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Out Of Body Travel to God Realization - VARDANKAR


In this Video Heather G. (Gah-Shy-Zah) shares with Shawn D. insights into transcending M.E.S.T. obstacles and turning them into profound spiritual stepping stones. Some aspects go into gratitude and the nature of reality and dying daily similar to having a near death experience to touch heaven to return to the God Head.

Jun 14, 2024
Gah-Shy-Zah. shares insights into the hidden spiritual reasons the true sincere God Seeker goes through hardships, challenges and the dark night of Soul. Following this she shares ways of spiritually rising above these things.

She shares the story of a man who went through the dark night of Soul and tribulations and survived to reach VARDAN Spiritual Mastership and the heavenly worlds.

Jun 7, 2024
This video explores telepathy and inner out of body travel. It was recorded on Bridge Between Worlds before and has helpful tips that can be applied to working with VARDAN Masters in ways that may be helpful. This was a previous talk by VARDAN Master H. E. Giamboi.

Jun 7, 2024
Heather G. shares an out of body experience with VARDAN Spiritual Traveler Milarepa who shares insights about the negative polarity and reaching making dreams that seemed impossible a reality.

May 31, 2024
In this video Heatherji (Gah-Shy-Zah) shares insights into the many layers or multiple levels of heaven to reach enlightenment.

May 23, 2024
This video addresses VARDAN students in how to practice total reliance on Fubbi Quantz. It also goes into creating your own inner universe.

May 20, 2024
This video is a continuation and better clarifies the first video as part two.

May 17, 2024
In this Video Heather Giamboi (Gah-Shy-Zah) shares insights into how some in the negative polarity can transcend limitations of the past, realities and earn greater gifts or mastery.

The book How to Pass The Negative Power's Test Failed In Atlantis was re-written and is coming out in the next few days.

May 11, 2024
In this movie documentary, Gah-Shy-Zah (means all compassionate one) shares insights into the 5 kingdoms, and how to use out of body travel to heaven to enter the Godman kingdom.

The VARDAN Chela mailing was late this month, so I have shared some insights from this month's May Wisdom Notes for students.

Apologies about the first uploads that malfunctioned. It's meant to be over an hour. Enjoy

Apr 28, 2024
Heather's husband Allen with late stage heart failure died. NDE like out of body experiences in heaven. Heather shares vivid details meeting Allen and God in heaven nightly for over 12 months.

Apr 20, 2024
Heather Giamboi shares insights into going beyond the law of attraction on the spiritual level.

Apr 15, 2024
In this Radio Interview on Spaced Out Radio, James Tyson interviews Heather Giamboi and Allen Feldman about how to use out of body travel to become established in progressively higher levels of heaven in order to return to God while living.

Apr 14, 2024
In this video Gah-Shy-Zah, All-Compassionate-One shares insights into how an individual is spiritually chosen, what it means to be chosen and how to go to a whole other level that few know, related to being chosen.

Mar 31, 2024
In this discussion, Heatherji and Shawn discuss deeper insights behind solar events and galactic alignments as it relates to a spiritual life of a VARDANist.

Mar 18, 2024
In this video Gah-Shy-Zah shares an exploration as a teenager she did on this topic, after at first turning to mentors and books but then changed direction and was shocked by what was shown about the answer.

Mar 15, 2024
In this video Sra Heather Giamboi and Shawn D. discuss a turning point in history and VARDANKAR.

Mar 14, 2024
This video explores some of the secret spiritual reasons why evil exists. It also explores how to address a related crisis to enter into higher levels, degrees or states.

Feb 16, 2024

Feb 9, 2024
Dante shares his insights and experiences of out of body travel in VARDANKAR.

Feb 4, 2024
Linda shares out of body experiences with Yaubl Sacabi and Rebazar Tarzs that have opened up visiting heaven on different levels.

Feb 4, 2024
This video explores the eternal self and out of body travel and how it is useful spiritually. It also goes into insights on the negative polarity.

Jan 26, 2024
In this video Heather Giamboi and Allen Feldman do VARDAN Vidya Readings of the Soul Records regarding Ancient Atlantis. Part of this video was recorded in 2020 and a half hour is a VARDAN Vidya or predictions for 2024 and was recorded in 2024.

Jan 25, 2024
This video is about the secret teaching or ancient science of soul or tuza travel to the various heavenly planes. As well as their work on the inner worlds and outer with the Ancient ones or order of Ancient VARDAN Masers.

Jan 11, 2024
This is a review and spiritual discussion about the film Aquaman & The Lost Kingdom of Atlantis, and some hidden spiritual meanings with Heatherji and Shawn.


Created 5 months, 1 week ago.

241 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

The goal of VARDANKAR is to bring the individual to true Self Realization and True God Realization in this lifetime. The individual is shown step by step how to do out of body travel to higher and higher levels of heavenly realms to reach Self Realization, God Realization, and Spiritual Mastership. In doing so the individual is assisted to finally graduate from the wheel of reincarnation for spiritual liberation. There are many who claim to offer the student help to reach God Realization and yet after 40 years of spiritual experiences the individuals goal seems to forever recede. In such groups God Realization is unattainable in this lifetime. This is because many who claim to be God Realized Masters have achieved only cosmic consciousness on the Astral plane. The VARDAN Master has true God Realization and is an expert at out of body travel to the heaven levels where Self and God Realization are true realities in the Soul plane, the Anami Lok and the Ocean of Love and Mercy.