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Poetry - The Thought Fox - By Ted Hughes

#musterxmedia #poetry #tedhughes

I imagine this midnight moment's forest:
Something else is alive
Beside the clock's loneliness
And this blank page where my fingers move.

Through the window I see no star:
Something more near
Though deeper within darkness
Is entering the loneliness:

Cold, delicately as the dark snow
A fox's nose touches twig, leaf;
Two eyes serve a movement, that now
And again now, and now, and now

Sets neat prints into the snow
Between trees, and warily a lame
Shadow lags by stump and in hollow
Of a body that is bold to come

Across clearings, an eye,
A widening deepening greenness,
Brilliantly, concentratedly,
Coming about its own business

Till, with a sudden sharp hot stink of fox
It enters the dark hole of the head.
The window is starless still; the clock ticks,
The page is printed.


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YouTube Channels
Muster X Media fiction Channel.
Scenic Serenity
Total Enterrtainment Podcast
Sound On SFX


Friends Channels:

@Joehume1 @PhillipGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Poetry - The Thought Fox - By Ted Hughes

Aesop's fables #shorts #fiction

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If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "brother and sister" And Other Stories

#musterxmedia #aesopfables #fictionpodcast #stories


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

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If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "brother and sister" And Other Stories

#shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

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If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

A Tribute To Working At Sea: Business Class

#musterxmedia #CruiseShipStories #SeaAdventures#FictionPodcast

Our Narrator gets a phone call from base requesting he starts his contract early

The Best Fiction is based on truth:
This is a series of short stories, "rants" and poems loosely based on the authors experience at working on a cruise ship. Some stories are based on actual events - though highly exaggerated, while other stories are pure fiction.
The title "A Tribute to".... is fitting with the tone of the series - because like a tribute act, it is a blatant altered reality where you can enjoy the stories knowing its not quite the truth.

So sit down and enjoy "A Tribute To Working At Sea."


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media


Total entertainment Podcast.
The Total Entertainment Podcast - From Muster X Media, is a podcast where grass roots talent can get a chance to be interviewed as well as show the world a sample of their entertainment product.
We also take a look at arena shows, and how they are set up along with a review of the final product - The show itself.
We openly encourage, musicians, singers, actors, directors, writers, and cabaret artists to come on our show fir an interview and talk about their act.

Muster x Media Presents: Gumshoe & London 2055
Warning! This podcast contains strong, offensive and misogynistic language that some listeners may find offensive.
The Name's Vert. Percival Reginald Vert and I run the PR-..

A Tribute To Working At Sea: Casablanca

#musterxmedia #CruiseShipStories #SeaAdventures#FictionPodcast

A New port for our Narrator to go to.

The Best Fiction is based on truth:
This is a series of short stories, "rants" and poems loosely based on the authors experience at working on a cruise ship. Some stories are based on actual events - though highly exaggerated, while other stories are pure fiction.
The title "A Tribute to".... is fitting with the tone of the series - because like a tribute act, it is a blatant altered reality where you can enjoy the stories knowing its not quite the truth.

So sit down and enjoy "A Tribute To Working At Sea."


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media


Total entertainment Podcast.
The Total Entertainment Podcast - From Muster X Media, is a podcast where grass roots talent can get a chance to be interviewed as well as show the world a sample of their entertainment product.
We also take a look at arena shows, and how they are set up along with a review of the final product - The show itself.
We openly encourage, musicians, singers, actors, directors, writers, and cabaret artists to come on our show fir an interview and talk about their act.

Muster x Media Presents: Gumshoe & London 2055
Warning! This podcast contains strong, offensive and misogynistic language that some listeners may find offensive.
The Name's Vert. Percival Reginald Vert and I run the PR-Vert detective agency. The year is 2055 and th..

Aesop's Fables "the trees and the axe" And Other Stories

#musterxmedia #aesopfables #fictionpodcast #stories


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "the trees and the axe" And Other Stories

Aesop's fables #shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

#shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Poetry - In tribute to Ommadon - By Paul Collis

#musterxmedia #poetry #EDGARALLANPOE

In shadows deep, where dark enchantments brew,

There lurked a wizard, Ommadon was his name,

His twisted heart with evil purpose drew,

A sorcerer of dread, his lust for power aflame.

With spells and curses, he sought to claim control,

A mastermind of malevolence, so sly,

His plots and schemes, they took a heavy toll,

In shadows cast, beneath a moonless sky.

He summoned creatures, dragons in his sway,

Bryagh, his fearsome minion, by his side,

To sow discord, in darkness they'd convey,

A world where hope and light would swiftly hide.

But heroes rose, their courage strong and true,

To face Ommadon, the dark, they would subdue.


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media



YouTube Channels
Muster X Media fiction Channel.
Scenic Serenity
Total Enterrtainment Podcast
Sound On SFX


Friends Channels:

@Joehume1 @PhillipGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Poetry - In tribute to Ommadon - By Paul Collis

A Tribute To Working At Sea: Denied

#musterxmedia #CruiseShipStories #SeaAdventures#FictionPodcast

There is a party on Shoppie corridor, and both the Narrator and Pianist get invited to come along.

The Best Fiction is based on truth:
This is a series of short stories, "rants" and poems loosely based on the authors experience at working on a cruise ship. Some stories are based on actual events - though highly exaggerated, while other stories are pure fiction.
The title "A Tribute to".... is fitting with the tone of the series - because like a tribute act, it is a blatant altered reality where you can enjoy the stories knowing its not quite the truth.

So sit down and enjoy "A Tribute To Working At Sea."


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media


Total entertainment Podcast.
The Total Entertainment Podcast - From Muster X Media, is a podcast where grass roots talent can get a chance to be interviewed as well as show the world a sample of their entertainment product.
We also take a look at arena shows, and how they are set up along with a review of the final product - The show itself.
We openly encourage, musicians, singers, actors, directors, writers, and cabaret artists to come on our show fir an interview and talk about their act.

Muster x Media Presents: Gumshoe & London 2055
Warning! This podcast contains strong, offensive and misogynistic language that some listeners may find offensive.
The Name's Vert. Percival Reginald Vert and I r..

Aesop's fables #shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "the escaped jackdaw" And Other Stories

#musterxmedia #aesopfables #fictionpodcast #stories


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "the escaped jackdaw" And Other Stories

Poetry - The Snowman - By WALLACE STEVENS

#musterxmedia #poetry #wallacestevens

One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
The spruces rough in the distant glitter

Of the January sun; and not to think
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,

Which is the sound of the land
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare place

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media



YouTube Channels
Muster X Media fiction Channel.
Scenic Serenity
Total Enterrtainment Podcast
Sound On SFX


Friends Channels:

@Joehume1 @PhillipGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Poetry - The Snowman - By WALLACE STEVENS

#shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's fables #shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

A Tribute To Working At Sea: The Great Media Matrix Farce

#musterxmedia #CruiseShipStories #SeaAdventures#FictionPodcast

The Narrator is once again the production manager and has to deal with a dead piece of equipment.

The Best Fiction is based on truth:
This is a series of short stories, "rants" and poems loosely based on the authors experience at working on a cruise ship. Some stories are based on actual events - though highly exaggerated, while other stories are pure fiction.
The title "A Tribute to".... is fitting with the tone of the series - because like a tribute act, it is a blatant altered reality where you can enjoy the stories knowing its not quite the truth.

So sit down and enjoy "A Tribute To Working At Sea."


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media


Total entertainment Podcast.
The Total Entertainment Podcast - From Muster X Media, is a podcast where grass roots talent can get a chance to be interviewed as well as show the world a sample of their entertainment product.
We also take a look at arena shows, and how they are set up along with a review of the final product - The show itself.
We openly encourage, musicians, singers, actors, directors, writers, and cabaret artists to come on our show fir an interview and talk about their act.

Muster x Media Presents: Gumshoe & London 2055
Warning! This podcast contains strong, offensive and misogynistic language that some listeners may find offensive.
The Name's Vert. Percival ..

Poetry - Further Anticipation - By Paul Collis

#musterxmedia #poetry #paulcollis

Six years ashore, my sailor’s heart did sleep,

Now, cruise-bound, I embrace the open sea,

Anticipation’s waves, both wild and deep,

As salty air ignites the soul in me.

I long to dance upon the ocean’s floor,

Where sirens of the deep their secrets keep,

Choppy seas, their rhythm I adore,

As waves and sirens in my dreams entwine, and weep.

For others seek the calm, the tranquil scene,

But I, I yearn for tempests fierce and bold,

In roaring storms, my spirit’s set to glean,

The thrill of chaos, where my heart takes hold.

So, on this voyage, I shall take my chance,

With sirens and the sea, I’ll wildly dance.

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media



YouTube Channels
Muster X Media fiction Channel.
Scenic Serenity
Total Enterrtainment Podcast
Sound On SFX


Friends Channels:

@Joehume1 @PhillipGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Poetry - A Dream Within a Dream - BY EDGAR ALLAN POE

Aesop's Fables "the clown and the countryman" And Other Stories

#musterxmedia #aesopfables #fictionpodcast #stories


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "the clown and the countryman" And Other Stories

Aesop's fables #shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

A Tribute To Working At Sea: Dressed Like a C##t

#musterxmedia #CruiseShipStories #SeaAdventures#FictionPodcast

The Narrator decides to go to a formal party, where he is dressed like a cunt

The Best Fiction is based on truth:
This is a series of short stories, "rants" and poems loosely based on the authors experience at working on a cruise ship. Some stories are based on actual events - though highly exaggerated, while other stories are pure fiction.
The title "A Tribute to".... is fitting with the tone of the series - because like a tribute act, it is a blatant altered reality where you can enjoy the stories knowing its not quite the truth.

So sit down and enjoy "A Tribute To Working At Sea."


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @MediaMuster
Instagram - Muster.X.Media


Total entertainment Podcast.
The Total Entertainment Podcast - From Muster X Media, is a podcast where grass roots talent can get a chance to be interviewed as well as show the world a sample of their entertainment product.
We also take a look at arena shows, and how they are set up along with a review of the final product - The show itself.
We openly encourage, musicians, singers, actors, directors, writers, and cabaret artists to come on our show fir an interview and talk about their act.

Muster x Media Presents: Gumshoe & London 2055
Warning! This podcast contains strong, offensive and misogynistic language that some listeners may find offensive.
The Name's Vert. Percival Reginald Vert and I run the P..

Aesop's fables #shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "the travellers and the plane tree" And Other Stories

#musterxmedia #aesopfables #fictionpodcast #stories


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz

Aesop's Fables "the travellers and the plane tree" And Other Stories

Poetry - The Roads Go Ever On - By J.R.R. Tolkien

#musterxmedia #poetry #jrrtolkien

Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.

Roads go ever ever on,
Under cloud and under star.
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen,
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green,
And trees and hills they long have known.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with weary feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone.
Let others follow, if they can!
Let them a journey new begin.
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

Still 'round the corner there may wait
A new road or secret gate;
And though I oft have passed them by,
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.


Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:
[email protected]


Why not check out our Social Media:
Facebook - Muster X Media
Twitter - @Me..

#shorts #fiction

Links to all Muster X Media YouTube Channels, Podcast channels, Books and social media:

You can find all our content on our website:

If you wish to email us for any reason you can contact us on:

[email protected]

YouTube Channels

Muster X Media Fiction Podcasts @musterxmediafiction
X:Review - @XReview
Scenic Serenity - @scenicserenity1
Total Entertainment Podcast - @TotalEntertainmentPodcast
Funsize Shorts @funsizeshorts

Friends Channels:
@Joehume1 @PhilGregoryMusic @FabianDubz


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

197 videos

Category Vlogging

The Muster X Media Channel is a Vlog about my progress on making content across the various Muster X media channels. The aim is to show a progression so other people can learn from my experience.

If you like this channel and want to support it, please buy me a coffee by clicking the link below

If you are looking for equipment for your own personal projects, please support this channel by clicking the links below.

This channels videos were created with the following equipment:

*Please note that prices change from time to time. Prices are correct from 30th April 2020

Price is now £155.55 with free Delivery

Additional 4gb ram £24.13

Hard drive docking station £25.99

Camera 1 Go-pro
£399.99 with free delivery

Camera 2 Huawei P-Smart

Syosin Selfie stick / tripod £12.99

Camera 3
Top-vigor webcam with microphone £15.97

Go-Pro accessories


Mobile phone Camera lens kit

Studio accessories

Hadwin gaming chair £89.99

Led TV backlights £24.99

“umbrella lighting” £29.99

Presentation clicker £26.09

Wall fabric

Black £3.47 per metre

White £4.47 per metre

Red £3.50 per metre