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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 96

Dialectical Leftism doesn't just do the old Marxist thing anymore. There's a new dialectical game in town that allows Marxists worldwide to transcend classical Marxism, including in the Chinese Communist Party over the last few decades. That method is called "reflexivity," as it was outlined as a so-called "shoelace dialectic" by George Soros in his famous book The Alchemy of Finance ( Host James Lindsay detailed the Soros method ( recently in a long-form podcast on the New Discourses Podcast platform, and here, he summarizes the essential points in short form for the New Discourses Bullets. Join him for this important episode to learn how propaganda and driven feedback loops are misshaping the world.

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 95

To be successful at pushing back at Woke Marxism, you have to know some Woke Marxism and know it pretty well. It's not enough to have a tacit sense of what "Woke" or its programs are about. You have to be somewhat knowledgeable. Leftists are extremely good at discrediting their opposition by making them look dumb (or ignorant, or uninformed), evil, or crazy, and they will spring questions on unsuspecting activists to create this image. Preventing them the easy entry against you, your work, and your message that is undermining your intellectual authority on these matters is as simple as one thing: doing your homework. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay talks about this Leftist strategy and the importance of doing your homework to countering them. Join him to up your game!

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The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 142

A Woke concept that doesn't get nearly the attention it demands is the concept of various "Determinants of Health (DoH)." They are institutions, systems, and societal structures that have health-relevant outcomes, and the Woke Marxists have a few objectives in pushing this perspective, which amounts to "society is preventing you from having optimal health and needs to be controlled by Woke Marxists." There are social determinants of health (SDoH), commercial determinants of health (CDoH), economic determinants of health (EDoH), political determinants of health (PDoH), and more (and more). Each is an opportunity to do surveillance, problematize, and seize control over entire systems to be reorganized to achieve Woke Marxist goals. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay reveals in two papers that professional associations like the American Medical Association (and others) have designated voting as a "social determinant of health" with "political determinant of health" consequences and have used this bogus designation to justify doing voter registration and targeted voting drive campaigns from the platform of psychiatric healthcare services. Join him to hear about this extremely unethical practice.

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 94

Queer Theory is one of the most destructive ideas ever to have been loosed onto our society from the halls of academia, as we have documented in the recent book The Queering of the American Child ( ). But do you know the definition of "queer"? Do you know that it's not possible to be queer, only to act queer? Do you know it has almost nothing to do with gay people? Do you know it's virtually guaranteed by definition to encourage pedophilia? All this and more is available in the original definition of "queer" as it is used in Queer Theory. Join host James Lindsay in this episode of New Discourses Bullets, where he reads and explains the original definition of "queer" from David Halperin's 1995 book Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography ( ).

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The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 141

The more one looks at the United Nations, the weirder it gets, particularly when looking at Robert Muller. In a recent episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay exposed the fruitbat theosophical religion ( )Muller urged that international organization to take up as part of its Millennium Assembly to define a new world order for the 21st century and 3rd millennium. In this episode, Lindsay goes further, reading a 2005 document ( ) from Muller explaining his belief in a need for a "proper" global government with a global religion, all controlled by a newly reconstituted United Nations for the 21st century. The goal is nothing less than a Global Pagan Theosophical Theocracy led by the United Nations. The United Nations is, quite clearly, taking this bad idea seriously, which leads us to an urgent need to take seriously the idea of defunding and abolishing the United Nations altogether.

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 93

Surely you've noticed that Woke doesn't work. Of course it doesn't. It's not just bad ideas put into operation by bad people and obvious grifters, though, that causes the problem. Woke Marxism isn't even interested in making things work. In fact, it's worse than that, even. Woke Marxism is, by definition, hostile to making things work. It is, as Herbert Marcuse put it in An Essay on Liberation ( ) in 1969, a protest against "the totality of a well-functioning and prosperous society," even against its very Platonic Form. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay shows you exactly where this mentality was adopted by the radical Left that became the Woke Left to explain why Woke Marxism cannot possibly make anything work. It's opposed to the very concept!

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New Discourses Bullet, Ep. 92

There's an old saying about Communists that applies to all militant ideologies: they are good at conquest and bad at management. That's only half of the story. The fact is that because of their cult-religious nature, various strains of Communism aren't just bad at management; they're completely disinterested in management. That is, they don't want to make things work; they just want to control people and institutions to make more Communists. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay explains the ideas behind that simple summary of Communist behavior. Join him to learn why Communists don't know how and won't ever know how.

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The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 140

Queer Theory is the doctrine of a sex-based cult that has very little to do with gay people and lots of interest in our children. We really need to understand that. Based on remarks James Lindsay delivered at the University of Pittsburgh in February 2024, in this episode of the New Discourses podcast, he makes even more clear why Queer Theory defines a cult and how it works as such, particularly to initiate our kids.

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 91

Woke Marxism is a cult. It's not like a cult. It's not kind of a cult. It's a cult. Because it's a cult, and like the word "Woke" implies, becoming Woke means experiencing a rebirth into the social, emotional, and intellectual worldview of the cult's doctrine. In fact, fathers of Woke Marxist theory, like Paulo Freire, are explicit about this aspect of Woke Marxism in the starkest possible terms. For Freire, awakening to critical consciousness (becoming Woke) is a personal Easter, a spiritual death and resurrection on the side of the oppressed. How do we know? He says it himself, explicitly and more than once, in his now-famous 1984 book The Politics of Education ( In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay pulls back the curtain on this cult belief and makes it plainly visible. Join him so you can understand that we're dealing with the largest cult startup in human history.

Hear more about this in a fuller reading of the relevant chapter of Freire's book here:

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 90

Regardless of the issue (BLM, Drag Queen Story Hour, Pride, or a college uprising), the ideological totalism of Woke Marxism uses classic tactics to advance itself. One of those is a kind of manipulation through what is called "planned spontaneity," a clear oxymoron. Planned spontaneity is a "mystical manipulation," in the words of Robert Jay Lifton, that gives the totalizing cult the appearance of incredible, widespread, organic support, if not omniscience. The current pro-Hamas (or pro-Palestine) student uprisings are no exception. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay explains this phenomenon through the lens of Lifton's work, particularly indicating how the current Red-Guard student uprisings fit into this fake, manipulative frame of reference. Don't miss it!

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 89

Our future, if the Woke Marxists prevail, may well be to be made into "digital cattle." What does that mean? It means that we will be led into a state of dependency, perhaps using a Universal Basic Income, and enter into a remade (distributist) economy based on social credit, which is to say compliance with the state's agendas for us. To make this system work, both practically and in terms of control mechanisms takes incredible amounts of data. Like cattle who earn their feed by being raised for meat, we will earn our "basic income" by providing the data necessary to keep us under "sustainable" control. Join host James Lindsay in this frightening episode of New Discourses Bullets to understand a possible future in the so-called "technetronic era."

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The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 139

The United Nations is a religious organization, and the religion behind it is a cult. More specifically, it is a theosophical cult based on an "evolutionary" vision for mankind that it wants to control. This fact is revealed in a strange book by late UN big-wig and creator of the World Core Curriculum (Common Core in the United States), Robert Muller, from about 25 years ago titled 2000 Ideas for a Better World, which he published in four volumes in the lead-up to the year 2000 (links below). Muller delivered this book and a summary of the key spiritual points ( to the UN Secretary-General in March of 1999 in advance of the Millennium Assembly with the hope that it would guide UN global policy and global spirituality in the 21st century and third millennium. He then went on to publish five thousand more ideas. The book is shocking in its contents, and in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay dives into a rather narrow sample of the troubling ideas contained in the summary document Muller stressed to the UN Secretary-General to set the agenda for our current century. Join him to find out what the UN really is.
Muller's book: Volume I ( ); Volume II ( ); Volume III ( ); Volume IV ( ).

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 88

Compliance can be extracted by tyrants from a population through a straightforward method of creating enmity between segments of the population. First, the population is split into those who comply with the tyrant's programs and policies and those who do not comply. If there are enough among the compliant, a demonization campaign we should call "hatecraft" is employed to pressure those dragging their feet to comply and to demonize those who refuse compliance. Perhaps no one in history was more skilled at these techniques, the politics of compliance, than Mao Zedong in CCP-controlled China. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down the politics of compliance in detail, exposing the malicious tool behind exactly what we have been put through over the last several years. Join him to understand this powerful weapon in the hands of tyrants and how to resist it.

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