Jerome Corsi

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Jerome Corsi



Chaos within the Democrat Party continues as party leaders ponder whether or not to dump Joe Biden from the head of the Presidential ticket after his poor debate performance on June 27th. While the Biden camp continues to spin the debate in its way with leftist commentators parroting its talking points, it looks like there is no way the party will dump Biden and bring in someone else. Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down the reasons why on The Truth Central.
Emanual Macron is heading toward a humiliating defeat -- another for the Left
Confidence in U.S. universities has plummeted to new lows
Expensive Climate Alarmist policies have produced nothing more than a financial black hole.

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Scott Wiper, Creator and Director of the movie “Flynn,” based on the life and career of General Michael Flynn, former head of the DIA and target of the Deep State, joins Dr. Jerome Corsi on The Truth Central.
Wiper and Corsi take a deep dive into Gen. Flynn’s work with the DIA, his uneasy relationship with Statist former President Barack Obama, his time with the Trump administration, how he drew the Deep Staters’ ire, his sacrificing his own reputation and career as the US government threatened to jail his son and the General’s career-long commitment to service.
Find out where to watch FLYNN here: http s://

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon's dire warning tot he U.S. and the world as he looks at economic data and world turmoil coming toward a critical mass. Could we be headed for a devastating world war? As the U.S. economy heads toward a crash, what will the ripple effects be nationally and globally?
Also, as Slovakia's voted chose a new populist leader, Peter Pellegrini, the new right turn looks to be at odds with the Far-Left "leadership (for lack of a better term)" of the European Union, threatening to splinter the conglomerate. The EU's Net Zero rules, anti-farmer policies, immigration demands and other assorted woke leftist policies are being challenged by more Eastern European leaders and voters, who are standing up.

Get Dr. Corsi's new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, here: https: //
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General Mike Flynn joins Dr. Jerome Corsi on this edition of The Truth Central as they discuss government lies, weeding though Statist propaganda, where America is now as a result and hope for the nation's future as all is not lost.
General Flynn tells his story of how the Deep State tried to destroy him for merely exposing them and telling the truth about what is happening to our nation by the shadow government's design in his new movie: FLYNN, which is available on http s://
Dr. Corsi and Gen. Flynn look into the history of government lies and cover-ups including the major assassinations of JFK, RFK and others from the 1960s through its systematic manipulation, propaganda and attempts to silence those who expose them today.

Get Dr. Corsi's new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, here: http s://
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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Our link to where to get the Marco Polo 650-Page Book on the Hunter Biden laptop & Biden family crimes free online:
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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks at:
The World Economic Forum's War on Food as a means to control the global food supply
Tens of thousands of #MSM #journalist fired in what's being called a "mass extinction" event
#Israel warns of massive regional war if directly attacked

Get Dr. Corsi's new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, here: htt ps://

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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down:
The #DeepState is coming after #Trump's and #Musk's financial assets #lawfare
Could #NATO be on the verge of a break-up amid controversy over a #Ukraine spending plan?
#Biden's #DOJ jail Christians for praying at a gathering near an abortion clinic
The Post-COVID Escape from Public Schools
A new (and racist) climate hoax coming from the Left

Get Dr. Corsi's new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, on Amazon

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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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Dr. Jerome Corsi focuses in on interviews with witnesses to President John F. Kennedy's assassination who were clear he was shot in the back of the head and hit from three different angles. This includes the account from  Bobby Hargis, who was on a motorcycle behind #JFK's car and says he was hit by, as he put it "blood and brain," thinking he was shot.  
Also, among other heavily-researched evidence of how the popular president was murdered as revealed in this video, Dr. Corsi analyzes screenshots from the 8mm color video shot by Abraham Zapruder of Kennedy being shot, showing how the shot to the right front of Kennedy's head happened. 
All of these findings and a deep dive into the massive coverup of Kennedy's assassination are detailed in Dr. Corsi's new book co-written by renowned forensic scientist Dr. David Mantik: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear 

Get Dr. Corsi's new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, here: https ://

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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi examines:
#Poland looks to prison terms for #hatespeech (read: #wongthink)
Eight states plan to ban gas #car sales in the near future
#California's massive $1.6 Trillion Debt and why it's going to get worse quickly
Blaming #Russia for #HavanaSyndrome backfires
#Trump keeps overcoming the Dems' #Lawfare attacks

Get Dr. Corsi's new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, here: https ://

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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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Dr. Jerome Corsi goes in-depth to reveal what forensic research into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a close look at the x-rays and medical research prove about what really happened when the popular president was shot and how the government covered up the truth on today's The Truth Central.
The research and findings broadcast in this show come from Dr. Corsi's and Dr. David Mantik's new book: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, reveals the troth about John F. Kennedy's murder and why the government has been hiding it from us for 60 years.

Get the new book here:

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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While the Germany Luftwaffe conversation was leaked, why wasn't the Western mainstream media covering it properly? Dr. Jerome Corsi delves into what they were not telling you on today's The Truth Central. Still, while there was some attention to the German plan, have France and the UK been secretly working behind their EU ally's back to sow seeds for a war with Russia over Ukraine? Dr. Corsi answers that question also.
Plus: Dr. Corsi's new book is out: Written with Dr. David Mantik, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, reveals the troth about John F. Kennedy's murder and why the government has been hiding it from us for 60 years.

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.

Pick up your copy today on Amazon: htt ps://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On this edition of The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi takes another deep dive into the origins of today's Woke Movement, the appeal to its followers and where it is going. Dr. Corsi focuses on the philosophies of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Jakob Boehme and the concept of Pseudo-Reality -- a concept popular among the devout Woke and one they are currently trying to mainstream.

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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On today's The Truth Central Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The truth behind Weaponized #Immigration and how it's being perpetrated
Thoughts on #SuperTuesday
Why and how the #FederalReserve is responsible for the consumer and government #debt crises
The #Houthis new #RedSea toll 
Victoria Nuland splits as #Biden Administration #Ukraine policy is in shambles
Inside Europe's obsession to get more arms into Ukraine
How cities can prevent a #SanFrancisco-like disaster

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
Pick up your copy today on Amazon: http s://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On our latest The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The #EU's arms-building strategy shifts to #War Mode
The Left's collective meltdown over #Trump's #SupremeCourt victory
#WallStreet increasingly dumping #DEI over legal worries
A former #WorldBank economist warns of high cost of climate alarmists' #energy transition plans
Study: Young people won't spend $10 per month to fight climate change
CO2 emissions actually got worse last year

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:

Germany's plan to destroy the #Crimea Bridge
A deeper look into #Putin's warning to #NATO
#Russia rocks #Odesa after drone attack on St. Petersburg
Drastic climate geoengineering worries real #scientists
#Federa;Reseve mum on foreign nations' evacuation of #gold from #US

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The #Pentagon is warning a #NATO war with #Russia could happen if #Ukraome falls
#BarackObama is at it again: This time he's asking foreign intelligence to spy on #DonaldTrump
#NYC rents skyrocket as the #immigration crisis takes its toll
#SpeakeroftheHouse Mike Johnson demands action on the border #wecantwait 
#NetZero's death knell approaches

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
Inside the false #GDP "growth" and how much it cost Americans
The #FederalReserve and #Banks are losing billions
#Macron's words of #war
Apple's EV project bites the dust
Poking holes in Hunter Biden's testimony
Now, #Russia is abounding the #RedSea

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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The constant gaslighting by the Left of the US and Western populations is not new, it has been going on since the seeds were sewn by those who convened at the Frankfurt School and built influential networks in politics, academia and entertainment among other fields. Today's adaptation and stealth legitimization of their insane ideas leading to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum's plans for a Great Reset have been part of a century-old planned manipulation spanning several generations until we have a huge chunk of the world falling for it. There are plenty of Useful Idiots happily pushing these destructive green agenda, Marxist, intersectional and critical theory-based policies as if they were based in indisputable fact as their leaders will stop at nothing to censor and penalize those who challenge the infection they have injected into the (perhaps formerly) free world.
Dr. Jerome Corsi takes a deep dive in to the roots of today's woke agenda and the long plan for systemic gaslighting needed for it to become a dominant force in today's political arena. Dr. Corsi reaches back to the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse and takes a close look at the gender theory canonized by Far-Left philosopher Judith Butler and how the Butterfly Effect comes into play when it comes to the spread of the Marxist-Marcusian-Far Leftist influence on society through lies, junk science, glamorizing of extreme deviance and enticement through promises of personal gain which never come to those who are not hand-picked to receive in exchange for their minds and souls.

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi examines:
Vladimir #Putin threatens #nuclear war if #Ukraine joins #NATO
The #BIden Administration's grave underestimation of the #Houthis
#Israel attacks Hezbollah in #Lebanon
#Iran's nuclear capabilities are farther along than you think
Biden's 'Get #Trump' plant in Fani Willis' office

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
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Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks into:

How #Ukraine and our #CIA are facilitating a #US-#Russia Spy War
Why the #EU wants to bring back war bonds
What's behind the decline of the Middle Class
#Banks are (finally) running from #ESG
How embarrassing has the #shoplifting problem become in #SanFrancisco?

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
Pick up your copy today on Amazon: http s://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central:
Hard truths about #Ukraine are surfacing
The ripple effects of Russia's taking of #Avdeevka
Europe's impending, policy-induced #netzero industrial wipeout
Israel moves into #Rafah
The West is bracing for #China's electric vehicles shock

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
Pick up your copy today on Amazon: https ://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks into:
#Agenda2030: The UN’s Totalitarian Trojan Horse
#Israel Sets #Rafah Offensive Timeline
#US State Department: ‘Male,’ ‘Female’ Terms = ‘Problematic’
#Exxon pulls billions in Climate Agenda "Investments"
Relentless #Russia outmans, outguns #Ukraine; Biden Admin wants to send even more money
More challenges to #climatescam junk #science

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
Pick up your copy today on Amazon: http s://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's the truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks into:
Dimitry #Medvedev's dire nuclear warning about #Putin to the world
Christian #genocide: ignored by Western media as millions are endangered
U.S. Public Education = Propaganda Factories as proponents demonize #homeschooling
#Chicago feeling consequences of Far-Left #crime-friendly policies

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.

Pick up your copy today on Amazon: htt ps://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks into:
Rachel Levine's latest ridiculous climate gaslighting attempt
After the kangaroo court Trump verdict spells danger for those who do business in New York, is a boycott coming?'
So, you thought the Pentagon stopped its DEI program?  Ha! They secretly injected it into public schools K-12 curricula 
When a Harvard professor's study revealed no bias in police shootings, all Hell broke loose from the hopelessly indoctrinated
The real reason Alex Soros wants more money flowing into Ukraine
The roundtable also looks into how the U.S. Washington Establishment uses pandemics and other emergencies to centralize more power
How states can, by law, just say "no" to the WHO treaty
How the WHO power grab interferes with National Security
How the plan could be detrimental to the health of Americans and citizens of all nations under the boot of the WHO treaty., creating a sort of 'medical tyranny.'
The Pharmaceutical Industry's continued quest to find the most profitable, rather than the most efficient, treatments for diseases.

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OUT NOW: Dr. Corsi's new book: The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism and Anarchy.
Pick up your copy today on Amazon: h ttps://

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi's new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

Follow Dr. Jerome Corsi on X: @corsijerome1

Our link to where to get the Marco Polo 650-Page Book on the Hunter Biden laptop & Biden family crimes free online: http s://

Dr. Jerome Corsi discusses a new innovation for investment professionals and individuals to keep a close eye on Mutual Fund performance -- how they are really doing and not how the promotional materials read with the founder of Pro Rapid Review and RITA Eric Smith and Terry Dennis of Dennis Financial Group

Visit RITA's website: https ://
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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down how the controversial Inflation Enhancement Act (or as the Dems put it, "Reduction") has weaved inside it at least 1 Trillion dollars worth of Big Green Pork projects, which are not only costly but would likely become minimally useful at best.
Not to miss out on a good fearmongering scheme, there has been some gaslighting by the Biden Administration over Russian Nukes after a cryptic national security warning was released on Wednesday
America's influence over its most important Middle East ally is waning
Tainted media coverage over Biden's mental capabilities

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Created 4 years ago.

258 videos

Category News & Politics

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Dr. Jerome Corsi has retired from active involvement in current politics.

Dr. Corsi has retired to devote full-time to writing some legacy books he has wanted to write for many years.