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I’m done. See y’all in the funny papers.

“With Usura” Ezra Pound (repost)
Listen closely

Our people are way older and were far more advanced than you were taught to believe. There is layer upon layer of proof if you just make a fingernail scratch into history….

The Green Door… what’s going on there?

WW1 Was White Genocide… for no other reason…
“All Quiet on the Western Front” (1979 version is best…)

Driftwood covers The Rolling Stones song..,
Saturday night drinking beer kind of thing…

With great power comes great responsibility… At the height of Freemasonry in England, it was the cruelest time for the poor waifs …all the money and power they had and they did not lift one finger to help their own kind. The whole structure of our race and people is so thoroughly rotten, it must be washed away and restructured from the ground up. Now that we are in the final stages of worldwide extinction, how do you think we can ever find our way home?
No one is coming to save us.
No one in the history of Europe has treated its own people so cruel as the English… and we all know why, don’t we?

Profound lyrics… this is what THEY think of you…and this is what some of us will be reduced to…

Just when you thought you couldn’t hate him any more than you do already, he admits climate change scam.
2 gigawatts can power 1.5 million homes. You cannot do it with solar or wind combined with batteries it is impossible.

It’s real… it’s got to be…

The truth is the truth no matter who says it… even little jackass comedians. Listen to the “left” devour itself.
Jimmy Dore was actually severely vaccine injured, and now is on a mission of revenge…

Sunday’s Song time

Swedish fighter got ROBBED. (But perhaps I am bias?) But that’s the way it goes fighting in another culture. I lost fights in Mexico and even Los Angeles when if it was left up to the judges (when I clearly won); I am an honest man above all, and I can tell you first hand, you have a tough row to hoe as a White man in this sport. But the fortitude you gain along the way is the ultimate goal. Wins and losses mean little when you cross the bridge to Valhalla

Sweden vs. Cambodia
Final round in part two ….place your ‘bets’ for the winner in the comment section…will be posted later on tonight.

Big ugly Brazilian knocked out by shorter Thai…
“Which way did he go, George? Which way did he go?”

“What I preach to others I practice myself.”

China vs. Thailand
Incredible technique

This is a good thing.
Mirrored from,”You Can’t Stop Progress” channel.

Local San Diego news this morning. (At least it’s mainstream now) Now it is the law to poison and kill your children because if you don’t send them to school, a truancy officer or CPS will take YOU to jail and take your children from you. (Not everyone is in a position to home school/private school).
Don’t write California off yet; we have a MASSIVE anti jab population, especially in San Diego and Orange County
Trump got the ball rolling, so all you Trumptards who think he will save the day in 2024 are fucking stupid; the Globohomo will never let him back in the pool. It's going to be a WEF stooge in 2024, like Gavin Nuisance.

Apology for the crappy filming.

The myth, the legend, the Warrior Jomhod
(vs 19 year old Laotian fighter Theut) “The only thing wisdom and experience fears is the strength and determination of youth”

In Candy’s video I felt as though my description of the 5G relay cans on street lamps needed further description. These relay cans are part of the 5G web that powers the smart streetlights all over the city..,we are SURROUNDED by an internet web and constantly tracked like sheep in a pen. NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR “VOTE” on this. Democracy is a filthy lie they tell children to make them shut up.

Look at the cdc website yourself. Just how many poison shots will your child receive by the time they graduate high school?


FighterX: first 2 rounds traditional boxing Last 3 MuayThai rules.
The fight is sort of a mismatch but that is not the point here; focus on the RedHair’s exactness and immediate counterattack…this is incredible skill.
The spinning back kick is not my recommendation, I rarely if ever have used it, but after a missed Tae or breaking a stalemate I have used it in sparring but never in competition.

Always think outside the box. (While never forgeti g the inside) A short clip of a long boring article. I have no idea how true this is, nor would I put any bets in the pool, but it is odd enough to capture my attention. Historically he is correct regarding the Khazars and Sephards. I seriously doubt, though, Israel will ever be dismantled. Too much money and blood has been spilled.
However, all warfare is deception….


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

212 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

Welcome to this Eurocentric Land Of Misfit Toys. Leave your preconceptions and federal government brain-poisoning at the door. I hope you find something useful here to bolster your spirits and leave you with a smile on your face.
Remember as you go through life's trials and tribulations, you came into this world with nothing.... you will leave with nothing.