Non Toxic Home

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Non Toxic Home

Non-Toxic Home


(Links below!) Discussing the obvious parallels to recent history, the devastating impacts of microwave radiation here on chickens, rabbits, wildlife, and pollinators, the VGCC, turbo cancer, PCR tests.... all of the things that I'm not supposed to exercise critical thought regarding. Also, why are we witnessing the beginning of what I refer to as The Great Emptying, unprecedented cognitive decline?

Another observation I neglected to mention is the mass die-off of geese (obviously, not from "bird flu"). The skies used to darken here for periods of time in the spring and fall as Canadian geese migrated through our area, with easily 10s of thousands flying over. I used to run for cover! This winter, the largest flock I saw was 9 or 10 birds, with most in groups of between 2 and 4. I perhaps saw a couple hundred total, though that is a very generous estimate.

Aluminum window screen:

My books:

Reducing Kitchen Magnetic Fields:

Root Causes of Dis-Ease:

Viral Isolation:

Microwave Sickness:

My Study Tools:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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(Links are below!) If you’re a newsletter subscriber- and why wouldn’t you be as it’s free???- then you know I’ve been dealing with magnetic fields from the power lines at the road this year. It’s quite a significant distance to be of issue! Alas, shielding magnetic fields is such a tricky endeavor that geobiologists generally don’t even attempt the feat. Plus, it can be a project costing tens of thousands of dollars- which we certainly don’t have. Finally, the attempts often don’t work and can even exacerbate the problem.

And thus, I am controlling what I can control, which has provided me with great relief. I’m a big fan of open airways, baby!

This video addresses the refrigerator, stove/ range oven, clock, etc.

For those who wonder at affordability, there’s a reason I sell off excess possessions and items I can no longer tolerate on eBay! (

The alarm clock we use:

Our toaster oven:

The pizza stone for our toaster oven:

One non-toxic hot plate:

Another non-toxic hot plate:

Window a/c article:

My meters:

Our Books:

Shielding from radio frequencies:

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The best nutritional yeast and flaxseed oil may be found at Foods Alive: NONTOXICHOMEORG gets you 20% off!

Cotonique clothing is what we wear! Use code NONTOXICHOME for 10% off!

White Lotus Home offers some latex-free mattresses and other healthy products. I really like the company, and their openness regarding materials is refreshing: Use discount code NONTOXICHOME for 15% off most products!

Biquette blankets are USA-made, from a small business, and I’m kind of a fan girl. They’re perfect custom, heirloom gifts for baby showers or weddings! Use code NTHOME15 for 15% off!

Small farmers need our support! Buy from them via Market Wagon, which is in quite a few areas of the US now:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said beli

(Please click for links below!)
1 Corinthians 14:34-35: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

And then we have 1 Corinthians 14:20: Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.

Let's not be children in our understanding of scripture, but be mature adults! Let's learn together what the original Greek actually tells us. :)

Does Paul REALLY tell us that women aren't allowed to speak???

Paul gives us instruction so as to avoid the appearance of utter insanity.

There's grave danger in ignoring context in scripture- or, for that matter, in anything else!

Context and the TR Greek tell us the truth about the "problematic" verses in 1 Corinthians 14.

My Study Tools and How I Study:

Don't Pray for These People Study:

Our Books:

Support this work at NO additional cost- just click here first before shopping at Amazon:

The best nutritional yeast and flaxseed oil may be found at Foods Alive: NONTOXICHOMEORG gets you 20% off!

Cotonique clothing is what we wear! Use code NONTOXICHOME for 10% off!

White Lotus Home offers some latex-free mattresses and other healthy products. I really like the company, and their openness regarding materials is refreshing: Use discount code NONTOXICHOME for 15% off most products!

Biquette blankets are USA-made, from a small business, and I’m kind of a fan girl. They’re perfect custom, heirloom gifts for baby showers or weddings! Use code NTHOME15 for 15% off!

Small farmers need our support! Buy from them via Market Wagon, which is in quite a few areas of the US now:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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Please read the original post:

The post includes important additional information and links, including the fact that diagnoses are almost always actually symptoms, not root causes.

Support this work at NO additional cost- just click here first before shopping at Amazon:

The best nutritional yeast and flaxseed oil may be found at Foods Alive: NONTOXICHOMEORG gets you 20% off!

Cotonique clothing is what we wear! Use code NONTOXICHOME for 10% off!

White Lotus Home offers some latex-free mattresses and other healthy products. I really like the company, and their openness regarding materials is refreshing: Use discount code NONTOXICHOME for 15% off most products!

Biquette blankets are USA-made, from a small business, and I’m kind of a fan girl. They’re perfect custom, heirloom gifts for baby showers or weddings! Use code NTHOME15 for 15% off!

Small farmers need our support! Buy from them via Market Wagon, which is in quite a few areas of the US now:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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(Links below!) An independent book review, not from the author. There are pros and cons, as with any book. It may help some, but PLEASE listen to this entire discussion as some recommendations could actually be harmful depending on the person.


The book:

Our Books:

These Herbs Saved My Life:

How a Smart Meter Almost Killed Me:

How a Small Cell Tower...:

EMFs & Mast Cells:

Are T.I.s Actually Mentally Ill?

Are WE T.I.s?

Myrrh Essential Oil:


My Meters:

Aluminum window screen that I use:

How Am I Still Alive?

Geovital Article (PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!):

MY Shungite Necklace Is from Orgonite Andy:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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NnEMFs, cognitive decline, food shortages, the financial system…. The current trajectory of society is not “sustainable.”

We know from careful studying that Pharmakeia will wax worse and worse. We know from our studies that great testing is coming upon the entire world. I pondered whether or not to share this, but have decided to do so, to show that while I do have great, great joy and hope, it is also a burden to know the truth. We are to be masters of our mind and emotions, not permit them to run rampant and control us. But knowing what is coming is bound to cause some feelings now and then, which is why I decided to share this with you.

It is far better to be master of your mind and emotions than to be master of your possessions!

This discussion includes a superficial look at Ezekiel 21, 22, and 23.

Yes, I am 100% certain regarding the first seal:

My Study Tools and How I Study:

You can help ease the burden of related expenses- without spending any extra money!

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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Links are below!

One of the first signs of a reaction to natural rubber latex for many people traces back to one's feet! Peeling, burning soles or itchy feet are a common sign that your body is telling you that latex is not OK for you! Listen to your body.



Wool boots on Etsy:


Intro to Latex Allergy:

Latex IS Toxic!:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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(Links below!) In this study, we revisit the first seal (yes, I’m 100% certain- link to that newer video is below), pondering the first sign of the beginning of sorrows.

We also examine the illuminating aspect of the first seal of Revelation, and the second part of the first seal, conquering and to conquer. And finally, what’s up with all of the disclosures in recent years? Could that actually be the fulfillment of prophecy?

I think you know that answer to that question!

Yes, I am 100% certain regarding the first seal:

My Study Tools and How I Study:

My Books:

Regrettable Substitution:

Toxon study 1:

Toxon study 2:

Microwave Sickness- the Fulfillment of Prophecy:

Olivet Discourse Playlist:$/playlist/9e92a6943b07a77227c1af0ccbd7d8bcc3ea0e7f

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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There’s some real meat in this careful study, including:
- What’s “secret” about the end times?
- What does it mean to Biblically watch?
- We aren’t appointed to His wrath???
- Matthew 24:1-2: Defining the temple (Gr. naos vs. hieron)
- Is the Olivet Discourse dualistic?
- 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Thessalonians 5, explained

My Study Tools and How I Study:

Olivet Discourse Playlist:$/playlist/9e92a6943b07a77227c1af0ccbd7d8bcc3ea0e7f

OR on Rumble!

Our Books:

Paul: False Prophet?

1000 Year Reign: Past or Future?

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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Mistranslation alert!

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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(TONS of links below!!!) Sometimes you have to make compromises to grow food! I never wanted to use landscape fabric in the garden, and I do really prefer the no-till method, but every location has different challenges and thus there is no one-size-fits-all approach to successful gardening.

Don’t believe the Rockefeller robots, who typically have no more than a few potted plants!

Life happens and we must respond accordingly.

Correction: Obviously, I meant that it was the end of April, not May. Silly, silly.

Also, I interrupted myself and meant to say that Dave doesn’t tolerate yarrow, and I don’t use it myself much. So out it goes.

As the environment changes, so must our gardening strategies.

Foraging Books:

Homesteading Books:

Winter Sowing Guide:

Natural EpiPen Alternatives:

Landscape Fabric (This truly is the highest quality at the best price- Dave’s tried a lot of brands!):

Clear Plastic Cups (I’ve use ones from this random brand for 3 years. Just drill holes for drainage and you’re good to go.):

Pesto Recipe:

How Am I Still Alive?:

My Tiller (Good for small roots, not big roots):

Garden Weasel “Hand Tiller”:

Why I Seed Save:

Toilet Paper Alternatives:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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Add a concrete block for a heat sink when it's around freezing. Lower than 30 degrees, I bring my seedling friends inside. I'll be sharing that this does indeed work in my next gardening video!

My extensive winter sowing article:

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(Links below!) Tartaria, giants, the shenanigans of the Smithsonian, ancient history, mounds/ mounds Indians, Egyptian iconography, terraforming in the US, and ancient structures in the US all inform my personal opinion on this matter, building (of course!!!) on a firm foundation in the scriptures as studied in the original languages of Greek and Hebrew.

(Be sure to listen to the whole video as there are some observations that might surprise you!)

We each have the choice to believe scripture, or to believe in the traditions of man. Study scripture yourself. Study hard. Then form your opinion. :)

Also in this Bible study:
- Utah. Yehudah. Judah.
- Where was Christ actually crucified per scripture?
- Is a third temple in Jerusalem really the fulfillment of prophecy?
- Where IS Biblical Israel?
- Where IS Biblical Jerusalem?
- Does Israel today actually abide by the bounds declared by Lord?

If anyone has years of experience in "Christian apologetics," 'tis I! However, the Lord has graciously revealed much to me in recent years. Question everything, or as Paul wrote, "prove [test] all things."

Also see Numbers 34:1-12 (so as to refute doubtful, lazy disputations based on the assertions of false prophets).

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My Study Tools:

Targeted Individuals: Insane?:

We're Sort-Of Targeted Individuals:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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(Check out the links below!)

Digging deep into Greek verb tenses in the Textus Receptus Greek and consideration of a variety of worldwide issues have led me to a conclusion of certainty. Study the original languages of scripture hours a day yourself... or don't. :)

This discussion addresses a number of topics that may be surprising to you as to their relevance in my conclusion, including illegal immigration, chemtrails, Pharmakeia, the Strong Delusion, fear, mind control, divide and conquer, deception, bird flu, and 5G!

Can you help with the burden of expenses? If not, please share!

Our books:

My Study Tools:

Strong Delusion series:$/playlist/df7a26d9f1a1ea6c6cd6c3be13aeecb5af89bcdf


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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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The state of Indiana is in a "statewide disaster emergency" for.... preparedness. Say what now? Preparing for something can now be declared as a disaster emergency?

This is for the total solar eclipse of 2024.

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

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Non-Toxic Home:

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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Are latex mattresses safe? Is tire mulch safe, healthy, and non-toxic?

In this video we review the citations of my old article to see what’s changed online to serve the interests of the natural rubber latex industry- and what hasn’t!

The article:

Say Goodbye to Free Internet Speech:

How to Research Everything Series:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

Connect with each other (unmonitored groups):

Non-Toxic Home:

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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(Please read below, check out the links, and subscribe to our free newsletter!)

Our opinions about most topics differ from most people (see our book Poisoned: Failed by Western Medicine, Modern Construction, and Corporate Interests). We are asked now and then about the specifics of how we are preparing for what we know is to come. So here ya go! Be sure to listen to the end for the most important aspect!
- Contains minimal scriptural study.-
This discussion includes:
- Things I would look into if we were flush with cash.
- How we are preparing financially for the total destruction of the dollar.
- Why you should NOT invest in trees and bushes.
- Is solar power really the answer?
- Observations of chaos and destruction in the world today
- Rust= venom. Poison. Pharmakeia!

Note: I forgot to discuss fasting besides in passing. We both practice intermittent fasting and I fast 2 days a week, typically. We eat a lot less without any less energy!

Low EMF Car Guide:

T.I. Video:

I HIGHLY Recommend This Video:

Mind-Controlled Zombies Playlist:

Winter Sowing Guide:

Root Cellar Book:

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We do not strive or debate. If you have a different belief, then that's fine! However please do consider how many hours (at a minimum) you have invested in independent research regarding said belief. Don't be lazy as your beliefs manifest in behavior!

Connect with each other (unmonitored groups):

Non-Toxic Home:

EI, MCS, MCAS, etc.:

Latex allergy/ Food allergy:

Connect with US via our newsletter and website!

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. This is not professional advice.

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It's release day! Order our latest book just about anywhere books are sold: Non-Toxic Cleaning for the Healthy Home: Save Money, Simplify Your Life, and Improve Your Health.


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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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Please read for an important correction!

Regarding Jerusalem, I made a mistake. To err is human, and I don’t do video editing. If we were sitting in your living room, hanging out, I wouldn’t be able to go back and do edits. The apostles and prophets weren’t able to do video editing, as far as we know. Also, my online time is very limited and posting videos is actually quite a sacrifice for me, physically.

My ultimate conclusion remains 99% the same following extensive further study. The city can indeed be inhabited today per prophecy, but per even the fake “history” we are given, Jerusalem after 70AD was NOT in fact wholly uninhabited. Research it; it’s still info readily available online.

History is written by the victor. I’ve recorded two studies digging into prophetic scripture regarding Jerusalem which, God-willing, will be posted in the next month or so. During this study series we’ll also discuss why a 3rd temple is irrelevant: God will *never* consecrate another temple. To do so would be going back to the Old Covenant.

Also, I stated 31AD and meant 70AD.

Thanks for being awesome and reading, and understanding that I do misspeak sometimes, and that when processing information, I can make mistakes. :)

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Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked when it cometh. -Proverbs 3:25

And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for all must come to pass, but the end is not yet. -Matthew 24:6

What we are seeing come to pass is the precise fulfillment of prophecy. Study yourself. Study hard.

Also, why does it seem like the US Constitution is no longer observed?

And, we touch on zombies again.

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Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

184 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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From our healthy home to yours, we discuss a wide variety of topics from chemical free gardening and building materials to living with latex allergy and spinning your own wool.

Non Toxic Home was founded following years of struggling to live in what later were found to be toxic environments. From cigarette smoke and laundry fumes to mold and latex-based building products, we have been through it all, and we understand how overwhelming the construction process can be- and how difficult it is to research products while living in mold/ toxins/ etc. Follow along as we share with us the products we use on a daily basis, what we've uncovered from our latest deep research dives, and what works for us.

And, of course, hours of Bible study per day result in Bible study videos that share things that no one else does! We do what we do, how we do it, due to our faith, and we are not ashamed. But if it's not your cup of tea, we can still be friends. Just ignore faith-related content. Be cool. :)

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