Masters Mahan Podcast

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Masters Mahan Podcast

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A short clip from Episode 21 of the Masters Mahan Podcast discussing the events that lead to sex becoming a shameful topic which is forbidden to talk about leading to a whole generation of children who've never had a proper sex talk from their parents. This is very important information!

The second part and follow up to the original HIGHLY CENSORED Shadowgate documentary exposing the intelligence community coverups and corruption by Millennial Millie

Follow Millennial Millie Here:

Full documentary by Millennial Millie exposing the Shadow industrial complex and interviewing whistleblowers from the intelligence community - massively CENSORED documentary!

Follow Millennial Millie Here:

The full EXTENDED testimony from Cathy O'Brien who is a survivor of Mk-Ultra / Monarch Programming and was a "Presidential Model" and Pentagon level CIA asset.

Follow Cathy Here:

A short documentary discussing the modern school system and how it's highly similar to Monarch / Mkultra Programming / Brainwashing - a great short film on the philosophy of control.

Full 3 hour documentary on Pizzagate exposing the bigger picture of elite child sacrifice and human trafficking.

Second and final part of the documentary exposing the truth behind Pizzagate and elite child trafficking and child satanic abuse

Cathy O'Brien's Full Testimony at the Grenade Forum in 1996 - go follow Cathy on X

Full documentary exposing the truth behind pizzagate and elite child trafficking operations, part one of two parts

We have spent an inordinate amount of time studying J.D. Salinger’s one hit worldwide best selling book, “The Catcher in the Rye”, using it as an example to explain how media, in all forms, has been used for more than half a century to control the way we think in order to push a willing slavery agenda on us.

The anti-christs, the Jewish Mafia, and pseudo-Christians among us today always broadcast their goals early. We would be smart to hear them now while we can still change course. We don't have much time to change course...

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

Spells are very important in Luciferianism. In our last episode we illustrated how spells are used in society to build our inner mythologies.
If you are one of those who can't help but wonder what in the world is happening to our communities right now, you should know that in part it is due to decades of spell casting that is starting to "come true” worldwide, including in the Middle East. While we support the Jewish right to gather in the land of Israel, we do not support ramping up for war on either side. One of the major spells that has been cast on American Christians is the spell that they must be true to Jewish plans and plots at any cost in order to be true to the Bible. Anything less is anti-shemitism. This is a spell, so you had better wake up because Christianity’s God has declared, “Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called the true children of God.” The rest are but dogs and sinners at the gate.
To better illuminate how all these spells were, and are being, cast on you, we will use Jerome David Salinger's one hit book, "The Catcher in Rye" over two episodes.
It is hoped that the lessons learned here will aid you in seeing how occultists continue to use spells on you today. Hold On, Star Child, here we go! Quack, Quack, Bang, Bang!

Thank you Shout Out to Urban8499 for reposting us! Check him out! Thanks Dude!

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

In our last two episodes we built on our introduction to spell casting. First, by examining the first half of JD Salinger’s one hit wonder book “the Catcher in the Rye.” While it is true that we could have picked more modern examples, it is actually more important to build a base of understanding since today we have fallen so far down Alice’s rabbit hole that we have actually reached the Emerald City of the Queen of Hearts! Today we live in pastiche.
While most modern bimbos and numb nuts don’t realize it, we have actually reached the final stages of pastiche from which nothing but a dangerous douse of reality can free us.
This is part 1 of 2. But no fears, modern examples will be cuming... (stop that!)

Thank you Shout Out to Urban8499 for reposting us! Check him out! Thanks Dude!

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

This is part 2 of 4. The family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda.
Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream.
This episode is part 2. You really should listen to ep. 13 (part 1) before this one.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

This is part 4 of 4 on the elitist Illuminati Bloodlines. We have three more Illuminati Bloodlines to discuss, so how is that possible? 13 + 3 is more than 13 blood sucking adrenochrome addicts, right? If Satan wants there to be 13, how can there be 16? How does that make any sense. Do I really need to say it again? Have you already forgotten what I told you to remember?

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

This will be a difficult episode for some. We are not unsympathetic to this. We suspect that many have sensed it for a long time. One of the occults biggest tricks is to set up a hero among us, making him more than human, nearly a Demi-god, then once the mythology is strongly believed, they release the human dirt on the person to destroy hope. This is a subset of the Judas Clause.
In this episode we will explore mind mapping, some predictive programming, and mind control known in the occult as Mickey Mouse Programming.

Thank you Shout Out to Urban8499 for reposting us! Check him out! Thanks Dude!

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

Spells are very important in Luciferianism. We have delayed discussing them until now because it takes special eyes to see them. Spells help to build inner mythos in those they have been cast upon (namely you). They work on both the initiated and the uninitiated although they work much faster on the initiated. If you are one of those who can't help but wonder what in the world is happening to our societies right now, you should know that in part it is due to decades of spell casting that is starting to "come true."
This is a primer introduction to prepare you for a deeper study to come.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

This is part 3 of 4. The family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda.
Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream.
This episode is part 3. You really should listen to ep. 13 & 14 (parts 1-2) before this one.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

The family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda.
Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream. In this they are exactly like Scoorge McDuck.
The process became easier for them when the world fully embraced fiat currency instead of a gold or silver standard. Today they can print money on demand and give it to whomever they want to make rich. More on that at another time.
In this episode we will use the Springmeier-occult genealogical categorizations as it is one of the clearest to understand.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

Once a child (or a society’s) ability to determine their own needs and wants have been eliminated to the occult’s satisfaction, it is next necessary to remove any ability to trust in wishful thinking or hope.

Let’s illuminate how they do this to their own (and try to do this to you and me) by stepping into the darkness or as the Luciferian’s warn “Keep one eye on Sagittarius.”

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

The major mistake that therapists make when trying to heal Luciferian ritualized abuse is that they believe that somewhere within the victim is the “real person” and that all the rest are merely subordinate alters. While it is true that the individual’s spirit-within holds the pure mind of the person, if the elements that make up the person’s physical personality are fractured from birth, then the personality is fractured. Many of these fractures have been built into full-blown personalities with separate memories. Thus there is no single “real physical personality.” It is more like a mirror that has been broken.
Mapping a mind is necessary before it can be successfully controlled. You can think of it very much like a land surveyor or landlord setting up the boundaries on real estate (sub-dividing it) before renting the space out to different tenants. The symbol is perfectly accurate. The goal is to turn the human mind into an apartment building with various rooms and floors for different personalities or tenants. Some might know their neighbors and others might sense their fellow tenants through the walls, ceilings or floors but never actually meet.
One common form of programing used to mind control people is Color Programing. Since we are seeing so much of this one in the public right now, let’s start with it.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

We have been exploring the first 5 steps of Luciferian Discipline that is used to program children and societies into obeying and accepting Lucifer's Plans for Human Control & Damnation. These steps are the foundation upon which the entire internal world will be established in which to control the child throughout his/her/its life.

Once these laws are firmly incorporated into the child, they have to be placed on a structure that makes enough rational internal sense to make them manipulatable. Lucifer discovered early on that without a structure children lost the will to live or ended up like the demoniac of Luke 8.

In this episode we will use Fantasia (1940) as our example of how the occult uses media to create inner worlds so as to better manipulate their victimized children.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

Teaching the law of silence to initiates must become robotic, so it begins around the age of 2 or 3. It is at this time that children really start to become verbal in terms of thought, so they have to learn quickly that some things are not to be talked about ever or without permission. Young children are naturally prone to being bluntly honest.

There is no one-way course to the fifth step that Lucifer wants his programmed humans to get to: mainly to never speak his secrets. Since his power comes through influence and only grows as people participate in combination, his connected occult members have to keep his secrets at all costs. This is the ancient meaning of being a Mahan. One must master their Mahan in order to gain power, advantage, and wealth over others.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

Having embraced the first 3 steps which are To Have No Personal Needs, To Have No Personal Wants, and To have No Personal Hopes, as their "nu-normal", the child is now ready to be force-fed the 4th step: That they are to choose survival at any cost.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

In this episode we will explore the second principle of Satanic programming… to have no wants.

All parents know that one of the lessons kids need to learn is to distinguish needs from wants. This is a normal lesson and is not an easy one. At first children, and sadly many immature adults, think that their wants are their needs. In terms of psychopaths, sociopaths, and extreme narcissists - it’s the same thing!

The less self-absorbed among us know that wants are important but not always possible and that needs are paramount first. Luciferians need their children and all society to want only what they want them to want.

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.

SERIES CREATED BY "THOMAS WOLFE" - FULL PODCAST - || Reuploading to YouTube to share the information included in the podcast.

Something very strange is going on. People from all walks of life and from every corner of our planet feel it. Something is wrong!

Those with faith in Biblical prophecy suffer less with the problem as they look to the Bible and their faith for grounding, but even they have questions. They feel it too. We all do: Something is wrong!

It is the intention of this short podcast to enter into the darker side of human history with the hope that it might be “a guidebook” to what is happening and to what has happened to get us here. We can’t promise that it won’t be blunt, disturbing, and world shattering, but we can promise that it will be the truth; at least as much of the truth that can be gleaned from the maze of lies meant to disguise it.

When you do feel like your foundation is made of sand, remember the words of Jesus Christ when He said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.

We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.


Created 2 months, 2 weeks ago.

30 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Something very strange is going on. People from all walks of life and from every corner of our planet feel it. Something is wrong! Those with faith in Biblical prophecy suffer less with the problem as they look to the Bible and their faith for grounding, but even they have questions. They feel it too. We all do: Something is wrong! It is the intention of this short podcast to enter into the darker side of human history with the hope that it might be “a guidebook” to what is happening and to what has happened to get us here. We can’t promise that it won’t be blunt, disturbing, and world shattering, but we can promise that it will be the truth; at least as much of the truth that can be gleaned from the maze of lies meant to disguise it. When you do feel like your foundation is made of sand, remember the words of Jesus Christ when He said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

"Knowledge is the best defense against mind control!" - Cathy O'Brien

Podcast Created by Thomas Wolfe - Reuploaded with Express Permission from the Author