Orthoprax Christianity

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Orthoprax Christianity



There is only large Christian denomination that refuses blood transfusions. Should we refuse blood transfusions as well?

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Accept Blood Transfusions? https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jehovahs-witnesses-why-no-blood-transfusions/

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

#shorts #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #lgbtqplus #pride #pridemonth It looks like a flag with the colors of the rainbow but there is more to it than meets the eye.

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

#shorts #catholic #catholicism #catholicchurch #immaculateconception #mary #jesus #shakti #shaktism Catholics believe that Mary was preserved free from all stain of original sin but is that right?

Why do we pray to Mary and saints and have several devotions? https://fargodiocese.net/news/why-do-we-pray-to-mary-and-saints-and-have-several-devotions

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

The Rapture concept is not widely supported within Christianity but is it valid?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

A lot of people from other religions do it, but should we do it as well?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

There was no spirituality symbol that I could find that I liked. So I drew one myself!

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

Evil is stealing our symbols, words, terms, etc. Christians aren't doing anything about that. In fact, they are even supporting it in many cases ☹️.

Swastika: https://www.britannica.com/topic/swastika
Should white chefs sell burritos? A Portland food cart’s revealing controversy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/food/wp/2017/05/26/should-white-chefs-sell-burritos-a-portland-restaurants-revealing-controversy/

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

We see it in horror movies. It's used symbolize the rejection Christianity but what is it really about?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

What happens to animals after they die?

Do Animals Dream? https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/do-animals-dream

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

My mom has passed away.

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

The word “magic” needs a counterpart.

What Is Occultism? Part 1: The Definition: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LOKU1dKAhZk/
What Are Magic Words and Terms? https://www.bitchute.com/video/77g2g2bfiEj2/

View as a document:
* PDF: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/documents/new_use_for_the_word_mystic.pdf

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

According to Christians in general, Yehoshua is the ONLY way to heave but is that true?

The Meaning of My Direction Symbol: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ALvuOr0SaUqc/
Maat: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Maat-Egyptian-goddess

View as a document:
* PDF: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/documents/way_to_heavens.pdf

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

In Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity it is believed that theological mac daddies can make water holy 🤔. Is that true?

Epiphany of our Lord (Orthodox Christian website): https://www.goarch.org/epiphany
What You Really Need to Know About Holy Water (Orthodox Christian website): https://www.thegoodshepherd.org.au/what-you-really-need-know-about-holy-water

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

They claim to have psychic powers which they can use to help you with your paranormal problem, but is that really true?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

We hear about them, but are they real and if so, what are they about?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

They claim to be able to contact spirits but is that true?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

He is called by different names but what was His real name?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

Who determines who is a saint in the Bible?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

Are these mythical sea creatures real?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

People in general use magic words and terms without realizing it ☹️.

The Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_word

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

#shorts #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #prophecy #prophet #predictions #prediction #future Can we trust fortune tellers or other people who claim to be able to predict the future?

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

It's time to name the fallen angel who continually terrorizes me and tries to prevent me from releasing spiritual content.

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

I drew a direction symbol!

Dave: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthTVNZ03
The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/

Should we fear death or our own mortality? Is death as scary as it sounds?

What Are Dreams? https://www.bitchute.com/video/SnUNM58cAwR3/

The official Orthoprax Christianity website: http://orthopraxchristianity.org/


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

119 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Covers spirituality, theology and philosophy. Subscribe and learn what the Bible actually says! You won't learn it in a church!

My name is Manuel Miloslavia. In 2022 on January 11 I have discovered that I’m a mystic.