Palisades Gold Radio

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Palisades Gold Radio



Tom Bodrovics welcomes back the always forthright Chris Irons host of Quoth the Raven podcast host and author of QTR's Fringe Finance Substack. Irons shares his concerns about the deeply flawed economy, predicting that something substantial must occur for change. The discussion revolves around the mounting debt, potential deflationary depression, and the Federal Reserve's role in preventing this outcome.

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Irons raises apprehensions regarding the US as a declining empire. He points to signs of decay, such as flawed policies, immigration issues, and societal decadence. Irons expresses skepticism towards ongoing conflicts like Russia-Ukraine, believing prolonging war through substantial financial aid is irrational.

Chris vents about political discourse, particularly between politicians Pierre Polivere and Justin Trudeau, and discusses the potential dangers of weaponized justice systems and media demonization. He urges both sides to be mindful of these issues.

Chris and Tom explore the significance of understanding inflation's impact on purchasing power and propose a visual representation to help people grasp this concept. They emphasize that gold, with its fixed supply, can serve as a safeguard against purchasing power loss. While acknowledging Bitcoin's potential benefits, they caution about its risks compared to gold.

Finally, Chris shares his approach to maintaining peace of mind and happiness amidst global challenges: detach from negative news sources and focus on personal interests, accepting that one cannot fix all the world's problems. The conversation ends with a lighthearted taco shop recommendation leading to a heated albeit pointless debate on social media about meat in tacos.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
1:32 - Tren..

Tom Bodrovics, welcomes back Lobo Tiggre, author and publisher of They explore China's recent halt in gold buying by the People's Bank, which is deemed insignificant as ordinary Chinese people are increasingly seeking gold as a secure investment due to real estate crisis and the desire for alternative savings. The conversation revolves around potential economic indicators such as Jeff Gunlach's recession predictor and Rick Rule's perspective on an inevitable but not immediate recession. Lobo expresses worries about market fragility, investor panic, especially during elections, and possible implications of copper prices.

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Despite considering copper an economic indicator with a trailing effect, Lobo remains bullish on it for the long term, though it might change his investment approach if there's a recession. Lobo observes that silver has behaved more like gold recently, prompting him to reconsider investment strategies and add silver back into consideration. Regarding Mexico, political instability and anti-mining sentiments are increasingly a concern, leading Lobo to reduce his Mexican stock exposure. The discussion also touches upon Argentina's President Milei, with potential risks of instability or violent events impacting investments, but optimism remains due to Milei's popularity and reform progress.

Lobo argues that political risk cannot be overlooked in Latin America and advocates for the potential profitability of gold stocks due to their ability to provide significant leverage to the underlying commodity. Additionally, he remains bullish on uranium as a potentially lucrative investment opportunity that has a long-term thesis.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:42 - A New Gold Buyer?
8:38 - Macr..

Tom welcomes back Gareth Soloway, President, CEO & Chief Market Strategist for Verfied Investing. The conversation centers on the significant influence of the top six companies in the S&P and NASDAQ, which make up approximately 33% of these indexes, raising apprehensions for passive or specific investors. Soloway underscores potential risks associated with this overallocation, such as flash crashes or market declines, emphasizing the role of algorithms in exacerbating risk due to their massive investments and swift responses to market shifts.

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Soloway also shares his concerns about various economic indicators signaling a weaker economy than suggested by broad indices. He mentions the transportation sector, Airbnb rentals, and commodities like copper and oil as examples of potential weaknesses that could impact consumer spending and tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Apple. Copper and oil, often viewed as economic health indicators, have shown signs of potential downturns.

Soloway anticipates a return of inflation to 2% once the economy slows down, but warns of a quick rebound when the Federal Reserve starts cutting interest rates aggressively during an economic downturn. He fears this could lead to difficulties for the Fed in rescuing the economy as they have done in the past.

Central banks' responses to inflation are also discussed, with Soloway suggesting they can impact inflation through interest rates and quantitative tightening measures. The Federal Reserve is challenged to balance its dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment.

Gareth discusses potential consequences of high inflation, such as affecting consumer confidence and leading investors to shift from stocks to bonds. He also touches on rate effect..

Tom welcomes back Danielle DiMartino Booth to the show to discuss de-dollarization and its implications for the US economy. Danielle argues that while concerns over countries moving away from the US dollar system have been ongoing for a long time, the US dollar remains dominant in global transactions due to its vast liquidity pool and lack of competition. She advises investors to diversify during financial crises instead of doubling down on dollars. The conversation touches upon the Federal Reserve's actions, with Danielle expressing concerns about potential policy errors regarding inflation and outdated data usage.

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Danielle discusses employment statistics, mentioning that hard data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) plays a significant role in revisions to non-farm payrolls and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). She expresses concern over the Fed's reliance on outdated data and potential late action. The conversation also covers concerns about risks for regional banks, rising bankruptcy rates, and imminent student loan delinquencies.

She also discusses signs of a potential recession, including slowdown in credit card spending, increasing charge offs, and decreasing employment levels. Despite some optimistic predictions, she express skepticism due to the weak economic foundation and the Fed's role in combatting inflation with varying opinions on its likelihood.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:45 - Dedollarization Trends
2:47 - Global Dollar Trade
5:49 - Reserves and Data
8:57 - Fed & Global C.B. Cuts
10:49 - Fed & 2024 Elections
12:55 - Consumer 'Health'
13:58 - Fed Revisions & Data Lag
19:44 - Bankruptcies & Inflation
23:44 - Problems Not Priced-In
25:27 - Regional Banking Risk
28:47 - Bigger Banks & Losses

Tom welcomes back Michael Kao, former hedge fund manager and commodities trader to discuss the policy dilemmas facing central bankers worldwide and the implications for gold. Central banking challenges, including the Federal Reserve's higher-for-longer policy and potential risks for reserve asset holders, particularly those of BRICS countries, are explored.

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Michael argues against the adoption of alternative reserve assets like gold or Bitcoin due to their supply inelasticity and potential for sharp price fluctuations. The conversation touches upon geopolitical implications of central banks' search for alternatives to the US dollar, the challenges posed by illiquid reserve assets, and the inflationary environment. Michael believes we might be experiencing a new inflation trajectory between low inflation and stagflation, with unemployment currently in the middle.

Michael also discusses the dynamics of treasuries versus gold in relation to currency devaluation and central bank interventions. The effectiveness of interventions like those by the Bank of Japan is questioned, suggesting potential selling of reserve assets, including gold, to fund these interventions.

He introduces the concept of the 'Goldilocks trade' and its opposite, the 'anti-Goldilocks trade.' The Goldilocks trade refers to an economy not too hot or cold, allowing the Fed to cut interest rates without causing inflation. In contrast, the anti-Goldilocks trade is characterized by stagflationary conditions. Michael expresses concern about the widening wealth divide and pockets of weakness in certain sectors while larger institutions remain unscathed.

Lastly Mr. Kao shares his investment strategies, emphasizing the importance of information asymmetry and understanding underlying..

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Greg Weldon, the publisher of Global Macro Strategy Report and the Gold Guru, for a discussion on the US markets, with a focus on the economy and consumer spending. With over four decades of experience in financial markets and commodity trading, Greg expresses concerns about economic stress despite celebratory employment reports, citing labor market conditions worsening with rising unemployment, underemployment, and declining savings rates. Consumers are also facing increasing credit card and auto loan delinquencies while disposable income decreases and government handouts account for an expanding share.

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Greg suggests the economy might already be rolling over, and the Fed would like to see asset prices decrease before declaring victory in inflation, despite the policy rate being higher than current inflation. Commercial real estate is another major concern, with the Fed seeming behind the curve.

Greg shares his perspective that the Fed might be showing a willingness to accept higher general rates of inflation to protect consumers and the economy despite risks of inducing a credit crunch. The discussion touches upon Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's challenges in maintaining an apolitical stance during the divisive US election year and potential social unrest leading to economic negatives. He also mentions commercial real estate debt due in the next 12 months, which could lead to bank failures for regional banks holding 80% of that debt.

Greg discusses the implications of a consumer wake-up call in the stock market or another Plaza Accord-like agreement among major global powers as potential catalysts for the U.S. dollar's next round of debasement. He also mentions natural events, climate change, and geopoli..

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back mining executive and metals analyst David Jensen. Together they revisit concerns around the London gold market's dominance, estimated to account for 91-92% of the global gold trade. This is thanks to the Bank of England's 'regulatory oversight' since 1986, permitting unallocated gold contracts instead of physical bars. The market trades $500 billion of gold daily and 200 million ounces of silver. However, only around 3.5% of London's vaulted gold is actual physical. They contrast the LBMA with the Shanghai gold market and point out the key differences.

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Tom Bodrovics welcomes Tony Anscombe, ESET Chief Security Evangelist, to discuss cybersecurity in the mining sector. With over three decades in IT and cybersecurity, Anscombe stresses that security fundamentals remain crucial despite technological advancements. He highlights vulnerabilities from remote locations, outdated technology, third parties, and activists/nation states. Mining companies face significant risks, including fatalities and financial losses. AI's growing role in mining brings cybersecurity concerns such as AI poisoning. A comprehensive cybersecurity framework is necessary, along with advanced technologies like EDR systems. The financial cost of cyber attacks can reach $14 trillion by 2027, affecting industries, including mining. Companies must prioritize cybersecurity and involve third parties to adhere to security policies. Anscombe also touches on the ethical implications and potential international collaboration in AI development.

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Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - Tony's Background
2:03 - Industrial Security
6:47 - Potential Risks
10:37 - Attack Vectors
12:32 - 3rd Party Liability
14:30 - AI & Cyber Security
17:30 - Practical Solutions
19:50 - Capable People
20:58 - Global Impacts & Costs
24:16 - Reporting & Regulations
27:02 - Technical Glitches?
30:04 - AI Risks & Benefits
33:57 - Restricting AI?
36:19 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode
- Mining companies face significant cybersecurity risks due to remote locations, outdated technology, third parties, and activists/nation states.
- A comprehensive cybersecurity framework and advanced technologies like EDR systems are necessary to mitigate mining sector risks.
- The financial cost of cyber attacks can exceed $14 trillion by 2027, emphasizing ..

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back mining executive and metals analyst David Jensen. Together they revisit concerns around the London gold market's dominance, estimated to account for 91-92% of the global gold trade. This is thanks to the Bank of England's 'regulatory oversight' since 1986, permitting unallocated gold contracts instead of physical bars. The market trades $500 billion of gold daily andand 2.9 billion ounces of silver. However, only around 3.5% of London's vaulted gold is actual physical. They contrast the LBMA with the Shanghai gold market and point out the key differences.

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David argues that the London market functions as a price-setting mechanism rather than one of price discovery. They discuss Gibson's paradox, where interest rates follow price levels rather than inflation rate. Central banks benefit from this control scheme due to their control over monetary policy and debt levels using gold and silver as loose policy indicators.

David delves deeper into the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), which regulates through a voluntary code of conduct called NIPPS which is under Bank of England oversight. The metals market are dominated in London, with around 90% global cash trading occurring there.

David raises concerns over the transparency and authenticity of silver holdings in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), questioning claims against metal, sub-custodians, potential rehypothecation or selling. The actual amount of silver held and its implications for interest rates and the economy if pricing proves fictitious are discussed.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
1:12 - Size of London Market
7:07 - Paper Claims on Metals
8:45 - Silver a Virtual Asset?
9:50 - Opaque Market & Claims
14:44 - Fractional Reserve Metals?

In this engaging interview, Tom Bodrovics once again engages in a thoughtful conversation with the legendary Rick Rule. Throughout their discussion, Rick underscores the significance of patience, persistence, and the power of people when it comes to thriving in equities. He also champions Warren Buffett's concept of compounding as a vital principle for long-term prosperity.

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Rick shares his belief that individuals should prioritize self-reliance over reliance on the political system. He cautions against jumping to hasty conclusions based on market narratives. In terms of economic forecasts, Rick expresses concerns about imminent recessions in both the US and globally, advocating that individuals maintain liquidity and top-tier portfolios to navigate market dips.

Rick further discusses Warren Buffett's investment philosophies, emphasizing the importance of concentrating on industries in which one is knowledgeable.

Rick believes that gold could outperform various other asset classes due to its present insignificant market presence, coupled with Europe potentially distancing itself from the US. He posits that while the US dollar will continue as a reserve currency, it may face challenges from the developing multi-polar world.

Rick believes government will generally choose various covert methods of confiscating wealth from the population instead of direct overt action. Methods like inflating the money supply and taxation are far more likely than direct metals confiscation.

Rick also voices concerns regarding the banking system's stability given unrealized losses totaling $517 billion and looming debt maturities. He raises issues of insolvency for lenders due to a disparity between long-term assets and overnight liabilities, as well as commerc..

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back John Lee, a seasoned CFA with two decades in the mining industry, to discuss economic trends and his predictions since their last conversation in September 2022. Reflecting on past discussions, they touch upon various topics including the irrationality of silver markets, U.S. dollar's rise, and the surprising impact of geopolitics on commodities like oil.

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John shares his perspective on current economic issues such as persistent inflation, rising interest rates, and an inverted yield curve. He admits some errors in earlier predictions but maintains a thoughtful analysis of macroeconomic trends. John believes that large financial institutions and tech companies have significant influence on markets and are not swayed by interest rate hikes in the same way as ordinary investors.

John discusses the role of the Federal Reserve and the potential motivations behind its actions, questioning whether its primary goal is to control inflation or facilitate asset accumulation for the powerful elite. He also delves into the impact of demographics on commodities and the economy. Despite less consumer demand due to underreported population numbers in some countries like China, John remains bullish on investment demand for metals like gold.

John shares his concerns about the upcoming election and its potential market impact, believing that central banks and cartels have more control over market movements than politicians. He also advises preparing for an exit strategy with diversified assets in various currencies, metals, and geographic regions. John encourages listeners to explore his work on Twitter under the username 'John Lee Silver Elephant' for insights on gold, silver, and interest rates. Currently, he recommends waiting ..

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Bob Elliott, Co-Founder, CEO, and CIO of Unlimited Funds, who shares his insights on how to evaluate skills from luck in investment outcomes. The discussion also touched upon the current state of inflation in developed countries like Europe, the UK, and the US. Despite recent supply shocks causing higher price growth, wages have matched or surpassed it, resulting in elevated rates exceeding central bank targets.

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Elliott also addressed the concerns of central bankers regarding debt and income dynamics, mentioning the risks of negative reinforcing cycles and comparing credit-driven economic expansions to sustainable income-driven ones. The speakers discussed the relationship between government deficits and economic growth, debating whether high levels lead to significant stimulus or a large debt burden.

Regarding labor markets, Bob addressed the rising costs of inflation and the impact on reshoring production in the US. The speakers touched upon de-globalization, parallel supply chains, and shipping costs as causes for price increases and disruptions. The Fed's current monetary policy stance was discussed, with potential future actions debated due to low unemployment and while inflation is still above target.

Bob questioned the significance of specific labor market numbers and he also touched upon why the US economy avoided a recession despite predictions. In this income-driven environment, Bob discussed the shift from growth to value stocks and the impact on investable assets in sectors with earnings and market consolidation. The supercycle in resource markets was also discussed highlighting investment lags behind demand and potential higher commodity prices contributing to inflation.

Timestamp References:
0:00 ..

In Part Two with Michael Oliver and Vince Lanci we discuss the growing political and economic uncertainties revolving around the upcoming 2024 election.

Michael highlights the potential chaos and unrest during the election. He suggests that if the stock market broke before the election, the Democratic Party might consider replacing Biden due to their emphasis on market performance. Tom mentions a poll indicating deep-rooted political divisions, with each party believing a win by the opposite would cause lasting harm to the country. This instability, Michael believes, is not being factored into markets and could lead to major shifts for global investors.

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The duo expressed concerns about the upcoming election's impact on markets and society, emphasizing that elections usually bring uncertainty but, due to deep-rooted political divisions in the US, there is a higher risk of prolonged uncertainty. This could result in increased stock market volatility and even a contested election outcome. They mentioned historical examples like the 2008 election, secession attempts, and the role of gold during such times.

They also touch upon potential implications for gold markets if the U.S. election was contested. They emphasize buying dips instead of selling rallies for gold and silver as alternatives to a volatile stock market. They see gold as a competitive alternative when the stock market experiences volatility.

Furthermore, the conversation explored potential crises or geopolitical events that could lead to the suspension of the upcoming election, including manufactured ones. The speakers also touched upon the role of gold as a metric of economic stability and its potential impact on the election. Additionally, they reflected on the changing politi..

In this Palisades podcast episode, Tom welcomes back Michael Oliver from Momentum Structural Analysis and Vince Lanci, publisher of the Goldfix Substack. The discussion covers various markets - metals, equity indexes, commodities - and in part two, the upcoming election.

Michael Oliver initiates the conversation by analyzing the NASDAQ's remarkable growth since the 2009 Bear Low and its significance as a leading index due to its substantial percentage gain. He attributes this influx of funds to the M2 chart or Fed funds rate chart, directing investment into the stock market at that time. Michael then pivots towards the current market situation, sharing his view on momentum analysis and the election's potential impact, emphasizing the importance of examining trends beyond just price. He points to a major sell signal in January 2022, causing a steep decline followed by recovery.

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Vince Lanci contributes by addressing the narrowing breadth in the stock market. He stresses that leadership changes are vital for overall market health and believes there's currently no breadth, limiting options if AI leadership falters. Vince explains how the stock indexes have shrunk from a broader group to key players.

The discussion also touches on copper and natural gas commodities before focusing on precious metals. Michael highlights the deceptive nature of the acceleration phase in a bull market and the significance of understanding trends and structures rather than relying solely on popular indicators like RSI or MACD.

They further delve into investment strategies based on silver market analysis and historical trends, sharing personal experiences and anticipating precious metals market movements due to geopolitical tensions and central banks' actions. Vinc..

In this episode of Palisades Gold Radio, Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Francis Hunt, also known as the Market Sniper, for a discussion on the importance of shared experiences, living deliberately beyond the financial world, and the upcoming gold and silver discussion focusing on preserving assets during monetary transition. They emphasize the significance of understanding reality, accepting limitations, and building bonds for amplified experiences. Francis discusses the current economic situation involving debt contraction and the seesaw analogy representing nation states' debt levels and currencies. Japan's excessive debt is predicted to cause a currency collapse, leading to significant losses for various assets, including the 30-year treasury.

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Francis discusses the reasons for owning physical gold, silver, and land as means to escape both systems and maintain control over possessions. He also discuss the importance of investing in industrial metals like copper as part of an inflation hedge during currency devaluation and suggest investing in commodities while shorting debt and fiat currencies. Francis predicts that gold will reach 2897, and silver may surpass it, in a parabolic phase of financial instability. They also analyze the performance of precious metals like Platinum, which has underperformed since 2009 but could experience overperformance based on historical trends and cross-valuation.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
9:55 - Analyze & Take Action
13:32 - Resilience & Emotions
17:07 - Debt/Fiat Contraction
19:56 - US 30Y Treasury Chart
25:25 - Own Nothing and Be?
29:23 - System Breaking & Gold
32:30 - Fed & Who Prices Debt
34:00 - Bond Rates & Control
36:05 - Gold/Dollar Chart
43:44 - 30Y Debt Reversion
46:37 - Shrinking..

In this episode of Palisades, Tom Bodrovics welcomes back metals analyst David Jensen to discuss the volatile gold and silver markets, with a focus on the London market's reliance on promissory notes for trading and its potential physical supply issues leading to risks of default. They also touch upon the large trading volumes in London, deficits in the silver market, increasing demand from China, and concerns over retail investors influencing silver prices due to ETF manipulation and rehypothecation.

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David shares his perspective on factors affecting the silver market during the 2020-2021 silver squeeze, including inventory disappearance in China, Shanghai exchange's influence, potential catalysts like central banks buying gold or conflicts, and the City of London's involvement in a longstanding global gold and silver fraud.

The conversation further explores the impact of various factors on gold and silver markets, including concerns about transparency regarding lease rates, central bank sourcing of metal, and potential consequences for major banks if they cannot cover contract losses. Overall, Jensen emphasizes the importance of understanding the significance of physical supply issues in the metals market and staying informed to avoid ignoring important matters.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:37 - Rehypothecation & London
7:17 - Bullion Banks & Physical
13:20 - Paper Ponzi?
15:08 - ETF Drawdowns & Supply
17:23 - Jeff Currie Comments
19:00 - Bullion & China Influence
23:17 - News Driven Catalysts
26:30 - Money Supply & Bank Buying
29:15 - Demand Picture & Drawdowns
30:35 - C.B. Metal Sourcing?
32:22 - Debt & The Silver Lynchpin
39:12 - Media & Reaching People
41:08 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode
- David discus..

In this Palisades interview, Tom Bodrovics welcomes back hosts global forecaster David Murin to delve into the differences between lateral and linear thinking in the context of current world conflicts. Murin posits that empires cycle through phases of thinking, with laterals leading initially and linears taking control as empires mature. He attributes the current global climate to an unprecedented level of linear thinking due to sophisticated money printing over the past two decades, which has left societies inflexible to dynamic threats.

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Murin further discusses geopolitical implications, particularly regarding the Houthis' actions in the Red Sea and its significance for American maritime hegemony. He raises concerns about China's involvement and advanced military capabilities, emphasizing the importance of maintaining control over critical sea lanes for wealth and resource extraction.

Murin believes historical cycles of war could have been avoided with greater awareness and full-spectrum deterrence, aligning with the 112-year contractive cycle that has led to hegemonic conflicts throughout history.

David also shares his views on China's strategic intentions and resource acquisitions, arguing that China is not primarily concerned with wartime resource gathering but rather denying resources to the West. He points to Argentina as an example where Chinese interests were rejected, giving the West a foothold in the region. Murin suggests Western engagement and political activism are necessary for regime change in countries with autocratic regimes.

He uses numerous price-based systems to understand various markets and sectors, predicting a decline in bond prices and increased inflation for commodities due to excess demand from fiat money. Davi..

Tom welcomes back Mike Singleton, Senior Analyst and Founder at Invictus Research to the show. Mike explains his views on the business cycle, current economic trends, and their impact on asset classes like stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies. Mike explains that Invictus defines the business cycle as having three sub-cycles: real growth, inflation, and monetary policy. They believe these cycles drive price action across various assets. The US economy is currently reflating, indicating faster real growth and inflation. Despite inflationary pressures, federal deficits are expected to fuel manufacturing growth due to initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS Act.

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Mike argues that investors can benefit from an inflationary cycle as it leads to potential growth in earnings. However, consumers may face challenges with rising prices, affecting their quality of life and ability to deploy capital into markets. Mike believes that for a clearer understanding of inflation, one should look at commodity prices rather than Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Mike also discusses the significance of copper miners' performance as an indicator of real economic acceleration. He suggests considering ownership of productive assets and taking on more cyclical risk when copper miners outperform copper. Oil, as an energy input, follows this trend, with demand increasing during economic expansion. Despite a recent downturn, it is viewed as a buying opportunity.

The US dollar's relationship with economic data, interest rates, and the Fed is also discussed. While the U.S. economy is outperforming other developed markets, the dollar could strengthen based on interest rate parity. However, its weakening against emerging market currencies due to their improve..

Tom welcomes economist John Williams, the founder of Shadow Government Statistics to the show. Williams shares his background in economics and economic modeling, which led him to scrutinize government statistics due to their potential inaccuracies. He became particularly concerned with employment data revisions and manipulation. Despite improvements, he remains skeptical about inconsistencies' impact on forecasting accuracy.

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Williams discusses the misrepresentation of inflation through changes in reporting methodologies, such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This underreporting of inflation affects cost-of-living adjustments and pension payouts, leaving retirees facing significant financial challenges. The pandemic exacerbated these issues with distorted CPI reporting.

He also criticizes the current economic situation's representation through GDP growth rates, which may not accurately represent underlying economic conditions. Inflation can lead to an increase in reported real GDP without actual sales growth. The excessive money supply injected into the economy during the pandemic is another major contributor to inflation.

Despite attempts to control inflation through interest rate hikes, the economy has suffered negative growth in critical sectors like retail sales, industrial production, housing, and employment. The Federal Reserve prioritizes the banking system over the economy, making high interest rates more beneficial for banks than for consumers. The historically large disparity between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Income (GDI) further highlights a weak economy.

John predicts that despite rising GDP, there is a potential worsening in the next six months with underlying economic downturn and potential high or ev..

Tom welcomes back Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report for a discussion on the economics of Bitcoin mining, focusing on the lifespan and economic viability of Bitcoin mining hardware. According to St. Angelo, major US Bitcoin miners Marathon and Riot account for significant portions of global hash rate production, with Bitcoin mining consuming approximately 1-2% of US electricity. However, Bitcoin miners' hardware depreciates rapidly; while they last five years, they become almost obsolete in two years, producing only around 90% of their total Bitcoin output by that time.

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St. Angelo discusses the implications of this rapid depreciation on sustainability and profitability, raising concerns about under-reported depreciation costs, which can mislead investors. To fund the capital expenditure required to replace these miners, companies issue large amounts of shares, leading to significant dilution for existing shareholders.

The conversation also touches on the potential use of stranded energy for Bitcoin mining but expresses concerns about its scarcity as energy demand grows. St. Angelo compares this to the gold mining industry, where inflation caused by government actions impacts production costs. He argues that the high depreciation rate and under-reporting of these costs in the Bitcoin mining industry could lead to significant financial challenges.

Marathon and Riot's claims about not needing to issue further shares for growth remain uncertain. Steve expresses concerns regarding Bitcoin's energy consumption compared to gold mining and its unsustainability due to the need for continuous miner replacement. Despite his criticism of Bitcoin, he acknowledges that some investors are avid supporters. He emphasizes physical metals like gold as a..

In this engaging episode of Palisades Gold Radio, your host Tom Bodrovics welcomes Dave Bradley, a pioneering figure in the Bitcoin world. Known as Canada's strongest and best-looking Bitcoin entrepreneur, Dave is the founder of the first Bitcoin store, co-founder of Bull Bitcoin, and a board member of Bitcoin Well.

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They explore the intersection of gold and Bitcoin against the backdrop of growing awareness regarding monetary debasement and the rise of freedom movement communities.

Dave emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between money and investments, considering gold as a store of value rather than money. Many investments have taken on characteristics of money due to debasement and muddling risk-adjusted returns. He shares concerns over increased risk tolerance among individuals due to rampant central bank money printing.

The conversation delves into the emergence of alternative cryptocurrencies, which Dave views as companies competing with a protocol rather than contenders to Bitcoin's decentralized form of money. Despite over 10,000 altcoins, most have failed to capture significant value or market cap. Dave shares his personal journey of discovering Bitcoin in 2010 and the missed opportunities that came with it, including regretful sales in the early days.

The discussion covers Bitcoin's potential as a form of money, surpassing gold in terms of divisibility, ease of verification, and digital nature that makes it more practical for transactions. Dave notes that Bitcoin has a role to play during times of censorship. In the future role Bitcoins role will likely to continue to strengthen as traditional monetary policies falter. Dave concludes by inviting listeners to attend the Bitcoin Rodeo conference for valuable insights on rea..

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In a not-to-be-missed episode, Tom Bodrovics welcomes a new guest, Robert Bryce. Robert is an author, journalist, film producer, and public speaker.

Together, they delve into energy issues as Bryce voices his concerns over the fragility of the electric grid and the potential consequences of underestimating the value of a reliable energy supply. He recounts personal experiences with power disruptions and highlights significant contrasts between developed countries' energy abundance and challenges faced in places like South Africa and Beirut. The discussion centers on the 2021 Texas blackout, which shed light on renewable energy's role during the crisis and its limitations when needed most. Bryce underscores the danger of making the electric grid overly reliant on non-base load power. He advocates for recognizing natural gas's crucial role in securing energy stability during inclement weather. He also criticizes initiatives like Michael Bloomberg's Beyond Carbon Campaign, as they could potentially worsen the grid's vulnerability and threaten national energy security.......

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Robert Bryce is a Texas-based author, journalist, film producer, and podcaster. The host of the Power Hungry Podcast, Bryce has been writing about energy, power, innovation, and politics for more than 30 years. His articles have appeared in a myriad of publications including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Time, Austin Chronicle, ..

Tom welcomes back Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management to discuss the business aspects of the mining industry.

Adrian stresses the importance of understanding a company's financial situation beyond initial disappointments, using Barrick Gold as an example of a company with a history of optimistic production estimates leading to missed targets but effectively managing these issues. He emphasizes the significance of cost metrics like per ounce operating costs and all-in sustaining costs (AISC) for evaluating mining companies' profitability and efficiency.

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The conversation touches upon the challenges faced by mining operations, such as equipment failure, geopolitical risks, maturing mines, and hurdles common to every operation. Fortuna is used as an example of a company whose significant zinc production should be considered in evaluating its revenue distribution among different metals.

Adrian discusses the disconnect between gold prices and mining stocks, attributing it to gold's strong performance amidst central banks and Chinese investors seeking safe havens and the broad stock market's strength. Despite potential risks, such as a pause or reduction in buying by central banks and a negative macroeconomic environment, Adrian highlights the opportunity presented by undervalued gold stocks.

The speaker also touches upon exploration expenditures and their importance in discovering new deposits despite the increasing difficulty of finding them. In his investment strategy, Adrian emphasizes investing in senior miners and major royalty companies during the current market cycle due to their undervalued status and likelihood to move first when the gold sector takes off.

The conversation concludes with a discussion on economic stress in ..

Tom welcomes a new guest to the show, Robert Sinn to share his background in precious metals, junior mining, and biotech investing. Robert discusses his introduction to gold during the 1990s debt crisis through his father's experiences at coin shows and investments. The conversation later focuses on the Federal Reserve's recent announcement of tapering quantitative tightening and its potential impact on market positioning, emphasizing fiscal dominance and potential softer data suggesting a possible negative non-farm payroll print.

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Sinn further explores the Fed's shift in inflation targeting, proposing that it might adopt a new, unannounced inflation target above 2%, around 3%. He explains that markets have accepted the Fed's decision not to cut rates as frequently as anticipated, but anticipate at least one more rate cut this year. Parallels are drawn between the late 1970s and the current situation regarding government spending policies and inflation trends.

The discussion then shifts towards energy investments, with Sinn emphasizing uranium and natural gas as crucial areas due to their baseload power generation capabilities and affordability. He acknowledges the transition towards cleaner energy but argues that it will take considerable time for this shift to fully materialize. Sinn holds stocks in both oil companies and renewable energy sectors, adopting a long-term perspective.

Theys explore differences in debt structures between China and the U.S., their implications on markets, and strategies for investing in gold. The conversation shifts to Japan's debt ownership versus the world owning U.S. debt. This leads to a discussion about China's debt structure, which sees the government act as the backstop for all debt within their economy...

Tom Bodrovics, welcomes back Don Durrett, an experienced author, investor, and founder of, to discuss gold prices and the economic implications. Durrett believes an imminent hard economic landing will boost his bullish stance on gold. In March 2023, gold reached new highs above $2050, while silver showed significant gains. However, miners have not followed suit.

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Durrett considers the present economic climate different from previous periods due to the Federal Reserve's reduced ability to revive the economy. He highlights that while the US economy grew and used debt in the 1990s, it eventually balanced its budget. However, since then, the US economy has reportedly been declining for approximately 25 years, leading to significant global shifts like countries abandoning US bonds and equities and increasing interest in gold as a reserve currency.

Japan's bond and currency struggles could potentially trigger a crisis due to their substantial US treasury holdings. Durrett discusses the potential impact of Asian countries purchasing gold and the importance of oil purchases in gold-importing countries like Japan and China.

Don expresses bearish views on the stock market and bullish predictions for silver prices due to inventory shortages, increasing demand, and potential manipulation attempts like those seen with the Hunt Brothers in the past.

Don shares his perspective on gold miners using the HUI index to identify buying and selling opportunities. He considers anything below $250 on the HUI cheap, with levels between $200 and $225 being the buy zone. Opportunities for cheaper stocks extend from $225 to $250. However, as the HUI approaches $300, fewer cheap stocks become available. He anticipates the gold miners' bull market h..


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

105 videos

Category Business & Finance

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