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New console gaming channel mainly focused on solo playing and a run and gun style, nothing too serious, Don’t expect spawn trapping tips because you won’t find them here lol, I’ll try and mix it up with gameplay and commentary and walkthroughs and map breakdowns etc and try to upload daily!

Please feel free to subscribe if you’re interested and let me know in the comments what you’d like to see in the future

If you’d like to help support the channel I have a patreon account

thank you

New console gaming channel mainly focused on solo playing and a run and gun style, nothing too serious, Don’t expect spawn trapping tips because you won’t find them here lol, I’ll try and mix it up with gameplay and commentary and walkthroughs and map breakdowns etc and try to upload daily!

Please feel free to subscribe if you’re interested and let me know in the comments what you’d like to see in the future

If you’d like to help support the channel I have a patreon account

thank you

New console gaming channel mainly focused on solo playing and a run and gun style, nothing too serious, Don’t expect spawn trapping tips because you won’t find them here lol, I’ll try and mix it up with gameplay and commentary and walkthroughs and map breakdowns etc and try to upload daily!

Please feel free to subscribe if you’re interested and let me know in the comments what you’d like to see in the future

If you’d like to help support the channel I have a patreon account

thank you

New console gaming channel mainly focused on solo playing and a run and gun style, nothing too serious, Don’t expect spawn trapping tips because you won’t find them here lol, I’ll try and mix it up with gameplay and commentary and walkthroughs and map breakdowns etc and try to upload daily!

Please feel free to subscribe if you’re interested and let me know in the comments what you’d like to see in the future

If you’d like to help support the channel I have a patreon account

thank you


Created 5 years ago.

129 videos

Category Gaming

Gaming channel mainly featuring call of duty but there will be all sorts as I try different games! Run and gun style playing, no camping or sweaty tactics!

Just some good gaming content and talking bollocks while doing it! All in good fun so if you like gameplay and messing around then please consider subscribing

I’m also on YouTube but I’ve honestly had enough of the people they keep censoring out of principle so would like to grow my channel here where free speech is upheld!

Thank you!