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Here we look into an old 1914 dictionary for the definition of Tartaria, Tartar and other words related to this research. This video questions the narrative, considering modern observations and old-world beliefs. It is not conclusive, however, hopefully initiates further discussion.

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You can find further links on my about page. I am on Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, Hive.blog, substack and my own website https://kathede.blog.

A-Z of the Old World Agricultural Implements. Here we visit an old estate, Erddig, where we look at the agricultural implements used in the past and discuss whether it should be believed that superior or hidden technology was used for farming in the past before we move on to clever engineering used at Erddig in the past in another upcoming video.

If you would like to support my work, please consider buying one of my fiction books, whereby I try to look at alternative perspectives than the ones handed to us through the screen, be that mainstream or alternative.

Books to purchase

Stuck on the Teutonic race and Order. With the Teutonic race being such a new history to me, I question more about my recent findings. I look into demoralisation warfare and consider its role, if any, surrounding this historical group.


If you would like to buy my books, please find the links here,
https://amzn.to/4dRib5k and here, https://www.lulu.com/shop/kath-ede/the-greatest-fight/ebook/product-7kgzv8m.html?page=1&pageSize=4

Kath Ede Website - https://kathede.blog
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Guerrilla Gardening Part 2. In this video, we take a walk around a medieval castle gardens. This is Chirk castle in North Wales. I discuss further my thoughts and experience around guerrilla gardening.

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Links for my fiction books to purchase https://amzn.to/3UNXzlo
The Greatest Fight Series: Virtue (non Amazon stores)- https://www.lulu.com/shop/kath-ede/the-greatest-fight/ebook/product-7kgzv8m.html?page=1&pageSize=4

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/
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Videos mentioned in this video:
Why it would be wise to start guerrilla gardening: https://youtu.be/VCzLXHhx-58

The Great Questioning, Millennial Kingdom:

A-Z of the Old World | Aqueduct reading a dictionary from 1914. In this video, we visit an Aqueduct and viaduct. We consider the history we are given, and then we consider alternative history. Words and our language have changed considerably over the last decade. Has that affected our understanding of a 1914 dictionary?


If you would like to buy my books, or pre-order The Harvest, you can do so at this link here, https://amzn.to/4bEqf7n or you can buy here if you don't like Amazon, https://www.lulu.com/shop/kath-ede/the-greatest-fight/ebook/product-7kgzv8m.html?page=1&pageSize=4

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde

My website, https://kathede.blog/
Please support my work on Buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kathede

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Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kathede

The Zombie Apocalypse in the Short Season. In this video, we consider the history of zombies and the rise in mainstream popularity. We question its relation to Revelation 20:5 and we interpret the meanings behind resurrection and reanimation. We consider whether those in control know we could be in Satan's season and that the Millennial Kingdom has been and gone. Therefore, is mainstream media zombie popularity a mockery of us in our time?

If you would like to support my work, you can buy my book at this link, https://amzn.to/3yf2nJb or at this non-Amazon link, https://www.lulu.com/shop/kath-ede/the-greatest-fight/ebook/product-7kgzv8m.html?page=1&pageSize=4

Links for the articles are below:

The A Z of the Old World Teutonic race (AKA the Anglo Saxons)
Today we discuss the differences in this dictionary between the Anglo-Saxon write up and the Norman write up. I contemplate famous figure heads in present and history and whether they are used to steer narratives and muddy waters as representation for the people, while also helping to navigate an agenda for those in a senior position. I discuss the Anglo-Saxon revival in the 1800's which I understood to be a peaceful society and how it was used for expansionism (and war) which goes against what I have understood the Anglo-Saxons to be. Please find my book The Greatest Fight: Virtue at these links.


Here are the links from this video

A-Z of The Old World| A is for Armour, after 1000 years of peace AKA Millennial Kingdom #oldworld
Tally sticks used in the Millennial Kingdom and how they were used to enslave after 1066

A-Z of the Old World Astronomical phenomenon vs chemtrails, although open to ideas of chemtrails and contrails and patented weather manipulation, this antique dictionary has shown me that some of the cloud cover we see today, existed over a century ago. As a writer, words are of great importance to me, hence my search through this amazing dictionary.
In this video, I consider these historical images and renderings of the sky and compare them with today's sky, and beliefs about the sky.

Links for my book if you would like to support my work;


Isaac Newton Predicts the End of an Age 2060 I'm Saying 2066 #endofdays #shortseason #millenialkingdom #SatansSeason

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My book, The Greatest Fight: Virtue, can be bought here. https://amzn.to/4cXyw87


Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

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Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kathede

A-Z of the Old World | Antivax in 1914 dictionary. Today we are looking at the slur/insult, antivax which we find in this old 1914 dictionary, before the Spanish flu. In this dictionary, it is termed antivaccination. We also look into bacteria and parasites in this old antique dictionary. At this link, it is claimed to be a recent addition to the dictionary, but my 1914 dictionary proves otherwise. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9383768/
Thank you for watching, liking, sharing, commenting and subscribing. It all helps.
I am an author of dystopian, apocalyptic and contrarian genres. If you would like to purchase a book you can buy through Amazon at this link https://amzn.to/49N6EjS or if you prefer to avoid Amazon you can buy through this link https://www.lulu.com/shop/kath-ede/the-greatest-fight/ebook/product-7kgzv8m.html?page=1&pageSize=4

Other Links

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde

My website, https://kathede.blog/
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Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kathede

Cancer, chemotherapy, atheism, and God.
After my sister passed away at 49 years old from cancer, so we are told, I visited my brother-in-law at their home in Normandy. Here, I am talking about my disappearance and my thoughts on the observations I made over the last few years. The peer pressure cancer patients might be facing and the emotional struggle I saw my sister face along with a deep depression.

Thank you for watching, liking, sharing, commenting and subscribing. It all helps.


You can buy my book, The Greatest Fight: Virtue, at this link https://amzn.to/4aZ2zdt

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde

My website, https://kathede.blog/
Please support my work on Buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kathede

Patreon https://www.patreon.com/KathEde

I've uploaded my first book to Amazon, self-publishing
This is very exciting for me. I have never sold a story before. I love to write and I love to provoke questions in my readers/viewers minds. I feel nothing is as it seems and political correctness is certainly within that line of questioning. Written as a family saga, tragedy novelette, I hope it leaves you with a questioning mind.


Please find my fiction at various stores via these links.

The Greatest Fight, novelette series:

The Greatest Fight: Virtue - https://amzn.to/3U14B7m

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde

My website, https://kathede.blog/
Please support my work on Buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kathede

Patreon https://www.patreon.com/KathEde

Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kathede

Why is tally sticks research so punishable? Why would any platform or corporation punish a person for looking into their history and their faith? Is this fair? Is this legal? Is it discrimination? You tell me.

Video link for Rumble and Youtube


Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

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Tally sticks used in the Millennial Kingdom and how they were used to enslave after 1066. I believe post 1066 is Revelation 20, Satan's season and we are living in that time now.

Thank you for liking, subscribing, commenting and sharing. It all helps.

Links for my work

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde

My website, https://kathede.blog/
Please support my work on Buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kathede

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Links for the video and further reading














Why does God mention the sea Revelation 21? Satans season and maritime law. Is God referring to the enslaving laws we have today which had existed in the days before the Millennial Kingdom? We look at the possibilities surrounding this idea.

A-Z of The Old World| A is for Armour, after 100 years of peace AKA Millennial Kingdom. Looking back at armour, it stopped being developed which led me to look at wars which show a thousands years of peace. Does this prove we are in Satan's season? I think so.

A Z of the Old World Aeronautics | Airships Millennial Kingdom | Tartaria

This is my new series about the Old World, also referred to as Tartaria or the Millennial Kingdom. This series will go through an antique English dictionary I have called The New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. The dictionary is two large books with lots of illustrations which are fascinating. So far, having read this dictionary, it has opened my eyes to more questions I am searching for answers for. I hope you will be as intrigued as I am and will join me on this journey into our past.

I will soon have my first fiction book out which I hope you might consider buying. It will be part of a series called The Greatest Fight. This first book in the series will be called Virtue. I will provide more details as I release it.

You can find my work at these links or ways to support my work. Thank you for your interest, likes, comments and subscription (if you choose).

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde

My website, https://kathede.blog/
Please support my work on Buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kathede

Patreon https://www.patreon.com/KathEde

Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kathede

Hello and thank you for taking the time to watch my video. I hope you enjoyed it. In this video I look around the Old World, visiting a 1800's 15 minute city, Port Sunlight, and discuss the possibilities surrounding Satan's season while looking at a beautiful old world society. This village could have been a token gesture to entice the population into submitting to a corporative and industrialist future. Or it could have been a founded village that was built before the claimed date and has been provided with a His-Story. In this video, I discuss the token gesture element since I don't think that should be forgotten. I am Kath Ede, I write fiction, mainly apocalyptic in nature. I have been interested in mainstream and alternative theories in this realm and I try to bring in those theories and experiences into my work. You can find my fiction on my website http://kathede.blog, substack https://kathede.substack.com and wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/user/KathEde. Revelation 20- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2020&version=KJV

Port Sunlight, history- https://www.portsunlightvillage.com/
Port Sunlight Wikipedia- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Sunlight

Compassed definition- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/compass

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Why it would be wise to start Guerrilla Gardening. Following on from my previous video about plastic gas pipes, replacing metal ones, and explosions since then. It could be, that we get evacuated from our homes. And it might be, that we are not able to stay in our homes to defend it, because the explosions have already been placed in multiple forms.

Even if you own home is not directly affected, local authorities may still have the power to evacuate you from your home and it is worth knowing the area and where you can find (free) food sources, under such circumstances.

The new and improved, safe and effective plastic gas pipes...and explosions
Have you had the new better quality than metal plastic gas pipes fitted? New and improved, stronger (than metal) plastic gas pipes have been fitted around the country at a cost of £80million. Coincidently, there have been some gas pipe explosions. But we know these new and improved plastic gas pipes are safe and effective. Scientists are probably 'baffled'.

The Jesus Movement, New Age and Occupy Wall Street. These movements became significant leading movements during times or upheaval and turmoil (or misleading movements, depending on how you view it). There are surprisingly many similarities in these movements. Here I concentrate on the importance of the Jesus Movement and how it appears to understand Revelation 20, Satan's Season.

The Jesus Movement, New Age and Occupy Wall Street. These movements became significant leading movements during times or upheaval and turmoil (or misleading movements, depending on how you view it). There are surprisingly many similarities in these movements. Here I concentrate on the importance of the Jesus Movement and how it appears to understand Revelation 20, Satan's Season.

Are editors necessary in polite society? In a culture of politeness, do we really need editors? Is it worth paying for an editor, especially if self-publishing, when we see so many businesses who can afford good editors, making so many mistakes? Has polite society and culture made the profession obsolete?

This podcast discusses my reasons for writing fiction, my observations of society with its contradictions, how that comes about, and where it leads. I look at the importance of words, the use of words, and the manipulation of words. I discuss hate speech laws creating victims however other types of victims have had that title removed now being called survivors. I explore the idea of predictive programming as a self-fulfilling prophecy. If it can be utilised by the elite, can it be used by us too? It is used to nudge and manipulate the masses into a desired behaviour. Therefore, is it possible for us little people to do the same in an attempt to awaken the minds of the asleep? to do the same? In a time of heavy censorship, is it fair to say we live in a real-time dystopia already? Or are we still not there yet? Is censorship right and fair? Is it used as a weapon? If so, how would we know?


Created 6 months ago.

26 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Welcome. I am Kath Ede and I am an author of dystopian fiction. With a qualification in law, and often contrarian views, my fiction revolves around these, delving into conspiratorial viewpoints and corruption. I write free fiction along with paid fiction and novels. You can find my work through the following links:

My first novelette series is a dystopian, totalitarian family saga tragedy. https://amzn.to/4ai42LX

Kath Ede Website - https://kathede.blog
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ipNOc2dXOA8eYx5ZsQjmg
X/Twitter - https://twitter.com/KathEdeFiction
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ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/kathede
buy me a coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kathede

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Links for my fiction books to purchase


The Greatest Fight Series:

Virtue (non Amazon stores)- https://books2read.com/u/b5JOvA

Find my free story updates on Substack, https://kathede.substack.com/

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