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Brother sister, madness sin, now the terror will begin.

Mother was driven by a psychotic compulsion to clean - constantly - everything in sight. Father was consumed by his medical practice and an analytical approach to life.
But he understood the sensual hunger growing inside his children's young bodies. He knew they could help each other answer "The Need".
Father had Science. Father had Reason. And he had Pin.


There will be many parts to this series, I'm thinking 5 but we'll see. I haven't read the book yet but I'm planning on it as soon as I get done posting all the videos. I won't make a playlist I don't think but I'll link them all in a PINned comment. We'll see, don't worry if you can't find it normally just search pin on my channel or something.

made this years and years ago, I just couldn't put it on youtube because of the song I use

I hope you like it, I wish more people like you used this website.

this got taken down from youtuber, so watch it here please.

Youtube toke this video down before,


Here is the game, play it! ---
More info on the game here. ---

If you have any thoughts on the game after playing it, please tell me. I would love it see if anyone else likes this game as much as me. Have a great day and see you later baper.

My DA, where some fan art is posted. ----

Here is the game. ----

Please play it. I'm going to make more videos about it, it's so good.
Really, it's so vary under loved.

Hear is the main page to the website.
Thank you for watching this crappy video on something I care deeply about. I know it isn't that good but hey, this is my first video after spending one year on the platform okay? I'll get better... Maybe. Even if I don't I'm having fun.

Hear is a little poem from the website that I copy and pasted for you. :-P
Hear is where that came from.

okay, have a nice day everyone.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

57 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Hello, I'm Just A Little American.
I have a youtube, but things are getting weird over there right now so I'm making a back up just in case something happens to my youtube because of how my art looks like something children may like.

Have fun.