حسن مُشرّف ابن سهل

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حسن مُشرّف ابن سهل

حسن مُشرّف ابن سهل


being slightly more well behaved or because i dont sit in chairs. Chairs are basically curses to me. Dont ever come at me like you secretly hate everyone but think no one can tell

or like short-term marriage makes more sense or like paying women incrementally makes more sense. Women are not compelling when they dont make any sense.

They think theyre men, & the main characters in everyone's life or something. They treat men like men cant decide their own behavior for themselves. Very disrespectful

hypocrites and wrongdoers are constantly jumping to conclusions & imagining that others are talking about them... its true that women can stop what theyre doing & change for the better, but people still remember what they were doing in the past.

or whatchamacallem. Bad people are constantly wanting people to care about them. Good products sell themselves.

might as well send them to die in Ukraine. their dream is to be a worthless negro & they dont wake up from that dream until theyre 45 and look like a creature from the crypt

Let's see what it says about fat people, swine, gluttons. corrupt tyrants, diabetics, and so on...

Really, a person can trash white farmers for hours & hours but im keeping this brief. I dont think theyre real farmers. theyre more like tractor operators. real tools like shovels and rakes frustrate them because they mostly just sit in chairs. they rape the land with mystery chemicals and act like theyre the saviors of the local population or something like that. Give them however many acres you want & theyll probaby grow nothing but toxic peasant food like roundup ready corn and send their children to go eat fast food. The license plates they love to buy need to say "poisoning Alabama" not "feeding Alabama."

They talk over others and stand in their way & do all the things that people say are annoying about some people. theyre total white negros though

They dont want to be good to anyone anyway. They also like having dogs in their yards instead of rabbits

They eat like 2 women but theyre like half a woman. Really thats a generous estimate, but anyway, theyre not a whole woman. Might as well save dat money & watch relaxing nature videos or something

& theres no point in talking to any of them, they want everyone to be losers like them...

Theres possibly thousands of harms related to just being around kuffar women. Trying to list them all might result in a massive tome

and unacceptable. A short motivational story: I was ashamed of my ignorance as a human, or my human fallibility, until I remembered kuffar women. I dont get along with kuffar women. im like their grandfather, i get so tired on kuffar women, like 70 years old tired.

but what pigs actually say is oink! The swine here are so far from normal that they spend their entire lives trying to trick others into thinking stuff is something that its obviously not. One of my favorite things to do is to let non-believers know that I dont like them. Its like hitting a reset button on their mind and taking them back to a time when things were real

this is the most in-depth ruling that I've found so far on this. The Mishkatul Masaabih is also an excellent reference. I think many people may have been left wondering on this issue or left with only a brief explanation

via @bootcamp

but the pigs are morbidly obese. Theyre also often Prozac'd out in a way animals arent. They just stand there. Theres no telling what pharma drugs these people walk around on, and drive around on. They probably take 5 different pills just to be able to venture outside and go about their day, how they look. They actually insist in bizarre ways that they are the normal ones. However, there is nothing more normal than being upon the Islamic fitrah that a person was born on, and eating reasonable amounts of food. Its so simple, but you have these megamind dummies in Alabama.
The thing about women like my mother that want to marry the men here (prey on the men here with Haram marriage) and raise kids here is that they only care about themselves with all that nonsense. and they & their submissive husbands just cope and cope and cope.

it seems like serious men only want to incarcerate her. Perhaps her nasty little dog is her only option. Let me know what you think about this. Rabies or some kind of AIDS from her dog? This is a typical specimen like you might find in Alabama.
via @documentarypluss

message me to join and become an Alabama negrologist. Alabama is to negrologists what bird-watching is to bird-watchers. in fact, all I see are negroes in this state. I study negroes.

and its rotten. and the shock hits you

but theres many ways to skin a cat


Created 11 months, 4 weeks ago.

94 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I'm banned from social media for anti semitism and edgy jokes. I hate diabetics and women that try to slick talk me. Its an honor to be here, its an honor to be anywhere as a Muslim because its an honor to be a Muslim.