Islam is a Mental Illness

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Islam is a Mental Illness

Islam is a Mental Illness


You will either spiral up or burn... The choice is yours! Either this or zombification!

JULIAN ASSANGE X Edward Snowden X Alex Jones X Trump X Tucker Carlson

Soul scalping... The Invasion of the Body Snatchers!
The Aliens, UFOs, fallen angels & their offspring "The Nephilim"

Robert Monroe
Gender Segregation, in-conflict, loneliness breeds Loosh.. It's all about culling & selective slaughter.. We're all cattles whether you like it or not & the only way out is leaving the body "Ascension"!
The Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower (5G) shall be upgraded to 6G.. by that time the zombies will walk the earth!

The reason why everyone is so dumb! 👩‍👦 IT'S THE FLUORIDATION OF WATER! Fluoride also calcifies your pineal gland! Eat tamarind, as it decalcify your pineal gland from fluoride... The more sour it is, it's the best!

Its called Pharmakeia for a reason.
Link to a video explaining what Pharmakeia is below... (spoiler alert) its forbidden witchcraft.

The importance of soaking nuts and seeds for better protein absorption, better gut health, plus preventing bloating.

Is it possible good substances will also be washed away along with bad substances after soaking nuts in the water? Minimally, but getting rid of nutrients inhibitors like phytic acid & tannings is essential, otherwise most of the good substances shall bind with the inhibitors prohibiting the small intestines from absorbing them!

Some people soak filberts or Brazilian nuts for 24 hours. They don't taste the same! They don't taste very good! 😦
8 hours are more than enough! Otherwise water will ruin their texture! Put them in a bowl, then use hair dryer to dry the water from them! They'll taste a bit roasted too!

👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 They are already banned in Canada. Its been a few years now. Buy incandescent bulbs & if you can't find get halogen bulbs second hand (they're watered down version but better than LED bulbs).

I'll go tonight to get some seeds of Calotropis Gigantea & plant it in the east direction of the house! This way, I'll stay lucky till the zombie apocalypse!
The Black Sun & Vril Society

Video was originally uploaded: Dec 10, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 The past 1,000 years have been one big lie!!
To learn the truth you have to learn unlearn and relearn the truth of the real Timeline.

Leaves more questions than answers. The internet has been virtually wiped clean of information about Weinberger and the Nanarde Map.

What would the zombie apocalypse look like after the veil thin up inviting demons to host the empty bodies of the zombies!!?
After surviving the horror of the undead plague, a ragtag group has travelled to a homestead, hoping the remoteness of the location will keep them from being noticed. Unfortunately, despite their efforts, an enormous wandering horde is nearby... & heading directly for them.
ArmA 3 - Zombies & Demons: Hell on the Homestead

Brigitte Gabriel tells the story of how Islamists overran her country Lebanon with the aid of Islamic countries in the 1970s. This, unfortunately, is the fate of Europe in the years to come...
Turkey was once Christian. So was Syria. Afghanistan was once Buddhist. Iran was once Persia. Christian Nigerians were once safe. Wherever Islam goes, blood flows... Free Lebanon instead Palestine...

👯‍♀️❤️🤗 2009 video of him:
I wish your country to navigate through the Islamic threat & overcome it!

Take Borax instead of Pharmaceutical!
She should have also said all those nutrients can be found in red MEAT & eggs. (She is pro - plant based) plant based is what the NWO wants us all to be because MEAT is good for us. Check out the NWO DIEt documentary video..

These lectures linked below were recorded in Invercargill, New Zealand. Want to know how to naturally heal / cure anything? I am sharing a 17 part series that Barbara made and each part deals with different ailments...
Link to part 1 here:
Link to part 2 here:
Link to part 3 here:
Link to part 4 here:
Link to part 5 here:
Link to part 6 here:
Link to part 7 here:
Link to part 8 here:
Link to part 9 here:
Link to part 10 here:
Link to part 11 here:
Link to part 12 here:
Link to part 13 here:
Link to part 14 here:
Link to part 15 here:
Link to part 16 here:
Link to part 17 here:

People don't get arrested for lies, they get arrested for telling the truth... 🐌 vs 🐛 Germany sacrificing it’s women on the alter of multi culturalism.
Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, a young politician from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, who was recently convicted for inciting hatred. This conviction followed her public discussion of gang rape statistics linked to Afghan migrants in Germany. Kaiser's case has ignited a fiery debate on the balance between free speech & hate speech, especially in the context of discussing sensitive statistical data. She should be lauded, NOT persecuted.

This video has been demonetized by YouTube for stating the fact that "36% of French Muslims want churches to be turned into mosques" which is literally from this survey.
You can read more on the survey here:

India : Hinduism vs Islam
Sri Lanka : Buddhism vs Islam
China : Atheism vs Islam
Israeli: Judaism vs Islam
France: Christianity vs Islam
Myanmar: Buddhism vs Islam
Middle East : Islam vs Islam
I must say Islam is very peaceful religion...

There are NO French Muslims, only Muslims living in France. Their loyalty is to their hateful religion, never the country they happen to live in!

Mirrored from Harris Sultan:

Your intestines has about 39 trillion microorganisms in it. And yes I said trillion. We call this collection of organisms the microbiome and it consists of mostly bacteria, but also viruses and fungi. Collectively it weighs about 3 pounds which is about the same weight as your brain.
We feed these organisms and they produce chemicals that we need. They send messages to the brain through the Vagus nerve.
Several factors determine whether or not your have good vs. bad bacteria:- (1) Diet (2) Medications (3) Age (4) Sleep (5) Activity level.


Or Herbivores are opportunistic omnivores, since always...? 🐦🐦🥚🥚
During the new epidemic, the WEF "world economic forum" shall impose a ban on the consumption of red meat!!!!

TERRAFORMING has begun: “Global dimming” is a plot to EXTERMINATE humanity by terraforming the atmosphere with SMOG pollution, killing Earth’s food crops and unleashing ecological collapse:

Electric universe + Copper: I have been drinking out of copper water dispenser I feel amazing! & the rose water.. I am addicted to it. It is so good cold! We now need to use Gold as well... We are now shifting gear to the next level so that we will never be enslaved again by the dark forces.

Have you ever read the great book The Secret Life of Plants? This came out back in the 1970's, & it features Sir Agadis Chandra Bose in one chapter. Chapter 17 is called "Alchemists in the Garden" & it proves that plants are capable of making new metals from lower-level elements.

The exact date of the destruction of Lemuria / Kumari Kandam / Terra Australis / the Continent of Mu, etc., is documented in historic records - as is the timeline for all our continents, our mountains, oceans, cliffs, canyons, calderas, craters, ice shelves, glaciers, ocean trenches, our broken & subducted tectonic plates, etc.
The original Lemurians seems to be in Tamil Nadu and living on HyperSpace just above South India... They did not die they just moved up and its their children's who are occupying earth realms now but they seem to push and take whenever they decide any space.

Video was originally uploaded: Dec 6, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :


Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

533 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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I'm looking for zombie apocalypse news, I really want it to happen as I want to escape. (I'm a wanted culprit) I smuggle firearms.
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