Common Shaman

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Another sad story - please share. thanks

Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University.
He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization. Here is the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever put on tape.

It appears that minds are starting to open and evidence is now less repressed. A good sign! - The original recording was not recorded well so I had to use audio software to make it easier to listen to. :) Common Shaman

Watch - Listen - Engage

It is always a good idea to take a break and laugh about our social situations once in awhile.

TYRANNY - government by a ruler or small group of people who have unlimited power over the people in their country or state and use it unfairly and cruelly

Phone app available worldwide- guides millions of immigrants to the USA

Another 5th Kind Interview - be sure to check their YouTube channel or their site

Tucker Carlson VAX Study

A film produced by Dinesh D’Souza, Debbie D’Souza, and Bruce Schooley in collaboration with Dan Bongino. Research by Julie Kelly and Peter Schweizer.

Great Speech -A Must Watch

Danica Patrick - How the non material universe operates and why

This is happening right now!!

Whitney Webb gives US the real story of 2030 agenda and what we can do about it!

Col. Macgregor - state of our present affairs and more importantly, what to do about it. Go to his sight. .He has started a site to move America forward Defend our border - Defend our elections - Defend our children - Defend our right to bear arms - Defend us from the endless wars - Defend our Religious Freedom

Who Really Said "The British Are Coming"?

The pharmaceutical industry has spent nearly $263 million dollars on lobbying so far this year. employing three lobbyists for every member of Congress, according to OpenSecrets, which tracks money in politics.
Millions of those dollars are in the form of campaign donations. "They have really endless resources to throw at shaping the outcomes of legislation,"
Sheila Krumholz, the executive director of OpenSecrets.

Dr. Michael Nehls, a physician and internationally renowned molecular geneticist, lays out a staggering chain of evidence that suggests that behind the numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality, with the goal of depriving people of their ability to think for themselves. The increase is over 30%

But it is not too late. Nehls brings light and hope to this fateful chapter in human history.

Nothing less than the question of whether our species will be able to preserve its humanity and creative power, will be decided in our time.

Additional DNA was was found in the Vaccine

A history of Wall Street, Bankers, the Oligarchs, and what is really going on. A "must" listen. Edited down to a shorter more direct version.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

168 videos

Category Education

Informative Place for Info on Covid - Politics - Spirituality - Cabal (and some humor now and again.)