarding people I find disagreeable.

I've deliberately selected the term panacea because of its modern day inherent negative connotation inferring the overuse of any one solution to solve many different problems, especially in medicine.

My rationale being death can never be over prescribed as a viable means of solution to the problems confronting Western society.

It is only its implementation on an industrial scale that needs refining.

When I began this channel at Bitchute in June 2019 my activities at G+ were still relatively fresh in the minds of my most loyal subscribers so I never felt the need to chronologically recapitulate my five years on that platform here preferring to make random references to anything pertinent as the occasion suited in the dialogue description box.

However, I've decided to do things a little differently in 2023 because in previous years I've used the white male as my focus group, which I'm well aware has caused some consternation with white males despite me having no ill intent.

Instead, in 2023, I intend to use as my focus group a fictitious race of people called the Albaneses - pronounced elbow-neasies - named after Australia's current prime minister Anthony Albanese.

This race of Albanese people are the dumbest pieces-of-shit to ever walk the earth as they are all climate alarmists, holohoax believers, 911 official narrative believers along with every other Jewish orchestrated deception.

Needless to say: any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The reason for this change is so I don't feel compelled to make any qualifiers as there exist none in real life:

You fuck up you die in real life!

I've included the Van Halen clip in this video because it was released in 1984, which is the year I was born.

But that is not the reason or the only reason I've included it.

I've mainly included it to represent a chronological time increment because I intend going back to the early 70s as it was then the illusion of victory in WW2 the West had enjoyed up until then due to all the government financed post-war reconstruction programs came to an abrupt end resulting in the affordable single breadwinner family lifestyle the West enjoyed becoming ever increasingly difficult to sustain.

My purpose is to emphasize these events can only be discerned by possessing a wider scope of reality.

Something the Baby Boomer generation never possessed.

Someone mentioned in the comment section of my previous video my Berlin 1936: Beach House - Space Song video, which I published in August 2019 fails to load.

This is not the first time I've been informed this particular video has failed to load despite having sent multiple notifications to Bitchute Support informing them of the issue - to no avail.

In response to receiving no satisfactory resolution from Bitchute Support on this latest occasion I've decided to reupload this video as there is nothing worse than having a video/song you desire to watch/hear and are prevented from doing so by some fucking easily rectifiable technical glitch.

When I published this video I made no description about it in the dialogue box despite it being imbued with subtle/nuanced symbolism as it formed part of my prelude videos to my anticipated forthcoming Black Winged Angel series at the time.

When I was at G+ my most favourite style of post was my 'Ring Ring' post which mimicked the conversation of a phone call I had made to whomever expressing my dissatisfaction about something in which I always abruptly ended the conversation by slamming the phone down.

A good many of these published phone conversations between 2016 and 2017 had to do with the Australian Ballet Company who I had serious issues with at the time regarding the quality of their ballet productions, which were utterly atrocious lacking anything remotely resembling elegance and grace.

Elegance and Grace are a perception you either possess or you don't.

Subsequently, it is an utterly futile endeavour for someone who possesses an acute sense of elegance and grace to explain the lack of elegance and grace to someone who doesn't possess an acute sense of elegance and grace.

What I never mentioned at G+ is ballet companies are heavily subsidised enterprises by both government as well as private patronage.

Even the most inelegant and graceless piece-of-shit can comprehend sponsorship being terminated on the say so of a woman like me.

The moral of the story being it is not for me to demonstrate the level of elegance and grace I expect to observe in a ballet production because there are plenty of outstanding examples throughout the world within the discipline itself.

I'm just the person with the face, bust, hips and legs who will ruin your entire fucking existence if you anyway cause me any grief.

Similarly, it's not for me to explain or describe what a man should be; it's only for me to be of the persuasion the best way for a society to cultivate and protect the best of its men is by eliminating the worst of its men and women.

This brings me to this video:

If you notice the German women in the video are wearing frocks with the hemline cut above the knee whilst braless and smoking.

The white exercise uniforms the women are wearing which were issued and authorised by the Third Reich have a crotch high hemline.

In 1936!

The repeating lyric of the song is a demoralising "Fall back into place" - as opposed to excelling at life - whilst depicting imagery of an advanced civilisation obliterated by ignorant white men doing the bidding of the Jews.

In the world of tomorrow the quickest and surest way for a white male to get himself eliminated will be by expressing a limiting and restrictive perception with respect to the aspirations of white women.

Especially since no such perception or attitude exists by white women of white men.

It's summertime in Australia for those people living in the depths of winter and wondering why I have selected a floral theme.

It had been my original intention to finally address an omission I had made in April 2020 regarding my Black Winged Angel - Wasted Time miniseries as I had completely omitted the final installment deciding real life world events offered a better final installment than I could craft now that the Coronavirus Scamdemic had begun the month before, which was an accurate appraisal because if the scamdemic did anything it highlighted the true sinister nature of this world.

However, images of the Titanic sinking which are depicted in that miniseries lacked somewhat of a Festive Season Spirit for this time of year so I decided to scrap that idea for now.

This New Year's Eve ushers in my ninth year.

In numerology, the number nine represents completion, as it's the last of the single-digit numbers and the highest in value.

It symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience whilst being imbued with the energy of both endings and new beginnings.

My Black Winged Angel - Wasted Time miniseries - the last in that entire series - just as my published post at G+ in October 2018 'The Room' both represent nines for this very reason insofar as they signify there only exists new horizons beyond as everything before is deemed to have been transformative.

In essence, old habits and old dogmas are jettisoned for an entirely fresh approach towards life.

Of course, there is no universal timeline for something of this nature as it's an individual endeavour.

It is for this reason I tend to restrict myself to events between March 2017 when I insisted the entire Australian Judiciary be eliminated and October 2018 when I published my post 'The Room', which for me personally represented the finale to a long and arduous journey of personal development as I had been aware I neither possessed the physiological stamina nor the neurological/psychological capacity to go any further.

As I have previously stated, the Knights of the Round Table is an advanced intellectual concept and therefore maintains complete neutrality with respect to gender and ethnicity.

I've also stated it is structured as a power structure in addition to being governed by dynamics and metrics.

A reason it has been designed this way is to avoid any outmoded ethical obstacles due to its elimination component.

Besides the fact 95% of Western white males are vile and repulsive dumb as all fuck pieces-of-shit my reason for focusing on white males is because there is no metric value in a default.

The fact something so precious as maintaining father/son or father/daughter relations can be so entangled in logistics and dynamics in the modern world provides the perfect vicarious vehicle to explore the nuances of the Knights of the Round Table, despite it being a macro socioeconomic concept whereas Family Law is a micro socioeconomic concept.

I have previously used the Victoria's Secret fragrance clip because it contains M83's song Midnight City as an instrumental due to the visual content of the original video having to do with the paranormal.

I've combined it in this video with M83's hauntingly evocative song Wait.

A fundamental difference between my social interactivity and the social interactivity of most other people on this planet is it is common knowledge in my social sphere I was the last person seen alive with certain members of my social sphere who are now dead.

When I induce myself into an accentuated state of being my skin glistens and my eyes shimmer like diamonds. It's a bit like a rocket reaching the upper atmosphere insofar as experiencing a sensation of complete earthly detachment in which I can acutely sense everything around me.

Even though I was the last person seen alive with these people no accusation can be leveled at me due to the fact the corpses are always grotesquely contorted as if their soul had been violently ripped from their body.

Nothing I could have done.

Nothing I did do except wish them dead.

I observed something interesting a week ago online.

Mark Dice published a scathing rebuke of Kanye West's interview with Alex Jones almost identical in its unhinged vitriol as the rantings of that vile slag Anal Colostomybag from TYT about the same interview.


What I found interesting was the ratio of 3:1 up votes to down votes or 66% to 33%.

33% is all anyone needs to rule society.

Just so I'm not accused of male bashing let me state if I were a lesbian I wouldn't fuck 99% of Western women with a strap-on dildo that had an appendage 100 billion light-years in length from the safe distance of the other side of the Universe wearing dark sunglasses and a biohazard suit.


Because they're dumb as all fuck.

I live in one of the most affluent suburbs in Australia and I'm constantly amazed as to how unfashionably unappealing are the women I encounter at my local supermarket.

In the past 100 years the Western white male has excelled in only four things:

🔵 1: Being a Jewish pawn

🔵 2: Being a Jewish puppet

🔵 3: Being Jewish cannon fodder

🔵 4: Being loathed, detested and despised even by white women because despite it being dumb as all fuck it is the most self-entitled piece-of-shit on the planet.

There are two words inscribed on the tiara of the Siren I depict in my videos: culture and protection.

Males lose 90% of custody battles in Family Court and will continue to lose at that rate because there is nothing exceptional about most of them either as men or fathers.

The mother just happens to be the primary carer so the system defaults to her on that basis.

The fact a Zionist gatekeeper like Alex Jones even has a viewing audience as with many of the other male political pundits online is indicative of the tragic state of white males.

These white males will never have any life security as they will never be exceptional.

Due to recent events I've decided to publish this mock news video.

I'm informed according to Bitchute I established this channel 4 years and 2 months ago.

I can't quite remember when the Visibility tab was added here at Bitchute depicting a map of the world detailing which countries have your channel blocked and for what reason, but I'm sure it was after I published my video Shadow Serenade in October 2020, which was a video I published addressing the issue of censorship.

Either way, for some time now I've been aware the following European countries have had me blocked due to my use of National Socialism symbolism:

Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Switzerland

However, since the publication of my Black Tie - Prestige video a month ago I am now blocked by all these additional European countries on the charge of inciting hatred:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

I can only assume this is due to the Death Zone segment in the video as I would accept I was being less discreet than I otherwise could have been regarding the phraseology used in that segment.

Or it could just be because in the video I confidently stated the Knights of the Round Table would become a global phenomenon before the end of this decade.

I'm a little perplexed as to who it is I'm supposed to have incited hatred in, as the only person/demographic not referenced on the list was Santa Claus.

There is good reason why when the New World was discovered and then later Australia and New Zealand; the people of Europe were queuing up at the docks to board passage on any ship sailing to the New World despite its risks and dangers; that reason being Europe has always been a shithole inhabited by the most subjugated people on the planet.

If it wasn't some fucked up despotic monarch ruling over them; it was another fucked up despotic monarch ruling over them.

There are three chronological phases to the Knights of the Round Table resembling a traffic signal:

❤️ Beginning: 2014 - 2016

💛 Interim: 2017 - 2029 (Gold Rose Rhapsody in Adagio Velocity)

💚 Finale: 2030 - 2040 (The Age of the Sirens)

The Age of the Sirens is when all the action happens so any accusation I'm inciting anything now is completely false.

What I have done with the Black Tie series is jump to the Grand Master end of the chess spectrum as there is a specific dynamic built-in to the Knights of the Round Table that is designed to protect men from the ravages of the Family Court systems that now currently exist in the West.

The reason for the high production quality of the Black Tie series is because most of my future content will be in schematic form utilising diagrams and graphics.


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

143 videos

Category Beauty & Fashion

Due to the recent interface changes here at Bitchute I've decided to delete my detailed description about myself as I consider being greeted by a wall of unformatted text to be culturally perverse.