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The Russian Ministry of Defense showed how the Black Sea Fleet repelled an attack by Ukrainian unmanned boats on Novorossiysk that night. Two naval drones were destroyed.

Belarusian women at a military show rehearsal in Minsk

The 9K720 Iskander-M hit four Su-27s at an airbase near Mirgorod, using a 9M723K missile with a cluster warhead.

Attention is drawn to the objective control by means of UAVs of optoelectronic reconnaissance, carried out at an operational depth of 150 kilometres, which can be achieved through the use of repeaters or satellite command and telemetry channel.
(Cherburaska's War Room)

Rybar Live: Special military operation, June 29-30

Mikhail Zvinchuk, head of the Russian think tank Rybar: «On the Seversk direction, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the complete liberation of the settlement in Spornoye»

Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine: highlights of the week June 24 - 30, 2024

▪️Russian forces continued to strike military facilities in various regions of Ukraine last week. In Odesa region, a strike destroyed one of the shops of a medical instrument factory in Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi.

▪️In Khmelnitsk region, a Kinzhal missile struck the Starokostyantyniv airfield. This military facility is used by the enemy to base carriers of Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

▪️The Kharkiv aviation plant was hit. The facility was the target of raids for several days.

▪️Strikes continued against various targets in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporozhzhia region. Russian forces hit an echelon with AFU military equipment at the Yantseve railroad station.

▪️Russian forces continue systematic work to destroy enemy air defense assets. In Velikodolinske, a cluster munition destroyed the illumination and low-altitude detection station of the S-300 SAM battery, as well as the control center.

▪️Ukrainian forces continued to attack Russia's rear regions with drones. In Tver regioon, the detonation of several UAVs damaged equipment at the Redkino Experimental Plant.

▪️In addition, the AFU once again conducted a combined raid on Crimea. All fired missiles and drones were shot down in the sky above Sevastopol, three civilians were wounded as a result of falling shrapnel.

▪️In the special operation zone, Russian forces continued to hold the initiative in several sections of the front. In the North Ukrainian direction, the enemy is still engaged in fortification work and training of personnel at firing ranges.

Direction towards Chasiv Yar

The enemy's reserve forces have gathered in the forest belt. We needed to hit them with something good, so that the shrapnel would be about the size of a shovel blade. Our experts got their hands on a naval RBU-6000. They were satisfied with the accuracy of the impacts and the results of the fire strike.

For reference: The RBU is a reactive depth charge launcher (RPS). The number of launchers is 12.
▪️Range - 300-5800 m
▪️Rate of fire in a salvo - 2.4 rounds/s

▪️RGBh-60 - reactive depth charge with impact-delay fuze UDV-60. Warhead type - high-explosive.

#NewEquipment #FromTheDeputyChief #ChasivYar
Two Majors ( Original msg (

▶️ A group of ultra-Orthodox Jews staged street protests in Jerusalem on June 30, opposing the possible conscription of yeshiva students, Jewish religious schools, into the Israeli army.

Video: TASS/Reuters/Anadolu Agency

The Russian Armed Forces hit the Ukrainian Armed Forces control center in New York (Donbass)

The Russian Armed Forces hit the control point of military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village of New York (Novgorodskoe) in the DPR.

✔️ A well-aimed air strike using a FAB-3000 with a UMPC hit the command post of the first mechanized battalion of the 41st mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village. Novgorodskoe village (New York) in the Ukrainian-controlled part of the DPR.

✅ As a result of the strike, up to 60 Ukrainian soldiers and 4 vehicles were destroyed. The building was completely destroyed after the impact.

"On my last visit to Mariupol, one morning I walked to the site of newly constructed apartment buildings. While doing so, I kept stopping every 5 or so metres to film renovations on the street I was walking on, so prevalent are the ongoing renovations.

I would like to reiterate that rags like the Guardian which claim Mariupol was completely "destroyed" were/are lying through their teeth, as they did re Syria (where the Guardian rendered terrorists into fuzzy "rebels" and whitewashed al-Qaeda in Syria ( They also do not mention the reason for what damage and destruction there was in Mariupol (In summary: Ukrainian troops, and Azov Nazis, occupying upper floors of apartment buildings and firing on Russian troops (and also on civilians).

I'll be writing an article which will address some of the dirty tricks the Guardian used in an article (2023) I only recently came across, wherein they grossly distorted satellite images to fit their lying narrative that Mariupol was completely destroyed (as in levelled like the US actually did to Raqqa, or as Israel actually has been doing all over the Gaza Strip).

For now, this clip, which includes some conversations I had with a woman who lived in Mariupol during 2022 (when Ukraine was severely bombarding Donetsk (, where she was from), and her notes on changes in Mariupol that surprised even her." (Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories)

"Yesterday [29-06-24] all day, the Ukrainian army bombarded Vassilievka in the Zaporozhye region. The civilian population tried not to leave the basements. The enemy hit the blocks chaotically. Randomly."

Someone had misplaced his or her LP in a wrong sleeve, so I repaired it too.

"Downtown Dixie Tigers" is a Finnish dixie/swing jazz band established in Helsinki, Finland in 1958.

In 1980 the members were:
Banjo, Acoustic Guitar – Pekka Mesimäki
Bass – Pentti Mutikainen
Clarinet – Fred Andersson, Nalle Nyman
Drums – Christian Schwindt
Piano – Christer Sandell
Tenor Saxophone – Gusse Rössi
Trombone – Pelle Näätänen, Sven Svärd
Trumpet – Rick Wahlstein

0:01 Big Butter And Egg Man
6:49 Lazy River
13:50 Muskrat Ramble
18:08 Fidelito
24:04 Royal Garden Blues
30:23 See See Rider
35:38 Indiana
41:21 Massa's In The Cool Ground

The PIC is an AI PIC.

Assault operations in the Avdeevsky direction from the first person.

Continuation of the assault actions in the Avdeevsky direction.
Our soldiers continue to storm enemy strongholds. The enemy snarls and tries to prevent their fortifications from being broken through. Uses drops from copters, fpv drones and artillery. One of our fighters was hit by shrapnel.

"A US Army soldier admits that the American soldiers already fight against Russia in Ukraine and she herself is thinking to go there "to have Russians for breakfast"

Israeli-Palestinian conflict chronicles: highlights of the week June, 22 - 28, 2024

▪️In the north of the Gaza Strip, Israeli troops have been daily striking both the capital of the Palestinian enclave and its satellite towns. At the same time, the number of dead in the region has already exceeded 37 thousand people, about 86 thousand were wounded.

▪️The strike on Al-Shati camp, which is located in the north-west of Gaza, was resonant. There, a series of hits killed several dozen people, including the sister of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

▪️IDF units launched a surprise offensive in al-Judaydah, southeast of the Palestinian enclave capital, mid-week. The Israelis advanced along Abu al-Qass Street and reached Tunis Cemetery, where Palestinian militants ambushed them in a series of ambushes.

▪️A population evacuation was announced from al-Judaydah and the neighboring areas of al-Tufah and al-Turkman. Crowds of locals traveled along the Salah al-Din highway towards the expanded humanitarian zone.

▪️At the same time, Israeli forces intensified on the outskirts of the Tell al-Hawa neighborhood in the western part of the enclave capital. IDF units slightly expanded their control near the Ad Dahdouh traffic circle and the University College.

▪️The situation remained relatively calm in Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya. The number of hits on satellite towns was among the lowest compared to the rest of the northern part of the enclave.

▪️In the central part of the Gaza Strip, the Israelis once again pounded uncontrolled population centers. A series of hits hit Nuseirat, al-Maghazi and al-Breij, where daily casualties were not without casualties.

▪️At the same time, the humanitarian situation continued to deteriorate in Deir Al-Balah. The situation remained dire at Al-Aqsa Hospital, where patient accommodation and medical supplies were almost exhausted.

"RU Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system crews launched a missile strike on the unloading site of a railway train carrying weapons and military hardware of the AFU near Ukrainka (Zaporozhye region). As a result of the strike, AFU military personnel, U.S.-made M-113 armoured personnel carriers, fuel tankers, Buk M1 SAMs, BMP-2s, and other types of cargo and road transport were destroyed.

Control of the results of the fire attack was carried out using SuperKAM UAVs."

"Russians are now strapping something close to 2kg of explosives onto FPVs for building demolition."

Iskander burned Kiev Regime's S-300 positions near Odessa
“Russian troops fired an Iskander-M missile at a wheat field in the Odessa region,” the command of the South group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces previously stated.
▪️The footage shows today’s attack on the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ air defense position in the village of Velikodolinskoe near Odessa. Once again, our reconnaissance drone calmly traveled through the Odessa region, where it discovered the position of the S-300 air defense system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
▪️Within an hour, the position was struck by the Iskander OTRK, which destroyed:
➖combat control cabin - 1 pc.
➖ACS machine - 1 pc.
➖guidance illumination radar - 1 pc.
➖low-altitude detector - 1 pc.
Air defense specialists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - at least 15 people.

"Lancet" burned a Ukrainian Armed Forces boat on the Dnieper.

Disney Vice President: " We will never hire a white man ."

One of the company's top executives , Michael Giordano , said this during a fake date with a female journalist.

According to him, the HR department once refused even a black man because he was “not black enough.” And to avoid lawsuits, employees use words like “regular” or “non-diversity actor” when rejecting white candidates.


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

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"Yesterday, disturbing rumours began emerging of a general registration of all men - all men - in Ukraine aged 20 to 55 regardless of condition for mobilization into the VSU or Territorial Defense. While this might be a publicity stunt here, it does appear that it is aiming to send a signal that everyone will get registered and the Ukrainians are preparing to mobilize to fill out the strength of their units." TG Donbass Devushka / AZGeopilitics