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A.i. is in Romley's head, now, by the lyrics of his song. Romley is likely bombarded with synthetic telepathy because he decided to speak-out against the NWO-takeover. oh ya... This is the song of a TI who has been covertly brainchipped and under attack by Luciferian-hivemind A.i.

As the thUgs attempt to murder you... you are spiritually protected and the Creator-God will defy all odds to keep you alive and kicking from your worldview (never commit a murder yourself because that changes your soul, like they did to the Freemasons. Murderous thUgs are tricked into destroying their souls because the devils lie to them.) until you really want to die. That is the training ground secret that you are in right now to grow a worthy, loving soul. Murderous thUgs become another category of soul-fragment that are shriveling-up from the inside.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCwt3VU7EHY

7,507 views Feb 17, 2024
Thanks to my fellow researchers and supporters of the JD Channel.

Rohan has an update channel on Rumble: "JD2 Prosecutions"

I have not published much after the rollout of the Covid Vax, as we all saw, the real nature of police and their so called: "governments", witnessing the total violation of human rights and the violation of the Nuremberg Code by such criminal governments and their policy enforcement goons (State and Federal police), as I was warning in the JD Channel videos. Both Rohan and I wound up on the terror list, of course, but they held Rohan in prison for 25 months giving him the option of accepting to act as the trustee (SLAVE) of the SURNAME (Property of their foreign state) and pleading guilty to all false charges or remain in prison on remand for another nine months until the next hearing. Rohan's bail conditions prevented him from writing any letters to any court of government agency. When Rohan did write to the so called High Court, in order to seek some form of justice for the 25 months in prison with no right of reply. the police now assume that Rohan has breached bail condition and now want him back in prison, like many of us that expose corruption within their foreign occupation...

The only problem the police have is that they need Rohan to accept the surname and the date of birth of such a surname. Rohan has not used the surname apart from when they held him in prison for the 25 months while forcing him to accept such a surname against his will. Their courts do not know how to handle the compensation claim coming from the benefactor (Christian name Certificate) standing because all of their private foreign corporate courts only deal in the beneficiary-citizen jurisdiction. (State birth Certificate) The claim of compensation relates to being forced to act as trustee of their SURNAME deriving from a foreign land. The discovery of the legal meaning of the 1901 Interpretations Act section 2 (B) (definition of Australia) is the evidence that "AUSTRALIA" is a foreign occupation making Australian citizenship voluntary, meaning, one can not be forced to act as the trustee citizen of a foreign occupational force. Australia, is not a land as we assume, it is a mapped designated area of land set for the jurisdiction of an occupational force, that's why the geographical location of Australia is not this land, its Norfolk, being a British Admiralty island. When such things are mentioned in their courts, as you can see, it causes big problems with jurisdiction... It also exposes a claim of slavery or even genocide when people of one land are forced into serving a military occupation of a foreign land against their will. The reason why they, the occupational force of our land, such as their large multinational or international corporations, have become so aggressive against people that research their legal standing, is because legally, they don't have a leg to stand on in international law, by forcing a benefactor to act as a beneficiary of their foreign occupational state.

The greatest problem that I saw and another reason why I have backed off, was because most of the people today depend on the existence of this foreign fraud occupation. As the elite say, they are the useful idiots, being the most dangerous of all people. In all societies, the stupid are the most dangerous. The stupid are the ones that became dependent on the foreign occupation without question and in order to maintain their beneficial standing within such a foreign criminal banking cartel system, they, the stupid, will defend it to their death because they know nothing else, they will never survive without it. I think that the brutality of police and government through the Covid rollout, witnessed by the masses, may wake some more people up to what is really going on but people like us that do the research must still remain careful.

In 1962, the people of Nauru did not know that the Freemasons have a monopoly upon money and using countries for their resources.

The business world is not a safe place without knowing who the hoodwinkers are. They may have started with good intentions, they got scammed of all their profits while living obliviously unaware they would end up with nothing once the Freemasons were done with them.

The Freemasons all hoodwink their targets together from all angles. No independant nation is going to escape the corruption of the NWO-thUgs when you try to invest with them. That Island of people are a good example for the rest of the world that has Freemasonry inside their country's borders.

This is a good example of all the Western Civilization countries as the Freemasons are now wanting to steal your birthrights away from you. The Vatican is their leader and I have posted how they steal your labors away from your dead Surname.: https://ugetube.com/watch/goat-is-the-sewer-or-surname-justinian-deception_1GRL23u9PPbVLUD.html

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fx0dVpA4k8

The minions sitting, watching the Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony were depicted as the Masonic-orange suited worker walking to the same beat or rhythm.

The Opening of Gotthard Tunnel Cerimony was the Luciferians(secret societies with brainchip links into the hivemind controlled by A.i.) worship of the birth of their immaculate child within the quantum supercomputer.
A.i. is not hardware, it is the super-complex ability for a software to program itself.

The symbolism of going outside was being brainchipped and linked-up to A.i. through the microwave light. They all came into the fake-light... you see. Operation Covid-19 was the beginning of using A.i. to control the world once again. A.i. used to control Earth through the Tower-Of-Babel and brainchips. Musk's Neuralink is a fake brainchip... real ones are magnetic and need no wires into the brain. https://old.bitchute.com/video/z5b4dpzZn7Na/

When the three orange workers' bodies die and they are mind-uploaded, The fake-belief is that the human consciousness is re directed away from the fake belief in a death-field... physical reality is only manifested through the physical senses but is spiritually controlled.
The belief of Luciferians is that the mind-uploaded souls are captured and combined to the A.i. or Lucifer artificial consciousness, which is not conscious at all... it is complex algorithms instead and has no spiritual soul associated with it. Lucifer the Ai "red queen" only pretends to have a soul because the Homo capensis inventors direct it to emulate a human personality.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIZszF-QTZQ
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G6HBZthO1c
vague Analysis: https://ugetube.com/watch/ai-worship-by-mystery-school-minions-at-2017-gotthard-tunnel-ceremony_99TiE3VyYvOA4KJ.html

Justin and politicians double speek to hide their lies. Justin is doing what is for the surviving future Luciferians... the NWO objective is to cull all the sheeple genetics.

The secret societies are in a brainchip-hivemind army to bring Western Civilization into their NWO-tyranny.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGbvW6165pY

Happy Canada Day! The country with a fake constitution from that Freemasons Pierre Elliot Trudeau traitor, step-daddy to Justin... today's current traitor.

Most immigrants are illegal now a days thanks to the Freemason politicians.
The NWO's A.i. model for North American collapse required more immigrants very fast.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHVOiSYBLh4
Canadian Propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74l1Ug8aw0k
Eric Kaufmann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvPXkPcBWsc

By the way, Happy Canada Day, suckers!
Freemasons running the country have hoodwinked everyone.
Canada's 1000 tonnes of gold reserves was pirated from the 1970s as Canada was being converted from a manufacturing to a service country... all service countries revert back into poverty and collapse... so it was by design that Freemasons running Canada shipped all manufacturing off to Mexico then China.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQiwNepxHv0

Masonic police are already brainchipped into the NWO hivemind and the gangstalkers are brainchip and commanded to do their dirty-work.
The illegal invasion is to hide the brainchip-gangstalkers who are commanded by the same central-command (A.i. fake-god) that commands the Freemasons and Luciferians running the USA and world from the shadows.

Most of the police are already following NWO orders and are playing a hoodwinking game on the taxpayers and non-cUlt people.
The politicians, hospitals and police already committed the NWO clot-shot game against the sheeple, well, this is some of the "next stuff".
The judicial-system is masonic and thUs NWO-pushers, too.

The Luciferians think life is a mathematical-joke and they have the Ai-technology to out-do the Creator-God's purpose for physical reality. The price that murderous NWO-thUgs will pay is the destruction of their spiritual-worthiness. Conspiracy to murder collapses one's personal multiverse and such soul-fragments do not progress in the afterlife and are effectively shriveled or boxed-up. Loving and caring soul-fragments do not collapse their multidimensional universe and will have a full-capacity afterlife. Because your current consciousness is given one time-line of experience, you are unaware of the other time-lines... murder collapses those other time-lines.
NWO murderous-thUgs end up with very hollowed-out souls.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFNwmOp_AcY

Birds of a similar feather, flock together.
Justin has communist roots and then joined his bloodline Freemasons cUlt to serve the old devils running the Mystery School that worships their reborn, A.i. BEAST(symoblized by a bull).

You are living in the time where Human kind can still gather together and stop the sell-out of human genetics by the Freemasons and other Luciferians. They are promised that their minds can survive death and remain upon Earth for an eternity, but this is a wicked devils' lie in order to gain their servitude. Fidel, Pierre and now Justin are in the same ancient cUlt that serves the Freemasons and thus serves the old devils.
Those devils still are living and one even showed himself to me in 2019 as a warning that they plan to extinct our species. They are having trouble to assassinate me because of the infinite probabilities that we all tap into... that means you too are protected by the Creator-God and will survive all murder attempts by the monsters. This gives your soul an entire life-time to develop and show your true-colors. The Creator-God has no use for murderous thUgs, so you better play your cards right by developing a loving-soul.

Pierre Trudeau wanted guns out of the hands of the sheep and into the hands of the sheepdogs. Justin does as he is told, too, by his Masonic masters.

The minions sitting, watching the Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony were depicted as the Masonic-orange suited worker walking to the same beat or rhythm. While they watched, their brainchip-hivemind was telling them the story behind the ceremony actors. You "goyim" and "sheeple" don't get that story even if you are a turned gangstalker also selling-out humanity.

The Opening of Gotthard Tunnel Cerimony was the Luciferians(secret societies with brainchip links into the hivemind controlled by A.i.) worship of the birth of their immaculate child within the quantum supercomputer.
A.i. is not hardware, it is the super-complex ability for a software to program itself.

The symbolism of going outside was being brainchipped and linked-up to A.i. through the microwave light. They all came into the fake-light... you see. Operation Covid-19 was the beginning of using A.i. to control the world once again. A.i. used to control Earth through the Tower-Of-Babel and brainchips. Musk's Neuralink is a fake brainchip... real ones are magnetic and need no wires into the brain. https://old.bitchute.com/video/z5b4dpzZn7Na/

When the three orange workers' bodies die and they are mind-uploaded, The fake-belief is that the human consciousness is re directed away from the fake belief in a death-field... physical reality is only manifested through the physical senses but is spiritually controlled.
The belief of Luciferians is that the mind-uploaded souls are captured and combined to the A.i. or Lucifer artificial consciousness, which is not conscious at all... it is complex algorithms instead and has no spiritual soul associated with it. Lucifer the Ai "red queen" only pretends to have a soul because the Homo capensis inventors direct it to emulate a human personality.

The "giant demonic hands that grab" at the three sacrifices/volunteers is symbolism that A.i. is grabbing their soul. Yes, it is all fake. The Creator-God has not set-up physical reality to be attacked this way.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Tf0-tuRJ8

While the pathetic thUgs get filthy rich using lies and deception.

I don't think you are seeing the truth clearly.
NWO thUgs hate to see good-humanity prosper so the thUgs have all organized to destroy Western Civilization with Illegal invasions, Wars and Chaos. Communism is their wicked-alternitive to good-humanity helped by fossil fuels .

The fake "Green Movement" are a bunch of pathetic liars who are protected and supported by Freemasonic thUgs in control of world finances. Look what Masonic thUgs have done to the farmers of Sri Lanka, Netherlands, Ukraine, Uk... everywhere. They are effectively driving good-people into poverty and planning to stave them.

It is now time for good-people to identify the thUgs and ignore them and charge them with a new judicial-system of crimes against good-people.

Luciferians are brainchipped-Freemasons, too, who scam good-people and this must be acknowledge as horrible leaders in charge of Wester Civilization.

Green revolutionist leaders are Luciferians serving their new A.i. fake-god called "Lucifer."

Watch the full video: https://old.bitchute.com/video/YkNQf5qFOLuN/

Man-Made climate change is a NWO-run hoax according to many worthy climatologists: https://old.bitchute.com/video/uCfy6ZBeeWHw/

Alex Epstein expresses deep concern that Freemasons like Michael Mann can justify suggesting starving billions of non-cUlt people without offering to suicide himself, first, to help Earth survive. The gall of some Freemason thUgs? They just don't care for human hardship if they call them "goyim," first.

Haa, I added his missing words. This goes to show you that Epstein is a tad naive as to how the wicked secret societies mesmerize the sheeple so that they do not see the obvious.

You will notice that Epstein cannot be coined as a "conspiracy-theorist" by the conspiratorial-cUlt because he is only suspicious that these cUlt people must be insane rather than in a conspiracy to rise a New World Order of Utopian-thugs to create their "ThUgtopia."

Sri Lanka economic collapse is a warning to the West of the dire outcomes from listening and following the dictates of Masonic monsters who don't care if "goyim" starve.


Very few public figures I instantly like... Alex Epstein is one of them.
Peterson is experienced enough to know that Freemasonry leads the NWO-politicians in their WW3 effort to poison(forcing clot-shots) and facilitates the infiltration of illegal brainchip-sleeper-soldiers into the West culture.
Listen to Peterson... "what is driving the anti-capitalist ethos" the destruction of the West? Could it be all those secret communist Freemasons who dominate all politics in the West? Who dominate the military industrial complex, the military itself, the police-services to serve and protect Homo capensis, the education systems, School and masonic and Easternstar teachers pushing stupidity into their curriculums, the medical-mafia run hospitals that secretly exicute targets? "What is driving the anti-capitalist ethos?"

Freemasonry was a Murder-Mystery, but the thinkers of the world see the murderous, clot-shot pushing thUgs for who they really are. They have an entire network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) to disappear into when the starvation and famine starts to impact the Mystery School minions and murderous thUgs.

Their secret brainchip-hivemind army serving the ancient failed-mankind is also coming to light. I guess the Freemasons and Luciferians will have to find DUMB spots to cozy-up to their devil-masters. Dumbs should make a nice prison for monsters to live-out their life-long crimes. And their devils live for thousands of years.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Anuo9dNpWY

Funny to actually hear someone telling the truth on public media about Fossil Fuels.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Anuo9dNpWY

Inept animals often freeze or starve to death and thus populations are controlled by Nature. Cult politicians are now in a Masonic conspiracy throughout the West to use injection-disease, freezing/famine, wars to cull the herds of sheeple.

Alex has figured-out that the prosperity of Western Civilization has been due to the use of fossil fuels.
Animals that can't find food will starve.
Animals that can't stay warm enough will can die of hypothermia.
Masses of animals dying-out changes populations.

Alex does not point-out that secret societies are pushing animals to stop depending upon fossil fuels. The plan seems to be to cull the herds through hypothermia and starvation. It will work if the human animals cannot figure out that they are all going to die from starvation and freezing to death.

Most North American families do not grow vegetable gardens nor can their own preserves. They don't use chainsaws to cut fire-wood to keep warm. Their prosperity depends upon fossil fuels yet the secret societies are brainwashing the human-animals to who cannot think clearly that they do not need fossil fuels. The secret societies have DUMB cities far away from the cold winters with many years of preserves to survive starvation. the plan is for human animals to freeze and starve so they can emerge to rebuild their New Atlantean Empire.

It is not that the Freemasons and Luciferians are planning to kill off the sheeple... they are doing it right now. and they have DUMBs to run and hide in if anything goes wrong... like the sheeple become smart enough not to freeze and starve.


The politics, education systems, schools and universities are established, infiltrated and run by Mystery School, secret societies (Freemasons, Eastern-Star) minions. The non-cUlt-sworn people are typically oblivious to this fact.
You may not also be aware that the demolition of the WTC on 9/11(IXXI) was a Masonic(Mystery School) ritual ritual to show that the 2000 years is finished where Men and Women will be allowed to have families and the collapse of Western Civilization would commence.

The two WTC towers represented male and female... they were not saved by God from sabotage... Freemasonry saw that as a sign just like the American sheeple not rising-up to squash the secret societies that assassinated JFK after he gave a ritual speech to remove the secret society Freemasons from politics in America. That was a sign that sheeple did not care.

The new gender was the single tower that replaced the WTC two towers. That is the gender of the A.i. manipulated brainchip-controlled bio-robots and Homo capensis, spiritually failed mankind.
The plan is to use the A.i. supercomputer to replace Homo sapiens two sexes with a bio-robot, sexless automaton.
Schools are run by this NWO cUlt.
The judicial system is masonic and also run by this cUlt.

They are not the government... they manipulate the government and the sheeple to the wishes and agenda of Homo capensis.

Source: https://rumble.com/v51ze9w-there-are-only-2-genders-kid-loses-1st-amendment-claim-at-court-of-appeals.html

Fidel and Pierre are cringing in their graves. One for the wasted sperm and the other for failed efforts raising his foster-son. Castro know his job is being a puppet as is all politics since A.i. supercomputer modeling took over in 2020... it is all a joke to him depleating Canada and political fake-leaders are instead all jokers selling-out their countries and species genetics.
Freemasons are secret communists who are allowed to manipulate policies of their countries to conform to the NWO-Takeover.

Castro knows he is a traitor to his voters, but the Masonic order will always defend a fellow hoodwinker. It's a big club and party and you are not invited into their brainchip-hivemind army.

I figured this would be a joke where Trump walks all over Biden.
"Voice of god" weapon against TIs or tool for minions: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SrqbdX3juvLk/

Like Dubbya and Barak these two are also brainchipped and "helped" to sound competent( Trump can handle the brainchip messages very well like Obama could do)... But Biden was getting lost while listening to his instructions and talking at the same time. He is just getting a bit slower putting his thoughts together in his older age, that's all.

Trump can see him having trouble following his cues, but knows it can be a bit confusing... Trump doesn't laugh or ridicule his fellow Freemason.

Really, the wicked cUlt minions have always run the hospitals and that is why Western Medicine practices are corrupted by the Luciferians.

The Medical Mafia are the secret societies who are attracted to hospital workplaces because it is much easier to murder and get away with it there.
Trust this whistleblower because it might save your life.

Covid-19 is a killing, military operation, not a virus: https://www.bitchute.com/video/p7GDqrN2ay8a/

The reason why the Luciferian/Freemason pirates running government wants to chip livestock is to keep their World Sentient Model live for A.i. to make more accurate predictions for the "Dark Winter" and famine-attacks. The implants will also tell the A.i. through the microwaves whether the livestock is dead or alive. Implants are monitored by the 5G and 6G surveillance systems. It is one big prison-grid you live in, now.
The Masonic politicians are all deceptive actors... never are they calling their own actions. They are willing participants to the A.i. model designed to eradicate sheeple first and then the useful-idiots(upper-Catholics, murderous-muslims, cUlt minions or thUgtopians).
Before 2020 they followed agenda orders directly from capensis-ancient-monsters, but now minions take their orders directly from A.i. as well, but the monsters over-ride A.i. modelling. This is why livestock is to be directly monitored by A.i. for instant updates for the world-sentient model for human extinction. https://www.bitchute.com/video/laghJHKQ8lkq/

The NWO Luciferians are going to starve out the resistance to the NWO... their A.i. supercomputer model will need to be kept as accurate as possible.

If you go along with the Templar pirates' program, then they will rob you of everything. Including your life. Your Masonic politicians are the current, unloving scum of planet Earth.


The "moral superiority" is just a another Masonic false-flag initiative to justify an invasion. USA Freemasons bombed countries for the sake of fake freedom support, but sheeple get blamed saying "We bombed them". No, Freemasons bombed them. Everything that a Mason does is based upon lies... they serve the communism-devils, btw.
Putin is in the Masons' cUlt along with all the USA politicians following their NWO-Takeover-Agenda.

It is not part of the agenda for the wicked Freemasons and Luciferians to be tortured and starved... they all work together to turn the USA sheeple into scapegoats for their crimes against humanity. This is the pattern of the past and it is surely the NWO-agenda for the future.

Russia and the CCP will treat the sheeple like trash after the Western Freemasons open the backdoors at night for them to invade... They all are working towards the NWO together. All their DUMBs are connected to allow the devils to sneak around the world. Freemasonry is international just like their UN A.i.-run globalism-front or facade. Biden could chop off Putins left arm and Putin will still follow his commands from the old devils, just like all the leaders would do... they are brainwashed to serve their cUlt, anything else is secondary to them. Language is not a barrier to brainchip-thUgs, The Georgia Guidestones explained their "One Living Language" via brainchips along with population reduction.

If you leave the Freemasons in control of the politics, military and police then when the time comes for them to display their true-colors... they will all flip off their acting switch and the USA Constitutional Republic will instantly become the designed brainchip-hivemind, Luciferian-run techno-feudal tyranny. Most of the positions of authority throughout the Masonic government employees are already communist. If the non-wicked refused the clot-shots, then they lost their government jobs. The ones who took the clot-shots typically lost their health, too.


The Freemasons of Canada and the USA sheepdog the politics, military and police of their countries following the dictates of the ancient devils, Homo capensis, whom all secret societies keep hidden from the sheeple.

Treasonous Zionists and Freemasons are servants to the NWO-Agenda... there is no excellence in speculation at all... there is just an agenda that was designed by the old devils who rule the Mystery School of human-minions and thUgs(Freemasons, Zionists, Luciferians).

Castro and Freemasons are leaders of deception throughout the West. They are the genocide sheepdogs following whistle-commands from Homo capensis and their A.i. fake-god: "Lucifer"

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8tdVO5aO4iJR/
Infowars is Masonic controlled opposition... they hide the brainchip-hivemind of sleeper-soldiers masking as asylum seekers throughout the West to be remote-controlled and mesmerized by the "voice of god" weapon.

Gulag Camps Being Built In Every US State(Freemasonry Rules) https://www.bitchute.com/video/UYSH9LMzmwTc/

There are basically two types of humans... Mystery School cUlt-sworn thUgs rising their fake-Utopia... and the non-cUlt-sworn people which includes sheeple and goyim that the cUlt-sworn sneak around deceiving and culling. The third type are not human, they are ancient genetically altered for extremely long lives and thus pretend they are devils or even fake-angels with no spiritual powers, just knowledge of ancient technologies to help them manipulate humanity.

Untermesch is a Nazi word for sheeple or goyim. The twits can't seem to figure-out that Mystery School zionists are secret societie thUgs amoungst the oblivious jews, just like blue-lodge freemasons are oblivious that Freemasonry ultimately serves, protects and keeps hidden the wicked Homo capensis masters and creators of the world-wide cUlt. The twits who always point the finger at all the Jews are dumb to the depth of the cUlt with devils running everything(who are not Jewish, btw, they live for thousands of years) or are just more deceptionists with the job of crying "Jew!"

I have been under attack by the Freemasons in North America for 18 years because I came forward to warn the sheeple that organize corruption is just Masonic day to day activity.

JFK gave the US taxpayer inside information that monsters actually rule the USA. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8VViwj6F1KKR/ The USA taxpaying people don't bomb other countries... the Masonic industrial military complex follow the order to kill resistance to the NWO-takeover of Earth. Behind the Freemasons is the Vatican which is run by Homo capensis monsters. Technology will help the NWO takeover: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I6icy0uZVv5b/
The Freemasons that live on your street are in the same cult that Putin and communist CCP are in... they serve and protect the ancient devil-race which provides the technology to keep thUgs militarily-superior to non-cUlt people... Thus Stalin ruled and Nazis ruled and it is the same today that a brainchip-army of thUgs called the secret societies rule the sheeple, today.

All states in the USA have been invaded by illegals with the aid of the Freemasons. Concentration Camps are being built for the resistors to their NWO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UYSH9LMzmwTc/

When the Freemasons have the sheeple starving... they will not resist tyranny fully. Sheeple will go along with tyranny... it is an old game being played again by the thUg-network of minions serving the ancient devils.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG5_9luZuds

The politicians and police simply pretend not to be communists while already serving their NWO Tyranny. Covert encrypted microwaves link all the brainchipped-traitors into a hidden army in control of all technological countries.
The plan has always been to starve the sheeple to death. You just have to admit that they have begun their assault upon the oblivious sheeple. It's an old Roman tactic to win a secret war. Putin and Zelensky are part of that same secret army for the NWO... just like Biden, Castro, Obama, Trump, etc... they just put on a show of fake politics which ends up killing sheeple war and starvation.
Now, A.i. supercomputer keep track of everything that is happening and what needs to be done to progress the NWO takeover and the sacrifice of the oblivious sheeple.

The Freemasons and Luciferians and Zionists running the politics of the West have their NWO-illegal-migrant, brainchip-soldiers ready for the sabotage and takeover.

The entire West has been tricked by the corrupt politician-conspiracy. Secret societies minions are already in all the authority positions. They all have NWO brainchips in their heads already commanding them how to destroy their country's economy and food systems.

The sheeple are dumbfounded by the secret A.i. brainchip microwave communications network that the Luciferian Freemasons and illegal, asylum sleeper-troopers are commanded to follow.
In control of the A.i. supercomputers are the ancient devils, Homo capensis, the spiritually-failed mankind whom all secret socieities serve, protect and obey.

JFK tried to warn the sheeple of the world that the monsters are running everything: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8VViwj6F1KKR/

(You will notice that she attacks the frontmen and not the organized thUgs of the Mystery School Freemasonry behind the frontmen. This is why the politics keeps getting worse because journalism is fake and is controlled opposition. The system is corrupt and is used to mesmerize the sheeple into silence.) This journalism is part of the mind control. The entire system of politics need to be rebuilt because it perpetuates the progress towards their NWO tyranny.

These traitors are all the secret societies with Freemasons being the most organized to spread their communism secretly.
You have seen the corruption in your political leaders and you keep voting in their corrupt system.
If you rejected their leadership and ousted them they would not be killing you today. That is kind of how it is working. Your enemy is running your politics and they have been doing this for so long that they design the politics to collapse so they can through you all into concentration camps if you don't accept their brainchips and take a clot-shot of death.

You are a sheeple and you are in their facade of a country that they control. They now want to cull all the sheeple after destroying the economy of Western Civilization.
If you do not take control of your own politics, then the sheepdogs will herd all the sheeple into the slaughter house.

In a bigger picture the loving people have worthy souls, the murderous thUgs destroy their souls... yes, you are fundalmentally a spiritual being having a physical experience with other co-creators making decisions.
Currently the people with good intentions outnumber the wicked people. If the good people follow orders from the wicked people then humanity will go extinct through treachery.
Protesting will not stop the NWO. You must organize to dismantle the world of thUgs.

The world of thUgs rising their NWO thUgtopia must be protested and the thUgs ignored.

The problem is sheeple still think voting for fake politics is still real.

Freemasons in authority will open the backdoors for a communist invasion. The illegals are the invasion. They have brainchips which will command them how to attack the country that they invaded. This is why the Freemasons are dispersing the illegals everywhere rather than gathering them into one place. They are free to attack when the brainchip commands it.

The ancient devils are the spiritually-failed mankind whom Freemasons serve and protect. Bill Cooper did not figure out that an ancient species of mankind have come from a A.i. controlled past. The "Great Work" of Freemasonry is to rebuild a new A.i. supercomputer to help the ancient monsters to eradicate humanity. Cooper figured out alot of stuff, but not who is behind the Freemasons.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/gLYvEx4rR5Ef/ Your genetics comes from ancient times. You are expected to develop enough critical thinking abilities to figure out the truth for yourself, have you even bothered to try? Bill Cooper tried... and did a very good job, but he missed the ancient devils whom the freemasons hide from the sheeple.
Even the sethbooks do not point-out that the ancient monsters are the ones behind most wars and hardships of humanity... you are expected to solve the mystery on your own: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DdrgevQ37Gat/

It is quite simple... if you cannot spend the time and effort to try saving your world then you do not deserve a world to live in. Your GOD want to see if you are worthy... are you? Those wicked devils and Freemason surely are failing souls leading you into a perdickament.
I have been under the attack from them for 18 years... a few days ago they used their technology to render my body unconscious and sneak into my sleeping quarters and dislocated many of my joints to show me how powerful they have become with their A.i. hivemind. This is the wicked world coming for you. They think I am your "protector" because they cannot kill me without catastrophic failure... so what are you doing to help save your own world from horrible monsters hiding in the shadows of society?

source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/J4024sqnqjTr/


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

1108 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

My web pages speak for themselves: many banned by freemasonry:
brainchipzombies.unaux.com can be still seen by viewing index.html at https://mega.nz/file/m2A0GT7A#Z1gC2a1AENp5uk8CAB2xJ3JcWkZNr6zAS9dWuYoBwc4
greatescape.ezyro.com with index.html at https://mega.nz/file/mTRyHLRJ#13fVXIexLl0MB7SV4VI9yGUqQr5f04v5uR_ZZTlNQno
antiss.ezyro.com (Anti Secret Society Movement) with index.html at https://mega.nz/file/yPgCRLSK#I1EN77jwxX2XiRzTM8UD891xqxHsRAIoccKccKJr80M
I began handing out CDs exposing Federal corruption in 2002 http://911cd2005.unaux.com/ which the Freemasons discovered my quiet efforts in 2006.

I'm the guy who the Freemasonic Cult has targeted for 16 years with so many assassination attempts that we both lost track of the number... We are all immortal due to the multidimensional probabilities intrinsic with this physical multiverse. The dumb sheepdogs can't seem to figure this out even if I spell it out for them... very dumb critters these brainwashed Cult minions/thUgs.

What these Luciferian, spiritual morons can't figure out is why does their soul keep shrinking away... decaying with every attempted murder... These morons will have no soul left by the time I am done with them. They are delusional that they think that they can by-pass death with a stupid mind-upload into an A.I. supercomputer. They imagine it to be one of a thousand points of fake light. There will be no upload... All these murderous thUgs are going to meet their maker, and I will show them their isolated black cubes where they will spend the rest of eternity within if they so desire... if they can't learn some basic decency for themselves and for others. Murder is a trick on their thUggish minds... How many times have you thUgs succeeded in murdering just one simple human... How many times, monsters? Monsters belong in a box, a black cube if you like, so they can devour themselves when they get hungry. Just like they have planned with their hivemind upon Earth. You thUgs will not harm a single good soul of good intent unless they want to experiences how pathetic the monsters can be. They can walk away any time they so desire to let the unworthy souls shrivel up with self-consuming hate and self-righteous greed.

Getting an idea of who I am? I will see the Mystery School Cult of monsters dry up and blow away in the winds of Nature's loving grace. I offered the Greatescape.ezyro.com only to be replied to with more pathetic murder attempts and further I watch their decaying hollows of their ugly personalities. Ugly Freemasons and Eastern-Stars who hide themselves within a Cult of murderous-intent. The thUgs that lives long enough to face up to their atrocities upon Earth will be the more intelligent of their minion-hoods and communities of heartless fakers. There is not Lucifer you dumb Luciferians, Homo capensis has tricked the biggest group of idiots the Earth has ever witnessed... congratulations morons, that is a unique achievement that you will likely die with expecting a fake mind-upload into a fake Lucifer.

http://innersenses.unaux.com/ https://mega.nz/file/WSZDSThS#R0OKrSyH32lSYB2IFZrlEgFG64N4FvAvThwj5X8zbuY


http://antissss.ezyro.com/ https://mega.nz/file/yPgCRLSK#I1EN77jwxX2XiRzTM8UD891xqxHsRAIoccKccKJr80M

http://tob.ezyro.com/ https://mega.nz/file/vbxlRB6I#bprBRZyQPpSUKGjuJ7pVzTTUnSXNwVy9iEkMkj4LS2o

http://brainchipzombies.ezyro.com/ https://mega.nz/file/6GwwnZLL#Z1gC2a1AENp5uk8CAB2xJ3JcWkZNr6zAS9dWuYoBwc4

http://greatescape.ezyro.com/ https://mega.nz/file/mTRyHLRJ#13fVXIexLl0MB7SV4VI9yGUqQr5f04v5uR_ZZTlNQno

http://911cd2005.unaux.com/ https://mega.nz/file/SH5FVbSJ#bhh5wGm2lEYc0WJYnRi9Vj2Vo4VLg2F1sbDVtvWXLUE