Red Pilled ReVisionary

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Red Pilled ReVisionary



20% of the people can think,
30% can think when shown,
50% would rather die than think.

Ex teacher John Taylor Gatto gets to the bottom of the intent of modern schooling.

UFO event creates a stir

Dr. Lee Merritt
Professional Medical Rebel

The legal system, why it is not real with Jason Ian

John Taylor Gatto has written books on public indoctrination with his first being Dumbing Us Down.

James Corbett's excellent summary

Clif High expects a significant emotional release to occur around July 15.

Professor Dave is taken to task

They lie about absolutely everything!

Globers fail

Witsit Getsit

The key to understanding is to think for yourself.

How everything works on Flat Earth

Austin Witsit is a star

A lively discussion covering several topics

Jesuit Astronomy
Big Bang
The Grand Deception
The Earth is Flat and the Globers know it

Observations of oil platforms makes it easy to debunk the globe narrative.

You'd have to be half a half wit to believe in the moon landings.

Common sense is lacking in the brainwashed public that believes anything an "authority" tells them.

Once you go Flat, you never go back.
Unless of course there is a big check involved.

Truth about our history revealed

'It's the darkest and best kept secret in world history, what happened to Germany during and after the war. Never in history have so many people been raped. Never in history have so many people been tortured. Never in history have so many people been murdered. And never in history have so few people known about it... a crime so staggering that there is no word in the English language that can describe it.' -

- Thomas Goodrich, American historian and author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany.

documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II.

📖 Based on Thomas Goodrich's book, 'Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47' -

Who was responsible for the plague?


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

130 videos

Category Vlogging

Searching for Knowledge to obtain Wisdom.